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View Full Version : Pet Peeve of the Moment

King Simba
June 7th, 2011, 09:17 PM
What's your current pet peeve?

Mine is when a site suddenly changes a release date for an item, after pre-ordering it with the knowledge that it'll be released on the date originally shown. :grrr: I know the dates can change, because it's happened to me before and a release date is not always certain on some sites, but since the release date for this particular item (can't say what, it'll ruin the surprise ;)) was originally the 6th June, I would've received it in good time, but now it has suddenly changed to the 27th June which is just 2 days before I go away. Now I'll be lucky to receive it in time for when I go to Mexico. :woe: I wouldn't mind if it wasn't urgent but... ugh! I kind of... need it. :headache:

Ok, I've finished now. :lol: Who's next? :p

June 7th, 2011, 11:18 PM
I hate micromanaging. My administration gets to caught up on tiny details that they forget the bigger issues. Like today, they were so caught up with HOW the kids were being released to the awards ceremony and where they would sit when they got there, that they forgot to tell teachers anything else. It's like we're supposed to read minds. They also don't plan far enough ahead. They do things day-of. I ended up being surprised by being told I was a name reader. I didn't know this. I didn't mind, but I would have liked some forewarning you know?

June 8th, 2011, 02:18 AM
I'm annoyed that my school is making us pay for everything. You have to pay $3 to go to a "party" to receive your yearbook--a yearbook I already spent an outrageous chunk of money on. -_-

June 8th, 2011, 02:36 AM
I'm annoyed with my P.O.S internet connection, I don't pay monthly for the ability to not load web pages or get anything past 586b/s (seriously...at regular useage times it gets below 1 kb/s...f*cking disgraceful)

June 8th, 2011, 03:45 AM
I can't get eyeliner marks off my carpet, when it said use soda water :wtf:

June 8th, 2011, 04:24 AM
^try carb soda and water maybe? I dunno...

I'm peeved off because every time lately that Pat and I try to organise a time to talk, stuff gets in the way. He friend won't drop him home, or his internet dies etc. Haven't spoken to him in a week...

King Simba
June 8th, 2011, 09:34 AM
^I know your feeling there. It's happened to Leor and I many times. The most recent time was this morning when my internet connection just disconnected when I started talking to him. :woe: Luckily it just needed to restart and worked fine after that. My second dislike is when WL crashes on me during a conversation with him, but thankfully since I upgraded to Windows 7 it doesn't do that anymore.

Hopefully you'll get to talk to Pat soon though. :) I know how hard it is when you can't see the person you love for so long. :hugs:

June 8th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Peeved that I didn't end up getting to talk to him today... he got home halfway through my day, his internet didn't work, so he was going to drive around to his friends house to use his laptop there. He stopped at taco bell on the way, got food poisoning so I never got to talk to him. He's ok thankfully, but I'm still peeved we didn't get to talk. It's just that it's been time after time he's said we could talk and it just hasn't happened, and I'm tired of being dissapointed. Hopefully tomorrow though.

June 8th, 2011, 02:20 PM
Sorry to hear that Azerane, it must be really tough with the time difference and your schedules... hopefully you'll get to talk to him soon!

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 8th, 2011, 05:18 PM
Peeved that work is so boring, happy that I'm getting over my cold...and peeved that I still have hayfever.

June 8th, 2011, 06:07 PM
What most annoys me right now is the fact the my smartcard used in public transport here in Recife is not being recharged where it would made to be recharged: in the buses, forcing me every month go to their office located in Recife´s downtown (a place which i hate, its dirty, its stinky, and full of not-well-educated people), to recharge it.

its a problem on their equipament, everyone that works in my office are having the same problem but they never propose a solution.

June 8th, 2011, 10:04 PM
I'm peeved that all the orientation appointments at my college are full except for the 22nd and 28th -- the 22nd is my graduation ceremony, and the 28th I'll be in Germany. I'll either have to go down there and see if they can squeeze me in somewhere sooner or I'll have to wait until I get back from Europe which really sucks.

King Simba
June 9th, 2011, 04:06 PM
I'm really peeved off with my anti-virus software right now. It's been working fine all day until all of a sudden I receive a message saying that the databases are corrupted, so I either have to reinstall it or find some new anti-virus software. :woe: Then again, I get peeved with my computer in general. It's so slow. -_-

June 9th, 2011, 04:41 PM
I'm a bit peeved that my is unable to put her personal artistic sensibilities aside in favor of just giving our clients what they want.
If client A wants to use turquoise on their site, you give them turquoise...even if you hate that color.
If client B wants to use their horrible drawn-by-a-toddler logo on their site, you use it - for all you know, their toddler DID draw it and they're proud of it 'cause they're a "family company".

In short, we are not here to create "art" - we are here to make our clients happy (and thus not complain to Wicked)...even if the end result is something akin to Yvette's Bridal (http://yvettesbridalformal.com/). (WARNING - clicking that link may cause WTF hemorrhaging)

She can build sites to her personal specifications for her portfolio when she's not on the clock and we're not drowning in work.

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 9th, 2011, 05:21 PM
I guess the counter argument for that Wicked is that the company has a certain set of standards that they have to uphold, otherwise the reputation of the company would suffer...anyway, just playing devil's advocate. I've done graphic design commission work so I know how frustrating it can be!

As for me, I'm not peeved at much right now, just gone into my overdraft and there's 3 weeks til payday but meh...life's for living!

June 9th, 2011, 06:02 PM
I guess the counter argument for that Wicked is that the company has a certain set of standards that they have to uphold, otherwise the reputation of the company would suffer...anyway, just playing devil's advocate. I've done graphic design commission work so I know how frustrating it can be!

Hehe, true. However, we're not so much a web design company as we are an SEO company...thus, our only real standards are that the site has to search well and be user-friendly. All of the work we've brought in has less to do with how our sites look and more about how our sites perform.

I WISH we had standards though...some of the things our clients have requested look pretty horrendous. At least no one's asked for us to use midi files yet...

New peeve - we're out of coffee and I still have 2 more hours of playing domain roulette. If I make it out of here today without killing a certain someone, it will be a miracle of Biblical proportions.

June 9th, 2011, 06:29 PM
Peeved I'm the only one working a fruit shop from 12PM to 7PM. Peeved every time a phone rings to ask about fruit basket prices, or when they say the word "arrangement"..or "..boquet" and say "COOpons" when, where I was raised they called then "cue-pons" and peeved when they take 60 minutes to recite their credit card number, a number per minute if you're lucky. Peeved a restauraunt is next door, I'm starving, but I'm the only one here and if I close the shop for 5 minutes to get a bite to eat, someone will show up, call corporate and complain like last time and I'll get the lashing.


William Rabbit
June 9th, 2011, 07:03 PM
I have no peanut butter for my tea. I'm slightly peeved.

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 9th, 2011, 08:01 PM
Hehe, true. However, we're not so much a web design company as we are an SEO company...thus, our only real standards are that the site has to search well and be user-friendly. All of the work we've brought in has less to do with how our sites look and more about how our sites perform.

I WISH we had standards though...some of the things our clients have requested look pretty horrendous. At least no one's asked for us to use midi files yet...

Ah...then your bosses have no excuse!

June 10th, 2011, 01:37 AM
I have no peanut butter for my tea. I'm slightly peeved.

*waves* HI!! :D

I'm quite peeved, Pat's mum has been acting like a child and threatening him etc. It's not good.

King Simba
June 10th, 2011, 07:11 AM
I'm quite peeved, Pat's mum has been acting like a child and threatening him etc. It's not good.
That sucks. :( I hope things get better for him.

I'm peeved with my phone. I only received half of Emilio's text message last night, so here I am, still wondering what the other half said. :go-on: I also hate it when either of us send a text message and it just doesn't get there. Sometimes it does, but in a few weeks or months instead. :woe:

I have no peanut butter for my tea. I'm slightly peeved.
Welcome back... ;)

June 10th, 2011, 05:16 PM
I'm hungry. This makes me peeved.

King Simba
June 11th, 2011, 10:41 PM
WL keeps losing its connection with me, and so it keeps signing me out. :wtf: Hopefully it'll just be something simple like a server problem.

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 11th, 2011, 11:07 PM
I was peeved about something earlier but I now can't remember what it was... :lol:

June 12th, 2011, 12:28 AM
^ It's all that olive oil you use :lol:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 12th, 2011, 12:41 AM
^ It's all that olive oil you use :lol:

Shhh you... :p

June 12th, 2011, 01:23 AM
That sucks. :( I hope things get better for him.

I'm peeved with my phone. I only received half of Emilio's text message last night, so here I am, still wondering what the other half said. :go-on: I also hate it when either of us send a text message and it just doesn't get there. Sometimes it does, but in a few weeks or months instead. :woe:

Welcome back... ;)

Ugh, I hate that. Sometimes we never get a text message, sometimes I too only get half a message, that's the worst :p Not getting a message is most often a pain when he's texting me to see if I'm around to decide whether he should come online or not. Then when he doesn't get a reply, he assumes I'm sleeping still or whatever so he doesn't.. when in actual fact I'll have been online the whole time :p Stupid phones.

Not sure if things are really better with Pat, but I think at the moment his mum is feeling really guilty because she trashed his room -_- so I think she's not said anything to him for a day or two now, not that that's made it any easier on Pat, he just wants her to apologise.

June 13th, 2011, 07:23 PM
The city is in the process of replacing everyone's gas meters in town. They've been in our backyard since 10ish this morning. They finished about 30 minutes ago. They didn't shut our gates OR fill in the massive hole in our yard. I went to check the gates and, of course, the dogs followed me out. One of them got out the front gate while I was closing the back one. Thankfully, the one that got out is the better trained one and he came running back when I called him. He was out barking at their truck on the street. :lol:

But yea, I'm peeved about the massive hole in our yard. -_-

June 13th, 2011, 10:55 PM
Eek, I hope whatever happened with Pat and his mom smooths over soon.

June 13th, 2011, 11:07 PM
For some reason, I am really peeved right now thinking how some people discriminate against Homosexuals and Bisexuals based solely on them being so.

June 14th, 2011, 11:11 PM
Toothache going on and off for the past week or two...

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 19th, 2011, 01:58 AM
Websites that try to charge you for everything!

I thought the Dotcom boom all blew up in 2000, why is everyone trying to make money out of you at every turn these days?

June 20th, 2011, 08:53 PM
My mom and my aunt are fighting and they're both trying to drag me into the middle of it... and my aunt has pretty much turned her whole side of the family against my mom, so none of them are coming to my graduation, and now my aunt isn't going to pay me $300 she owes ME because she's mad at my mom... I need that money to go to Europe, if I dont get it, I dont know what we're going to do :(

I hate this, I feel like they're both using me as a pawn against the other one, it's making me sick.

June 22nd, 2011, 07:18 PM
My mom and my aunt are fighting and they're both trying to drag me into the middle of it... and my aunt has pretty much turned her whole side of the family against my mom, so none of them are coming to my graduation, and now my aunt isn't going to pay me $300 she owes ME because she's mad at my mom... I need that money to go to Europe, if I dont get it, I dont know what we're going to do :(

I hate this, I feel like they're both using me as a pawn against the other one, it's making me sick.

:hugs: Sorry they're doing that, Somby. That's so unfair, not to mention incredibly petty. I hope you get the money back from her.

June 29th, 2011, 04:44 AM
I'm peeved about not being peeved. I feel like I should be peeved at something... but I'm not. :hmm:

June 29th, 2011, 04:51 AM
:lol: ^silly

I'm peeved because at the top of our street, there's a sort of nature strip against one side of the road, it had a section of grass with some grevillias and then a BIG line of these beautiful old paperbarks which were home to silvereyes, thornbills, grey shrike thrush, fairy wrens, bearded dragons and other assorted widlife. And today, they've cut them all down :( Stupid council. I don't know what they're planning, but they better replace them, and it better be with some other natives!

July 19th, 2011, 01:48 AM
Bad. Service. I went to a hockey meet and greet thing with our team's new GM and the service at the restaurant was HORRIBLE. It took 20 minutes to get our water, just water, and over an hour to bring our food. The waiter kept coming over and making excuses, but said he couldn't do anything about it. Whatever. When they FINALLY brought our food, after the event was over mind you, they brought it out twice. The waiter basically tried to accuse us of stealing someone's food the first time. WTF? We almost dined and dashed but, of course, the check arrived speedily. I'm kind of annoyed.

King Simba
August 11th, 2014, 09:24 PM
*Digs thread back up from the dead* (Wow, and I thought I was no good at poetry. :wtf:)

My manager. Seems she likes to change the rota when she feels like it without letting anyone know of the changes. -_- I went to work today for my shift only to find out that I wasn't supposed to be there until 2 hours later. Apparently they changed my shift because there was no-one to work at that time and they were short staffed. But I dug my heels in and told her I couldn't work the changed shift and that it would have been nice to have been notified of the shift change. In the end she had to get some extra staff in and I ended up working my normal shift (and the shift that I was originally assigned).

So there is one thing I've learnt... to always sign the rota so they can't change it. Still a bit of courtesy costs nothing! :zazugrumpy:

Rant over. :blah:

August 17th, 2014, 02:02 PM
I tidied and clean the house like a crazy person today for an open inspection for the sale... and not a single person showed up. It's not my problem that the house isn't selling... but a sleep in may have been nice :p Oh well, at least the house is nice and clean :lol:

August 12th, 2016, 05:06 PM
When someone gets mad at your dog, like,
"Omg your dog is so close to my food please move her"
Move her where? This is a 120+pound dog, heavier than me. I can barely pull her back, and then move her to where? The open kitchen??
Also, don't get a big dog all excited unless you want it to jump all over you (which you don't :I )

August 13th, 2016, 10:29 PM
My biggest pet peeves is when someone overusing Pop culture reference just to look cool.

and I am annoyed that people speaking Manglish here, I'm some what of an Anglophile that I want my english to be perfect? So mix match local dialect with English.