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unregistered user
October 23rd, 2005, 11:35 PM
Okay, MODS I scanned far and wide and couldn't find a thread like this, but if you did, a thousand sorries.

I notice the varitity of unique and unknown names. Like i.e. : Roquivo, Whitewolf, Mizani, DarkSlash, BlueStef, Shoukai.

So, what are the origins of these names? Why did you make your name? Even if is something like Kopa, or KS, you apparently had a love for that character. So, tell us why you chose that name?

I chose Utora because first, it was a code name for a Nazi Pilot that flew in the Luftwaffe I used in my art. Then I mangled it with my tlk art, and made HIM a SHE and made her a lioness with funny markings, to show that she was different and was cursed. So the name still has a bad pretense to it. [No, I had no idea that Utora is a Japanese Automobile Repair Shop until a month ago XD]


I'd like to hear yalls stories :cheese: And don't just say you pressed random letters and made a name!

October 23rd, 2005, 11:37 PM
well, i wonder where my lea name originates from :lol:

October 23rd, 2005, 11:45 PM
"Darkslash" was given to me by a friend of mine when I was in 4th grade. It was used by his former best friend (who had moved away) and since I was his new best friend, I should use it (his name was DarkJon). And so I've kept the name since then. It's easy and requires no numbers or spaces (except for sites where by some random accident SOMEONE ELSE has the name of Darkslash, specifically an AOL user; so I send all my junkmail to Darkslash@aol.com instead of me).

Lucy Lioness
October 23rd, 2005, 11:49 PM
Well....my first name is Lucy. And Lioness....just...because. :D

Interesting story Utora...I always wondered where your name came from. :browlift:

October 23rd, 2005, 11:52 PM
I chose the name Kopa because of the fact that he is my favorite character, even though he's only in the TLK 6NA books. I use the name Kopa for a lot of things....:cheese: plus I get called 'Kopa' by my friends ( kinda weird huh :p ) .

October 23rd, 2005, 11:52 PM
I made a thread some time ago about Lea names. 'Twas deleted this summer along with some other old threads. :P Anyways, my name isn't that hard to decipher...;)

Lucy Lioness
October 23rd, 2005, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by nafklt
I made a thread some time ago about Lea names. 'Twas deleted this summer along with some other old threads. :P Anyways, my name isn't that hard to decipher...;)

Aaah! I knew there had been a thread in the past. :browlift: But I searched as well and couldn't find it. I posted an equally boring post in the other thread. :D Lol.

October 23rd, 2005, 11:55 PM
Originally posted by nafklt
I made a thread some time ago about Lea names. 'Twas deleted this summer along with some other old threads. :P Anyways, my name isn't that hard to decipher...;)

but i only noticed it until Tiikeri pointed it out to me :D *ish dense, lol*

Kovu The Lion
October 23rd, 2005, 11:57 PM
I choose Kovu The Lion because at the time I made the name I had just watched The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride and I really liked Kovu after that ^_^ When I sas Kovu was taken I was like.. "Aww.." Then STL Told me about just adding The Lion after it and so I did xP! Kovu still remains today my favorite lion for Anything o_O yeah lol xP He owns kthxbai :D
Plus a lot of my friends call me Kovu now at School xP Its cool : ) I don't know why they started calling me that but :E ! Yeah I get called Kovu on IRC MSN, Yahoo (Duh i'm Kovu the Lion I expect that xP) and RuneScape so ^_^! Theirs my brief explination :P


October 24th, 2005, 12:02 AM
I chose this name back a few years ago when I had more draconity/had a draconic spirit guide. Anyways, over the years I've lost my draconity or my draconic spirit guide, but I still keep this name because I'm used to it (and I'm bad at creating new names :p). It doesn't mean anything in particular, it just sounds draconic.

October 24th, 2005, 12:19 AM
Thiago is my name and PE is the abreviature of the name of my state (pernambuco) and that nick was created randomly when i was trying to singup for a hotmail acount 7 years ago.

Eva Janus
October 24th, 2005, 12:28 AM
Well, "eva" I think means "life" in some other language. Don't remember which one though... >.> And "janus" is the name of my favorite Roman god. Ta da!

October 24th, 2005, 12:31 AM
I pulled my name out of my fourth point of contact. :p

I was like...randomly pronouncing things till I came up with 'Shatara', and thought 'hey, that sounds cool' x)

October 24th, 2005, 12:32 AM
Pntbll248 - Pntbll is "Paintball" without the vowels; 2, 4, and 8 are all powers of two.

But, since I don't play paintball anymore (sad story), I think it's time that I changed my name.

October 24th, 2005, 12:34 AM
Mine's kinda simple...Kinda lame. =) Anyways, when I first joined the realm of TLK chat (STL's Guild) I was bent on being called Simba...However, on that particular guild STL was already being called 'Simba'. So I didn't know what to call myself, or be called. Though coincidentally the label before my text was "The FC Simba" because I went on a board called 'Fan Chat' a lot and tons of people had FC before their names.

Now I don't remember which one of the Guild members titled me FC first, but it kinda stuck from then on.

Now, I ran into another problem. The question "What does FC stand for?" came up a lot in school and at home and online...and saying "Fan Chat" wasn't very cool or interesting...so I found something that suited me that had the letters FC.

Hence, Feline Compadre. Or in other words, Cat Friend. ^.^ Works for me, I've been FC ever since. =D

Simba '04
October 24th, 2005, 12:58 AM
My name use to be Simba_2004 and I chose this name because Simba is my most favorite character and 2004 was probably the best year of my life and the year I became a Lion King fanatic! I?m thinking of changing it though, but idk what I would change it to :idiot:

October 24th, 2005, 01:03 AM
I am told I have a talent for creating names from scratch.

Roquivo is completly made up. I was trying to think of somthing different, so I took a few less common letters ("q" and "v") and built around them. A few other names I created are Alaura, Turory, Nuvy, Enzo, and Ogima.

However, there is one excpetion to my name game. My fursona's mate in my story is Flaura, whcih means "flower".

October 24th, 2005, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by FCSimba
Now I don't remember which one of the Guild members titled me FC first, but it kinda stuck from then on.

It was me. :evilgrin:

Anyways, yeah.. Sombolia is just something I came up randomly. :confused: After SP came out I got on a huge TLK fringe, and that was when I discovered the internet too.. I saw other people made fan characters, so I decided to make one too. :P Sombolia was Scar and Zira's daughter, apparently, though that changed. o_o

My nickname, "Somby", is something FC came up with. xD

Prince Simba
October 24th, 2005, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by pntbll248
Pntbll248 - Pntbll is "Paintball" without the vowels; 2, 4, and 8 are all powers of two.

But, since I don't play paintball anymore (sad story), I think it's time that I changed my name.

You can't do that, I forbid it.

Okay, a loooong time ago, back when I first registered, my username was King Simba. But then I watched Simba's Pride for the first time after joining Lea, and realized that "King" Simba was so much less cool than "Prince" Simba. So I had my name changed. End of story.

Melody of Scar
October 24th, 2005, 01:31 AM
Hoo boy.

I found Lea through Ulaya, lurked for a while, then decided to make a name. I was trying to find something that sounded cool and had to do with Scar, since he is my favorite charatcer. I didn't want to use an original character name, which I often do ( Liena, Nassai, Sanaki, etc. ), because I wanted to take a shot at NOT being original for once.

I was toying with the word Medley, since I was listening to an a capella Beatles Medley. But then I was like "Scar can't have a medley, he has ONE SONG, stoopid." So I moved away from medley and turned to song. But I didn't like Song of Scar for some reason. So then I was like "MELODY!!1!1"

And thus, between the love of Scar and music, Melody of Scar was born.

October 24th, 2005, 01:39 AM
My username is very simple. Simba is one of my favorite cub characters in Lion King and the 22 part believe it or not that's my age.

October 24th, 2005, 02:20 AM
It started when I found the TLKFAA archive. I used to be known as "Cat," but they're was already a Cat there, and very well known one at that. Besides, I wanted some fun African name of some sort. I looked all over the internet to find a translator. The Swahili and Afrikaans ones I found sucked, so I found a tranlator for the Sesotho se Leboa dialect(odd, I know). I instantly thought for my name to mean cat, since that was my old name and I just love cats. It translated into Katse and I've used it everywhere I go ever since. The people I know in real life have a hard time pronouncing it, so I'm not called that. I do consider my name to actually be Katse sometimes, though. Just 'cause I'm silly like that.:p

October 24th, 2005, 02:53 AM
Lion...because I like lions...and Roog, because "Roog" was one of the more popular nicknames I had in highschool...:D

October 24th, 2005, 03:27 AM
you asked for it.....

Well it all started with my TLKFAA username NJCougar (NJ-duh, Cougar-cougars used to live in NJ and i wanted a native cat, plus cougars rule) Then I heard about lea and felt i needed to join. After two failed attempts at registering with NJCougar and NJCougar1214 i believe, i came up with MoonCougar.(I like the moon and i explained cougar already also because of NJCougar) Then I began to chat on the mirc thingy (which i no longer do) and MoonCougar didn't fit. So LunarCat arose, (moon=lunar cougar=cat) Soon enough, people began to think that MoonCougar and LunarCat were two different people, and to rid of any further confusion, i changed my username to LunarCat. :p :D :cheese: *bows* the end

October 24th, 2005, 03:47 AM
My name Audra means noble strength. Noble in Swahili is Sharifu. There ya go.

(Since TLK character's names are Swahili I wanted to make a TLK like name for my character as well)

unregistered user
October 24th, 2005, 04:36 AM
Well, I about 2001 or earlier the need arose for me to get a nickname because my first one s were pretty lame and Boos just popped up.

October 24th, 2005, 04:57 AM
In Swahili Tabansi = One who endures/experiences.

He was originally an RP character and later became.. >> me :D I use to be named Runako = Handsome ((Yes I was full of myself ;) )) But Tabansi fitted me more. Not that I'm not handsome *flips his hair up and shows off his irresistable looks.* ;)

October 24th, 2005, 06:36 AM
My name means "to ponder" in Swahili. I used it cause it was the name of my fursona (yes I made my fursona up like, three years ago). So theres nothin really special bout my name, except the fact it can have a variety of nicknames;)

unregistered user
October 24th, 2005, 06:47 AM
Sonique (Sonic): 3 reasons...

A.) The name "Sonique" is most likely not to be used as someone's nickname.

B.) Sonic the Hedgehog has the embodiment of what is a really cool personality.

C.) And it suits me...

EDIT: Can't forget about the "X" part, that's just something randomly thrown in... (?)

October 24th, 2005, 07:29 AM
My cousin's name is Sonique...:cheese:

October 24th, 2005, 07:35 AM
I had Ciara Zukunft first because of the name I had until 99 (yea, I'm so bad when it comes to names and I never find a good name so I just take my name and surname and that's why my mail also is boring ... + the other accounts I have everywhere.... ) So, yes, 99 then I changed my C, which I really regret now, I kinda want my C back, but my mum says no ...xX So I did a new member, the other one started to not work as I wanted and I thought about spelling Chiara since I like that with an "H", I'll ask my mum if I can change to that but she'll probably say no again *grr*. But then I thought, what the heck, I just take the simpel version of me and then it became Kiara .... I really hate her btw *just point it out* :D

unregistered user
October 24th, 2005, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
My cousin's name is Sonique...:cheese:

I have an uncle named... "BEBABALUBOPBULABAMBOO!"

King Simba
October 24th, 2005, 08:25 AM
King Simba is my username cos' I'm a big fan of Simba - young and adult. Obviously, that name gets me caught up in "gender" situations like some people think I'm male... xD well, I'm not surprised actually. O_O

My name IRL obviously doesn't relate to Simba in anyway so that has no connection towards it what so ever.

My nick "KS" is a shortened version of my original name (obviously...) My other nick "Kat" is a shortened version of my fursona's name.

... So there ya go. ;)

Originally posted by FCSimba
Now, I ran into another problem. The question "What does FC stand for?" came up a lot in school and at home and online...and saying "Fan Chat" wasn't very cool or interesting...so I found something that suited me that had the letters FC.
At one time I thought FC stood for "Football Club" :lol: Haha, I'm so dumb when it comes to things like that. Anyways, I now know what it really means anyway so no more silly mistakes with that one. xD

This Land
October 24th, 2005, 09:01 AM
My Name was going to be "We are one" because it was a catchy quote from TLK 2, i thought it just sounded really good. But it was taken. :(

Since that was taken i decided to call myself "This Land" because thats the name of my favourite soundtrack :cheese:

October 24th, 2005, 09:29 AM
Modifying Cloud ( FF VII main character)

October 24th, 2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by SoniqueX
I have an uncle named... "BEBABALUBOPBULABAMBOO!"

:haha:...Is he French?...

October 24th, 2005, 09:51 AM
My real name is Nathalie, so I thought it'd be cool that everyone would call me "Nathalie" :lol:


The very first time I signed up as Moorhunhe, but for some reason, it wouldn't let me register.
Moorhunhe, is wrong spelled (the E at the end) but it's a chicken from a German playstation game, which has been my nickname since 1999.

unregistered user
October 24th, 2005, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...Is he French?...

Why yes, he is! He makes port wine and for hobbies he draws pictures of Sputnik and occasionally drills a peephole in your bathroom.

October 24th, 2005, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by SoniqueX
Why yes, he is! He makes port wine and for hobbies he draws pictures of Sputnik and occasionally drills a peephole in your bathroom.

Well...Good thing all those other animals...and roaches...already made holes in my bathroom...it'll go well with the design...:D

October 24th, 2005, 10:46 AM
I want to change my name >.< How can I do that?
Then I'll explain the new name to ya ^.~

October 24th, 2005, 10:51 AM
*blegh* I don't know why people keep changing their name ...

It's so confusing ...

October 24th, 2005, 12:50 PM
Wow thats a darn good question. Well ive had alot of names, VitaReal (i had to change that) VitaJamili, then Rangi, and then Amaryllis.
I found my name Amaryllis in my little book "how shall we call our baby" i know its odd :p

When i need to get a good cool name, i search in there, it shows the meanings and where the name comes from aswell. Amaryllis looked really cool to me, and it means "sparkling eyes" Well.. thats the only thing i remember x)
But nowadays i call Amaryllis (me) Amy, because its a shortcut for people who misspell my name, that has happened alot :p And its a nickname for Amaryllis ^^
So my story isnt exactly original, Amaryllis didnt have any meaning for me ore anything. And later i found out its a flower aswell, and it happens to be my fav. flower these days, not because of the name, but because of the look ^^

October 24th, 2005, 01:25 PM
Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
I choose Kovu The Lion because at the time I made the name I had just watched The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride and I really liked Kovu after that ^_^ When I sas Kovu was taken I was like.. "Aww.."
Well i did ask for permission from Muffy to use it. But hey, your nick's still Kovu ain't it. :p

Kovu changed my life. How? through watching SP. When? November 2003. Where? At home, aye. Why? I'm really still finding out, or maybe i don't need, or want to know.

KovuLKD, where Kovu isn't available, which is usually the case. LKD is for Lion King Domain, the first forum i joined as Kovu. And since SimbaLKD (now Fuzzy) doesn't mind it, i use it. :cheese:

October 24th, 2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by nathalie
*blegh* I don't know why people keep changing their name ...

It's so confusing ...

Because I put the wrong name in the first place >.< People get it wrong anyways >.<

October 24th, 2005, 02:24 PM
Well, Tiikeri is Finnish for Tiger, and since I love the Finnish language and tigers, why not make it Tiikeri? :]

Kovu The Lion
October 24th, 2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Kovu
Well i did ask for permission from Muffy to use it. But hey, your nick's still Kovu ain't it. :p

Kovu changed my life. How? through watching SP. When? November 2003. Where? At home, aye. Why? I'm really still finding out, or maybe i don't need, or want to know.

KovuLKD, where Kovu isn't available, which is usually the case. LKD is for Lion King Domain, the first forum i joined as Kovu. And since SimbaLKD (now Fuzzy) doesn't mind it, i use it. :cheese:

Lmao xP I have no problem with your name mate ;) Yeah! Good ol' Kovu :D! Kovu Owns all any place, and anytime :bleen: KthxBAI :D!

... Fuzzeh, Just had to say that xP


October 24th, 2005, 08:34 PM
I've loved Zazu since the movie came out (being a hyena fan is a new thing) and I'm his #1 fan.:cringe: :cheese:

October 24th, 2005, 09:04 PM
Well I was playing on Xbox Live - Halo 2 as I always do and I was browsing my Aziri's friends list and the name Talli I thought was a unique name, so I started to use that name about a month ago

October 24th, 2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by Tabansi
*flips his hair up and shows off his irresistable looks.* ;)

as you should my friend..... you're very cute ;)

oh so interesting names peoples.......:D

...Is he French?...

:lol: i love you Roog..........

October 24th, 2005, 10:09 PM
My rediscovery of The Lion King in the spring motivated me to take on a suitably TLK-ized name. Much like the movie characters, I selected a Swahilian word, settling on bahati for "fate, destiny." The word captures my retrospective view that fate led me to rediscover TLK after a decade of dormancy, establishes my character's story, and obscurely alludes to my personal spiritual beliefs.

October 24th, 2005, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
It was me. :evilgrin:

My nickname, "Somby", is something FC came up with. xD

I figured it was you and your crafty mind :jejeje: But I wasn't quite sure. So yesh, it was Somby =) Kinda cool how you influenced my nickname, and I came up with a shorter version of yours. :cheese:

King Simba
October 24th, 2005, 10:24 PM
That's another thing I didn't know O_o. Hell FC, I never knew ya came up with the nickname "Somby" xD Man, how slow am I? :lol:

I call her "Sombi"... Maybe I should keep original huh? :jejeje:

October 24th, 2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by King Simba

At one time I thought FC stood for "Football Club" :lol: Haha, I'm so dumb when it comes to things like that. Anyways, I now know what it really means anyway so no more silly mistakes with that one. xD

You're such a goof :cheese:

And naw, I don't mind. I was just bored and had been wanting to call her somethin' shorter for a long time--so I did. =P I get bored sometimes and I come up with random nicknames.

October 25th, 2005, 02:47 AM
Master Chief is just the military rank of a character in a game. I was a bit obsessed over the game around the time I joined lea, but now the game really isnt that great.:woeisme: I am not that good at creating names so this one will have to do for now.

Simba '04
October 25th, 2005, 03:09 AM
loser :idiot:

master chief is a good name for you though ;)

October 25th, 2005, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by FCSimba
I figured it was you and your crafty mind :jejeje: But I wasn't quite sure. So yesh, it was Somby =) Kinda cool how you influenced my nickname, and I came up with a shorter version of yours. :cheese:

Yeah, we rock. :lol:

Somby, Sombi, Sombo.. it's all good. :jejeje:

October 25th, 2005, 09:50 AM
Well, at first I just thought of naming myself La Reina in English--The Queen--but I thought the Spanish word for ''queen'' sounded more beautiful in Spanish :D

I wanted to name myself La Reina because...well, just because, I guess. You know, queen....Lion King....?:p

October 25th, 2005, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
Well, at first I just thought of naming myself La Reina in English--The Queen--but I thought the Spanish word for ''queen'' sounded more beautiful in Spanish :D

I wanted to name myself La Reina because...well, just because, I guess. You know, queen....Lion King....?:p

:haha:...I don't follow you...I'll just go with arrogance...:D

October 25th, 2005, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...I don't follow you...I'll just go with arrogance...:D

Oh no you didn't Roog :die: And after all I've done for you, too. Mmmhmm...okay. You wanna play nice? We'll play nice...:grrr:

October 25th, 2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
Oh no you didn't Roog :die: And after all I've done for you, too. Mmmhmm...okay. You wanna play nice? We'll play nice...:grrr:

Oh...I soooo did, GurlFriend...*snaps fingers*...And you couldn't roll with me...I am the meanest of mean...So, let's play nice..:diva:..

October 25th, 2005, 11:31 AM
I first picked the name Aikachi a couple years ago when I registered for RavenBlack's vampire game, my handle at the time was kyllir, but after a failed registration, I just came up with the first name to come to my mind, the name of Kuwabara's cat from Yuu Yuu Hakusho, which for some reason had stuck in my head, though I accidentally misspelled it, as it was originally 'Aikichi', but at the time I didn't know, and when I realized I misspelled it, I didn't care, because Aikachi sounded better to me. Sounded a heck of a lot better than kyllir too, so I've been using it everywhere ever since =3
Though the name of my lion fursona is Banji, because it means second born of twins, and I am the second born of twins ^^

October 27th, 2005, 06:25 AM
Well when I first came to the TLK fandom about a year ago I went by Koven then Timon at PP. Then I met Kenyi and he gave me a link to a Swahilli name site and Sudi was one of the names on the list and I liked the sound of it and it also means luck in swahilli and Iv had quite a bit of luck in my life so I chose it..........now here I am:cheese:

April 3rd, 2006, 09:28 PM
Well my name comes from A movie called SpaceBalls, in the movie it is spelt LoneStarr, and as I never had a internet name before then, iv now used LoneStar for over 7/8 years.

Kiara Serengeti
April 3rd, 2006, 09:39 PM
In retrospect, I should have put down Kiara'S Serengeti, but the name stuck. :) I LUFF Kiara, and I really enjoy hearing\watching about the Serengeti, one of the richest, hottest ecosystems in the WORLD.

April 4th, 2006, 01:29 AM
Well, Only-now came from back when I was depressed after watching TLK..for some reason..and I joined a forum called Simbaspaws. Well, I pu t Only-now because I was assuming that "Only now will I be on this forum, and then I will leave". So, then I joined here and I used the same name.

My other name, which I should probably have my old one switched to, is Kiva. I decided to make a character, and through using the Kamusi Project dictionary of Swahili, I found this name and it stuck. I searched for things I liked, and Kiva means man things, but I take it as meaning "unity". So, there you go..nothing too interesting :)

April 4th, 2006, 01:33 AM
I chose my name after reading the Chronicles of the Pride Lands fanfictions. I remember seeing the word "imbibe" for the first time in a book (and I've read quite a lot of books) and I had to look up what it meant. The most common use is "to drink" implying to drink alcohol, but it was used a different way in CoTPL, meaning "to absorb or take in as if by drinking." Then I just had to decide what to attach in front and I went through lots of words in my mind before I came upon Soul and decided to stick with that.

April 4th, 2006, 01:57 AM
The english word for my name is "Esoteric," which, where I found the definition, means "understood by few." I love being wierd, which confuses people, so it kinda fits.

But I thought just the word "Esoteric" was boring. So I saw the latin form (or something like that) which was... Esoterikos. Tada.
I should probably have picked one of my simpler ones, but if anyone doesn't feel like typing it out it does say "Call me 'Kos' for short."

April 4th, 2006, 02:59 AM
Let's see, I don't think I've posted my name here yet... at least not that I can see. Anyway, my real name means gracious, using the same logic as Sharifu I found that Muruwa mean gracious in Swahili (there was another word too I think, but Muruwa sounded better). And there ya go, that's where my name came from.

April 4th, 2006, 03:01 AM
Mine just comes from the Cartoon Network show. I gave up on using original names in the TLK online world because people are way too open to stealing other peoples names. I've used unique names before, gone away for a bit and come back to find that other people have been using the names. And these are names that there's no way that someone would simply come up with the same thing-some of 'em didn't even make sense! :lol: So, I'll keep my original names over here -pulls 'em away-. :lol:

April 4th, 2006, 08:49 AM
i didnt really "chose " my name....after a certan event happen in my life i chanced tottaly stoped going out and sutsh...and became silent and keept things to myself....so ppl at my school gave me the nickname Shadow......becuse i was acting like one...

and then it have followed me here...but i like it ^^

however my nickname for my nickname 0.o

well Shads was that Amy came up whit ^^ and i think its cool and stuff hehe thats really a kick *** short for Shadow :3

April 4th, 2006, 09:00 AM
My name comes from my love of the Arthurian legends of England. And one of my favorite historical period is europe during the Dark Ages(about 1000-1200ths).

Avalon is acutally the name of a hidden valley where they cured those who had been cursed with unbreakable spells(for those who doesn't know the real origin of the name). I have later discoverd that it's a rather popular name frequvently used in series and books. But when it comes to characters most use it as a guys name Oo..but I have always thought it was a girls name xP.

unregistered user
April 4th, 2006, 09:36 AM
Emperor - Inspired by Star Wars Palpatine.
a.k.a - I need to change my way to success in my adult years. Lead of my own life to success. and if you see me in EmperorSL that's me. I don't know how did I get that SL thing but it's opposite of XL.

April 4th, 2006, 09:40 AM
I got mine looong ago from a TLK-site that listed some cool swahili words, Kanu was one of them (and means "wild cat"). I thought that sounded cool took it as my fursona name.

I've also understood that some people wonder why I have TGL after my username :p It's quite simple: At first, my full artist name was "Kanu, the golden lioness" but I got tired of typing it out all the time to I took the capital letters of the three words and made it "TGL" :cheese:

Those who know me at TLKFAA also knows I have a second fursona named Axell. Don't ask me where I got it from... It was probably from the name "Axel" and I added another "L" to it... Hmm, yes that was it.

April 4th, 2006, 11:30 AM
I came up with Azerane about 5 years ago now, at school two of my friends were writing a joint story, and they wanted to add me in as a dragon character and so I had to come up with a name for myself, and so I wrote down the letters of my first and last name, jumbled them around a little and came up with Azerane :) I've been using it ever since, it's become my little name, it went from the name of my dragon self to being used as my name on tlkfaa and now I use it here on Lea. It's kinda my online name, and yeah, I like it, though it's not something, when I came up with it, that I would have expected to stick with me for so long, hehe. But it's cool. :D

This Land
April 4th, 2006, 11:50 AM
Type your name into google :cheese:
It shows if your name is very uniquie, most likely it will work on other names aswell :D

April 4th, 2006, 12:38 PM
My name seems to be pretty orginal :D

When I search for it in google, the first two results are my tlkfaa gallery page, then there's results from Lea and Lilymud, then there's a couple of random things, not many, mixed in with another couple results from lilymud and some from fanfiction.net where I am a member :D

April 4th, 2006, 10:46 PM
Since I used to be a big fan of Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction, I had a elven name: Craile Fidel, then suddenly the word ''Travincal'' came into my head, I have no idea why, just removed the T and Ravincal was borned!

Kinda original aye? ^_^

I have been called Ravincal for like ... 2 years now.. before that I was called AzZa^ :P, that meant (Assassin, Azzazzin, you name it)

April 4th, 2006, 10:58 PM
Heh. I think I may have said this someplace else, try Googling "Cobalt" and see of you can find me on there. :p (Hint, You probably won't get this done in your lifetime.)

"Cobalt" is a long standing nickname that I've had for many years. I don't remember the exact circumstances behind *why* I picked this one up, but it was a real life nickname for me well before it was an online one.
I picked it up from a peroid when I 16 (Wow, 10 years with the same nickname. Woohoo.) I was doing a training position as a counsler for Diabetic children in northern Michigan. It had a mandatory 2 season training peroid and min. age to be a full counsler was 18 so.. I remeber it was one of my buddies out at the camp who first called me Cobalt, but it kind of stuck and by the end of the summer I was getting called Cobalt more then my real name. I still get called this name a significant amount in real life, including at work. I like the name, and answer interchangably to both this and my real name.

April 5th, 2006, 07:48 AM
Timon is my favourite fictional character, and I have an obsession with him. I was pleasantly suprised my username wasn't already taken actually.

April 5th, 2006, 01:56 PM
... my name is just who I am I guess, 'not known much' ... however this name is completely unoriginal and I really am beginning to dislike it at time, while other times I do like it... *shrug* I almost had my name as 'Teferi', 'Mwinyi' or 'Katura' ... or one of my many RP characters...

April 5th, 2006, 02:13 PM
My name is accidentally found in a book called 'How shall we name our child?' xD

it means 'sparkling eyes' but its also a flower, my favourite flower odd enough x3

April 5th, 2006, 08:44 PM
hmm mine is alittle obvious.... isn't it? ^.^'

April 6th, 2006, 12:08 AM
I've had the nickname Lion for long time because of my love (obsession) for lions and the hands on work I do with them. When I went through flight school some of my friends in our squad gave me the callsighn "WhiteLion". I really liked it so I allways go by it now :P

April 7th, 2006, 05:47 PM
I got the name from some random 'type in your full name and get your lion name' site. And even though I'm beginning to hate it it might get confusing if I changed it. And the problem coupled with it is that I don't know what I'd change it to XD

April 7th, 2006, 11:06 PM
I think the thing that makes it confusing when people change their names, is that generally when they do it, they change their avatar and signature at the same time so they look like a completely new person. But if you just changed your name and left your avvy and sig the same for a while, then people could still recognise you from that.

April 8th, 2006, 01:22 AM
Seriously. There's a series of folks here I think I don't know, but I actually do, because they do exactly that. They can do it if they want, but it may cost communications and such between other peeps if they don't inform everyone else.

April 8th, 2006, 02:50 AM
My friends call me Adrenaline and I like being called that. X3

April 8th, 2006, 09:33 AM
I created the name when I became a member on TLK fanart 3 years ago. It's also the name of my fursona.:)

April 8th, 2006, 10:03 AM
Mines the name of a character from my favorite fan fiction! i just wanted something a bit obscure i guess...:confused:

April 8th, 2006, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
I think the thing that makes it confusing when people change their names, is that generally when they do it, they change their avatar and signature at the same time so they look like a completely new person. But if you just changed your name and left your avvy and sig the same for a while, then people could still recognise you from that.


And everyone knows I don't like changing usernames ;) haha

Good thing that in real life you have to pay some big money to get a name changed ...
(at least, over here you have to)

April 8th, 2006, 10:19 AM
Haha, yeah, I wonder how you manage to cope with all that, hehe Hopefully I'll never change my name so you won't have to get annoyed at me for wanting to change it :p

And yeah, you have to pay to change your name in real life.

April 8th, 2006, 11:50 AM
Yeah. Though I know in the United States you can legally call yourself anything you want and it's legal, as long as you're not trying to commit fraud or anything. I can sign a form as Pedro Martinez, and as long as my other information is correct, it's legal.

April 8th, 2006, 12:20 PM
Yip yip.

It's a Finnish word, meaning the colours of the autumn. When leaves turn to red and orange and all that. Usually referred to Lapland. But this is old news. And, I remember having a similar topic from before.


April 9th, 2006, 02:45 AM
...why is utora asking for this anyways

April 9th, 2006, 03:30 AM
I have mein plans, Herr Whitewolf. :evilgrin:

April 10th, 2006, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
And yeah, you have to pay to change your name in real life.

a long time ago, i really wanted to do that with my name, because i despise my RL name, and ?veryone pronounced it wrong, which is even more annoying. But now, i'm not sure anymore...

although i would love to change my name to Amy ore Amaryllis, but on the other hand i don't, Amaryllis is like 'the other side' of me, the real me x3

April 10th, 2006, 11:41 AM
My mom had to pay 25.000 old Belgian franks to add an accent.

From Irene to Ir?ne.

So that was 620 ? for adding a ` :eek:

unregistered user
April 10th, 2006, 02:12 PM
Hope my name have royalties :idiot: :D

April 10th, 2006, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by nathalie
My mom had to pay 25.000 old Belgian franks to add an accent.

From Irene to Ir?ne.

So that was 620 ? for adding a ` :eek:

so everyone called her Ireen instead of Ireeene ore is it just irenne now? ...something like that xD

April 10th, 2006, 02:31 PM
No, actually, it was Irene first, I think most Dutch people pronounce it like that: Ireene
(gelijk de e in tEnen, haha)

And she hated that, so she putted an accent on the e, and now it's Ir?ne.
Like, you know, how to pronounce a "?" ? Like "heh / h?"

hehe *lol*

April 10th, 2006, 02:32 PM
Yeah i do, its like Irenne now?:p

April 11th, 2006, 12:03 AM
My name originates from the skylark bird:


"Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!
Bird thou never wert,
That from Heaven, or near it,
Pourest thy full heart
In profuse strains of unpremeditated art..." - M.S.

Tigris Of Gaul
April 13th, 2006, 07:52 AM
Tigris Of Gaul is a character from Gladiator.

Nothing fancy, just liked the sound of it. *snicker*

April 13th, 2006, 04:06 PM
Oh i remember the guy, i really love his helmet, Braveheart rocks x3

April 13th, 2006, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
a long time ago, i really wanted to do that with my name, because i despise my RL name, and ?veryone pronounced it wrong, which is even more annoying. But now, i'm not sure anymore...

although i would love to change my name to Amy ore Amaryllis, but on the other hand i don't, Amaryllis is like 'the other side' of me, the real me x3

My name is Amy too :D and I dislike my name too! Thus why I named myself something more 'exotic'!
My kids are gonna hate me, I'm planning on naming them either Phoenix, Zenith or Dakota for a girl, and either Warren, Peregrin or Daniel (the only NORMAL name). I LURVE exotic names!

Dyani is Native American for 'deer'. I have a baby names book at home so I like to look through it quite a bit. I saw this name one day and used it in a story.. but in all honesty I never dreamed I would use it on TLKFAA and so here! But I do have a fondness for Native American things!

Sorry, that rant has been in my head for YEARS!

April 14th, 2006, 08:20 AM
Dyana, im afraid my kids will hate me for naming them Raven ore something aswell :p

April 15th, 2006, 10:13 PM
hehe, Raven is a wicked name :D

But people shouldn't hate their origional names (I can hear the crowd roaring 'hypocrite' already) because its who they are. I can't look at a friend without thinking of their name. i.e India will always be India, Graeme will always be Graeme. Its part of yourself. Those who change their names legally are those who are searching for a part of themselves.

Thats my opinion anyway. But people who use different names for different websites? I just think thats their way of retracting from the real world for a while.

Don't know where THAT speech came from..

April 15th, 2006, 10:54 PM
I just noticed i misspelled your name, xD. well anyways yeah you're right, the sister of one of my ex-friends had changed her name aswell, and i kept saying her old name when i talked about her, it annoyed the whole family of them really :p

but i chose a different name online to express who i really ?m for my feeling, i ?m Amaryllis, that damn lioness and the whoooole story and such x3