View Full Version : Tell Us About Yourself

June 11th, 2011, 12:53 AM
Everyone loves this thread, right? :p I found the old-old (original?) questionnaire in my archives, so here it is again for whoever wants to fill it out! And feel free to add more questions I suppose :P

First Name:
Screen Name (s):
Birth date:
Ethnic Background:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Righty or Lefty?:
Political Party:
Marital Status?:
Sexual Preference?:
Parents Divorced?:
Siblings? How many?:
Children? How many?:
Best Friend (s):
Pets (names and what they are)
Play an Instrument?:
Glasses or Contacts?:
Zodiac Sign:
Chinese Zodiac Sign:


Fast Food Place and Food there:
Musical Instrument:
Drink (not just alcoholic):
Music Genre:
Movie Genre:
Hero/Heroine in Movie:
Villain in Movie:
Book Genre:
Board Game:
Game Console:
Computer/Console Game:
Activity (Besides Sports):
Subject in School:
IM Service:

-This or that?-

Email or IM:
Phone or in person:
TV or Radio or Internet:
Cats or Dogs:
Day or Night:
And now some Lion King-related ones...
TLK or SP:
Simba or Nala:
Kiara or Kovu:
Zira or Scar:
Mufasa or Scar:
Timon or Pumbaa:
Hyenas or Outsiders:
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard:
Pride Lands or Outlands:
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight":

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Attempted Suicide:
Attempted Murder:
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone:
Got in a fight, did you win:
Been shot:
Want to go to college:
Had an imaginary friend:
Wanted to be the opposite sex:
Had Déjà Vu:
Gone skinny dipping?:
Walk around nude?:
-Love Life-

Is Love real?:
Ever fallen in love?:
If so, at what age?:
How many times?:
Ever been dumped?:
How many times?:
Ever made out?:
Ever had Sex?:
Looks or Personality?:
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:
Believe in love at first sight?:
Do you want to get married?:
Define marriage and what it means to you:
Do you want/have kids?:
Boys name:
Girls name:

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done:
Greatest thing you’ve done:
Funniest thing you’ve done:
Person/Place/Thing you hate:
Person/Place/Thing you love:
Country you hate besides your own:
Country you love besides your own:
Best feeling in the world:
Worst feeling in the world:

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?:
Do you believe in Abortion?:
Do you believe in Cloning?:
Do you believe in Guns?:
Do you believe in War?:
Do you believe in Hunting?
Do you believe in Taxes?:
Do you believe in Texas?:
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:
Was OJ Simpson guilty?:
Was Michael Jackson guilty?:
Do you believe in Heaven?:
Do you believe in Hell?:


Most common emotion:
Perfect Pizza:
What’s your favorite Memory:
Countries you’ve been to:
States/Provinces you’ve been to:
What pet would you like:
Any additional information:
Do you enjoy Questionnaires:

June 11th, 2011, 01:08 AM
Here be mine:

First Name: Anna
Screen Name (s): KanuTGL, Kanu, Akeruru
Email: teensimba[at]hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Kanu, Nu... And I think that is all.
Birth date: 2nd July, 1990
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Swedish.
Eye Color: Blue. ish. I have yellow rings around my pupils and a couple of brown specks here and there. Multicoloured? :P
Hair Color: "Golden" with a hint of red. The same as my mum xP
Freckles: Nope.
Moles: Loads - I guess that's what I've got instead of freckles xD
Scars: Not really, what I know of.
Righty or Lefty?: Right-handed
Religion: Agnostic.
Political Party: Centern 8'D
Country?: Sweden! (Living in the UK for now though)
State/Province?: Skåne/Scania (Currently Coventry)
Marital Status?: Engaged <3
Sexual Preference?: Straight. For the most part.
Parents Divorced?: Nope.
Siblings? How many?: Two younger brothers.
Children? How many?: None! Ha!
Best Friend (s): Adam/TL I reckon, hah.
Pets (names and what they are): Zig-Zag the cat (in Sweden :[ No pets here.)
Job?: Yep - at Warwick Castle as a Food & Beverage Assistant.
Schooling?: Graduated from Upper Secondary School in 2009. I've done one Uni term so far, in Media- & Communications Science
Car?: None of my own, sadly.
Play an Instrument?: Drums, some piano and some guitar.
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope.
Jewelry?: I like to wear necklaces :3
Tattoo?: No.
Makeup?: A little bit, every now and then.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


Animal: Lions, dogs, big cats in general.
Color: RGB. (= Red, green and blue)
Country: New Zealand ^^
State/Province: Dunno.
Automobile: Uuuh... A Renault Clio perhaps? xP
Shoe: Comfortable ones :P
Number: 2!
Food: Mm... Tacos or Chicken Tikka Masala *drools*
Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King. Burger and chips :P
Musical Instrument: Drums and piano.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Ribena xD Or J2O or just apple juice.
Season: Late spring/early summer
Actor: Johnny Depp, David Tennant, Matt Smith :D
Actress: Uhm... Karen Gillan?
Music Genre: Old-school rock, Punk, Soundtrack
Singer: Phil Lynott, Michael Jackson, Rob Thomas, Whitney Houston, MIKA, Freddy Mercury, Jennifer Hudson... Just to name a few xP
Band: The Clash, The Beatles, ABBA, Queen, Matchbox 20, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thin Lizzy... Again just to name the few that popped into my head :'D
Movie Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Movie: Oh, gosh, how to name them all... I'll do just a few here too. The Lion King, Balto, The Prince of Egypt, Tangled, Dreamgirls, Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy...
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Balto, Simba, Disney's Rapunzel, Dreamworks' Moses, Pippin Took, Aragorn
Villain in Movie: Scar! And Dr Facilier :evilgrin:
Book Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
Book: Born Free
Author: Brian Jacques, Mary Stewart
Board Game: Disney Trivia!
Game Console: PlayStation 2
Computer/Console Game: KINGDOM HEARTS. (The first one, that is.)
Sport: Archery and horseback-riding <3
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, drawing, browsing art and... drawing. And I said drawing didn't I?
Website: deviantArt, TLKFAA aand... of course Lea! :D
Subject in School: History perhaps.
Store: Disney Store :P
Gum: I don't really have one. Minty?
Candy: Liqurice, sour sweets and dark chocolate.
IM Service: MSN (it's the one I use the most anyway. I don't particularly like it >.>)
Flavor: Uuh... I dunno xD

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internetz
Cats or Dogs: Bah, I can't choose.
Day or Night: Night.

And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba :P
Kiara or Kovu: Kiara.
Zira or Scar: Scar. But I really do like Zira too.
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa!
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa.
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas.
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Why, Pride Rock of course!
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands!
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Augh, difficult... Movie-version: CoL. Elton John-version: CYFtLT.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: NO.
Alcohol: No.
Cigarettes/Cigars: NO.
Chew: And... that is?
Cuss/Swear: When I'm very angry. So if you hear me swear, you can be sure that I am seriously peeved xD
Lie: I'd rather not.
Stole: No.
Attempted Suicide: No.
Attempted Murder: Never! oO
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my ankle twice, and my wrist once.
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a physical fight. I've won some verbal arguments though :P
Been shot: No.
Want to go to college: Uni, yes.
Had an imaginary friend: Yeah, Rasmus the dog! xD
Wanted to be the opposite sex: It has happened.
Had Déjà Vu: Loads.
Gone skinny dipping?: Not since I was very young :P
Walk around nude?: Ditto.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes.
Ever fallen in love?: Oh, yes.
If so, at what age?: 16, properly. Up until then I just had silly crushes...
How many times?: Once. Possibly twice.
Ever been dumped?: Yep.
How many times?: Once.
Ever made out?: Yep.
Ever had Sex?: Yep.
Looks or Personality?: Both are good :P But personality always comes first.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Don't ask me that. More towards attractive than ugly though.
Believe in love at first sight?: Mmm... Not really.
Do you want to get married?: Well, obviously... :P
Define marriage and what it means to you: "A bond between two people who are deeply in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together--you can be in love without it, but it sort of defines it for the world to see." FC said that once. I still believe in it.
Do you want/have kids?: Eugh. Maybe.
Boys name: Dunno. I do like the name John though.
Girls name: No idea.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Something I do quite frequently - look back at all the other stupid things I've done, thus bringing myself down even though most of it is way in the past.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Uuh... Getting a job?
Funniest thing you’ve done: Performing a collection of Monty Python sketches with my best friends in front of a minor audience! That was so very much fun ^^
Person/Place/Thing you hate: "Hate" is too strong a word. It's more like a definite dislike./Eh, Undercroft Restaurant/Late or cancelled trains...
Person/Place/Thing you love: That lovely English guy who likes the "This Land" tune and whose name begins with an A and ends in dam :P/By the sea or in the woods/My Wacom tablet
Country you hate besides your own: There really aren't any countries I hate.
Country you love besides your own: New Zealand! I think I've already been asked this though :P
Best feeling in the world: Love (as long as it's mutual) and to feel that you belong somewhere.
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling ignored and lonely...

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Again, I'm agnostic. So I really don't know o_o
Do you believe in Abortion?: If it's necessary.
Do you believe in Cloning?: Hmm... I can't see how it could be so useful though.
Do you believe in Guns?: Well, we all know they exist, right?
Do you believe in War?: They are real too. Even if one could wish that they weren't...
Do you believe in Hunting?: Well, it sorta has to be done. But I do not support hunting for sport.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Well... They exist too, right? And what'd we do without them?
Do you believe in Texas?: ...it's right there on the map... xP
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Of course!
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For people who need it. Mark the word "need".
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who knows.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so, no.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Again, agnostic :P
Do you believe in Hell?: See above answer.


Hobbies: Draw and experiment with Photoshop, listen to music, animate...
Collections: TLK-stuff (duh :P), animal figurines and plushies!
Goals: To get that dream job, whatever it might be, and to study something that I'll really enjoy at university.
Dreams: To become an animator...
Fears: To lose my friends or anyone close in any way.
Weaknesses: My low confidence in myself... And my disability to say the right things at the right time. Makes it very easy for you to win if you're complaining to me about something for example. I always think of the good things to say afterwards -_-
Most common emotion: At the moment, happy and in love ^^ And if not that; tired and sick of work -.-
Perfect Pizza: Cheese, tomato and pepperoni. Maybe some BBQ sauce. Simples :P
What’s your favorite Memory: All the "Christmas Eves" with my best friends ^^ And 10th-24th of June 2007 has to go somewhere :P
Countries you’ve been to: Denmark, Norway, England, Switzerland, France, Germany, China (Hong Kong), Australia, New Zealand, USA.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: (US ones) Florida, New Jersey and New York.
What pet would you like: A dog...
Any additional information: I think we've covered most of it xD
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I do indeed. Especially reading them again a few years later :P

June 11th, 2011, 01:35 AM
First Name: Samuel
Screen Name: lionloversam
Email: samuel.donahue [@] gmail.com
Nicknames?: Sammy Boy, Sammy, Sambo, Sam, Samson
Birth date: 4/27/85
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Irish, German, Scottish, English. (not sure of the exact proportions.)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark brown
Freckles: no
Moles: no
Scars: yes ( my back and my left arm)
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Christian
Political Party: Libertarian
Country?: USA
State/Province?: Maryland
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Bisexual
Parents Divorced?: no
Siblings? How many?: two sisters
Children? How many?: no
Best Friend (s): I don't play favorites
Pets (names and what they are) three cats
Job?: church custodian
Schooling?: Some college
Car?: '94 honda accord
Play an Instrument?: no
Glasses or Contacts?:glasses
Jewelry?: no
Tattoo?: yes
Makeup?: no
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox (I think)


Animal: lion
Color: orange
Country: Israel
State/Province: New York
Automobile: Honda accord
Shoe: work boots
Number: 27
Food: pizza
Fast Food Place and Food there: Chik-fil-a, spicy chicken nuggets
Musical Instrument: not sure
Drink (not just alcoholic): green tea
Season: spring
Actor: not sure
Actress: not sure
Music Genre: pop/rock
Singer: currently Nickleback
Band: same as singer
Movie Genre: Animation
Movie: TLK 2
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Kovu
Villain in Movie: Zira
Book Genre: not sure
Book: not sure
Author: not sure
Board Game: Battleship
Game Console: not sure
Computer/Console Game: no sure
Sport: none
Activity (Besides Sports): walking
Website: LH
Subject in School: when I was in school I liked science
Store: Target
Gum: juicyfruit
Candy: good n plenty
IM Service: not sure
Flavor: spicy

-This or that?-

Email or IM: email
Phone or in person: person
TV or Radio or Internet: internet
Cats or Dogs: cats
Day or Night: day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: zira
Mufasa or Scar: mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: outsiders
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Elephant graveyard
Pride Lands or Outlands: outlands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFTLT

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: no
Alcohol: sometimes
Cigarettes/Cigars: not anymore
Chew: no
Cuss/Swear: sometimes
Lie: a little
Stole: yes when I was younger
Attempted Suicide: yes
Attempted Murder: no
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes
Got in a fight, did you win: no
Been shot: no
Want to go to college: yes
Had an imaginary friend: no
Wanted to be the opposite sex: For a brief time. Not anymore
Had Déjà Vu: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: no
Walk around nude?: no
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: yes
Ever fallen in love?: no
If so, at what age?: see above
How many times?: see above
Ever been dumped?: no
How many times?: see above
Ever made out?: no
Ever had Sex?: no
Looks or Personality?: personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: neither
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Do you want to get married?: yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: a lifelong commitment to another person
Do you want/have kids?: no

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: not sure
Greatest thing you’ve done: not sure
Funniest thing you’ve done: not sure
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hating others based on ridiculously trivial things
Person/Place/Thing you love: It is a long list. Family is at the top.
Country you hate besides your own: none
Country you love besides your own: Israel
Best feeling in the world: acceptance
Worst feeling in the world: rejection

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you believe in Abortion?: no
Do you believe in Cloning?: no
Do you believe in Guns?: yes
Do you believe in War?: yes
Do you believe in Hunting? yes
Do you believe in Taxes?:yes
Do you believe in Texas?: How can I believe in a state?
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: YES
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: no
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: yes
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: yes
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Hobbies: walking, cooking, reading, wathing tv and movies
Collections: a few small TLK figurines, books
Goals: get a better job
Dreams: get a better job and finding somebody I truly love
Fears: ending up all alone
Weaknesses: I am not the brightest at times
Most common emotion: fear
Perfect Pizza: pizza from NYC
What’s your favorite Memory: all the good ones
Countries you’ve been to: Israel, Ukraine, Germany (just in the airport), Hungary
States/Provinces you’ve been to: I have been up and down the entire east coast.
What pet would you like: a lion
Any additional information: can't think of anything
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: yes

June 11th, 2011, 01:54 AM
Yay :cheese:

First Name: Haylee
Screen Name (s): Sombolia, captimmy, turnpikes, retoxagent
Email: captain.immy[at]gmail.com
Nicknames?: DJ, Sombolia, Somby... xD
Birth date: May 14, 1993
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Mostly German and Irish, but basically a mish-mash of European xD And like 5% Native American
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Some kind of dull brown. I need to dye it again.
Freckles: Yeah. Irish, remember?
Moles: A few.
Scars: A few tiny ones.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Atheist
Political Party: Democrat
Country?: USA
State/Province?: California
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Bi
Parents Divorced?: Yes
Siblings? How many?: No
Children? How many?: No
Best Friend (s): A few
Pets (names and what they are): Peter and Slippers, both cats.
Job?: Starting to look around for one.
Schooling?: Graduating from high school in a couple of weeks. Starting community college in August.
Car?: None. /woe
Play an Instrument?: Guitar/bass, but I'm horribly out of practice
Glasses or Contacts?: I have both, but I wear the glasses mostly
Jewelry?: Don't really wear any
Tattoos?: None yet, but I want a few.
Makeup?: Mostly just foundation, eyeliner, and lipgloss.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster


Animal: Platypodes and octopodes. Aww yeah.
Color: Blue
Country: I've only been in the US
State/Province: California
Automobile: The Batmobile. Or old Bentleys.
Shoe: Converse
Number: 14, 4
Food: Tacos
Fast Food Place and Food there: In N Out, cheeseburger and fries
Musical Instrument: Guitar, violin, piano, drums
Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi, tea, water
Season: I don't know. Anything but spring.
Actor: Christian Bale, Ed Norton, Robert Downey Jr
Actress: Jenna Fischer, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler
Music Genre: Rock, punk, indie, industrial
Singer: David Bowie, Butch Walker, Patrick Stump
Band: Fall Out Boy, The Decemberists, Franz Ferdinand, Say Anything, The Beatles
Movie Genre: Um... I don't know
Movie: Inglourious Basterds, Fight Club, The Dark Knight, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Repo! the Genetic Opera, Sherlock Holmes, Hostel
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Drawing from the above... Scott Pilgrim and Sherlock Holmes, I guess? A lot of the characters I like couldn't traditionally be called 'heroes' >_>
Villain in Movie: Scar, of course.
Book Genre: Post-modern, transgressive, horror
Book: Fight Club (again...)
Author: Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, HP Lovecraft
Board Game: I don't play a lot of board games
Game Console: Gamecube
Computer/Console Game: Psychonauts!
Sport: Soccer, baseball
Activity (Besides Sports): Writing, looking at art, drawing, reading, coloring (more than drawing hah), analyzing
Website: Tumblr, deviantArt, TV Tropes, Youtube & of course Lea
Subject in School: Probably history
Store: Don't have one
Gum: Mint
Candy: Chocolate, sour things, sweet tarts
IM Service: AIM
Flavor: Don't know

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Night

And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar.
Mufasa or Scar: Scar
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Outsiders
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Graveyard
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFTLT

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: No
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: All the time
Lie: Everyone does
Stole: No
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No xD
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Never broken anything, but I've sprained my ankles a ton of times
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a fist fight
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: Yes
Wanted to be the opposite sex: It's happened
Had Déjà Vu: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Walk around nude?: No

-Love Life-

I'm skipping this section.

-The most-

Stupid thing you’ve done: A few, but I try not to dwell on them. Operative word being try.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Saved that burning building full of orphans. No, really, I don't think I've done anything all that great.
Funniest thing you’ve done: ...I don't know...
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't know/too small towns/boring essays
Person/Place/Thing you love: A few people/Los Angeles, the woods, big old cities/sleeping
Country you hate besides your own: None.
Country you love besides your own: Germany and Finland.
Best feeling in the world: Belonging
Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: No
Do you believe in Abortion?: I believe women should have the right to do what they want/need with their bodies, so yes
Do you believe in Cloning?: I guess if it had some useful purpose (haven't really done too much research on it)
Do you believe in Guns?: No
Do you believe in War?: No
Do you believe in Hunting?: Sure, but not for sport/trophy hunting
Do you believe in Taxes?: I don't like them, but I suppose they're necessary
Do you believe in Texas?: No xD
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: It's none of business if people choose to have it done, but frankly I don't like that we live in a society that encourages it
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't know
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't know
Do you believe in Heaven?: No
Do you believe in Hell?: No


Collections: I like Disney stuff, things with octopodes, bats...
Goals: Right now, just to get the rest of the high school stuff I have to do out of the way
Dreams: Travel the world, and visit all the Disney parks
Fears: Ending up alone or forgotten
Weaknesses: Laziness and procrastination
Most common emotion: At the moment, tired and stressed xP
Perfect Pizza: Cheese, tomato and pineapple. Yum~
What’s your favorite Memory: Going to Disneyland back in... '09 I think with a bunch of my friends.
Countries you’ve been to: Just the US. In a couple weeks will be going to Canada, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland and France
States/Provinces you’ve been to: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York
What pet would you like: A dog.
Any additional information: I'm good. XD
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Of course.

June 11th, 2011, 03:11 AM
First Name: Amanda
Screen Name (s): HasiraKali or MandaLioness
Email: You can get it in the profile...
Nicknames?: Manda, AJ, Manda-Lama-Ding-Dong, Chanjo
Birth date: July 2
Gender: Lady
Ethnic Background: I'm white, yo.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark blonde
Freckles: Some.
Moles: None.
Scars: A few. Mostly on my hands and fingers from an accident when I was younger.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty.
Religion: Space dinosaurs.
Political Party: Whichever is the lesser of two weevils.
Country?: USA
State/Province?: Texas!
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Menfolk.
Parents Divorced?: Nope.
Siblings? How many?: Younger sister.
Children? How many?: None.
Best Friend (s): Dawn.
Pets (names and what they are): Oh man... Flash (dog), Venus (dog), Schroeder (cat), Kit-Kat (cat), Zipper (cat), Oz (cat), Pixie (ferret), Merlyn (Quaker parrot), Morning Glory and Chrysanthemum (parakeets), Einstein (rabbit), Ewok (guinea pig), Dyson (plecostoma), black skirt tetras, lemon tetras, neon tetras, black neon tetras, rosea tetras and Mittens (penguin).
Job?: Science teacher
Schooling?: I have a bachelors in Biology with a minor in Chemistry and a Masters in Science Education.
Car?: Mazda3
Play an Instrument?: Violin
Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses.
Jewelry?: I like to wear knotted necklaces that I make myself, my TLKoB pendent or shells.
Tattoo?: Not yet. Hoping for November.
Makeup?: Blech.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Pig. I'm apparently a water pig to be specific.


Animal: Penguins or sharks.
Color: Blue!
Country: Canada's pretty awesome.
State/Province: Texas or Florida.
Automobile: I like my car.
Shoe: Flip flops.
Number: 5
Food: TACOS!
Fast Food Place and Food there: Taco Cabana. TACOS!
Musical Instrument: Piano. And cellos and violins are pretty smexy too.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Iced tea.
Season: Summer.
Actor: Can't say I really have one, but I do enjoy Johnny Depp's work rather consistently.
Actress: None that I can think of.
Music Genre: I'm pretty all over the place genre wise.
Band: Rascal Flatts.
Movie Genre: Animation is my fav.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: I don't know...
Villain in Movie: I actually really like Davy Jones.
Book Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Book: Harry Potter series
Author: J.K. Rowling ftw.
Board Game: Does Phase 10 count?
Game Console: Wii.
Computer/Console Game: Zoo Tycoon omg.
Sport: HOCKEY!
Activity (Besides Sports): Reading and visiting museums.
Website: I don't think I have a favorite website. Google maybe. It's like the gateway to everything.
Subject in School: Science!
Store: Target, Goodwill, and Dollar Tree.
Gum: Don't do gum.
Candy: Sour gummy worms.
IM Service: AIM I guess.
Flavor: Pineapple or coconut.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: Phone
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet.
Cats or Dogs: Both.
Day or Night: Night.
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Ugh, neither. XD
Zira or Scar: Scar.
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Both of them.
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas.
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pridelands.
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: Sometimes
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: All the f*&%ing time. XD
Lie: Occasionally.
Stole: No
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my finger once. Don't ask.
Got in a fight, did you win: No and, therefore, N/A.
Been shot: Nope.
Want to go to college: Already been. Twice. I want a PhD though, so I'll be going back in a few years.
Had an imaginary friend: Yes. Still do.
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Sometimes. Ladies, you know when.
Had Déjà Vu: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping?: XD
Walk around nude?: No.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: I suppose.
Ever fallen in love?: Not really.
If so, at what age?: N/A.
How many times?: N/A.
Ever been dumped?: N/A.
How many times?: N/A.
Ever made out?: No.
Ever had Sex?: No.
Looks or Personality?: Personality.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Average.
Believe in love at first sight?: No.
Do you want to get married?: Maybe one day. If the right Disney-loving lunatic comes along.
Define marriage and what it means to you: Two PEOPLE who want to express their love for each other in ceremony and law.
Do you want/have kids?: I wouldn't mind one or two.
Boys name: Erik.
Girls name: Elizabeth.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Hmmm...
Greatest thing you’ve done: My education.
Funniest thing you’ve done: I don't know.
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't like these questions.
Person/Place/Thing you love: Family/WDW/Lovey Simba
Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate countries, just the stupid things the people there do.
Country you love besides your own: Canada.
Best feeling in the world: Hakuna Matata
Worst feeling in the world: Being lost.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Not particularly.
Do you believe in Abortion?: In certain situations I think it's the best choice.
Do you believe in Cloning?: I support cloning of organs, not organisms.
Do you believe in Guns?: They exist, so it's not a question of believing in them. I think they cause more problems than the solve.
Do you believe in War?: Who really does?
Do you believe in Hunting?: As a way to get food yes, for fun, no.
Do you believe in Taxes?: If they are equal, it's fine. We need funding somehow.
Do you believe in Texas?: I live here... It's not a question of belief...
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I support gay marriage. Love is love.
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: In tragic situations, yes. Just for vanity, no.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Probably.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I'm inclined to think no.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Eh.
Do you believe in Hell?: Eh.

I don't think "believe" is the best word for some of these. I prefer "think" or "support" rather than "believe".


Hobbies: Reading, crafting, listening to music, visiting museums, dabbling in photography
Collections: TLK, Vinylmation
Goals: I want to be ready for this coming school year. I want to go back to school and get my PhD and then buy a house and live happily ever after.
Dreams: I have lots of dreams. Some of them are rather strange.
Fears: I am ridiculously afraid of going blind. I'm also creeped out by grey aliens...
Weaknesses: I can be too trusting.
Most common emotion: Happiness I guess.
Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni and jalapeno omg.
What’s your favorite Memory: I like Michael Ball's version.
Countries you’ve been to: Canada and Italy.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin
What pet would you like: I'd like a chinchilla. And a dog that likes water.
Any additional information: Not that I can think of.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes. This one was rather long though.

June 11th, 2011, 04:20 AM
ShadowLand yo

First Name: Arron
Screen Name (s): Shadowland/Sensei
Email: Check my profile
Nicknames?: Al, ML, Sensei,
Birth date: March 11
Gender: Bloke
Ethnic Background: Wigger. Lol jk I'm white.
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Black/brown/ginger
Freckles: none
Moles: none
Scars: Left ear, small tear mark from childhood accident
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: None
Political Party: Whichever is the lesser of two weevils.
Country?: UK
State/Province?: Essex
Marital Status?: In a relationship :p which isn't marriage, but yeah xp
Sexual Preference?: Bisexual
Parents Divorced?: Nope.
Siblings? How many?: Older sister, older brother
Children? How many?: None.
Best Friend (s): None.
Pets (names and what they are): Molly (cat) :3
Job?: None currently
Schooling?: None (a.k.a State Schooling :lol: _
Car?: None
Play an Instrument?: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin
Glasses or Contacts?: None.
Jewelry?: My guitar pendant, thats about it most of the time
Tattoo?: NO.
Makeup?: No.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey


Animal: Cat
Color: Blue
Country: Canada
State/Province: IOW
Automobile: Mercedes Benz E-Class
Shoe: Anything durable and nimble
Number: 69
Food: none in particular
Fast Food Place and Food there: Eddie's Diner, any burger there
Musical Instrument: At the moment, both kinds of Dulcimer
Drink (not just alcoholic): white rum
Season: Autumn
Actor: Not the bees!! NOT THE BEES!! (a.k.a Nicholas something)
Actress: Angelina Jolie
Music Genre: Alternative Rock, if I must choose
Singer: Michael Stipe
Band: R.E.M.
Movie Genre: Action/drama/thriller
Movie: The Lion King / Leon The Professional
Hero/Heroine in Movie: I don't know...
Villain in Movie: Gary Oldman's corrupt DA official character in "Leon"
Book Genre: Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Book: Harry Potter series
Author: J.K. Rowling
Board Game: Battleship
Game Console: PS3/Xbox360
Computer/Console Game: Silent Hill 2
Sport: Football (thats soccer, not American Handegg)
Activity (Besides Sports): Exploring, playing guitar
Website: 4chan
Subject in School: Science
Store: None
Gum: None
Candy: Haribo
IM Service: MSN
Flavor: Cola

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Both
Day or Night: Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Both lol
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pridelands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Can You Feel The Love Tonight"

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yes (have done before, dont do now)
Alcohol: Sometimes
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: Yes
Lie: When circumstance calls for it
Stole: Yes
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Snapped collar bone
Got in a fight, did you win: Yes and yes
Been shot: With an air rifle, yes... :lol:
Want to go to college: Already been, twas fun
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: LOL HELL NO ENJOY YOUR PERIODS
Had Déjà Vu: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Walk around nude?: No
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: Plenty of times
If so, at what age?: first time I was 13/14
How many times?: private
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: private
Ever made out?: private
Ever had Sex?: private
Looks or Personality?: Personality.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Average.
Believe in love at first sight?: No.
Do you want to get married?: Yes.
Define marriage and what it means to you: Expression of love
Do you want/have kids?: Want
Boys name: Unsure
Girls name: Unsure

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Hmmm...
Greatest thing you’ve done: Experienced the joy of music x3
Funniest thing you’ve done: Trolling too lulzy to be spoken of here
Person/Place/Thing you hate: many people/London/Bad luck
Person/Place/Thing you love: Girlfriend, Music, The little things, Familt
Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate countries, I hate governments
Country you love besides your own: Micronesia
Best feeling in the world: Euphoria
Worst feeling in the world: Dread

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: No
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes, I'm pretty sure it's real
Do you believe in Cloning?: I support cloning of organs, not organisms
Do you believe in Guns?: People kill people, guns are just a different method
Do you believe in War?: Depends on the reason
Do you believe in Hunting?: As a way to get food yes, for fun, no
Do you believe in Taxes?: If they are equal, it's fine. We need funding somehow
Do you believe in Texas?: No, that place is totally made up yo
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: I don't have a problem with it
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For reconstruction yeah, but not for vanity BS.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Idk
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think he was. But then again he would've been able to afford the best lawyers money can buy.
Do you believe in Heaven?: its on earth
Do you believe in Hell?: again, on earth


Hobbies: Music (listening to, creating, examining, playing of)
Collections: None
Goals: Get a job, get money
Dreams: I got chased by the police in my lst 3 dreams :/
Fears: Subtle and split into several places
Weaknesses: As if I would tell y'all that LOL
Most common emotion: Reservation (if thats an emotion?)
Perfect Pizza: Chicken, red onion, cheese, tomato puree, and jalapenos
What’s your favorite Memory: There are several
Countries you’ve been to: UK
States/Provinces you’ve been to: n/a
What pet would you like: I have the only pet I require
Any additional information: Nothing springs to mind
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yeah, but this one was looooong lol

June 11th, 2011, 04:34 AM
Someone forgot to delete some of my answers. :lol: ;)

June 11th, 2011, 04:58 AM
Naw, they just said what I was gonna say, so I left them :p don't fix it if it ain't broke and all that :secret:

June 11th, 2011, 05:06 AM
You collect Vinylmation though?

June 11th, 2011, 05:12 AM
Oops :ohno: *edits* :evilgrin:

June 11th, 2011, 05:44 AM
lol Shadowland, you make me laugh :p

I didn't know we had so many bi members here :hmm: *not alone* :emo:

June 11th, 2011, 05:56 AM
Whats so funny :hmm: and LOL everyones bi :lol:

June 11th, 2011, 06:10 AM
How is everyone bi? I am sure we have gay and straight members here too. :confused:

Edit: I just caught on to it being a joke. I am so tired. I should really go to bed now. Good night my "Bi-leahalalela". :zzz:

King Simba
June 11th, 2011, 08:37 AM
Yay, it's back! :D

First Name: Tara
Screen Name (s): King Simba, Tara (KS)
Email: allburns@msn.com
Nicknames?: KS
Birth date: 17/05/1990
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: 100% British as far as I know.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark brown
Freckles: A few on my nose, but they're hard to see.
Moles: Quite a few dotted here and there. I have some on my arms, neck, chest, thumb and my back.
Scars: A cigarette burn on my left hand, and one on my right arm from when I had my implant taken out.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Agnostic
Political Party: None. At least not any of the big ones.
Country?: England. Maybe I'll live somewhere else in the future though. I'd like to live in the US or maybe Aussie-land. We'll see...
State/Province?: Yorkshire
Marital Status?: Happily taken :love:
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: One older sister
Children? How many?: None yet, thank goodness xD
Best Friend (s): Emilio (Leor), of course ;)
Pets (names and what they are) Charlie. He's a Jack Russell Terrier :D
Job?: None at the moment. I think I'm gonna try to train to become a dental nurse though when I come home from Mexico.
Schooling?: Been to school and college already, but I might have to go back at least part-time to do my dental nursing.
Car?: Citroen Saxo
Play an Instrument?: Nope. I used to play the violin but that was a long time ago.
Glasses or Contacts?: None
Jewelry?: Earrings, necklace and a bracelet from time to time.
Tattoo?: I'll never get a tattoo.
Makeup?: Just a bit of lip gloss and some moisturiser, that's all.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


Animal: Lion :D
Color: Blue
Country: Mexico... for obvious reasons <3
State/Province: Chihuahua... for obvious reasons ;)
Automobile: The new Ford Ka... or a Ford StreetKa. I've always loved those.
Shoe: Hmm... I'd have to say flip-flops, but only when the weather is right... xP
Number: 19... it was my lucky age in some aspect.
Food: Hmm... probably pizza. Spicy BBQ chicken pizza and salad. Yum. Sushi and tacos, menonite style pizza is delicious too.
Fast Food Place and Food there: Pizza Hut and their pizza. Too bad I don't go there that often, except for Lea meets xD
Musical Instrument: Acoustic guitar
Drink (not just alcoholic): Pepsi Max, J2O, Appletiser or just regular apple/fruit juice.
Season: Summer
Actor: Hmm, this is hard. There are too many great actors out there, but I enjoy Leonardo Di Caprio's films, so it might have to be him xP
Actress: The same with actresses.
Music Genre: Rock, soundtrack, alternative for the most part, but I like a lot of modern pop too. Traditional music is a nice addition on my iPod, particularly African music and Scottish music. Rap is a definite no-no.
Singer: Bryan Adams, Amy MacDonald, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Bob Marley, MIKA, Hayley Williams, Bruno Mars, Adele, Shania Twain, Celine Dion, Avril Lavigne, Alexandra Burke, Leona Lewis, Phil Collins, Lebo M, Enrique Iglesias (his older stuff more-so), Shakira
Band: Too many, but I'll name a few. Paramore, Kings of Leon, Wolfmother, AC/DC, Snow Patrol, Dream Theater, Oasis, The Beatles, The Killers, Bon Jovi, Goo Goo Dolls, Thin Lizzy, Take That
Movie Genre: Animation, fantasy, adventure, comedy
Movie: The Lion King, of course. Surely that wasn't a difficult one? As for not-so-obvious ones... Toy Story franchise, The Princess and the Frog, Horton Hears a Who!, Anastasia, Airplane!, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Tangled, Born Free, Titanic, The Prince of Egypt, Avatar, How To Train Your Dragon, Jurassic Park, Beauty and the Beast, Up, The Land Before Time.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba xD
Villain in Movie: Scar :evilgrin:
Book Genre: Travel
Book: Um, probably my 6NA books.
Author: C.S. Lewis
Board Game: I haven't played this in ages, but probably Mouse Trap. Disney Pictionary is great too.
Game Console: Nintendo Wii
Computer/Console Game: Mario Kart
Sport: If it was real, Quidditch. Otherwise, I quite enjoy swimming.
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing and travelling
Website: Lea
Subject in School: Art and Graphics
Store: The Disney Store!
Gum: Anything spear-mint flavoured
Candy: Thornton's chocolates
IM Service: MSN
Flavor: Of what? I quite like Lemon flavoured crisps, but I can only get that in Mexico. :woe:

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person, most definitely.
TV or Radio or Internet: They're all great in their own ways. TV for watching something great, radio for listening to music and news in the car, and internet for shopping and talking to a certain special someone <3
Cats or Dogs: I used to like cats more than dogs, but after owning one I think I enjoy the company of a dog more. Cats are still cute though.
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
TLK or SP: TLK, of course. Nothing better than the original.
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar. Zira is like she's all crazed from a mental asylum xP
Mufasa or Scar: Hmm, tough one. Probably Scar.
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" <3

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Never
Alcohol: I've drank occasionally, but probably once every so many months.
Cigarettes/Cigars: I admit, I tried one once, but I swear I'll never try one again... ever. It was vile xP
Chew: Gum? Yeah, of course.
Cuss/Swear: Only when I'm really peeved.
Lie: I have done, but I'm very truthful and open now.
Stole: Nope
Attempted Suicide: I've considered it, but I've never tried it.
Attempted Murder: I'll never do that!
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Nope
Got in a fight, did you win: I prefer not to fight.
Been shot: With a water gun, that's it xD
Want to go to college: I've been to college, but I would like to go back if it means opening more chances of getting a decent job.
Had an imaginary friend: I think so xD
Wanted to be the opposite sex: I was a bit of a tomboy when I was little, but now I'm quite happy to be a woman.
Had Déjà Vu: Yes, many times.
Gone skinny dipping?: Only in the bath xD
Walk around nude?: Only in the bathroom xD
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Of course it is.
Ever fallen in love?: Yes <3
If so, at what age?: 19
How many times?: For real, only once. I've had many silly crushes though xP
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?:
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: *shifty eyes* Bit personal, aren't you? :p But yes.
Looks or Personality?: Personality for the most part. Looks are a real bonus though.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: It's not really up to me. I think I'm ugly, but I get told otherwise xP
Believe in love at first sight?: Not really. I think you have to get to know someone a lot more before you consider falling in love with them.
Do you want to get married?: Definitely.
Define marriage and what it means to you: A sealed promise of ever-lasting love. I believe marriage should last for life, and it'd be an absolute dream to be happily married in the future.
Do you want/have kids?: I don't have kids, but I wouldn't mind them in the future. Not so sure about going through pregnancy and labour though. Ugh.
Boys name: Hmm, probably Jack or Christopher. I don't know xD
Girls name: I like the name Hannah for some reason, but it'll be a mutual decision with my partner then.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: I don't know... probably have too much of a low opinion on myself, when I really shouldn't.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Probably passing my driving test. Otherwise, meeting Leor.
Funniest thing you’ve done: Ran outside naked when I was a kid xD
Person/Place/Thing you hate: "Hate" is a strong word, and I don't exactly hate anyone, but there are things and places I hate, such as England and this computer when it runs so slow. :headache:
Person/Place/Thing you love: This Mexican called Emilio / Anywhere where he is / My car.
Country you hate besides your own: I don't really like Spain, but I can't say I "hate" it xP
Country you love besides your own: Mexico, and Kenya. I would love to go back there someday.
Best feeling in the world: To love and be loved.
Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness, rejection, hatred, resentment.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: To some extent I do, but I'm agnostic so I don't really know.
Do you believe in Abortion?: In some circumstances.
Do you believe in Cloning?: I don't think so.
Do you believe in Guns?: Only if they're used in moderation.
Do you believe in War?: Not really. Fighting doesn't solve a lot of things.
Do you believe in Hunting? In some circumstances, but not for a sport.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Taxes suck, but they have to be paid, so yes.
Do you believe in Texas?: Texas exists, yes. I know because I've set foot on there =P
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes.
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Only for those who need it, otherwise no.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't know. Never really read into the guy.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so.
Do you believe in Heaven?: I'm agnostic, so I don't know xP
Do you believe in Hell?: Same as above.

King Simba
June 11th, 2011, 08:38 AM
I had to complete this in a separate post, because I obviously said too much. :p


Hobbies: Drawing, travelling, listening to music, watching movies, seeing new cultures and places.
Collections: I collect TLK-stuff and snow globes.
Goals: To someday live with Leor, and to get a job in which I enjoy doing.
Dreams: To have my own place, and to get married and have a family.
Fears: Losing someone I love.
Weaknesses: I often find myself having such a low opinion on myself, which really gets to me. Also, I'm finding it hard to keep to plans. I often find myself not feeling motivated to get myself to do anything.
Most common emotion: Right now, I'm happy and feel loved for the most part ^^ But otherwise, I'm either tired or bored.
Perfect Pizza: Chicken, peppers, BBQ sauce, mozzerella cheese. Otherwise, mennonite style pizza is my perfect pizza. Just a shame I can't get it that often. :(
What’s your favorite Memory: 17th June 2010. The day I met Leor <3
Countries you’ve been to: Argh, too many. I'll just name the big countries and look at a map for that one, starting from left to right across the world.

USA, Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, UK (I live there xP), France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Finland, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy (Sicily to be more precise), Morocco, The Gambia, Senegal, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Kenya
States/Provinces you’ve been to: I'll just mention the ones in the US here. It'll take ages if I named them all xP

Texas, Florida, Georgia (soon).
What pet would you like: Who wouldn't want a lion? xP
Any additional information: Today is mine and Leor's 22nd month together! <3
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: When I'm bored I do, but this took ages. I'm relieved to have finished now. I think it's time to give my fingers a rest. :zzz:

Whats so funny :hmm: and LOL everyones bi :lol:
Hmm, nope... HK said she likes "menfolk" which tells me she's straight. ;) I could be wrong though. :lol:

June 11th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Sounds like a good way to waste some time :p :D

First Name: Rebecca
Screen Name (s): Azerane
Email: azerane@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Bec, Becca, Azzy, Zanks
Birth date: August 14th, 87
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: German, ja
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light brown
Freckles: Not really
Moles: one, on my side
Scars: Yep, dog bite, various other childhood injuries
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Lutheran
Political Party: Meh, politics
Country?: Aussie-land
State/Province?: SA
Marital Status?: Taken :P
Sexual Preference?: Men
Parents Divorced?: Yep
Siblings? How many?: 2
Children? How many?: 0
Best Friend (s): Jess, Spacey and Tara + my online ones :P
Pets (names and what they are): Sparks: cat, 16. Miracle Fish: White cloud tetra, 8-ish
Job?: Retail :blah:
Schooling?: Bachelor degree
Car?: Yep, 1991 Mitsubishi
Play an Instrument?: Piano
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope
Jewelry?: Turtle necklace that Pat bought me. Some bracelets.
Tattoo?: No
Makeup?: Nope
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Year of the Rabbit I think...


Animal: Lion/cat/rabbit/birds
Colour: Green
Country: Australia (bias)
State/Province: SA
Automobile: A nice one
Shoe: ones I like
Number: 17
Food: Chocolate, canneloni, pavlova
Fast Food Place and Food there:
Musical Instrument: Guitar maybe
Drink (not just alcoholic): Farmers Union Iced Coffee
Season: Summer
Actor: Ewam McGregor or maybe Johnny Depp
Actress: N/A lol
Music Genre: Varied
Singer: varied
Band: varied
Movie Genre: comedy, action, drama, etc
Movie: Lion King
Hero/Heroine in Movie:
Villain in Movie:
Book Genre: Animal fantasy, and animal non-fiction
Book: Watership Down
Author: Richard Adams
Board Game: Time's Up, Yahtzee
Game Console: PC
Computer/Console Game: Zoo Tycoon
Sport: Tennis to play, horse jumping (to watch)
Activity (Besides Sports): Hiking, bird photography, walking, reading, drawing
Website: lots!
Subject in School: Art, Biology
Store: Pet store :P
Gum: The green flavours, haha
Candy: Soft raspberries
IM Service: Skype.. when it works.
Flavour: Strawberry, chocolate etc.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: Depends, but mostly IM
Phone or in person: Person
TV or Radio or Internet: All three for various reasons
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar <3
Mufasa or Scar: Toughy, but Scar
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Never
Alcohol: Yep, don't drink often, usually only a drink or two at a time.
Cigarettes/Cigars: Never
Chew: no
Cuss/Swear: Occasionally
Lie: Try not to, but everybody lies.
Stole: Accidently :P
Attempted Suicide: Maybe
Attempted Murder: Never
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Broke my toe, it's crooked now. Fractured my arm
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in one
Been shot: Haha, no
Want to go to college: Already been.
Had an imaginary friend: Only Simba and Nala and my cat Furry who passed away :P
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Never
Had Déjà Vu: Yeah, maybe a few times a year
Gone skinny dipping?: Not yet
Walk around nude?: Yeah
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Of course
Ever fallen in love?: Yep
If so, at what age?: 17
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: Nope
How many times?: N/A
Ever made out?: Of course
Ever had Sex?: Yep
Looks or Personality?: Both, but personality first
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Somewhat attractive
Believe in love at first sight?: Somewhat
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: Promise to be with your partner forever
Do you want/have kids?: Not sure
Boys name: Not sure
Girls name: Maylin

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done:
Greatest thing you’ve done: Probably graduated Uni
Funniest thing you’ve done: Dunno
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Stupid people, spiders inside the house
Person/Place/Thing you love: Pat, animals, the outdoors, australia etc
Country you hate besides your own: N/A
Country you love besides your own: Not sure
Best feeling in the world: happiness
Worst feeling in the world: Guilt, helplessness

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Yeah
Do you believe in Abortion?: Believe is the wrong word, but yes, in the right circumstances
Do you believe in Cloning?: Depends what it's used for
Do you believe in Guns?: Stupid question
Do you believe in War?: War is dumb
Do you believe in Hunting? Yeah
Do you believe in Taxes?: stupid taxes, but I love my tax return :P
Do you believe in Texas?: stupid.
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Why not
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Stupid, but necessary for some... injuries etc.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who knows
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Who knows
Do you believe in Heaven?: Yep
Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Hobbies: Bird photography, drawing, walking, reading, animal related stuff
Collections: Feathers, TLK, U.S state coins
Goals: Be with Pat, get an animal-related job
Dreams: similar to goals
Fears: Spiders indoors
Weaknesses: Dunno
Most common emotion: Happiness I guess
Perfect Pizza: Margherita I guess
What’s your favorite Memory: Lots
Countries you’ve been to: Germany, Austria, Singapore, U.S
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Several in Aus and the U.S
What pet would you like: Rabbit, dog, parrot/cockatoo
Any additional information: Donate money, on 1800 2... ... :P
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I guess so, lol

Political Party: Centern 8'D
Country?: Sweden! (Living in the UK for now though)
State/Province?: Skåne/Scania (Currently Coventry)
Marital Status?: Engaged <3
Sexual Preference?: Straight. For the most part.

I am curious about that last part... :lol:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 11th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Ah these quizzes are so 2004! :lol:

Me and my mates did loads of them back then. Anyway, I've missed a few questions out for security reasons!

First Name: Adam
Screen Name (s): Wide Eyed Wanderer
Email: ------------
Nicknames?: Don't really have any
Birth date: 1st July
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: British
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Freckles: No
Moles: No
Scars: Only on my left thumb (one from a knife and one from an axe!)
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Atheist/Pantheist
Political Party: Labour
Country?: UK
State/Province?: Somewhere in the middle
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Straight-ish...except for Nico Rosberg and a few others! :haha:
Parents Divorced?: Yep
Siblings? How many?: 1
Children? How many?: 0
Best Friend (s): ----------
Pets (names and what they are): None, unfortunately
Job?: Music Consultant
Schooling?: Yep
Car?: Nope
Play an Instrument?: Guitar, Keyboard, Vocals, Bass
Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses
Jewelry?: Usually my dog tags with the co-ordinates of my birthplace on them
Tattoo?: Nope
Makeup?: Nope
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Can't remember


Animal: Fox
Color: Blue
Country: UK I guess
State/Province: Don't have one
Automobile: Probably the Lambo Mucielago
Shoe: Who has a favourite shoe?
Number: Don't have one
Food: Italian, pasta etc
Fast Food Place and Food there: Probably a Big Mac
Musical Instrument: I covet the piano more, probably because I can't play it as well as the guitar
Drink (not just alcoholic): San Miguel Especial
Season: Summer
Actor: Will Smith or Matt Damon
Actress: Don't really have one, except Melissa Suffield who nobody else has heard of!
Music Genre: Couldn't possibly pick one
Singer: Ditto, in terms of voice though probably Ray Charles or similar
Band: changes every 5 minutes, on a bit of a Switchfoot phase at the minute
Movie Genre: Films that make you think...I know that's not a genre :p
Movie: My Life As A Dog, Leon or Trainspotting..depends on my mood.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Does Leon count?
Villain in Movie: Bloody hell who wrote these questions? Umm...mind's gone blank.
Book Genre: Physics (again, not a genre)
Book: A Short History of Nearly Everything
Author: Don't have one
Board Game: Trivial Pursuit
Game Console: Overall, probably the PS1
Computer/Console Game: Team Fortess 2
Sport: To do? Mountain biking
Activity (Besides Sports): Filling myself with music
Website: The one I spend the most time on is probably Facebook..how dull
Subject in School: PE...or Drama
Store: Males don't have favourite shops do they?
Gum: Don't eat it
Candy: Likewise, really
IM Service: MSN
Flavor: Of what? Orange I guess

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet has all three covered (this question is definitely from 2004!)
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Inbetween the two. (Dawn/dusk)
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Do I need to answer?
Kiara or Kovu: Kiara, cute but a bit irritating
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Scar
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pridelands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFTLT

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yep
Alcohol: Yep
Cigarettes/Cigars: Nope
Chew: I think I'd be in trouble if I didn't
Cuss/Swear: Bugger off.
Lie: No. :evilgrin:
Stole: Yep
Attempted Suicide: Nope, not into attention seeking. (If I did it, I'd do it right! ;))
Attempted Murder: Not yet
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Not yet
Got in a fight, did you win: Not really, had scuffles but not proper fights
Been shot: In the UK? I'm not in a big enough city for that
Want to go to college: Been there done that
Had an imaginary friend: When I was very young
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Who isn't curious about what it would be like? :p
Had Déjà Vu: I'm sure I've answered this quiz before...
Gone skinny dipping?: Unfortunately not, Scotland is a bit cold for that
Walk around nude?: Yep
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: Most ages, first when I was about 12 though
How many times?: a few
Ever been dumped?: Yep
How many times?: Once
Ever made out?: Erm
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: I prefer an average of both... :haha:
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I'm about a 7.5 :lol:
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes, well attraction anyway.
Do you want to get married?: Depends if I meet the right person
Define marriage and what it means to you: It's a bit of paper with your names in fancy writing...and an expensive weekend.
Do you want/have kids?: Yes
Boys name: Alec
Girls name: Amber (yes, all for alliteration me!)

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Started doing this quiz
Greatest thing you’ve done: I don't really deem anything I've done so far as great
Funniest thing you’ve done: Injuring myself hilariously while drunk? Probably.
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Selfish, intolerant people
Person/Place/Thing you love: Sunshine and affection
Country you hate besides your own: All of them :evilgrin:
Country you love besides your own: France
Best feeling in the world: Having someone who genuinely cares about you
Worst feeling in the world: Realising you've done nothing with your life

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: No
Do you believe in Abortion?: It exists. I have no problem with it.
Do you believe in Cloning?: It also exists, I think it's unfair on the clones.
Do you believe in Guns?: These all exist... There's no point with this one, nothing we can do about it, humans always want to kill each other.
Do you believe in War?: We're an insecure species
Do you believe in Hunting? No
Do you believe in Taxes?: They should be a lot lower than they are
Do you believe in Texas?: No
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: As long as they accept that they will always be treated differently it's fine
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Pointless but I'm not about to try and stop people.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Yes
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Only of his circumstances
Do you believe in Heaven?: No
Do you believe in Hell?: No


Hobbies: Music, Cycling, Games, etc
Collections: Music
Goals: Two, one at each end.
Dreams: Regularly.
Fears: Complacency
Weaknesses: Girls with cute bottoms. :haha:
Most common emotion: Amusement
Perfect Pizza: Stonebaked base, with spinach, ricotta, dusted with black olives and parma ham.
What’s your favorite Memory: Probably the summer of '96...I miss being 10.
Countries you’ve been to: France...erm...nearly went to Belgium once.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Too many to list.
What pet would you like: Two cats
Any additional information: I have a third nipple on my nose and my middle name is Gerald.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Usually yes, but this one seems to have taken 2 years.

June 11th, 2011, 01:41 PM

First Name: Timo
Screen Name (s): Revo, used to be Stimba waaaaay back.
Email: revo@hotmail.fi
Nicknames?: I guess people call me Rev sometimes. Don't have any irl nicknames.
Birth date: October 1st
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Finnish
Eye Color: Grayish green
Hair Color: Blonde/Light brown
Freckles: Yes
Moles:Yes, biggest one being on my back.
Scars: Two, both in unmentionable places.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: None. Used to be Lutheran Christian up until a few years ago.
Political Party: I'm not siding strongly with any political parties at the moment. But if I had to choose, I'd go with the green party.
Country?: Finland
State/Province?: Eastern Finland at the moment. But I'm about to move south in a month or two.
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Straight for the most part.
Parents Divorced?: No, still married.
Siblings? How many?: 3, one older brother and 2 older sisters.
Children? How many?: None
Best Friend (s): I view all my friends equally :p.
Pets (names and what they are) No pets.
Job?: Currently unemployed.
Schooling?: About to start studying Bio-information technology this September.
Car?:No car.
Play an Instrument?: Guitar and piano. I've also dabbled a bit on the didgeridoo, and I'm very interested in learning to play a saxophone.
Glasses or Contacts?: None.
Jewelry?: An ear strech. I also wear a necklace, usually.
Tattoo?: None yet.
Makeup?: Don't use.
Zodiac Sign: Libra.
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


Animal: I don't really have a strong preference one way or the other. If forced to, I guess I'd a big cat like a lion, tiger, or a lynx.
Color: Anything except bright purple or yellow. :yuck:
Country: Don't have a strong favourite.
State/Province: None.
Automobile: None.
Shoe: None.
Number: Probably 1 or 0. Or the Golden ratio, 1.6180339887498948482.... ;)
Food: Can't choose.
Fast Food Place and Food there: None
Musical Instrument: Hard to choose. Maybe guitar, because it's very versatile.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Water I guess.
Season: Summer, definitely.
Actor/Actress: I'm liking Christian Bale and Ellen Page at the moment.
Music Genre: Used to be mostly metal, nowadays I listen to pretty much anything and everything.
Singer: At the moment Marko Annala, not because of his singing, but because of his songwriting and lyrics.
Band: Mokoma
Movie Genre: Action or comedy or horror or any mix thereof. If it's animated, that's always a plus for me.
Movie: Primer.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: At the moment, Tigress from Kung Fu Panda.
Villain in Movie: Probably Scar.
Book Genre: Animal fiction.
Book: None at the moment.
Author: None.
Board Game: None.
Game Console: Don't have a preference.
Computer/Console Game: At the moment, definitely Portal and Portal 2 :lol:. I'm addicted.
Sport: Don't do sports, really. The only thing I ever watch are the Ice Hockey World Championship matches.
Activity (Besides Sports): Browsing, watching movies, playing music, playing with poi or staff, reading, or learning something new.
Website: None.
Subject in School: Biology.
Store: None.
Gum: None.
Candy: None.
IM Service: MSN.
Flavor: Sweet or salty, it depends. Figures.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: Depends.
I]Phone or in person:[/I] If the latter is an option, then in person.
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet.
Cats or Dogs: Dogs, they're usually more friendly.
Day or Night: Either one is fine.
Simba or Nala: Can't choose, both equally likable.
Kiara or Kovu: Can't choose, both equally unlikable.
Zira or Scar: Scar.
Mufasa or Scar: Scar.
Timon or Pumbaa: Can't choose, they're both nothing without the other.
Hyenas or Outsiders: Outsiders, just because they're lions. And lions are cooler :ooo:
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock.
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands.
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: If pot counts, then yes.
Alcohol: Usually only when I'm with friends, and even then only a few beers. And that only happens once a month.
Cigarettes/Cigars: Nope.
Chew: Eww, no.
Cuss/Swear: When it's appropriate.
Lie: Who hasn't?
Stole: Unfortunately, yes.
Attempted Suicide: Thankfully, no.
Attempted Murder: No.
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes, my shoulder and numerous times my ankle.
Got in a fight, did you win: If elementary school fist fights count, then yes and yes :lol:.
Been shot: No, I don't think blank bullets count.
Want to go to college: Going in a few months. It's just because I can't think of anything better to do, though
Had an imaginary friend: As a kid, no. As a young adult, yes. Go figure that one out :haha:.
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Naah..
Had Déjà Vu: Sure, it's a common phenomenon.
Gone skinny dipping?: Yes.
Walk around nude?: You have to in this kind of heat. 25C people! 25C! :zzz:

June 11th, 2011, 01:42 PM
(Continued from last post)

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes.
Ever fallen in love?: I've never been in love with someone, but I have felt love.
If so, at what age?: When I was very young, less than 10.
How many times?: This question doesn't apply to what I'm saying.
Ever been dumped?: No.
Ever made out?: If middle-school Truth Or Dare games where the other half was awkwardly forced to do it don't count, then no :lol:.
Ever had Sex?: Why is the "sex" with a capital S? :lol: Anyway, no.
Looks or Personality?: Latter.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Average.
Believe in love at first sight?: No.
Do you want to get married?: Don't really care if I do or don't.
Define marriage and what it means to you: Legal acknoledgement of a relationship.
Do you want/have kids?: At the moment I'm no interested in having kids any time soon. It's not a long term goal either.
Boys name: Don't know.
Girls name: Don't know.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Can't choose, too many.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Don't know.
Funniest thing you’ve done: Don't know
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Don't know any.
Person/Place/Thing you love: Summer and good weather.
Country you hate besides your own: Don't hate any country.
Country you love besides your own: There are a bunch of places I would love to visit like Australia, New Sealand, Japan... but I can't say if I love them before I visit them :p.. So far probably I'd have to go with France, though I wasn't there for a long time.
Best feeling in the world: Love, I guess. Or learning a new skill.
Worst feeling in the world: Dissappoinment, I guess.

="red"]-Politics & Religion-

(I manipulated some of the questions to make more sense.)

Do you believe in God?: No, I'm an atheist. An agnostic atheist to be specific, if someone cares.
Do you support Abortion?: Yes.
Do you support Cloning?: Yes.
Do you support Guns?: Mostly no.
Do you support War?: No.
Do you support Hunting? Hunting for food is way better an option than mass production of meat. But I don't support hunting for fun.
Do you support Taxes?: Yes.
Do you support Texas?: No comment :p .
Do you support Gay Marriage?: Yes.
Do you support Plastic Surgery?: Sure.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dunno, no comment.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Dunno, I hope not.
Do you believe in Heaven?: No.
Do you believe in Hell?: No.


Hobbies: I collect relatively useless skills such as playing instruments, juggling, fire dancing, card tricks, solving Rubik's cubes... stuff like that :p.
Collections: None.
Goals: To be better at everything I do. And be happy.
Dreams: Would want to travel the world someday. And maybe be a professional performer.
Fears: Being mediocre. Not a fear, really.. Just something I try not to do.
Weaknesses: Scatter-brainness, self-centeredness, lack of self-discipline, laziness..
Most common emotion: None.
Perfect Pizza: Shrimp and pepperoni.
What’s your favorite Memory: Don't know
Countries you’ve been to: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Russia, Greece, France, Bulgaria, Hungary, USA. (I don't count the UK because I was there only for a layover.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: I guess this means in the US? I've been to Michigan, Indiana and Ohio
What pet would you like: A ferret or a welsh corgi.
Any additional information: Dunno, none I guess.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Not as lengthy as this -_-..

June 11th, 2011, 02:39 PM
I am curious about that last part... :lol:
Well, I've had little crushes on a couple of girls before, so that's what that part is :P But I do prefer menfolk, as HK puts it xD

June 11th, 2011, 04:49 PM
First Name: Josh
Screen Name (s): Feral, formally Roquivo
Email: feralwolf44@gmail.com
Nicknames?: None, though some people have actually started calling me Feral irl, due to it being in my FB name.
Birth date: March 22, 1984
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Mix breed, though the Native American stands out.
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Freckles: a few on my arms.
Moles: again, a few on my arms.
Scars: Does the missing tip of my right index finger count?
Righty or Lefty?: Right
Religion: Christian
Political Party: Independent
Country?: USA
State/Province?: Rhode Island
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: No secret that I am a zoophiliac...
Parents Divorced?: both twice.
Siblings? How many?: 3 sisters, 1 brother
Children? How many?: No
Best Friend (s): yes
Pets (names and what they are) Abbey, my massive cat.
Job?: Unemployed, Social Security
Schooling?: High-school diploma
Car?: Sabre
Play an Instrument?:No, but I sing
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope.
Jewelry?: Two bracelets. I want to get my gold cross fixed.
Tattoo?: Someday.
Makeup?: No
Zodiac Sign:Aeries
Chinese Zodiac Sign: No idea...


Animal: Wolf(duh!)
Color: Blue, Black, Purple
State/Province: New Hampshire
Number: Lucky number is 4... sorry Japan. lol
Food: Anything BBQ flavored
Fast Food Place and Food there: I don't eat fast food.
Musical Instrument: Guitar
Drink (not just alcoholic): Plain water
Season: Spring
Actor: Jim Beluchi
Actress: Michelle Rodriguez
Music Genre: Rock
Singer: Billy Joel, Elton John
Band: Daughtry, Nickelback, and 3 Doors Down
Movie Genre:
Movie: The Lion King
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba and Nala. I'm also fond of Dutchess from Aristocats
Villain in Movie:
Book Genre: Sci-fi
Book: "Where the Red Fern Grows"
Author: Anne McCaffery
Board Game: Clue
Game Console: SNES(I'm old school)
Computer/Console Game: Final Fantasy VII
Sport: Pro Wrestling
Activity (Besides Sports): Reading, Video Games
Website: This one. I also like Facebook.
Subject in School: Geography, reading
Gum: Don't chew gum
Candy: Sour Patch Kids
IM Service: MSN(feralwolf44@gmail.com)
Flavor: Grape

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: in person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Cats(but I still love dogs)
Day or Night: Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFTLT

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: yes, but not regularly
Cigarettes/Cigars: Wouldn't touch them.
Chew: hell no
Cuss/Swear: I have no problem cussing as long as kids aren't around.
Lie: yes
Stole: yes
Attempted Suicide: Came close, but no.
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes
Got in a fight, did you win: No
Been shot: No(This is getting morbid...)
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes
Wanted to be the opposite sex: no
Had Déjà Vu: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Walk around nude?: Only in my home with the shades drawn
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: yes, but thanks to my Asperger's Syndrome, it's not something I am familliar with.
Ever fallen in love?: No
If so, at what age?:
How many times?:
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: No
Ever made out?:No
Ever had Sex?: No
Looks or Personality?: personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: so-so
Believe in love at first sight?: yes
Do you want to get married?: Someday
Define marriage and what it means to you:
Do you want/have kids?: No
Boys name: Riley, Ayden
Girls name: Cora, Aurora

-The most- I'm gonna skip this section...

Stupidest thing you’ve done:
Greatest thing you’ve done:
Funniest thing you’ve done:
Person/Place/Thing you hate:
Person/Place/Thing you love:
Country you hate besides your own:
Country you love besides your own:
Best feeling in the world:
Worst feeling in the world:

-Politics & Religion- All these things exist. I assume you mean do I agree with them.

Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you believe in Abortion?: Only in extreme cases
Do you believe in Cloning?: No
Do you believe in Guns?: When used respocibly
Do you believe in War?: No
Do you believe in Hunting? yCan't answer that with a yes or no. Much to complicated
Do you believe in Taxes?: yes
Do you believe in Texas?: You mean that large southern state? I thought it was a myth! lol
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yes
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Couldn't care less.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: yes
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: No idea
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Collections: Coins, feathers, video games, pokemon cards
Fears: The dentist, roller coasters, free-falling, needles
Most common emotion: Happiness
Perfect Pizza:
What’s your favorite Memory:
Countries you’ve been to: never left the US
States/Provinces you’ve been to:
What pet would you like:
Any additional information:
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: This got tiring...

June 11th, 2011, 05:26 PM
*kills Time*


First Name: Jael
Screen Name (s): Oh, so many
Email: check my profile page
Nicknames?: don't really have any
Birth date: December 31
Gender: female
Ethnic Background: Irish, German, American Indian
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Freckles: none
Moles: none worth mentioning
Scars: my back and shoulders are scarred up some
Righty or Lefty?: predominantly righty
Religion: I don't follow any religion or church - I am spiritually pantheist though
Political Party: I don't subscribe to any particular political party - I'm socially liberal, fiscally conservative, and vote for whomever I feel is the lesser evil.
Country?: USA
State/Province?: NJ
Marital Status?: single
Sexual Preference?: bisexual
Parents Divorced?: yes
Siblings? How many?: 1 sister
Children? How many?: none
Best Friend (s): Shannabanana
Pets (names and what they are): Loki the demon kitteh
Job?: SEO technician and front-end web developer
Schooling?: graduated college
Car?: I dunno what it is, but it's tan and it runs
Play an Instrument?: used to play the violin
Glasses or Contacts?: I wear both with no preference for either
Jewelry?: I wear a totem necklace and earrings - that's about it. I'm not one for too much bling.
Tattoo?: I have three, all pertaining directly to my spiritual beliefs - am currently designing a forth and that will probably be my last one.
Makeup?: Blech, I don't have time for makeup.
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey


Animal: domestic cat, bears, sea turtles - it's kind of hard to narrow down, I love animals of all kinds but these three are the ones I feel closest to
Color: orange, turquoise, brown
Country: I haven't been to enough to be able to form an objective opinion, but I think Japan is pretty cool.
State/Province: New York, though Colorado and Vermont are close seconds.
Automobile: Don't really have one…though, I've always kinda wanted a Volkswagen van
Shoe: sandals
Number: 42. It's the answer to everything.
Food: curry, pot stickers, pot roast, sandwiches & soup
Fast Food Place and Food there: I don't eat fast food
Musical Instrument: piano
Drink (not just alcoholic): cofee
Season: Autumn
Actor: Edward Norton, Nathan Fillion
Actress: Meryl Streep, Tina Fey
Music Genre: classic rock
Singer: Janis Joplin, Tom Petty
Band: The Beatles, Queen
Movie Genre: documentary, docudrama
Movie: Breakfast at Tiffanys
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Mona Lisa Vito
Villain in Movie: Hannibal Lector
Book Genre: historical, specially historical disasters... such as the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, etc.
Book: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Author: Neil Gaiman
Board Game: Monopoly
Game Console: PS3
Computer/Console Game: Elder Scrolls series
Sport: soccer, ice hockey
Activity (Besides Sports): hiking, meditation, reading
Website: the Cheezburger Network, Cake Wrecks
Subject in School: History
Store: don't really have one
Gum: I don't chew gum
Candy: Reeses Pieces
IM Service: iChat
Flavor: I don't really have one

-This or That?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: in person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Night

And now some Lion King-related ones...

Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Scar
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Elephant Graveyard
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": "Circle of Life"

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: yes, but not "hard drugs"
Alcohol: yes
Cigarettes/Cigars: yes
Chew: no
Cuss/Swear: does the Pope wear a tall hat?
Lie: yes
Stole: yes
Attempted Suicide: no. If I'm going to kill myself, I'd make sure I'd get the job done right the first time 'round without any of that "crying for help" business.
Attempted Murder: no, but I've been tempted a couple of times. *eyes boss*
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes
Got in a fight, did you win: yes and yes *brass knuckles*
Been shot: no
Want to go to college: been there, done that, got a FREE T-shirt too
Had an imaginary friend: not one that I was serious about - it was more a running gag than an actual imaginary friend
Wanted to be the opposite sex: My kneejerk response = "Ack! No!"
Had Déjà Vu: yes
Gone skinny dipping?: yes
Walk around nude?: yes

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: frak if I know…don't think it really matters anyway
Ever fallen in love?: *shrugs* not so much "love" as having a serious lapse in judgement
If so, at what age?: late teens
How many times?: just the once
Ever been dumped?: sorta. it was mutual
How many times?: just the once
Ever made out?: yes
Ever had Sex?: yes
Looks or Personality?: personality - if our vibes don't match, it doesn't matter how pretty you are.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I'm neither here nor there. Today I feel attractive.
Believe in love at first sight?: no
Do you want to get married?: I don't know…I guess if I ever meet the right someone...
Define marriage and what it means to you: right now it doesn't mean anything other than a huge hassle into which your pour money
Do you want/have kids?: perhaps, but I don't think I'm suited to parenting
Boys name: Theodore, William, or Patrick
Girls name: Shannon, Elizabeth, or Erica

-The Most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: I didn't major in something marketable
Greatest thing you’ve done: I can't think of anything "great" that I've done…at least not to me
Funniest thing you’ve done: I dunno *le shrug*
Person/Place/Thing you hate: bigotry, injustice, people who know this kind of stuff is going on and can do something about it, but turn a blind eye...
Person/Place/Thing you love: National Parks
Country you hate besides your own: don't think I "hate" any countries, though I question the validity of Israel's existence.
Country you love besides your own: don't think I "love" any countries - Italy has some kickass food though
Best feeling in the world: being appreciated
Worst feeling in the world: being forgotten and/or taken for granted

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: once again, I'm pantheist.
Do you believe in Abortion?: yes, though it would not be my personal choice.
Do you believe in Cloning?: yes and no
Do you believe in Guns?: yes, though I think that owning a rocket launcher is a little overkill.
Do you believe in War?: Sometimes it's necessary, though I wish that wasn't the case.
Do you believe in Hunting? Yes, but only for food and/or clothing, etc. NOT for sport.
Do you believe in Taxes?: not when they're being used for things I don't agree with
Do you believe in Texas?: Well, the map says it's there, so I guess it's there…no desire to visit though
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Sure, though I wouldn't get it personally…unless it would significantly increase my quality of life.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Of which crime? I dunno about the murder, but he's currently serving 33 years for robbery and kidnapping so…I suppose he WAS guilty of something.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Frak if I know
Do you believe in Heaven?: Not really
Do you believe in Hell?: Not really, though if there is a Hell, I imagine it's a lot like Staten Island…a Staten Island populated by Sponge Bob clones


Hobbies: reading, hiking, outdoor stewardship, doodling on occasion
Collections: don't have any
Goals: get a better job
Dreams: don't have any
Fears: naming them gives them power
Weaknesses: Easily distracted, hair-trigger temper, prone to social and financial leeches
Most common emotion: frustration
Perfect Pizza: buffalo chicken
What’s your favorite Memory: Before my parents divorced, my dad and I used to spend every early Sunday morning having breakfast in Central Park.
Countries you’ve been to: USA (duh, I live here), Canada, UK, Ireland, Italy, Japan
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Waaaaaaay too many to list here
What pet would you like: I dunno..an alpaca
Any additional information: meh
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: sometimes, when I have time for 'em (like today)

June 11th, 2011, 05:58 PM
First Name: Michelle
Screen Name (s): Simbarules
Email: dolphinddmc@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Starwolf
Birth date: 16 September 83
Gender: female
Ethnic Background: Scottish (British)
Eye Color: grey
Hair Color: blonde
Freckles: none
Moles: just a few on my arms
Scars: one on my finger (peeled my finger ages ago lol only a small 1) and another underneath my hand
Righty or Lefty?: right
Religion: catholic
Political Party: undecided
Country?: England (originally scotland)
State/Province?: n/a
Marital Status?: single
Sexual Preference?: men
Parents Divorced?: no my mums a widow
Siblings? How many?: 1
Children? How many?: 0
Best Friend (s): i have a couple
Pets (names and what they are)
Job?: registrar
Schooling?: bachelor degree
Car?: learning to drive
Play an Instrument?: nope
Glasses or Contacts?: glassesw, considering contacts
Jewelry?: nope
Tattoo?: nope
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: boar (y did i have to be a pig!)


Animal: lions, tigers, dolphins, horses
Color: Purple
Country: America
State/Province: dunno
Automobile: dont have 1
Shoe: trainer
Number: 6
Food: spinach and mushroom lasagne
Fast Food Place and Food there: mcdonalds?
Musical Instrument: guitar
Drink (not just alcoholic): diet coke
Season: summer
Music Genre: 90's
Singer: Ronan Keating
Band:Take That!
Movie Genre:
Movie: Lord of the rings return of the king
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba
Villain in Movie: Scar
Book Genre:
Author: J K Rowling
Board Game: monopoly.. i think
Game Console: Wii
Computer/Console Game: any pokemon
Sport: show jumping
Activity (Besides Sports): horse riding
Subject in School: french
Store: HMV
Gum: dont eat any
Candy: Pocky
IM Service:
Flavor: Strawberry

-This or that?-

Email or IM: e-mail
Phone or in person: in person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufassa
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders:Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Elephant graveyard!
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pridelands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Can you feel the love tonight

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: no friggin way
Alcohol: yeh
Cigarettes/Cigars: definately not
Chew: well i have to eat food!
Cuss/Swear: never
Lie: no........................
Stole: definately not
Attempted Suicide: Why would i want to?
Attempted Murder: no thats sick
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: nope
Got in a fight, did you win: dont get in fights
Been shot: no
Want to go to college: no been
Had an imaginary friend: yes it was called snowy the horse
Wanted to be the opposite sex: noooo men suck lol
Had Déjà Vu: yep
Gone skinny dipping?: no way
Walk around nude?: definately no
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: yes
Ever fallen in love?: no
If so, at what age?:
How many times?:
Ever been dumped?:
How many times?:
Ever made out?:
Ever had Sex?: no (getting a bit personal here)
Looks or Personality?: Personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: whats an IYO?
Believe in love at first sight?: yeah
Do you want to get married?: yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: marraige is a relationship between 2 people based on trust
Do you want/have kids?: yes
Boys name:
Girls name:

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: dunno
Greatest thing you’ve done: started horse riding
Funniest thing you’ve done:
Person/Place/Thing you hate: romford on friday nights theres always trouble
Person/Place/Thing you love: manchester is great
Country you hate besides your own:
Country you love besides your own: england
Best feeling in the world: feeling proud of yourself
Worst feeling in the world: someone being untruthful

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you believe in Abortion?: no
Do you believe in Cloning?: no
Do you believe in Guns?: no
Do you believe in War?: no
Do you believe in Hunting? no way
Do you believe in Taxes?: no
Do you believe in Texas?: yes
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: if they love each other then yes (unless they are good looking lol)
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery? no:
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: no
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: no
Do you believe in Heaven?: yes
Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Hobbies: Horse riding and drawing
Collections: has to be my disney trading pins
Goals: to get a decent job
Dreams: to own a horse
Fears: losing my mum
Weaknesses: diet coke!
Most common emotion: happy
Perfect Pizza: ham and pineapple
What’s your favorite Memory: probably of my dad comforting me when i didnt get into a certain university
Countries you’ve been to: england, scotland, spain, france, cyprus, america
States/Provinces you’ve been to: florida
What pet would you like: horse or dog
Any additional information: nope
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: depends what the questions are

June 11th, 2011, 08:03 PM
First Name: Audra
Screen Name (s): Sharifu, YoshiGirl, DinoGirl, and BirdyGirl
Email: birdygirl85@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Fu'ey, Audrafu (Petteri actually calls me those names sometimes, haha)
Birth date: April 27, 1985
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: American? I'm a mixture of a lot of different backgrounds that my parents can't even name them all, since they don't even seem to know themselves. My dad is half Arabic which makes me 25% Arabic. My Aunt says there is French in my mom's family. I'm just a mutt, haha. But I wish I could know more of my ethnic background.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Freckles: A little on my face.
Moles: A few on my arms.
Scars: Yeah I have some scars I guess, I have one on my forehead above my left eyebrow from an accident when I was a kid...
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: I grew up in a Christian family but honestly I don't feel like I belong to any religion anymore and that just feels right to me.
Political Party: I don't really like to get into politics but I would say I lean more towards the democratic side.
Country?: United States of America
State/Province?: Oregon
Marital Status?: I am married. :p
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Yes
Siblings? How many?: One younger sister. I might have a little half brother, (that I never met) but I think it could be possible he's not related to me at all, my dad doesn't know for sure if he was actually the father, what a messed up relationship that was, even he never even admitted to me they were actually in a relationship... :blah:
Children? How many?: No!
Best Friend (s): Petteri my husband, and two people I grew up with in California
Pets (names and what they are): Bella the dog and Miss Kitty the cat.
Job?: Cashier
Schooling?: I went to a college in California and studied animation for a few years. I didn't finish as I couldn't handle living with my dad anymore and I moved away. I want to go back though...
Car?: I don't have my own car.
Play an Instrument?: No
Glasses or Contacts?: Neither
Jewelry?: I always wear my wedding ring and my gold heart necklace Petteri gave me when we first got together. Sometimes I'll wear a bracelet (Either my silver bangle bracelets or my TLKoB bracelets) and earrings, depends on what I am wearing though, so I usually wear earrings that match the color of the clothes I am wearing that day.
Tattoo?: No
Makeup?: No way.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox


Animal: Dinosaurs
Color: Blue
Country: U.S.A. I like living here.
State/Province: California
Automobile: I don't know.
Shoe: My blue Grasshopper shoes. Weird brand name I know. :p But I like they way they look compared to the shoes I used to wear before.
Number: 7, I guess. It's lucky, haha.
Food: Chinese food and sushi.
Fast Food Place and Food there: I guess Taco Bell. I eat there often on my lunch breaks at work now, since it's in the same parking lot. I like the beefy 5 layer burrito.
Musical Instrument: I don't know.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Orange Juice and Apple Juice.
Season: I don't know, I like them all for different reasons.
Actor: I don't have a favorite actor.
Actress: I don't have a favorite actress.
Music Genre: I like lots of different music genres. (Just no rap and county please, blah)
Singer: Don't have a favorite.
Band: Don't have a favorite.
Movie Genre: Animation, fantasy, etc...
Movie: I like many movies, mostly animated ones, but my most favorites I would say is The Lion King and Jurassic Park.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: I don't know.
Villain in Movie: Scar, I guess.
Book Genre: I don't know, I don't read books too often.
Book: Read above.
Author: Read above.
Board Game: Disney Scene It
Game Console: Wii
Computer/Console Game: Mostly Nintendo games. Probably my favorite series is Zelda.
Sport: Swimming. That is doing it myself. I don't like watching sports on TV.
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing
Website: leahalalela.org ;)
Subject in School: Animation
Store: Disney Store
Gum: Trident gum I guess. It's the brand of gum I chew the most.
Candy: Sees Chocolate, the raspberry creams are my favorite. Also Fazer Geisha Chocolate bars (from Finland).
IM Service: MSN Messenger
Flavor: I don't know.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Both
Day or Night: Day, but I like night too.
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: A little from time to time.
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: Sometimes
Lie: Haven't we all at times?
Stole: Yeah, when I was little I stole some candy from a store, honestly I can't believe I did that, I would never steal again.
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a fight.
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
Had Déjà Vu: I don't think so.
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Walk around nude?: Only when no one was home, and if I was walking to the bathroom to shower.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes of course.
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: 19
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: --
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Personality is the most important. What's the point of being together with someone who looks good but is a total jerk? Yes looks are important to some degree, but I believe when you like someone's personality, they become more attractive to you.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Well I don't think I am ugly... Sometimes I feel kind of attractive, depends on how I feel that day I guess.
Believe in love at first sight?: Never, I think love takes time to develop.
Do you want to get married?: Already am. ;)
Define marriage and what it means to you: Being with the person you love forever.
Do you want/have kids?: No. I might change my mind in the future but right now I can't imagine ever having kids. It doesn't seem for me. I'd rather have a dog. :p
Boys name: I don't know.
Girls name: I don't know.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Stole candy from a store when I was a kid.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Working on the fiance visa process with Petteri, having him move here and getting married. :love:
Funniest thing you’ve done: I don't know
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hate is a strong word, I wouldn't say hate, but I don't have a very good relationship with my dad, I don't admire him very much...
Person/Place/Thing you love: Petteri/My Mom/My Pets/Disneyland/Disneyworld/California... :p
Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate a country.
Country you love besides your own: I don't know.
Best feeling in the world: Love and being loved.
Worst feeling in the world: Stress

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Not really.
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes
Do you believe in Cloning?: Sure
Do you believe in Guns?: For some things I guess, like being a cop and protecting people with it.
Do you believe in War?: No
Do you believe in Hunting? I guess, if the animal will be used for food.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Sure, it pays for things we need.
Do you believe in Texas?: This is a stupid question, yes I believe Texas exists. :lol:
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Sure, why not? We all deserve equal rights.
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For some reasons.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't know.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so. Poor Michael.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Maybe
Do you believe in Hell?: I don't know.


Hobbies: Drawing
Collections: Things from my favorite movies and TV shows.
Goals: To go back to college and become an animator or work in the field some how.
Dreams: One of my dreams came true, Petteri and I live together now and wont be separated by long distance anymore. =D My other dream is to become an animator like I said above. Now that Petteri is living with me, I am planning to save up money to be able to go back to college. Might take a couple years though, I don't know yet. It's just going to take a lot of planning.
Fears: Losing someone I love.
Weaknesses: I don't know.
Most common emotion: Happiness I guess. I think most of the time I usually have a positive outlook on life.
Perfect Pizza: Don't know, I like lots of different toppings on pizza.
What’s your favorite Memory: I have lots of memories I like.
Countries you’ve been to: U.S.A., Finland, Sweden, France and England.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and Hawaii.
What pet would you like: I miss having a bird at times, so I guess a bird.
Any additional information: Right now, I can't think of anything.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometimes

June 11th, 2011, 11:28 PM
I'll play :D

First Name: Toby
Screen Name (s): TeeKay, Jehuty42, Aphelion
Email: See contact thread
Nicknames?: TK, Tee
Birth date: 30th April, 1983
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: British
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Freckles: No
Moles: No
Scars: Many
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: None
Political Party: None
Country?: UK
State/Province?: Kent
Marital Status?: Single - ish (it's complicated)
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: 1 Older sister
Children? How many?: None
Best Friend (s): Yes
Pets (names and what they are): None
Job?: Corporate slave (shelf stacker in a supermarket)
Schooling?: Currently studying forensic science, hopefully moving to animal science in september
Car?: Yes, Skoda Fabia
Play an Instrument?: No, though I've been slowly teaching myself the guitar for about 8 years
Glasses or Contacts?: neither
Jewelry?: My watch, if that counts
Tattoo?: None yet
Makeup?: Nope
Zodiac Sign: Tarus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Boar


Animal: Cheetah
Color: green
Country: The USA
State/Province: Having only visited California it's a bit difficult to say
Automobile: BMW Z3
Shoe: My Doc. Marten boots
Number: 12
Food: Pizza, though I really shouldn't eat cheese
Fast Food Place and Food there: On the rare occasion that I eat fast food KFC
Musical Instrument: Taiko drums
Drink (not just alcoholic): Coke, Mountain Dew, Tea - Earl grey - Hot!
Season: Spring
Actor: Ben Browder, Kiefer Sutherland
Actress: Claudia Black, Alex Kingston, Sigourney Weaver
Music Genre: I listen to pretty much anything
Singer: Norah Jones
Band: Less Than Jake
Movie Genre: Sci-Fi
Movie: The Lion King, Twister, The Dark Knight
Hero/Heroine in Movie: If TV counts, Jack Bauer
Villain in Movie: Again, if TV counts then Farscape's Scorpius
Book Genre: Don't really have one
Book: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Author: Douglass Adams
Board Game: Monopoly
Game Console: PS3
Computer/Console Game: Ratchet and Clank
Sport: not terribly into sports though I did play basket ball in high school
Activity (Besides Sports): Gaming, science, cosplay, general nerdieness :D
Website: The Escapist
Subject in School: Science
Store: HMV
Gum: Don't really chew gum
Candy: Not much into sweets either
IM Service: MSN
Flavor: Mint

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
TLK or SP: The Lion King
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Ouslanders
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Can You Feel The Love Tonight

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: I used to, but not any more
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: Not often
Cuss/Swear: Too often, lol (though in my defence, I often don't use actual swear words, I say Frak an awful lot instead ;))
Lie: Occasionally, not not maliciously
Stole: Never
Attempted Suicide: Never
Attempted Murder: Never!
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Nope, though I'm sure my nose has been broken at some point I just don't remember ever having done it
Got in a fight, did you win: No and no
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: Currently at college
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
Had Déjà Vu: Several times
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
Walk around nude?: Sometimes, around the house on my way to the shower when no one else is in
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: Late teens
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: -
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: It's all about the personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I don't have a very high opinion of myself
Believe in love at first sight?: Not really
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: I've never really thought about that to be honest
Do you want/have kids?: I think so, not really sure
Boys name: Not really thought about it
Girls name: I'm very fond of the name Talwyn

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: That list would be far too long
Greatest thing you’ve done: I'm not sure that I've ever done anything great, though I guess passing my driving test was quite a big achievement, as it took me 5 attempts
Funniest thing you’ve done: I really don't know/
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't really hate anything
Person/Place/Thing you love:
Country you hate besides your own: Pretty much only my country
Country you love besides your own: America
Best feeling in the world: Waking up after a rough week realising it's you day off
Worst feeling in the world: Getting woken up by your alarm clock on your day off if you forgot to turn it off the night before, lol!

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: not even remotely
Do you agree with Abortion?: Yes
Do you Agree with Cloning?: I'm ambivalent on cloning, I can see it's benefits, but I can also the the ethical and moral issues with it as well
Do you agree with guns?: Not really
Do you agree with war?: Not really
Do you agree with Hunting?: No
Do you agree with Taxes?: To a certain degree, yes.
Do you agree with Gay Marriage?: Absolutely
Do you agree with Plastic Surgery?: For reconstructive purposes, yes
Do you believe in Heaven?: Not really
Do you believe in Hell?: Not really


Hobbies: Photography, cosplay,
Collections: see collections thread
Goals: To finally get a degree and a job that isn't working in a shop
Dreams: None that aren't already goals
Fears: Enclosed spaces :ohno:
Weaknesses: Very prone to procrastination
Most common Emotion: happiness
Perfect Pizza: One with lots of meat
What’s your favorite Memory: Probably the whole time I was working at the zoo
Countries you’ve been to: Aside from the UK (where I live) France, Spain, Sri Lanka, Bahrain (though that was only a stop over for about an hour), America
States/Provinces you’ve been to: In America? California, specifically Los Angeles
What pet would you like: Not really thought about it.
Any additional information: Nope
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Not really

June 11th, 2011, 11:38 PM
@ TeeKay

I live just across the river from you

June 12th, 2011, 12:03 AM
As a Texan, I'm loving the Texas question answers. :lol: Yes, we are a mythical land. :diva:

June 12th, 2011, 12:13 AM
@ TeeKay

I live just across the river from you

Awesome :wow: We're practically neighbours :D

June 12th, 2011, 12:16 AM
^ Indeed we are x] can you see the Queen Elizabeth II bridge from anywhere local?

June 12th, 2011, 12:20 AM
^ Indeed we are x] can you see the Queen Elizabeth II bridge from anywhere local?

No, I'm right down on the coast in Deal (next to Dover), so it's a bit of a journey to get round that way.

June 12th, 2011, 12:37 AM
Aaah shame, I might've been able to spot you if you were on the bridge someday :lol:

June 12th, 2011, 03:54 AM
First Name: Jorge Emilio
Screen Name (s): Leorgathar
Email: aquamentus_23@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Leor, Lio, Milo, Gemelo (means "twin" xD)
Birth date: August 1st, 1986. At 11:04 pm
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Latin American, with an Irish ancestor somewhere in my family tree
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Freckles: Nope, no freckles I know of
Moles: A few, the most noticeable one on my left cheek xD
Scars: On my upper lip, had it since I was a little kid, and I remember when it happened x_x
Righty or Lefty?: More righty than lefty
Religion: I practice Catholicism since I grew up in that environment, but I quite don't agree with many things in Catholicism, so right now I don't know.
Political Party: Not too conservative, not too liberal. I don't like extremists.
Country?: Mexico
State/Province?: Chihuahua, the land of little dogs :lol:
Marital Status?: I has girlfriend ^^<3
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: A twin brother and an older sister
Children? How many?: Zero
Best Friend (s): My loyal pals, Crosby and Guz, and of course my girl, Tara ^^
Pets (names and what they are): Matilda, a Miniature Pinscher (like a little doberman xD)
Job?: Dental surgeon, as well as both eye and dental prosthetics maker.
Schooling?: All the way from school to Dentistry college, only one more year and I'll be out.
Car?: Grand Cherokee '97
Play an Instrument?: I'm a bit into acoustic guitar, but I need professional lessons still.
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope, never needed.
Jewelry?: I'm jewel-less in all of my body.
Tattoo?: Nope
Makeup?: What? no!
Zodiac Sign: Leo :cheese:
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger


Animal: Jaguar, lion, eagle, and reptiles
Color: Green
Country: England, you know why ;)
State/Province: Yorkshire, you know why as well ^^
Automobile: The DeLorean from Back to the Future xD and the charger as well.
Shoe: I like sandals, but I rarely wear them
Number: 23, if you've seen the movie "The Number 23", it's practically based on me, that number appears everywhere, and it happened to me long before the movie came out, how bizarre is that!
Food: Tacos, sushi and menonite style pizza.
Fast Food Place and Food there: Hamburgers from Carl's Jr., and KFC
Musical Instrument: Acoustic guitar and violin
Drink (not just alcoholic): A prepared Clamato, it's a tomato juice with clam, it's tasty in so many levels.
Season: Summer, definitely
Actor: Sean Penn, Leonardo Di Caprio, Cristoph Waltz
Actress: Jeniffer Connelly, Evangeline Lily
Music Genre: Classic Rock, movie soundtracks
Singer: Michael Jackson, Fernando Delgadillo
Band: Scorpions, Oasis, The Beatles
Movie Genre: Adventure, animated.
Movie: The Lion King, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, Hook, Children of Men, and a big list of etcetera.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba, Marty McFly, Samwise Gamgee.
Villain in Movie: Scar, Shere Khan, Biff Tannen
Book Genre: Adventure, mystery, old tales.
Book: Lord of the Rings, The Jungle Book, Roverandom
Author: Isabel Allende, J.R.R. Tolkien
Board Game: Pictionary, card games
Game Console: All the console history of Nintendo, PS3 and Xbox360, like them all
Computer/Console Game: Legend of Zelda series, Castlevania series, Portal, etc.
Sport: Racketball, swimming
Activity (Besides Sports): Playing games, going to the movies and swimming
Website: Leahalalela.org, of course ^^
Subject in School: Biology, Human Behaviour, Surgery
Store: Best Buy, maybe xD
Gum: Trident, with Recaldent
Candy: Thorntons and Cadbury chocolates :slurp:
IM Service: MSN
Flavor: Lemony

-This or that?-

Email or IM: Both
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet ftw! and TV xD
Cats or Dogs: Cats, but I like dogs too
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
TLK or SP: The Lion King
Simba or Nala: Whoa, hard to decide O.o
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu xD
Zira or Scar: Scar all the way
Mufasa or Scar: Love Mufasa's leadership and power, and Scar's evil and cleverness.
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock, but Elephant graveyard is a really cool place :lol:
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pridelands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Both, but "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" more

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No!
Alcohol: Occassionally in social situations
Cigarettes/Cigars: I'm a health promoter, and for what I've studied in pathology, it's one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Not really annoyed by it, just a bit of a warning.
Chew: Trident gums
Cuss/Swear: Sometimes, yeah, but with friends only
Lie: Nope, unless it's absolutely necessary, which I try to fix immediately
Stole: Never.
Attempted Suicide: I was young and stupid when I had thoughts of suicide, but not anymore.
Attempted Murder: Never.
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: I've never been broken, hehe
Got in a fight, did you win: Like once or twice in my life, but never got to the point of there being a winner.
Been shot: Paintballs xD
Want to go to college: I'm currently in college, and one year away to end it
Had an imaginary friend: Yeah, a dragon like creature when I was a kid xD
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope, but I've asked myself how would it be xD
Had Déjà Vu: Yeah, it's kinda weird, but cool xD
Gone skinny dipping?: Only in the bathtub xD
Walk around nude?: In the bathroom, and sometimes in the house when I'm nude, there's no one home, and I gotta pick up the phone xD
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Oh yeah, it is
Ever fallen in love?: Yep ^^
If so, at what age?: I thought I fell in love before, but for real, at 23
How many times?: same as above, for real, once
Ever been dumped?: nope
How many times?: ---
Ever made out?: Oh yeah
Ever had Sex?: Hehe quite personal xD but gotta admit, having sex with the one you really love is a wonderful experience, so yeap ^^
Looks or Personality?: Personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I think I'm average xD
Believe in love at first sight?: Nope
Do you want to get married?: Yeah, someday in the future
Define marriage and what it means to you: It's a seal of the bond that unites a couple, the promise of a lifetime of love.
Do you want/have kids?: I'd like to have kids at some point, yeah
Boys name: Cristopher, Aaron, Leon
Girls name: Leandra, Evangeline

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Hurting people's feelings
Greatest thing you’ve done: Falling in love with Tara, and flying to england to meet her. Other than that, making my first denture for a toothless patient, the gratitude is really priceless :)
Funniest thing you’ve done: Oooff, many, but I can't recount any right now :lol:
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't really hate anyone, but I have things against the darn druglords who make their wars here, as well as the business of kidnapping people.
Person/Place/Thing you love: Tara Richardson, of course :love:, I love England and many European countries, and I love dentistry.
Country you hate besides your own: North Korea, Birmany, and any country with Islamic extremists.
Country you love besides your own: England, Poland, Switzerland, Norway
Best feeling in the world: Love, and laughter
Worst feeling in the world: Depression, abandonment

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Yeah, but not in a Biblical God who hates and enrages
Do you believe in Abortion?: I gotta say, I've studied the subject, and I openly say I think it's disgusting for the wrong reasons, I don't think I'll ever get into debates where no one would really win, but I'm firm in saying it makes more harm than solution. Still I admit it's necessary in miscarriages or when the health it's at high risk.
Do you believe in Cloning?: Should be studied even more deeply, so I can't really say.
Do you believe in Guns?: Only in self defense, not in wars or as a way of revenge.
Do you believe in War?: I think it's childish, seriously, no matter how cool guns and armies are.
Do you believe in Hunting?: Only for feeding oneself, not as a sport
Do you believe in Taxes?: Taxes should burn in heeellll!
Do you believe in Texas?: My neighboor up in the North? yep, it's right there xD
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yeah, they should be allowed to marry, though I have questions about gay couples adopting children, but generally I'm fine with it.
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Aesthetically? nope, Phisiologically? yeah.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Not a clue
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Nope, I really don't think so.
Do you believe in Heaven?: I like the idea of some sort of good afterlife.
Do you believe in Hell?: Probably it's like just not existing anymore


June 12th, 2011, 03:55 AM

Hobbies: Videogames, reading, drawing
Collections: Coins, Videogames
Goals: Become a successful dentist and start a family
Dreams: Write a book of stories, maybe illustrated. And make short films, both animated and live action.
Fears: To not succeed in my goals
Weaknesses: I can have quite a temper sometimes, failure really gets me -_-
Most common emotion: content and imaginative xD
Perfect Pizza: Menonite style pizza, its really worth trying, especially for the special cheese on it ^^
What’s your favorite Memory: The first time I hugged Tara in the airport... it's totally unforgettable :)
Countries you’ve been to: Mexico, USA, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Spain, Scotland, and my beloved England ^^
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Quite many, I wouldn't finish, so I'll skip this one xD
What pet would you like: An iguana, or a snake... or a pet lion, yeah xD
Any additional information: I can lick my own elbow and do some tricks with my tongue :lol:
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Like this one, yeah, but it takes too loooooong :p

June 12th, 2011, 04:07 AM
Any additional information: I can lick my own elbow and do some tricks with my tongue :lol:

Pics! Or it didn't happen! :lol:

King Simba
June 12th, 2011, 07:27 AM
^I've seen him do both, so I can be a witness and say he speaks the truth. :p But if I hadn't seen him do it before, yeah, I'd probably be demanding pics too. :lol:

Countries you’ve been to: Mexico, USA, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Spain, and my beloved England ^^
I believe you've been to Scotland too. ;)

June 12th, 2011, 07:56 AM
Oh yeah, why didn't I put Scotland there? :lol: I'll add it right away ;)

Pics! Or it didn't happen! :lol:

I'll post some pictures to prove it tomorrow :p

Countries you’ve been to: Argh, too many. I'll just name the big countries and look at a map for that one, starting from left to right across the world.

USA, Mexico, Brazil, Dominican Republic, UK (I live there xP), France, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Finland, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy (Sicily to be more precise), Morocco, The Gambia, Senegal, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Kenya
I'm always impressed with how much you've travelled :curious:

King Simba
June 12th, 2011, 10:07 AM
Well, I find it hard to keep a track of at times. :lol: If I put all of the islands I've been to down (such as the Greek Islands and the Canary Islands) that would take ages, so I just put the big countries down instead, hehe.

Food: Tacos, sushi and menonite style pizza.
Oh, sushi... of course! How did I miss that? I love sushi. :slurp: Tacos are delicious too. I look forward to having proper Mexican food in Mexico. ;)

June 19th, 2011, 12:32 AM
First Name: Kaitlyn
Screen Name (s):Safila
Email:Those who want it know it =)
Nicknames?:Putt, putty, putt-putt, patricia
Birth date:3rd nov 1993
Ethnic Background:Kiwi/Australian
Eye Color:Green
Hair Color:was blonde, then went brownish, now has a redish rinse thru it
Freckles:not really
Moles: 3-4
Scars: one on wrist from an op and one on knee from slashed on tiles by pool.
Righty or Lefty?:Right handed
Religion: when I make up my mind
Political Party: Have to vote end of this year for first time, we'll see who hands out free strawberries.
Marital Status?:Single
Sexual Preference?:males
Parents Divorced?:No
Siblings? How many?:None
Children? How many?:None
Best Friend (s):Lauren
Pets (names and what they are) Daisy - English Springer Spaniel
Job?: part time video shop/busking
Schooling?: Done for now
Car?:Learning in a Toyota Corona, that I'll be sharing with mummabear
Play an Instrument?:Guitar, keyboard, drums, ukelelee
Glasses or Contacts?:None
Tattoo?:maybe later on
Makeup?:yes I like to look nice when I go out
Zodiac Sign:Scorpio (I think)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: -


Animal: Dogs
Automobile:Old vintage cars look so awesome
Shoe:my leopard print boots
Number: --
Food:Meat Lovers pizza
Fast Food Place and Food there:Subway
Musical Instrument:Accoustic guitar
Drink (not just alcoholic):Appletise
Actor: Darren Criss
Actress: ---
Music Genre:pop/rock/ballad
Singer: always changes
Band: always changes
Movie Genre: all sorts except scary
Hero/Heroine in Movie:---
Villain in Movie:---
Book Genre:anything I can read while lying in bath/bed
Book:HP Series at the moment
Author: all sorts
Board Game: last I played was disney trivial pursuit
Game Console:---
Computer/Console Game:---
Sport: some olympics on tv
Activity (Besides Sports):walkign to pool to swim in summer
Subject in School:music
Store:Forever new
Gum:hubba bubba
Candy:turkish delight choc bar
IM Service:--
Flavor: allsorts

-This or that?-

Email or IM:IM
Phone or in person:in person, but I'm shyer then =)
TV or Radio or Internet:internet
Cats or Dogs:dogs
Day or Night:day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala:Simba
Kiara or Kovu:Kovu
Zira or Scar:Zira
Mufasa or Scar:Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa:Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders:--
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard:PR
Pride Lands or Outlands:PL
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight":Can you feel .

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yes..when in pain
Alcohol: no
Cigarettes/Cigars:no.. wanna save my voice thanks
Chew: gum.used to but stuffs up my jaw
Lie:everyone does sometimes
Attempted Suicide:No
Attempted Murder:No, but there some I''d like to see leave this planet=)
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: yes a finger from basketball
Got in a fight, did you win:Yes
Been shot:nope
Want to go to college:Music college
Had an imaginary friend:can't remember
Wanted to be the opposite sex:No thanks lol
Had Déjà Vu:yes
Gone skinny dipping?:yes. Thats what having a pool and hot summer nights are for when the lights are off
Walk around nude?:24/7 under my clothes
-Love Life-

Is Love real?:Suppose so
Ever fallen in love?:no
If so, at what age?:--
Looks or Personality?: Personality. no point being with someone who can't make me laugh, but as long as nothing sprouting from middle of their head.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:average
Believe in love at first sight?:no
Do you want to get married?:Maybe
Define marriage and what it means to you:Being stuck with someone day in day out..lol kidding. Being with the one you love.
Do you want/have kids?: maybe
Boys name: I like werid names
Girls name:I like weird names

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done:Been a few, but it can stay a mystery to you all
Greatest thing you’ve done:music achievements
Funniest thing you’ve done: too embarrassing lol
Person/Place/Thing you hate:Depends on the moment
Person/Place/Thing you love:all sorts
Country you hate besides your own:Why would you hate a country. Just some stupid things they do
Country you love besides your own:Have only been to NZ. so NZ
Best feeling in the world:Happiness 24/7
Worst feeling in the world:Knowing my dad is probably going to die sooner than later =(

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?:Haven't thought about it
Do you believe in Abortion?:if it's not to be used as a contraceptive
Do you believe in Cloning?:no
Do you believe in Guns?: things that kill. nope
Do you believe in War?: NO. stupid asses that start it, need to be shipped to a desert island
Do you believe in Hunting? No unless for food/survival.
Do you believe in Taxes?:Have to have them to run the country
Do you believe in Texas?:Well it's on the map and where Manda lives =)
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:If two people love each other, why not
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:Everyone gets to choose for themself
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: from what I can remember - yes
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: nit sure, but he shouldn't have paid people to shut up.. thast guiltyness
Do you believe in Heaven?:I hope there is
Do you believe in Hell?:I don't like too much heat thanks


Hobbies: music/ swimming/ reading
Collections:used to be pawphans now pretty things for my room
Goals:Get enough money to go to JMC (music acadamy)
Dreams:weird ones lol
Fears: of if/when my dad dies; being hurt bad
Weaknesses:too emotional and sensitive
Most common emotion:changes all time
Perfect Pizza:meat lovers baby
What’s your favorite Memory:good times before high school
Countries you’ve been to:New Zealand
States/Provinces you’ve been to:---
What pet would you like:something that cleans up after itself
Any additional information:
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: sometimes.. I reakon this one needs revamping =)

June 20th, 2011, 03:41 AM

July 1st, 2011, 11:39 PM
Bump with content :D Here's mine..

First Name: Daniel
Screen Name (s): Taneli, Dani, Taneli Gepardi
Email: gepardipoju[at]gmail.com
Nicknames?: Taneli, Kitty, Spots
Birth date: 18 October 1987
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: White British
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Freckles: Yes, mostly on my face but some on my arms
Moles: Yes, one on my back
Scars: Yes, on my cheek.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: None (Atheist)
Political Party: Liberal
Country?: England
State/Province?: Yorkshire
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Gay
Parents Divorced?: Nope!
Siblings? How many?: One younger brother
Children? How many?: None
Best Friend (s): Mike, Carl, Matt, Chris
Pets (names and what they are): No pets
Job?: Librarian
Schooling?: College Diploma
Car?: None
Play an Instrument?: Piano, badly :p
Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses
Jewelry?: I wear a collar occasionally
Tattoo?: No, but I kinda want one
Makeup?: No XD
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rabbit


Animal: Cheetah
Color: Purple
Country: Finland
State/Province: In the US? Florida most likely
Automobile: Holden Monaro VXR *drool*
Shoe: My slippers :p
Number: Um, I 'unno =p
Food: Anything greasy and bad for me XD
Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC - Fillet Tower burger <3
Musical Instrument: Pipe organ
Drink (not just alcoholic): Alcoholic: Real ale, non-alcoholic: tea
Season: Autumn
Actor: Jason Statham (don't judge me XD)
Actress: Cameron Diaz
Music Genre: Industrial metal
Singer: Will Martin (even if he is a spoiled brat)
Band: HIM
Movie Genre: Action/Thriller
Movie: Die Hard
Hero/Heroine in Movie: John McClane
Villain in Movie: Jeremy Irons as Simon in Die Hard III
Book Genre: Thriller
Book: Anything by James Patterson
Author: See above :p
Board Game: Um, Cluedo :p
Game Console: SNES
Computer/Console Game: Metal Gear Solid (the original)
Sport: Rugby League
Activity (Besides Sports): Reading, watching TV
Website: www.hullfc.com
Subject in School: Music
Store: Play.com (online)
Gum: Wrigley's Extra
Candy: Anything with chocolate on it :p
IM Service:

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: TV
Cats or Dogs: Cats
Day or Night: Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu <3
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Muffy
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFTLT

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yes, smoked pot on a number of occasions
Alcohol: Yes XD
Cigarettes/Cigars: Regularly smoke cigars
Chew: Nah
Cuss/Swear: Far too often! D:
Lie: See above :p
Stole: Once, by accident XD
Attempted Suicide: Yep
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Broken my knuckle a few times
Got in a fight, did you win: Nope, and N/A
Been shot: Nope
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
Had Déjà Vu: Yeah
Gone skinny dipping?: Once, it was embarassing :lol:
Walk around nude?: Once or twice
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Of course
Ever fallen in love?: Yep
If so, at what age?: First time was 16
How many times?: Does this include crushes? If so then 6, otherwise 5
Ever been dumped?: Yep
How many times?: Once
Ever made out?: Yep
Ever had Sex?: Yep
Looks or Personality?: Personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Eh, neither really. I'm not ugly but I'm not good looking either
Believe in love at first sight?: Not really, I believe in crush at first sight though XD
Do you want to get married?: At some point, yeah
Define marriage and what it means to you: Two people in a loving relationship who wish to confirm said love by committing to each other for life
Do you want/have kids?: Nah, I like kids but I don't want any of my own XD
Boys name: Ryan
Girls name: Ruby

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Too many to think of just one
Greatest thing you’ve done: Moved into a place of my own
Funniest thing you’ve done: Too many to think of, again :p
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Work
Person/Place/Thing you love: Pay day, beer festivals XD
Country you hate besides your own: France
Country you love besides your own: Australia (even though I've never been)
Best feeling in the world: Calm, serenity etc
Worst feeling in the world: My mood swings >.>

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: No
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yep
Do you believe in Cloning?: Yep
Do you believe in Guns?: Hmm, toughy. Yes and no really
Do you believe in War?: No
Do you believe in Hunting?: For food, yes. For fun/sport, no
Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes
Do you believe in Texas?: Apparently it's somewhere in the US :p
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Of course
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Again, yes and no. Depends on the reasoning
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who knows?
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Dunno, bit late now anyway XD
Do you believe in Heaven?: No
Do you believe in Hell?: No


Hobbies: Furry, real ale/continental beer, sport
Collections: TLK, old concert/event tickets I've been to, airline boarding cards
Goals: To have as much enjoyment as I possibly can
Dreams: None really, just to try and enjoy what I do
Fears: Bankruptcy, growing old alone
Weaknesses: Too much of a pushover :V
Most common emotion: Cynicism
Perfect Pizza: Ham, pinapple and bacon
What’s your favorite Memory: Growing up in the early 90s
Countries you’ve been to: Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, USA
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Florida, California
What pet would you like: A cheetah XD
Any additional information: Southern Comfort Reserve is made of awesome and win!
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sort of

November 8th, 2013, 10:36 AM
LOL everyones bi :lol:
Yup, me too. :lol:

This questionnary is too long for me, so I'll fill just a part of it. ;P

First Name: Łukasz (Lucas)
Nicknames?: Nit, Nitrol, Tarabu, Mosi
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Country?: Poland
Marital Status?: In a relationship :3
Sexual Preference?: Bisexual


Animal: Dogs, big cats, wolfs :3
Number: 7
Musical Instrument: Drum
Drink (not just alcoholic): Red Hellena (http://www.24pr.pl/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/oranzada.jpg)
Season: Spring
Music Genre: Rock, Metal
Singer: Michael Jackson, Mika
Band: Hunter, Queen, Sabaton
Movie Genre: SciFi, Fantasy
Movie: TLK, Forrest Gump, Dzień Świra
Hero/Heroine in Movie:
Book Genre: Fantasy
Book: Nation
Author:Terry Pratchett
Board card Game: Cards Against Humanity:
Website: http://pridelands.eu/
Flavor: Sweet

-This or that?-

Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Day or Night: Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mugasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Both :D

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: nope
Alcohol: rarely
Cigarettes/Cigars: nope
Cuss/Swear: when I'm really angry
Lie: yeah, sometimes
Had Déjà Vu: a few times

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yesss :3
Ever fallen in love?: Eeeyup
If so, at what age?: 18
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: No
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Both :3
Believe in love at first sight?: Nah
Do you want/have kids?: Well, it's impossible since I have a boyfriend. xD

November 29th, 2013, 01:24 AM
First Name:Abigail
Screen Name (s):Zulama
Birth date:September 27, 1996
Ethnic Background:White
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color: Dirty blond
Righty or Lefty?:Righty
Political Party: Democratic
Country?:United States of America
Marital Status?:Single
Sexual Preference?:Straight
Siblings? How many?:Yes, two siblings: one younger sister and one younger brother.
Best Friend (s):I have too many to remember
Pets (names and what they are): Two cats named Frisky and Tigre
Schooling?:High School
Play an Instrument?:Yes, clarinet
Jewelry?:Necklaces and bracelets
Makeup?:Prefer not to wear makeup for I feel that it is unnecessary
Zodiac Sign:Libra
Chinese Zodiac Sign:Rat


Food:Macaroni and Cheese
Fast Food Place and Food there:McDonalds because of their fruit smoothies
Musical Instrument:Clarinet
Drink (not just alcoholic):Apple and white grape juice;tea, hot chocolate, chocolate milk, and fruit smoothies
Movie Genre:Animated, comedies, and horror
Movie:The Lion King
Hero/Heroine in Movie:Simba
Villain in Movie:Scar
Board Game:Sorry!
Game Console:Play Station and Game Boy Advanced
Computer/Console Game:
Activity (Besides Sports):Marching and Concert band;Drama
Website:The Lion King (thelionking.freeforums.org)
Subject in School:Anatomy and Physiology
Candy:Cotton Candy

-This or that?-

Email or IM:Email
Phone or in person:In person
TV or Radio or Internet:Internet
Day or Night:Night
And now some Lion King-related ones...
TLK or SP:The Lion King
Simba or Nala:Nala
Zira or Scar:Scar
Mufasa or Scar:Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa:Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders:Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard:Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands:Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight":"Can You Feel The Love Tonight"

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Stole:When I was younger
Attempted Suicide:No
Attempted Murder:No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone:No
Got in a fight, did you win:Yes, I got into a fight, but I didn't win.
Been shot:No
Want to go to college:Yes
Had an imaginary friend:Yes, his name was Akina
Wanted to be the opposite sex:No
Had Déjà Vu:Yes
Gone skinny dipping?:No
Walk around nude?: No
-Love Life-

Is Love real?:Yes
Ever fallen in love?:Yes
If so, at what age?:12
How many times?:Once
Ever been dumped?:Yes
How many times?:I have no clue
Ever made out?:No
Ever had Sex?:No
Looks or Personality?:Personality
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?:I feel both ways
Believe in love at first sight?:No
Do you want to get married?:Yes
Define marriage and what it means to you:Being with the person you love unconditionally.
Do you want/have kids?:Yes
Boys name:Alexander, Kendrick, and Kenardo
Girls name:Isabella, Naomi, Abigail (after me), and Beyonce

-The most-

Funniest thing you’ve done:Slipped on wet mulch after I jumped of the swings
Person/Place/Thing you love:My laptop
Country you hate besides your own:I don't hate any country. I believe you shouldn't hate any countries.
Country you love besides your own:Jamaica

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?:Yes
Do you believe in Abortion?:Yes
Do you believe in Cloning?:Yes
Do you believe in Guns?:Yes
Do you believe in War?:No
Do you believe in Hunting?:Only if your doing it for survival.
Do you believe in Taxes?:Yes
Do you believe in Texas?:Yes, it is a state after all. :lol:
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?:Yes
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?:No
Do you believe in Heaven?:Yes
Do you believe in Hell?:Yes


Perfect Pizza:Cheese
States/Provinces you’ve been to:Virginia, North and South Caronlina, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, and Washington D.C.
What pet would you like:A German Shepard
Do you enjoy Questionnaires:It depends on what information is being asked.

August 17th, 2014, 11:22 PM
Well, I think it's time for me to update this. Some of my views on certain subjects have changed over these past few years, as well as my situation in general, so here it goes.


First Name: Jorge Emilio
Screen Name (s): Leorgathar
Email: dr.emiliogarcia@gmail.com
Nicknames?: Some people call me "Gemelo" (twin), but I prefer Leor xD
Birth date: August 1st, 1986
Gender: Male
Ethnic Background: Latin American
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Freckles: None
Moles: One under my left sideburn
Scars: One on my upper lip on the left side
Righty or Lefty?: More righty than lefty
Religion: Here one big change from my last questionnaire. My family is Catholic, but now I consider myself Agnostic/Atheist. I'm not very open about it IRL, though.
Political Party: Democrat (but I'm never obsessive with politics)
Country?: Mexico
State/Province?: Chihuahua
Marital Status?: Single
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: A twin brother and a sister
Children? How many?: Not yet ready for that xD
Best Friend (s): My good pal Guz, I'm his son's godfather. Plus my good friends on Lea, of course
Pets (names and what they are): my dog, Matilda (a miniature Pinscher), 5 desert tortoises, and 2 cane toads
Job?: I'm a dental surgeon. I have a dental office of my own, but I'm not yet very well known.
Schooling?: Graduated from Dentistry College back in 2013
Car?: A Grand Cherokee '99
Play an Instrument?: Not really. I tried to play acoustic guitar for some time, but I couldn't dedicate to it as much as I wanted to -_- I think I need some off and get some serious guitar lessons
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope
Jewelry?: I'm not a man of accessories xD
Tattoo?: Nope, and if I ever get one, it has to be really meaningful and one I won't ever regret, hehe.
Makeup?: Only for halloween xD
Zodiac Sign: Leo (yay! xD)
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Tiger (Double yay! xD)

Animal: Jaguar, Lion, Reptiles
Color: Green
Country: England, Mexico, Norway, Japan, and any African country
State/Province: Hmm hard to choose from many. If I had to choose from the U.S., I'd say Texas or New Mexico, but that's simply because I'm familiar with them.
Automobile: I'm not a car person, but I'll go with the DeLorean from Back to the Future xD
Shoe: Black shoes and sandals
Number: 23, I don't know why, maybe it's related to the 23 enigma (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_enigma)
Food: Sushi, Italian, and tacos
Fast Food Place and Food there: Subway, Pizza Hut
Musical Instrument: Acoustic guitar, violin
Drink (not just alcoholic): Piña colada, Clamato
Season: Summer, although I do enjoy winter as well
Actor: Bryan Cranston, Russel Crowe, among others
Actress: Jennifer Connelly, Jennifer Lawrence, among others
Music Genre: Classic Rock, epic movie/videogame soundtracks
Singer: Bryan Adams
Band: Scorpions, Oasis
Movie Genre: Any movie genere, really, except for those awful new parody movies. I have a preference for 2D animated movies, of course.
Movie: The Lion King, of course xD. I also like Blood Diamond, Star Wars movies, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit movies, Pan's Labyrinth, among many others.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba, Mufasa, Bilbo Baggins, Patch Adams, among many others
Villain in Movie: Scar, Darth Vader, The Joker, and again, among maaany others
Book Genre: Animal novels, fantasy, science fiction
Book: The Lord of the Rings, Ratha and the Named series, The Sight
Author: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Clare Bell, David Clement-Davies
Board Game: Hmm I don't play many board games, but I like Risk, hehe
Game Console: Any console, really. I have a preference for Nintendo games, but with their situation right now I've moved on to other options. I have an XBox One now :P
Computer/Console Game: Legend of Zelda series, of course! xD also Okami, Metroid, Metal Gear Solid, Portal 1 & 2. I also like point & click adventure games.
Sport: Racketball, and Football sometimes (soccer)
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing, writing, videogames, etc.
Website: LeaHalalela, of course xD I also read a lot of Cracked.com and Gizmodo articles
Subject in School: I got a big taste for Biology back in highschool.
Store: GameStop, Barnes & Noble
Gum: Trident, mint flavoured (recommended by your local dentist xD)
Candy: Hard to choose... maybe caramel xP
Email or IM: Hmm I guess IM xD
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet, of course
Flavor: Lemony with some chili powder xD
Cats or Dogs: Both, but cats are special xD
Day or Night: Day and Night :P
IM Service: WhatsApp, Skype, or Facebook

August 17th, 2014, 11:23 PM
-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Nope
Alcohol: Only socially, never in abuse
Cigarettes/Cigars: I tried it once, but I never got a taste for it. Besides, as an oral hygienist, I'm way against them.
Chew: Trident gum? yeah, I guess that's what it means xD
Cuss/Swear: Sometimes, but with my friends, and in a friendly way. Also when I'm really angry, but I'd rather not to.
Lie: I always try to avoid any situation in which I'm forced to, but no, I'm no liar :P
Stole: Nope, unless it's been accidentally O.o
Attempted Suicide: Nope, I would never do that, unless it's to save a life precious to me.
Attempted Murder: Countless mosquitoes xP
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Actually no, I haven't broken anything so far, does that make me less cool? O.o
Got in a fight, did you win: I got into a fight in highschool with a bully that had it coming, no one won it, but he apologized the next day. So I respect that.
Been shot: With a paintball gun on the back of my hand. Painful >.<
Want to go to college: I graduated from it in 2013, I said :P
Had an imaginary friend: Hmm, when I was a kid. He was an oversized Godzilla-like giant lizard, never had a name for it xD
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope, but I do try to be empathic and understand things from a woman's point of view.
Had Déjà Vu: Explainable by science and not mystical in any way, but yeah, I guess so
Gone skinny dipping?: No, but maybe I'll add that to my bucket list... maybe xD
Walk around nude?: Before showering xP
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes, definitely
Ever fallen in love?: Yep
If so, at what age?: For real, at 23 years old.
How many times?: Two, I'd say, but the first one doesn't really count xP and I currently have kind of a big crush on someone, but I'm aware that I have virtually zero chances with her.
Ever been dumped?: Yes
How many times?: Once, by my first date, because of religious differences (she was a Jeovah's witness and got angry at me because I believe in evolution, yeah xP)
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Personality above all, but looks is good as long as it mirrors health, hehe
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Hmm, no one has really called me ugly, but you tell me xD
Believe in love at first sight?: Nope, there's attraction at first sight, but for loving someone you have to get to know them, of course xP
Do you want to get married?: Someday, yeah
Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage is when love has found its way to finally settle down in a couple, making it official and promising to keep it that way till the end.
Do you want/have kids?: I actually would like to have kids someday.
Boys name: Aaron
Girls name: Evangeline
-The most-

Stupidest thing you've done: Almost getting stranded in the desert without telling anyone of my whereabouts -.-
Greatest thing you've done: Graduating from Dentistry College, proving wrong the people who told me that I couldn't. And travelling across the world in the name of love.
Funniest thing you've done: Quite some things xD but I do recall a commercial I did with my friends for selling donuts in an economy project for a highschool fair. It was embarassingly hillarious :lol:
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I don't think there's someone I really "hate", neither a place or a thing xP
Person/Place/Thing you love: Person: My family, I guess / Place: Natural landscapes / Thing: my dental unit xD
Country you hate besides your own: I don't really "hate" a country, but I dislike religious and political extremists in some of them xP
Country you love besides your own: England, Poland, Switzerland, Norway.
Best feeling in the world: To love and be loved. Also, the joy of discovery.
Worst feeling in the world: Loneliness, and the depression that comes with it.
-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: I'm agnostic/atheist now, so I don't believe in the Biblical God anymore, that changed a couple of years ago. I believe in what can be explained by science.
Do you believe in Abortion?: If it's necessary and perhaps not very late in pregnancy, but I support women's rights to their own bodies (yeah, my views on this subject also changed, somewhat xP)
Do you believe in Cloning?: Should be studied even more deeply, so I can't really say.
Do you believe in Guns?: Only in self defense, not in wars or as a way of revenge.
Do you believe in War?: I think it's childish, seriously, no matter how cool guns and armies are.
Do you believe in Hunting?: For the need of food, but not as a sport.
Do you believe in Taxes?: To a certain degree, yeah. As long as it's fair.
Do you believe in Texas?: My neighbor up in the North? yep, it's right there xD
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yep
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Only for physiological and reconstruction purposes, not aesthetically
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Not a clue xP
Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so, no
Do you believe in Heaven?: Well, I'm agnostic now leaning towards atheist, so no. Coming to terms with the idea of heaven not existing was difficult for me at some point, but still, who am I to say there's nothing after death?
Do you believe in Hell?: Read above xP

Hobbies: videogames, reading, drawing
Collections: Coins from other countries.
Goals: To become successful in my career, and to live along with a woman I'd love, maybe start a family
Dreams: To write a book of stories, and to be able to travel more.
Fears: To not succeed in my goals.
Weaknesses: I'm usually a quiet and calm person, but failure really gets me, and when I'm on my limits I can have quite a temper. Also, I don't talk much to people about my feelings, I don't think there's anyone I'm really open with.
Most common emotion: Content and imaginative.
Perfect Pizza: Menonite style pizza, its really worth trying, especially for the special cheese on it ^^
What's your favorite Memory: All those trips to Europe during my exchange student year in Poland, and during my previous relationship.
Countries you've been to: Mexico, USA, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Spain, England, Scotland, Ireland.
States/Provinces you?ve been to: In U.S., California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida, New York.
What pet would you like: An iguana, a snake, a cat.
Any additional information: I can lick my own elbow and do tricks with my tongue :p
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yes, even if they take me too long to do.

August 30th, 2014, 06:28 AM
Well since Leor decided to update his, I think I will update mine too as some things has changed.

First Name: Audra
Screen Name (s): Sharifu, YoshiGirl, DinoGirl, and BirdyGirl85
Email: birdygirl85@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Fu'ey, Audrafu, and Auddie
Birth date: April 27, 1985
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: American. :p Well my dad is half Arabic which makes me 25% Arabic. My Aunt says there is French in my mom's family. I do wish I could know more of my ethnic background, I know my mom has mentioned possibly more, (I remember her mentioning possibly Scottish I think, and even Native American) but even her mother wasn't sure all of her ethnic background.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Freckles: A little on my face.
Moles: A few on my arms.
Scars: Yeah I have some scars I guess, I have one on my forehead above my left eyebrow from an accident when I was a kid.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: I grew up in a Christian family but honestly I feel more like Agnostic. I am not saying for sure I don't believe in a god or heaven, but I'm just not sure.
Political Party: I don't really like to get into politics.
Country?: United States of America
State/Province?: California
Marital Status?: I am married.
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Yes
Siblings? How many?: One younger sister.
Children? How many?: No!
Best Friend (s): Petteri my husband, and two people I grew up with in California. I would even say some close friends I made on Lea.
Pets (names and what they are): Miss Kitty the cat. I do still consider Bella our pet, but she is my mom's dog, and we don't live with my mom anymore. I sure do miss Bella though and love it when I can visit her.
Job?: Cashier
Schooling?: Currently back at DeAnza College. I hope I get somewhere with this... :p
Car?: Petteri and I own a light blue 2011 Hyundai Accent. :D
Play an Instrument?: No
Glasses or Contacts?: Neither
Jewelry?: I always wear my wedding ring and my gold heart necklace Petteri gave me when we first got together. Sometimes I'll wear earrings and/or bracelets. Usually that depends on what I am wearing.
Tattoo?: No
Makeup?: Nope. I think natural beauty is the best. The very rare occasion I would wear make up is for a special occasion, or dressing up in a costume for Halloween. Plus I am glad I don't normally wear makeup, makeup is expensive!
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox


Animal: Dinosaurs, but I also love birds, dogs and cats.
Color: Blue
Country: U.S.A. I like living here.
State/Province: California, but honestly I miss Oregon sometimes too, so I would say both.
Automobile: I don't know, I would say our car. :lol:
Shoe: I don't think this brand of shoes are very well known, but I love Grasshopper shoes, they look nice and are super comfortable.
Number: 7, I guess. It's lucky, haha.
Food: Chinese food and sushi.
Fast Food Place and Food there: I guess Taco Bell. In-N-Out Burger is good too, I get to go there more often now that I am living in California again.
Musical Instrument: I don't know.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Raspberry Tea.
Season: I don't know, I like them all for different reasons.
Actor: I don't have a favorite actor.
Actress: I don't have a favorite actress.
Music Genre: I like lots of different music genres. (Just no rap and county please)
Singer: Don't have a favorite.
Band: Don't have a favorite.
Movie Genre: Animation, fantasy, etc...
Movie: I like many movies, mostly animated ones, but my most favorites I would say is The Lion King and Jurassic Park.
Hero/Heroine in Movie: I don't know.
Villain in Movie: Scar, I guess.
Book Genre: I don't know, I don't read books too often.
Book: Read above.
Author: Read above.
Board Game: Disney Scene It
Game Console: I was going to say Wii U, but I think I will say 3DS XL. Which would of surprised me long ago because I preferred to play games on a TV screen then a portable system. But I love my 3DS XL and play it much more then my Wii U.
Computer/Console Game: Mostly Nintendo games. Honestly I am playing Animal Crossing New Leaf almost every day. :lol: It's such a relaxing game to play.
Sport: Swimming. That is doing it myself. I don't like watching sports on TV.
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing
Website: leahalalela.net :D Of course!
Subject in School: Animation
Store: Disney Store
Gum: Trident gum I guess. It's the brand of gum I chew the most. I like the fruity flavors more then mint.
Candy: Sees Chocolate, the raspberry creams are my favorite. Also Fazer Chocolate bars from Finland. Europe has the best chocolate!
IM Service: I guess Skype.
Flavor: I don't know.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: In person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Both
Day or Night: Day, but I like night too.
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life

August 30th, 2014, 06:28 AM
-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: A little from time to time.
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: Sometimes
Lie: Haven't we all at times? I don't like to though.
Stole: Yeah, when I was little I stole some candy from a store, honestly I can't believe I did that, I would never steal again.
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: No
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a fight.
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: No
Wanted to be the opposite sex: No
Had Déjà Vu: I don't think so.
Gone skinny dipping?: No
Walk around nude?: Only when no one was home, and if I was walking to the bathroom to shower.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes of course.
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: 19
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: --
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Personality is the most important. Yes looks are important to some degree, but I believe when you like someone's personality, they look more attractive to you as well.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Well I don't think I am ugly... Sometimes I feel kind of attractive, depends on how I feel that day I guess.
Believe in love at first sight?: Never, I think love takes time to develop.
Do you want to get married?: Already am.
Define marriage and what it means to you: Being with the person you love forever.
Do you want/have kids?: No. I might change my mind in the future but right now I can't imagine having kids.
Boys name: I like the name Michael, but that is such a common name. But I guess it would go well with our last name. :p
Girls name: Krystal

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Stole candy from a store when I was a kid.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Working on the fiance visa process with Petteri, having him move here and getting married.
Funniest thing you’ve done: I don't know
Person/Place/Thing you hate: Hate is a strong word, I wouldn't say hate, but I don't have a very good relationship with my dad, I don't admire him very much...
Person/Place/Thing you love: Petteri/My Mom/My Pets/My Friends/Disney Parks/Beaches
Country you hate besides your own: I don't hate a country.
Country you love besides your own: I don't know, I feel like I need to visit more countries before I can make that decision.
Best feeling in the world: Love and being loved.
Worst feeling in the world: Stress and fear

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Not really.
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes
Do you believe in Cloning?: Sure
Do you believe in Guns?: For some things I guess, like being a cop and protecting people with it.
Do you believe in War?: No
Do you believe in Hunting? I guess, if the animal will be used for food.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Sure, it pays for things we need.
Do you believe in Texas?: This is a stupid question, yes I believe Texas exists.
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Sure, why not? We all deserve equal rights.
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: For some reasons.
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I don't know.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Maybe
Do you believe in Hell?: I don't know.


Hobbies: Drawing
Collections: Things from my favorite movies and TV shows.
Goals: To work in the animation field some how. Currently back in college taking animation classes so I guess that's a start back on that path. :p
Dreams: I would say the answer would be the same as my goal. And after we get better paying jobs, I really look forward to finally having our own place to live in.
Fears: Losing someone I love.
Weaknesses: I don't know.
Most common emotion: Happiness I guess. I think most of the time I usually have a positive outlook on life.
Perfect Pizza: Don't know, I like lots of different toppings on pizza.
What’s your favorite Memory: I have lots of memories I like.
Countries you’ve been to: U.S.A., Finland, Sweden, France and England.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida and Hawaii.
What pet would you like: I miss having a bird at times, so I guess a bird.
Any additional information: Right now, I can't think of anything.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometimes

October 2nd, 2014, 10:48 PM
I was bored and sleepless tonight....so here's mine.

First Name: Maria
Screen Name (s): Kossu,phoenixmystery
Email: mariaqwert(at)Hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Mellon,Simba(my big brother called me that when I was a kid)
Birth date: 22.08.1991
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Greek
Eye Color: Brown with yellow rings
Hair Color: Dark brown
Freckles: none
Moles: some
Scars: A lot on my knees…I was a clumpsy little daredevil once.
Righty or Lefty?: Righty mostly.
Religion: Brought up in a Christian family..I tend towards agnosticism though.
Political Party: Lionesses of left wing of Priderock.:P I don’t like politics.Socialism applies to my ideals the most,I suppose.
Country?: Greece
State/Province?: Attica
Marital Status?: Taken
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: 1 big brother
Children? How many?: no offsprings yet xD
Best Friend (s): Petri,Electra
Pets (names and what they are): Boris…my laptop.Sad,I know.I can’t afford a real pet right now.I’ve had a dog and cats in the past…
Job?: Dreamer of the open sky and the deep blue sea.
Schooling?: University student(current education)
Car?: None,but if I could afford one…well I like small jeeps.Like Suzuki or Lada(yes!)
Play an Instrument?: Piano,flute and I have an ocarina but I never really practice.
Glasses or Contacts?: both
Jewelry?: 2 rings and a bracelet that my love gave me…and a lion necklace.
Tattoo?: None…and I don’t really want any.Maybe a lion king related one would be cool though.
Makeup?: Only on some formal occasions.Otherwise,I can’t stand stuff on my face.
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Goat/sheep


Animal:ALL felines,donkey,honey badger
Country: Well I haven’t been anywhere abroad besides the Netherlands,Germany and Italy…But I’ve always wanted to travel around the African continent…and New Zealand.And Alaska.I’m very fond of the very north areas of North America,thank you Don Rosa and Carl Barks for the inspiring Scrooge McDuck stories.
State/Province: Friesland in the Netherlands,Arcadia in Greece
Automobile: I like jeeps…Like some small Suzuki’s..and Lada’s xD
Shoe: Sport shoes mostly.Or my trekking boots.
Number: 8
Food: Oriental food and greek cuisine are my favorites…pretty much everything I’ve tried from both,I’ve liked.
Fast Food Place and Food there: Any good souvlaki place in Greece..and dutch patat at Smullers.
Musical Instrument: Violin,piano,flute,kantele
Drink (not just alcoholic): Non alcoholic: Cassis,mountain tea//Alcoholic: amarula,cola with rum
Season: Summer is always the most special for me…Though each season has its own beauties.
Actor: None,though I was fond of Ewan McGregor in the past.
Actress: None
Music Genre: Rock,Ethnic,Instrumental
Singer: MeatLoaf,Loreena McKennit,Elton John,Alkinoos Ioannidis,Alkistis Protopsalti,Bob Dylan,Bon Jovi,Bryan Adams
Band: Blof,Ksylina Spathia,Nightwish,The Beatles,Queen,For my Pain,Toto,Fleetwood Mac,Dragonforce
Movie Genre: Animation,Fantasy,Comedy
Movie: The lion king,How to train your dragon,Treasure Planet,all from Studio Ghibli,The lord of the rings,The brothers Bloom,V for Vendetta,The illusionist,Amelie,Seabiscuit,Moulin Rouge,Stardust,The fall,Wolf Children Ame and Yuki,Homeward bound:The incredible journey,Beauty and the Beast,Duma,Children who chase voices from deep below,Megamind
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba,Nala,Hiccup
Villain in Movie: Scar,Megamind
Book Genre: Fantasy(animal related especially)
Book: The wheel of time series,Sophie’s World,The solitaire mystery,Orange Girl,The books of the Named(Ratha series),The call of the wild,The horse and his boy,The last black cat,The darkroom of Damocles,De aanslag,Memoirs of Jaguar and Eagle
Author: Robert Jordan,Jostein Gaarder,Isabel Allende,Clare Bell,Evgenios Trivizas,Jack London,Harry Mullisch
Board Game: I LOVE board games.I play a lot with my friends,especially rpg’s…Anything from Monopoly and Carcassone to Hero Quest and Runebound…Also card games like MTG…
Game Console: PC…And old good Game boy Advance..
Computer/Console Game: I was addicted to the Lion King game as a kid…besides I like some of the Final Fantasy games(Tactics and 8),Breath of fire 1,2,3 and once every two-three years I might get addicted to World of Warcraft for short periods…also Hearthstone,I discovered it recently and it’s fun.
Sport: Basketball,cycling…Horse riding..(if only I could do it more often).And I’d love to try some real archery some day.
Activity (Besides Sports): Drawing,travelling,reading
Website: fanart.lionking.org will always be number one in my heart.
Subject in School: Biology and history
Store: Pet stores and Art stores are like,the equal of candy stores for me xD
Gum: Green tea gum..though generally I don’t like gum very much.
Candy: Chocolate,sour candy(yum!)
IM Service: Skype,viber
Flavor: Strawberry

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Both
Day or Night: Night…usually nice and quiet
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba
Kiara or Kovu: Kiara
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Elephant Graveyard…You can basically become an elephant anatomist there.
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Circle of Life

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: Yes,with friends/family usually
Cigarettes/Cigars: No and I hate the idea of it.
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: At times a lot.For example, when I watch soccer/play Hearthstone.Evil rpg’s.Consuming my soul.
Lie: Yes,I’m a human being.
Stole: No
Attempted Suicide: No,I’ve thought of it at times of desperation.
Attempted Murder: No but I must have murdered plenty of microorganisms/bugs through the course of my life…uhm…unintentionally.
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Fractured the bones of a finger once.It was painful.
Got in a fight, did you win: A couple of times when I was a kid.I taught a lesson to one of my bullies once.Besides that,no glorious moments.
Been shot: Nope
Want to go to college: Uhm,I’m a university student.
Had an imaginary friend: Yes,ALL MY FRIENDS ARE IMAGINARY.Uhm,just kidding.Or am I?
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope
Had Déjà Vu: Plenty of times,especially when I am very tired
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
Walk around nude?: In the bathroom
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: For real,at 15.
How many times?: 1
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: None
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Personality..but I can’t ignore looks.If they can be balanced enough,perfect.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Nor attractive nor ugly I guess.Regular homo sapiens.
Believe in love at first sight?: Attraction,yes.Love,no.
Do you want to get married?: Eventually.
Define marriage and what it means to you: A contract/formal bond.For the eyes of the world mostly.
Do you want/have kids?: Yes,though I despised the idea in the past.When you fall in love things can change though.
Boys name:Leon,Constantine,Martin
Girls name:Artemis,Niove,Nala.If I ever have a daughter I’d love to name her Nala…I just love that name.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Being dishonest towards my parents on an important matter.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Staying together with the person I love despite all obstacles between us through the years.
Funniest thing you’ve done: I really can't remember of anything particularly funny right now.- -
Person/Place/Thing you hate: I HATE animal abusers.And I don't like intolerant people/extremists.
Person/Place/Thing you love: Petri/Anywhere where Petri is/my drawing utensils.
Country you hate besides your own: I don’t hate my country.And I don’t hate any country really.
Country you love besides your own: The Netherlands.My special someone is Dutch and I’ve lived there for 2 years.
Best feeling in the world: Being loved,being healthy,feeling that you belong somewhere.Like the feeling I get here on Lea even though I’m still a relatively new member…
Worst feeling in the world: Left behind,insecurity in any level.Psychologically,financially etc.


October 2nd, 2014, 10:49 PM
-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: In my own way.
Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes but in my opinion it's a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Do you believe in Cloning?: For medical purposes only and then again,I don't support the cloning of creatures but that of organs.Many moral problems to be solved on the matter.
Do you believe in Guns?: I don’t like guns.
Do you believe in War?: One of the ugly sides of our species.
Do you believe in Hunting? I accept hunting in 2 occasions.First,as means of survival,if there is no other alternative.Second,ecologically I find hunting useful,for places that no longer sustain large predators/predators in general.
Do you believe in Taxes?: No but taxes believe in me…
Do you believe in Texas?: ….
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Yes
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who?
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Only he knew but now he’s dead,so little does it matter.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Heaven is where your loved ones are.
Do you believe in Hell?: Also in my own way


Hobbies: Drawing,reading(books and comics),cycling,board games,hiking,travelling
Collections: lion king stuff,keys,rocks
Goals: finish my studies
Dreams: Keeping the people I love happy,to be a good,helpful vet one day
Fears: Hurting the people I love on my attempt to achieve my dreams
Weaknesses: My negativity and at times,my bad temper
Most common emotion: Lately,tense and hopeless
Perfect Pizza: One with ham and lots of fresh mushrooms*loves mushrooms in pizza*.Or tuna pizza with onion and oregano.
What’s your favorite Memory: Being to the cinema,watching The Lion King.One of my earliest memories,if not the earliest.
Countries you’ve been to: Italy,Netherlands(I’ve lived there for 2 years),Greece(where I was born and live right now),Germany ,Switzerland(in the airport only..but oh well:P)
States/Provinces you’ve been to:..uhm not sure what answer is fit here.
What pet would you like: A cat…or a dog.Or a mini donkey.Donkeys are awesome.Snakes are cool too though.But I don’t support the idea of having exotic pets,so I guess I wouldn’t have any.
Any additional information: zzzzZZZZzzzzzzz
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: They're fun to do once in a while.This one was too long.

October 13th, 2014, 03:37 AM
First Name: Alexis
Screen Name (s): Utora, angel624
Nicknames?: Lex
Birthdate: 01.29
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Russian, Ukrainian, Irish and German
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Freckles: Some..
Moles: Some..
Scars: A few...
Righty or Lefty?:Ambi.
Religion: I am not, but I do believe in a higher power.
Political Party: Balanced
Country?: USA
State/Province?: MO
Marital Status?: Not Married
Sexual Preference?: Straight
Parents Divorced?: Nope
Siblings? How many?: 5
Children? How many?: 0
Best Friend (s): Hmm....
Pets (names and what they are): 9 cats (only 1 is mine, I had nothing to do with the other eight...) 2 snakes..
Job?: ...a form of security.
Schooling?: College (working on Associates)
Car?: Cadillac CTS 4 ('08)
Play an Instrument?: Not presently.
Glasses or Contacts?: Both
Jewelry?: Italian coin necklace.
Tattoo?: None
Makeup?: Sometimes, but not usually.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius 1st House
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Metal Yang Horse



Animal: Lion
Color: Bright/Neon ones, and Maroon
Country: Russia
State/Province: Irkutsk
Automobile: Jaguar
Musical Instrument: Cello
Drink (not just alcoholic): Oolong & Jasmine Tea, Pepsi, Sparkling Water - Red Wines (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon), Vodka
Season: Autumn and primarly Winter
Actor: Sergei Bodrov Jr., Christopher Walken, Robin Williams, Daniel Craig, Robert Shaw, Geoffrey Rush and some others...
Actress: Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett
Music Genre: Classical, NeoClassical, Techno, Trance, Gabber, Country..some others...
Movie Genre: Documentary, War, Action, Adventure, Syfy.
Book Genre: Autobiography, Mystery
Board Game: Axis & Allies WW2
Game Console: PC
Computer/Console Game: Diablo 1, Red Orchestra, Red Baron, (flight simulators)
Sport: Hockey, Football (Soccer)
Activity (Besides Sports): Learning
Subject in School: History
Candy: Chocolate Pomegranates
IM Service: Skype
Flavor: Salty


-This or that?-

Email or IM: Email..hehe.
Phone or in person: In person.
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs (but I enjoy cats too.)
Day or Night: Day

And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Timon
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock
Pride Lands or Outlands: PRide Lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": CYFtLT


-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No
Alcohol: Yes
Cigarettes/Cigars: No
Chew: No
Cuss/Swear: It happens....
Lie: I do everything I can not to.
Stole: When I was younger.
Attempted Suicide: No
Attempted Murder: No
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Yes (broken)
Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, and yes - & I've lost before too.
Been shot: No
Want to go to college: I'm in college.
Had an imaginary friend: Yes, Chi-Chi the Cheetah...I was 5.
Wanted to be the opposite sex: Not really.
Had Déjà Vu: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: Yes
Walk around nude?: Yes

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes
Ever fallen in love?: Yes
If so, at what age?: 20
How many times?: Twice
Ever been dumped?: No
How many times?: 0
Ever made out?: Yes
Ever had Sex?: Yes
Looks or Personality?: Personality, and then Looks
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I believe I am attractive but my character is prone to ugliness, which I try to resolve in myself.
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes (if you know how to read a person...)
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage does not make an uncommitted person suddenly committed. I believe it is the act of honoring eachother throughout life.
Do you want/have kids?: Yes
Boys name: Vyacheslav
Girls name: ..I don't know yet.

October 13th, 2014, 04:34 PM
First Name: Emil
Screen Name (s): Shadow/ The Shadow of Light
Email: theshadowoflight89@gmail.com
Nicknames?: Shads or Shaddie
Birth date: 25/06-1989
Ethnic Background:Etnetic swedish
Eye Color: sea green
Hair Color: brownm( Till i colur it black ;3)
Freckles: nope
Moles: nope
Scars: a few very small ones, otherwise big emotional ones (ohh edgy right? )
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Religion: Athiest
Political Party: Democrat
Country?: Sweden
State/Province?: Skåne
Marital Status?: Single and not loving it :vitsm:
Sexual Preference?: Straight!...xecpt for when im drunk...not bi though...long story...i just like partying kay :scarimking:
Parents Divorced?: Nah...
Siblings? How many?: 2 blood related and 3 not by blood
Children? How many?: none
Best Friend (s): Well...I got tons of friends specially from here that are really close , but well beyond that GB who is my Bromance :3
Pets (names and what they are) Irra, German shepard, Ville cat, Svinto cat, and Pepis Cat, though they are more" family" pets than actually mine
Job?: Retail WOHO! (hey i used to work at a pizzeria, this is heaven! )
Schooling?: Pre-collage.
Car?: nope, not even a licence, working on that.
Play an Instrument?: nope want to learn guitar though.
Glasses or Contacts?: Nope perfect vision.
Jewelry?: One earing in left ear and one in my right eyebrown.
Tattoo?: nope
Makeup?: nope
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: whats that ? 0.o


Animal: Lion
Color: ...purple
Country: Sweden :3
State/Province: Stockholm
Automobile: ehh..dont have one fave
Shoe:...the ones on my feet?
Number: have none
Fast Food Place and Food there: Burger King, and...any cheese bacon burger?
Musical Instrument: ohh any classical instrument where its not supuse ot be :3
Drink (not just alcoholic): coder,absinte,xante, and any soda? like cola n pepsi ^^
Season: summer!
Actor: Alexander Karim (Swedish one)
Actress: eh....i dunno?
Music Genre:Any
Singer: Tarja who previously was a singer for nightwish
Band: Stiftelsen and Takida ^^
Movie Genre: Horror/ any
Movie: TLk
Hero/Heroine in Movie:I dunno lol
Villain in Movie: Frolo "swedish version"
Book Genre: Fantasy!
Book: The golden compas!
Author: dunno
Board Game: dunno
Game Console: The Playstation ones (only cause my fave game develiopers develop for them)
Computer/Console Game: The Kingdom hearts series, Silent Hill series, Resident evil series and Uncharted series.
Sport: hmmm Swimming and soccer
Activity (Besides Sports): Going to the gym , Party, hanging with friends gaming
Website: Ehh rather not say ^^:
Subject in School: Ohh English!
Store: Ebay ;3
Gum: ehhh...extra?
Candy: Marabo Creamy biscut chocolate...unhgg..god orgasmicly good.
IM Service: Skype
Flavor: Chocolate and Vanila!

-This or that?-

Email or IM: IM
Phone or in person: Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internet
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
Day or Night: Day
And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Nala
Kiara or Kovu: Kovu
Zira or Scar: Scar
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa
Hyenas or Outsiders:Hyenas
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride rock ^^
Pride Lands or Outlands: Ohh, Pride lands
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": cant pick.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Cigarettes/Cigars: Ehh..iv put em in my mouth..but i have never smoked for a period of time no.
Chew: Tobaco?...ehwww..gross..
Cuss/Swear: To much, though try not too :3
Lie:Havent we all?
Stole: When i was little.
Attempted Suicide: nahh, thought has crossed me, but hey again havent it everyone at least once?
Attempted Murder: Nope.
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: My collar bone i broke first ( and last) Time skeeing, though i tried snowboards years later and that worked out fine, with the Lea folk actually :3
Got in a fight, did you win: Pysical one?...well no i never have actually, been close several times but nope, i never thought anyone
Been shot: Only in my dreams ^^
Want to go to college: oh god yes i wish.
Had an imaginary friend: Still do!...ok maybe not but it sounded cute =.=
Wanted to be the opposite sex: ...actually...yes, though i never "wish" to switch im perfectly content not bleeding out of my genetelia
Had Déjà Vu: yarp
Gone skinny dipping?: most defedently ;3
Walk around nude?: Am actually nude right now.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Sure it is!
Ever fallen in love?: yeah
If so, at what age?: 22 or so ?
How many times?: Once
Ever been dumped?: ......actually no 0.o
How many times?: Iv dumped several people..though its years and far between, and i always felt horrid afterwards...
Ever made out?: ohhh yeah ;3
Ever had Sex?: Sure had! :kovusmile:
Looks or Personality?:....Ok im going to be THAT guy now..but Both, IF i am not pysically attracted to someone i could never be with them, BUT the same works the other way around, iv had SUPER HAWT girls out of my leage come up to me with the IQ of a gold fish...and i just couldnt bring myself try anything with em casue...well..there stupid:wtf:
so both...but i guess if i have to pick, Looks
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I used to be a little chub chubby chub chubb, now...I actually dont look so bad :thinks:
Believe in love at first sight?: Sure i guess havent thought much on it.
Do you want to get married?: sometime yeah ^^
Define marriage and what it means to you: 2 people who have been together for a really long time and will until death do them part
Do you want/have kids?: eh...maybe
Boys name: Lucifer!
Girls name:Pandora!

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: gawd theres so much...but I guess breaking up with people once it started to become real, cause im to afraid to properly open up and be vulnerable, and that leaves me just being alone.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Go to disneyland with Audra STM and a few others...traveling the world, and meeting up with people, memories i treasure very dearly :sarabismile:
Funniest thing you’ve done: no idea actually...
Person/Place/Thing you hate: My home town, the past, and Moody *** people who wallow in self pitty and depression.
Person/Place/Thing you love: My friends...i guess i dont really have a fave place to be honest.
Country you hate besides your own: France! learn english god damnit your french disneyland sucks for us europians!
Country you love besides your own: England is pretty cool x3
Best feeling in the world: I dont know but...i hope it is being in love, its been so long and it didnt end well i would just love to fall in love, let all my worries go, spoil my love and just snuggle n watch a film and protect em from all evil in this world.

A bit more home to earth it is just spending time with your friends and having a good time :zazusmile:
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling Alone.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Nope
Do you believe in Abortion?: Well of course.
Do you believe in Cloning?: Eh..not sure...
Do you believe in Guns?: Nope ( I feel the defenition of Believe should have been more explored in these questions :thinks: )
Do you believe in War?: Well...War is neccicary i guess...to keep our world from overpopulating..horrible horrible truth, but a truth none the less.
Do you believe in Hunting? Only if every part of the animal is used, or one uses tranqualiser darts.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Yeap.
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yep, no one loves thier child more than a cupploe of gay folks
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Hey i dont ned to belive nothing, whatever one do to thier body is thier bussnies:rafikiinnocent:
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Dont know dont care.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: Nope dont think so.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Nope
Do you believe in Hell?: Nope


Hobbies: Working out / Going to the gym, PARTYING gawd i love it so drinking with that , go to conventions, hang with friends, make rants and videos on youtube, play video games, stream, video editing like these!





And here is a trailer i cut together form a zombie Apocalypce Larp in Germany:


October 13th, 2014, 04:34 PM
Collections: Only my Lion king one , ineed to expand it more!
Goals: just...to well get through life, find my dream woman who can keep up with me i guess
Dreams: To become an established actor
Fears: To not be successful in life and die alone.
Weaknesses: I kind of scared of change, be it good or bad, and that...keeps me at a standstill.
Most common emotion: Posetive happy lucky go guy ! (Lifes to short to wait for someone to bring ya happyness!, ya create yar own happyness :sarabismile2:
Perfect Pizza: Not that found of pizza but...Kebab pizza i guess ? Kebab rolls are the best
What’s your favorite Memory: Disneyland Calefornia ^^
Countries you’ve been to: USA, England, Greece, Danmark, Finland, Hungaria.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: Oregon..Californa...San fransico... i think.
What pet would you like: None really, Pet hold ya down so ya gota take care of em and feed em, I like to be able to just dissapear for a few days and not needing to think about needing to be home to feed the pets.

Any additional information:

I kind of got a Hoobie, in witch I am actually sort of semi famous within that area, but it is HARDLY Appropriate to talk about here, so i just thought id throw it up to peak your curiosity and leave ya hanging!:scarslipped:
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Actually yeah it was fun :3

October 13th, 2014, 09:16 PM
I started filling this out again, only to discover that not a lot has changed since last time xP But enough for a refreshed edition, I suppose :P

First Name: Anna
Screen Name (s): KanuTGL, Kanu, Akeruru
Email: teensimba[at]hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Kanu, Nu... And I think that is all.
Birth date: 2nd July, 1990
Gender: Female
Ethnic Background: Swedish.
Eye Color: Blue with yellow rings around the pupil and some brown specks dotted around (heterochromia, yeah!)
Hair Color: Kind of dark blonde, same as my mum.
Freckles: Nope.
Moles: Loads - I guess that's what I've got instead of freckles xD
Scars: There's a small one on my right wrist after my grandparents' cat bit me :|
Righty or Lefty?: Right-handed.
Religion: Agnostic.
Political Party: Uh... I tend to lean towards liberal, I think?
Country?: Sweden.
State/Province?: Östergötland.
Marital Status?: Single.
Sexual Preference?: Straight. With one possible exception.
Parents Divorced?: Nope.
Siblings? How many?: Two younger brothers.
Children? How many?: None, thank goodness.
Best Friend (s): I have several and I love them to pieces.
Pets (names and what they are): Zig-Zag the cat (the old fellow. He's turning 13 years old next year... He lives with my parents though :C)
Job?: Art Director for the massive career fair the student union hosts in February. Not paid, but I don't mind too much xP
Schooling?: Currently attending the Graphic Design & Communication program in Linköping. I'm in my last year now. Eek!
Car?: Nope.
Play an Instrument?: Drums, some piano and some guitar.
Glasses or Contacts?: I wear glasses when I sit by a computer screen or read for long amounts of time due to me being a little long-sighted. Otherwise I've been told my vision is very sharp, haha.
Jewelry?: I like to wear necklaces :3
Tattoo?: No.
Makeup?: A lot more than I used to have. It's still very little compared to most, but for me it's a change, haha.
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


Animal: Lions, dogs, big cats in general.
Color: Red.
Country: New Zealand ^^
State/Province: Dunno.
Automobile: Honda Civic
Shoe: Comfortable ones, haha
Number: 2
Food: Chicken korma *drool*
Fast Food Place and Food there: Taco Bar's Nacho DeLuxe.
Musical Instrument: Drums and piano.
Drink (not just alcoholic): Uuuh... apple juice?
Season: Late spring/early summer
Actor: Johnny Depp, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Martin Freeman
Actress: Karen Gillan, Cate Blanchett
Music Genre: Old-school rock, Punk, Soundtrack
Singer: Frank Sinatra, Ellie Goulding, Phil Lynott, Michael Jackson, Rob Thomas, Whitney Houston, MIKA, Freddy Mercury... Just to name a few xP
Band: The Clash, The Beatles, ABBA, Queen, Matchbox 20, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Thin Lizzy... Again just to name the few that popped into my head :'D
Movie Genre: Animation, Comedy, Adventure
Movie: Oh, gosh, how to name them all... I'll do just a few here too. The Lion King, Balto, The Prince of Egypt, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tangled, Dreamgirls, Chicago, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy...
Hero/Heroine in Movie: Balto, Simba, Disney's Rapunzel, Dreamworks' Moses, Pippin Took, Aragorn, Sherlock Holmes.
Villain in Movie: Scar! And Dr Facilier.
Book Genre: Non-fiction, adventure, fantasy.
Book: Born Free and A Lion Called Christian.
Author: George Adamson, Hiromu Arakawa, Brian Jacques, Agatha Christie.
Board Game: Hmm... I'll say King of Tokyo, just because, haha.
Game Console: Nintendo 3DS, maybe?
Computer/Console Game: KINGDOM HEARTS. (The first one, that is.) And good ol' Pokémon.
Sport: Archery and horseback-riding <3
Activity (Besides Sports): It's, uh... drawing and... I think that's about it. Drawing and various other graphics-related things.
Website: deviantArt and Lea. And I guess Facebook too. I do so much collaborating through it, not sure how I'd manage without it, haha.
Subject in School: History perhaps.
Store: Disney Store :P
Gum: I don't really have one. Minty?
Candy: Liqurice, sour sweets and dark chocolate.
IM Service: Skype, I guess. It's the only real option these days.
Flavor: Uuh... I dunno.

-This or that?-

Email or IM: E-mail.
Phone or in person: In Person
TV or Radio or Internet: Internetz
Cats or Dogs: Bah, I can't choose.
Day or Night: Night.

And now some Lion King-related ones...
Simba or Nala: Simba.
Kiara or Kovu: Kiara.
Zira or Scar: Scar. But I really do like Zira too.
Mufasa or Scar: Mufasa!
Timon or Pumbaa: Pumbaa.
Hyenas or Outsiders: Hyenas.
Pride Rock or Elephant Graveyard: Pride Rock of course!
Pride Lands or Outlands: Pride Lands!
"Circle of Life" or "Can You Feel The Love Tonight": Augh, difficult... Movie-version: CoL. Elton John-version: CYFtLT.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: NO.
Alcohol: Yes, but I just don't like the taste. I'll have the odd sip of champagne on New Year's, but as a rule, I don't drink alcohol.
Cigarettes/Cigars: NO.
Chew: No.
Cuss/Swear: When I'm very angry. If you hear me swear, you can be sure that I am in serious rage mode.
Lie: I'd rather not.
Stole: No.
Attempted Suicide: No.
Attempted Murder: Never! o_O
Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained my ankle twice, and my wrist once.
Got in a fight, did you win: Never been in a physical fight.
Been shot: No.
Want to go to college: I'm attending university now! And it's amaazing.
Had an imaginary friend: Yeah, Rasmus the dog! xD Or was he a dog... I can't remember now. The imaginary friend was named after a real friend's dog though, I remember that much :P
Wanted to be the opposite sex: It has happened.
Had Déjà Vu: Loads.
Gone skinny dipping?: Not since I was very young :P
Walk around nude?: Ditto.
-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes.
Ever fallen in love?: Oh, yes.
If so, at what age?: 16, properly. Mm... And maybe 23, too. It's difficult to say.
How many times?: Once. Possibly twice.
Ever been dumped?: Yep.
How many times?: Once.
Ever made out?: Yep.
Ever had Sex?: Yep.
Looks or Personality?: Both are good :P But personality really needs to match first. You can be oh so pretty, but if we're not compatible in personality, it ain't gonna happen.
Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: Eeeh. I wouldn't say I'm awfully unattractive at least.
Believe in love at first sight?: Mmm... Not really. Not "love" as such, but there can certainly be an instant liking.
Do you want to get married?: Sure.
Define marriage and what it means to you: "A bond between two people who are deeply in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together--you can be in love without it, but it sort of defines it for the world to see." FC said that once. I still believe in it.
Do you want/have kids?: Eugh. Maybe.
Boys name: Dunno. I do like the name John though.
Girls name: No idea.

-The most-

Stupidest thing you’ve done: Something I do quite frequently - look back at the stupid things I've done, thus bringing myself down even though most of it is way in the past.
Greatest thing you’ve done: Beginning my studies at this university.
Funniest thing you’ve done: Performing a collection of Monty Python sketches with my best friends in front of an audience! That was so very much fun. Even now, so many years later, I still consider it one of the funniest things I've ever done.
Person/Place/Thing you hate: There is no one that I hate/Eh, Undercroft Restaurant (haha, keeping this old answer just because)/Early morning project meetings -_-
Person/Place/Thing you love: Letsnotgothere/Campus/My Cintiq <3
Country you hate besides your own: There really aren't any countries I hate.
Country you love besides your own: New Zealand! I think I've already been asked this though :P
Best feeling in the world: Love (as long as it's mutual) and to feel that you belong.
Worst feeling in the world: Feeling ignored and lonely.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Again, I'm agnostic. So I really don't know o_o
Do you believe in Abortion?: Every woman has the right to her own body and to decide what should be done with it. Pro-choice all the way.
Do you believe in Cloning?: Uh, sure?
Do you believe in Guns?: Well, we all know they exist, right?
Do you believe in War?: They are real too. Even if one could wish that they weren't...
Do you believe in Hunting?: Not for sport. Ever.
Do you believe in Taxes?: Definitely.
Do you believe in Texas?: ...it's right there on the map... xP
Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Of course!
Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: I'm not a huge fan. But, again, what other people do with their bodies isn't really any of my business...
Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Who knows.
Was Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so, no.
Do you believe in Heaven?: Again, agnostic :P
Do you believe in Hell?: See above answer.

October 13th, 2014, 09:17 PM

Hobbies: Draw and experiment with Photoshop, listen to music, animate...
Collections: TLK-stuff (duh), animal figurines and plushies!
Goals: To get that dream job. At the moment I have two that really could realistically be within my grasp... But I've been let down before. Not sure how much I dare hope.
Dreams: To be a professional animator/graphics artist/illustrator.
Fears: Abandonment.
Weaknesses: The fear of abandonment.
Most common emotion: Content, I suppose?
Perfect Pizza: Cheese, tomato, chicken and pepperoni. With some BBQ sauce. Yum.
What’s your favorite Memory: All the "Christmas Eves" with my best friends ^^ And the holidays abroad with friends and family.
Countries you’ve been to: Denmark, Norway, England, Switzerland, France, Germany, China (Hong Kong), Australia, New Zealand, USA, Belgium, Netherlands.
States/Provinces you’ve been to: (US ones) Florida, New Jersey and New York.
What pet would you like: A dog, or a cat. I think I'm leaning more towards a cat at the moment.
Any additional information: I think we've covered most of it, haha.
Do you enjoy Questionnaires: I do indeed. Great way to pass/waste time xP

October 13th, 2014, 09:59 PM

First Name: Zuleffendi

Screen Name (s): Guntur, Phoenix, Emperor, Fendi
Nicknames?: Lobang, Guntur, Fendi, Andy.

Birth date: 26/11/1988
Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: Half Malay, quarter Arabic and quarter Chinese
Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black/Brown

Freckles: Nop

Moles: On my middle finger (I swear, it's true)

Scars: On my knee and my left hand

Righty or Lefty?: Lefty

Religion: Islam

Political Party: Social Democracy

Country?: Malaysia

State/Province?: Kuala Lumpur

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?: Straight (I also known as attracted to male but non in sexual relationship)

Parents Divorced?: Yes

Siblings? How many?: 4

Children? How many?: Zero

Best Friend (s): Few, you'll know who they is in Facebook

Pets (names and what they are): You'll see them in my Facebook

Job?: Event Management on Corporate event, Musician

Schooling?: High School Bukit Bandaraya

Car?: Kelisa

Play an Instrument?: Drums and Piano

Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses

Jewelry?: Silver ring

Tattoo?: Non

Makeup?: Non

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Earth Dragon/Brown Dragon


Animal: Cats and feline related

Color: Blue, kinda like David Yost blue

Country: United State, Spain

State/Province: Bandung

Automobile: Have to be, Lamborghini Mercy

Shoe: Jordan, or Leather chuck taylor

Number:. 8

Food: Chinese food, a Halal chinese food

Fast Food Place and Food there: Carl's Jr

Musical Instrument: Drums

Drink (not just alcoholic): Mt Dew and Royal Danish Stout

Season: Autumn and Winter

Actor: Tom Hiddleston

Actress: Scarlett Johansson

Music Genre: Progressive Metal, Stoner Metal, Doom Metal, and Pop that isn't a top 40 band or song

Singer: Freddie Mercury, James Hetfield, Prog singers including Sir Russell Allen

Bandream Theater, Big 4 of Thrash, Mind Flow, Queensryche

Movie Genre: Action Movie, History Drama, Documentary and Rockumentary

Movie:The Avengers, The Lion King, The original LOTR Trilogy

Hero/Heroine in Movie:Aragon, He-Man, Black Widow, Randle Patrick "Mac" McMurphy

Villain in Movie:Scar, Darth Vader, Nurse Ratched

Book Genre: Non Fiction



Board Game: Monopoly

Game Console: PS3, Wii

Computer/Console Game: Ultimate Alliance, World of Warcraft and MMO, Diablo and ARPG, Elder Scroll

Sport: Soccer

Activity (Besides Sports): Playing Piano


Subject in School: History

Store: Music Store and game Store


Candy: M&M

Email or IM: Gmail

Phone or in person: in person

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet


Cats or Dogs: Cats

Day or Night: Night

IM Service:

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yes, Marijuana, I'm a stoner to be honest

Alcohol: Yes, but now I'm trying to control it

Cigarettes/Cigars: Cigarettes


Cuss/Swear: Yes

Lie: Yes, I'm a liar if I don't lie

Stole: Yes, but not much

Attempted Suicide: No

Attempted Murder: No

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sadly no

Got in a fight, did you win: No sadly

Been shot:

Want to go to college: I'm a college dropout, THANKS BUSH

Had an imaginary friend:

Wanted to be the opposite sex: Yes, HELL YES I would love to be a drag queen

Had Deja Vu: Many times

Gone skinny dipping?:

Walk around nude?: HAH, you don't want to go there

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes

Ever fallen in love?: Yes, million of times

If so, at what age?: 17

How many times?: 3

Ever been dumped?: Yes, when I was 18 >.<

How many times?:

Ever made out?: No

Ever had Sex?: No

Looks or Personality?: Personality as always

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I'm "quite attractive" unless you want to see my lower jaw of course

Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

Do you want to get married?: Not right now so No

Define marriage and what it means to you: Marriage is between two couples, regardless their gender to be married or in union.

Do you want/have kids?: I have nephew and nieces so they keep me company

Boys name:

Girls name:

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: I left my phone on the cashier while buying my booze >.<

Greatest thing you?ve done:Managed to passed on high school exam

Funniest thing you?ve done: A lot, I can't remember

Person/Place/Thing you hate: Have to say my brother, an ignorant B*

Person/Place/Thing you love: Person? have to be my ex'es, being here in the city, and digital stuff.

Country you hate besides your own:

Country you love besides your own:

Best feeling in the world: Being in love

Worst feeling in the world: Dying

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Yes

Do you believe in Abortion?: No, unless for certain circumstances

Do you believe in Cloning?: Nop, why do we need a living walking being with zero soul?

Do you believe in Guns?: Yes

Do you believe in War?: Hell yes, it's on our nature

Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes, because I am a tiger.

Do you believe in Taxes?: Thank you Mr President.

Do you believe in Texas?:Oh I would love to go there.

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes, but not in a ultra conservative area

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: No, you'll end up older than Keith Richards

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: YES,

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: God we're talking about legends here so No

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Najib Razak.

Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

Do you believe in Hell?: Yes I'll be damned if I go there


Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P have to say YES

Most common emotion: Depressed

Perfect Pizza: Tuna or Chicken Spicy

What?s your favorite Memory: My time here in 2005!

Countries and continent you?ve been to: Europe, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand

States/Provinces you?ve been to: London, Berlin, Zurich

What pet would you like: I love to have a malayan tiger

Any additional information: Maybe we should put our social network site in here

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: It's long Ryan, but I had to quote this for old time sake.

October 14th, 2014, 03:23 AM
Sexual Preference?: Straight. With one possible exception.

ok now THAT got me curious do tell :3

October 14th, 2014, 05:06 AM
Well, even straight folks can have that one same-sex crush at some point :kovusmile:

October 14th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Yeap, Everyone experience that one point in their life, as Leor says. ;)

October 14th, 2014, 01:03 PM
^ Haha, yes. You guys seem to know what I'm talking about :p There was this one girl that, looking back now, I really did have a crush on. (And the interesting thing is it - later on - actually turned out that she likes girls.) It's only ever been her though; I do have a definite preference for the opposite sex :lol: