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June 3rd, 2011, 06:59 AM
How's everybody doing?

June 3rd, 2011, 09:54 AM
Hey! Welcome back :hugs:

June 3rd, 2011, 10:07 AM
Welcome back

Something to snack on whileyou look over Lea


King Simba
June 3rd, 2011, 10:12 AM
Welcome back Ravoc! (I saw your post in the reconnecting members thread. ;)) Great to see you here again. :hugs:

June 3rd, 2011, 10:17 AM
Welcome back! :hugs:

June 3rd, 2011, 10:29 AM
Aww *feels the love* ^^ Thanks you guys *noms pirate-y cupcakes* :E

June 3rd, 2011, 12:56 PM
Why hello! :D A very warm welcome back to you!

June 3rd, 2011, 01:27 PM
Welcome back. :D :cheese:

June 3rd, 2011, 01:58 PM
Howdy partner! welcome back to the new and improved Lea :D

June 3rd, 2011, 04:14 PM
Welcome back, my friend! Good to see another old-timer back!

June 3rd, 2011, 05:23 PM
*uses cane to walk around* Young whippersnappers running amok, in my day we had to walk uphill to get to the forum and uphill to get back home too, all while wrestling a grizzly bear, a lion, a mountain goat, and a very angry Roseanne Barr.

hehe, thanks again everyone :D

June 3rd, 2011, 11:34 PM
Welcome back! :D

June 4th, 2011, 02:14 AM
*uses cane to walk around* Young whippersnappers running amok, in my day we had to walk uphill to get to the forum and uphill to get back home too, all while wrestling a grizzly bear, a lion, a mountain goat, and a very angry Roseanne Barr.

hehe, thanks again everyone :D

When I was in high school I did have to walk uphill to get there and again going back home (at least part of the way :p )

June 4th, 2011, 03:00 AM
Welcome back Ravoc! :hugs:

Enjoy your stay in newly furnished yet still not quite done Lea... lol I gotta get myself back on gear to add a few things.:woe:

June 10th, 2011, 05:59 AM
Welcome back. :hugs:

June 10th, 2011, 07:36 AM
Thanks again you guys, good to be back :)

William Rabbit
June 10th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Welcome back, Ravoc!

Will agree with Ngatuny. This site is looking rather good.

BTW, your avatar is beast!

June 10th, 2011, 04:10 PM
Dude! How'd I miss this one?!?

Welcome back buddy :D

October 6th, 2014, 08:12 PM
*falls out of Rafiki's tree* Well, I'm back again :nukasmilie: How's everyone been and who else is all here? Hard to tell with some renames :thinks:

October 6th, 2014, 09:32 PM
Hey! welcome back :D

October 7th, 2014, 01:20 AM
Several people falling out of the tree today. Welcome back! :D

October 7th, 2014, 02:08 AM
*hugs for Leor and HK* :hugs:

Thanks ^^

October 7th, 2014, 01:26 PM
Welcome back my main man, I do miss you buddy. Sadly I have deleted my Yahoo email and we haven't talk for 3 Years I believe. :(

But welcome back my friend. :)

October 7th, 2014, 02:14 PM
Yeah, welcome back!
We haven't met, but it's nice to meet you :)

King Simba
October 7th, 2014, 02:18 PM
*Raises paw* I'm still here! :D And still going by my original name, of course. :p

Great to have you back Ravoc/Nuka/Raize! :D

October 7th, 2014, 09:35 PM
:zazuayeayesir: Thanks KS, Guntur, and Kirauni :hugs: And yay, KS is still KS :D

And hello Kirauni!. I started here waaaaay back in Feb. of '04, on a different account, and on here have went by Ravoc and Nuka before settling on Raize ;) So if someone calls me Ravoc or Nuka, that's the reason ;)

October 7th, 2014, 09:40 PM
:lalala: hey there

October 7th, 2014, 09:45 PM
Hey Safila :kovusmile: You get :hugs: too :E

October 8th, 2014, 02:53 AM
Well, hiii, Nuka, it's good to see you back. I was wondering who that was sending me a friend request! We'll have to catch up sometime.

Perhaps we could merge your old (before 2011) posts with this account at some point.

Out of curiosity, where did the new name come from -- does it have anything to do with Jason Raize?

October 8th, 2014, 04:13 AM
Thanks :hugs: for you too Woes Vidan. And a smack with the stick :stick: , for old time's sake! ^^

:wow: That would be pretty cool if that is possible. :)

You know, I can't actually remember where I got the name Raize from. It very well could be from Jason Raize. I honestly can't recall. I do love the song Endless Night. That's probably it, but, I can't say for 100%

October 8th, 2014, 11:18 AM
Thanks for clearing that up. All those name changes are confusing indeed. That's why I've made a thread about the changes, but since I'm quite new to this board (almost a year now XD) I can't really keep track. So thanks for letting me know.

Yes, we could merge your old account - if it is in the databse, that is. I've just checked and we don't have neither "Ravoc" nor "Nuka" in it.
This is a little bit more complicated, because in the old Backup from Lea 1 some users had been deleted. I don't know why because that was way before I joined the forum.

Unfortunately, it seems like your account "Ravoc" is one of those. I imported all the topics and posts from Lea 1's broken backup with the help s-tlk's script (kudos!).
Since some users had been deleted, we just connected all their posts to a user called "unregistered user" so the script could work. That's why a few of the postings made by "unregistered user" are your posts. Quite confusing, yes XD
But it was our only way. I'm not able to say which ones. So if you want to have them connected with your current account, you could browse through the old threads in the forums and the archive (Great Kings of the past) and send me a link.

Like in this topic for example:

There's at least one posting that has been made by you. I can see this, because someone quoted it and it said "original by Ravoc" or something like that there. So that would be one posting we could connect with your account, if you want to. You could check the old topics and let me know which postings were yours and we could restore it. It's up to you and sorry for the inconvenience. :zazusorry:

October 8th, 2014, 05:49 PM
I'm still the same. I'm only recently returned myself.

Welcome back.

October 8th, 2014, 09:36 PM
Thanks for clearing that up. All those name changes are confusing indeed. That's why I've made a thread about the changes, but since I'm quite new to this board (almost a year now XD) I can't really keep track. So thanks for letting me know.

Yes, we could merge your old account - if it is in the databse, that is. I've just checked and we don't have neither "Ravoc" nor "Nuka" in it.
This is a little bit more complicated, because in the old Backup from Lea 1 some users had been deleted. I don't know why because that was way before I joined the forum.

Unfortunately, it seems like your account "Ravoc" is one of those. I imported all the topics and posts from Lea 1's broken backup with the help s-tlk's script (kudos!).
Since some users had been deleted, we just connected all their posts to a user called "unregistered user" so the script could work. That's why a few of the postings made by "unregistered user" are your posts. Quite confusing, yes XD
But it was our only way. I'm not able to say which ones. So if you want to have them connected with your current account, you could browse through the old threads in the forums and the archive (Great Kings of the past) and send me a link.

Like in this topic for example:

There's at least one posting that has been made by you. I can see this, because someone quoted it and it said "original by Ravoc" or something like that there. So that would be one posting we could connect with your account, if you want to. You could check the old topics and let me know which postings were yours and we could restore it. It's up to you and sorry for the inconvenience. :zazusorry:

Ah, that's okay. Thank you, I'm not really worried about those old posts ^^

And hey Feral :hugs:

October 8th, 2014, 10:03 PM
Thanks, Kirauni. I had discussed the situation with him by PM -- it seems that, indeed, his old account no longer exists, but all the posts are still there under "unregistered user".

October 8th, 2014, 10:38 PM
Heyo, welcome back!

October 9th, 2014, 05:09 AM
Hello Dare ^^ :hugs:

October 9th, 2014, 09:23 AM
Welcome back!

(it's Utora)


October 9th, 2014, 09:35 AM
Hello Utora :D :hugs: ^^