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View Full Version : 7 years at Lea...

King Simba
June 24th, 2011, 07:16 AM
With the changing of forums and such, I admit it's quite difficult to keep track of everyone's original joining dates, but I just realised (I completely forgot yesterday :ohno:) that yesterday marked the 7th year I had been here at Lea.

For the newer members, Lea has been around since October 2003, which means it has been around nearly 8 years. I joined Lea on the 23rd June 2004, a day before TLK's 10th anniversary it seems. :ooo: I fell in love with TLK again after randomly watching the movie one day (not to mention it was on VHS, since the Trilogy Box Set hadn't been released then). Shortly after I started drawing TLK art, in which I joined TLKFAA, then I found a link to The Lion King Domain, which was a site Fuzzy owned (correct me if I'm wrong. :thinks:) There was a link to Lea on the links page, I was curious, so I clicked it, and decided to register. I haven't turned my back on here since. :)

The people here are amazing. You're all such friendly people, and without Lea I wouldn't have shared so many amazing experiences as I have done. And (yes, the sappy part has to come :p) I wouldn't have met Leor if Lea hadn't existed. :love: He's definitely the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love him so much, and I wouldn't be who I am today without him, or any of my other friends at Lea in fact. You guys are what makes this place what it is, and for that I thank you. Thank you all for being who you are. :hugs:

A big thank you to TLK too. If TLK hadn't existed, then Lea wouldn't exist. ;)

(Wow, I typed more than I thought I would... :blah: :lol:)

June 24th, 2011, 08:44 AM
Whoa! 7 years? really!? :wow:
Time really flies, sweetheart, and I'm really glad you stayed with Lea for all of those years, you probably wouldn't have met me if you went away to another site then :love: I sure will follow your example and stay loyal to Lea as much as you, and even beyond that ;)

Happy 7th Leaversary, sweetheart! :hugs:

June 24th, 2011, 04:38 PM
Congrats, KS.

I don't know my exact day either, but it was somewhere around the Feb 2005 mark. I just know I was in the same general grouping as Guntur and Sombi. I came from Fuzzy's old King of Pride Rock forums.

June 24th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Happy Anniversary of joining Lea.

June 24th, 2011, 10:18 PM
Congrats, KS.

I don't know my exact day either, but it was somewhere around the Feb 2005 mark. I just know I was in the same general grouping as Guntur and Sombi. I came from Fuzzy's old King of Pride Rock forums.

Yup. :D I think I joined in Feb/March 2005... so that's 6 years now. Yikes!

Congrats on 7 years KS, may there be many more to come.

June 24th, 2011, 10:53 PM
Congrats KS. :D

I agree with you on all points. It's great that something like Lea came along and we've all been able to hang out and get to know people we wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

I remember joining back in the early days of Lea, but I know I was really shy and a lurker back then. I don't think I ever posted until the DVD came out :lol:

June 25th, 2011, 01:48 AM
Oook I wonder what forum you been on HK.. I think SE DVD came out in October 7th in 03 and the Lea was opened first day of October 03. :lol: I joined 23rd of October, Audra joined 15th of October, Xacheraus joined 3rd of October. Besides that I think the only member who is still around from 03 is probably Fuzzy as he joined christmas day 03.

Congratz KS, I remember you joining thought I could have sworn I was still in England at the time you joined and I went back to Finland 19th of June 04 I think... It's amazing how this site has died and been revived so many times in past 7.5 years it's also weird to think that when I joined I was only 18 and my English was very limited... Life sure works mysterious ways, doesn't it.

Also I passed 7th anniversary of something just a little over week ago, 15th of June 2004 was the first time I saw TLKoB, which was also the 10th anniversary of limited theatrical release of the lion king :p

June 25th, 2011, 02:08 AM
Well then, I don't know. :lol: Maybe it was the SP or 1.5 DVD. But I know I didn't post for a long time after I joined.

June 25th, 2011, 03:12 AM
Congrats. Not sure of my exact day. But, I do remember being in June 2004 as well.

June 25th, 2011, 09:46 AM
Happy 7 years .

http://www.tastylemon.com/media/public/100-f42a190bffe41809dd1c36de/21394-cmp-7136cf666a17419cc73cb192e44fb2e18063a91fd373e94d8f eef285927ac1ee.jpg

King Simba
June 25th, 2011, 01:09 PM
My Leaversary is quite easy to remember. I joined just a day after TLK's anniversary, which is what reminded me of it this year. :lol:

Thank you everyone! I'm not leaving this place anytime soon, you can be sure of that. ;) Hugs for all! :hugs:

June 25th, 2011, 08:48 PM
keeping all those years being a member of this or any site is a thing to congratulate, with the rush of days we even lose our track in sites, or comunities on the web. as for me, even not being a frequent here, and also donīt know when i joined this site (sure i have more than 4 years here), i think here is a very nice place to share a little of our lives.

My congratulations for you and everyone who kept all those years soporting lea halalela

June 25th, 2011, 09:46 PM
Yeah Tara, big congrats! :)

I'm so happy you found such an awesome fellow on here too!

And yeah Petteri, I remember those old days back then in the early Lea years...man, doesn't feel like it should be that long ago. :woe:

June 26th, 2011, 05:55 AM
Congrats on 7 years, that's awesome. I know I was a mid-late 2004 joiner also.

June 27th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Happy Leaversary!