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View Full Version : The Lion King: Six New Adventures kopa is not offical !

June 1st, 2011, 02:58 PM
hi everyone , i'm going to explian why kopa is not offical !

1. kopa was diened by the people who made the lion king.
2. the cub was GENDERLESS and NOT a BOY.
3. the cub did not have fruit jucie on it's forhead , meaning it's a GIRL.
4. kiara got her fruit jucie on her head AFTER she was rasied. and FLUFFY did not have the fruit jucie , meaning , she got it after she was rasied. meaning she was a GIRL , KIARA !
5. the people that made tlk6na where NOT FROM WALT DISNEY STUDIOES !
so now you know that kopa is NOT offical , and the cub is OFFICALY KIARA/FLUFFY !

June 1st, 2011, 03:10 PM
Well, I honestly don't think it matters either way. Does it matter if he's official? Does it matter if he's not official? In my opinion, no. That's what's so great about a fandom. :)

A lot of the people who made TLK2 didn't make TLK1 either. Either way, it's all personal opinion on what's official and what's not in terms of Kopa. To be fair, in terms of the original Lion King, you can't call the cub Kiara either, because at that point in time, they had no idea that they would be making a sequel. Still, I believe that Kopa is a very interesting character to explore in terms of the fandom.

But generally speaking, what is 'official' and what isn't varies from person to person. That's what makes things interesting and you get different ideas etc flowing.

June 1st, 2011, 03:16 PM
i know that the cub was genderless, but it's officaly kiara.

June 1st, 2011, 03:18 PM
Easy there :p

Yes, the canon is that Kiara is Simba and Nala's only cub. There really is nothing to argue about regarding that.

Then what personal theories fans want to make up is up to them. I for example like to think that Simba's son is Kopa, because it's the closest thing to an "official" second cub we have (the books are published by Disney after all) and I like the idea of Simba having a son. I'm aware of the facts but I choose to build my own "TLK-verse" C:

I can accept most theories that fans make up (except the "Vitani is Nala's cub" thing. Just... just... NO!), but it's once they start preaching them as solid facts that things get not so little annoying.

June 1st, 2011, 03:20 PM
i know that's what you belive and i acepect that. XD but , still these are the offical facts.

June 1st, 2011, 03:32 PM
^I understand that. All I'm saying is that at the end of the first Lion King movie, there was no Simba's Pride, it simply didn't exist. Therefore, before the movie existed, the cub at the end of TLK could have been any cub. 'Facts' doesn't sit well with me for movies, because it's all imagined and created anyway.

I can accept most theories that fans make up (except the "Vitani is Nala's cub" thing. Just... just... NO!), but it's once they start preaching them as solid facts that things get not so little annoying.


June 1st, 2011, 04:11 PM
Guys, please don't bite. This is a troll from mylionking and TLKPF, don't respond to him/her, just ignore. Has another account on TLKPF named "kopahater" and two accounts on MLK, "lionkingfreak" and "bouncey".

June 1st, 2011, 04:40 PM
hey, then you must be wild simba from mlk and tlpf ! you are the troll ! you made fun of my fan fics , and you hate my opions ! if you don't like the topic don't post ! don't listen to her guys . i'm preety nice.

June 1st, 2011, 04:46 PM
No I am not WildSimba, I'm someone whos watched you cause a load of crap in two other forums. You're a troll.

June 1st, 2011, 05:08 PM
am not. never was. and i did way better this time i promise. just wait and see.

June 1st, 2011, 05:11 PM
Woah... there is no need to jump in conclusion. Ok spamming and stuff on threads is not allowed but neither is name calling. Thought of course if someone is a troll then the rule "do not feed the troll " applies.

What comes to Kopa being the cub in the end of the movie... Who cares? At least TLK2 and TLK6NA are more consistent than TLK 1½ which is an abomination of the first movie. You can clearly see in end of the first movie that the body structure, the coloration and appearance of the cub are nothing like Kiara's features in TLK2 so technically the cub could not be Kiara, what comes to Kopa, it's not as said before character created by Disney thought approved by Disney therefore in a movie world of Lion king it doesn't matter. For me the cub in the end of the movie is Fluffy, no matter how you look at it as at the time movie was made no one could have foresee what is going to happen with the movie or TLK universe.

June 1st, 2011, 05:18 PM
Woah... there is no need to jump in conclusion. Ok spamming and stuff on threads is not allowed but neither is name calling. Thought of course if someone is a troll then the rule "do not feed the troll " applies.

What comes to Kopa being the cub in the end of the movie... Who cares? At least TLK2 and TLK6NA are more consistent than TLK 1½ which is an abomination of the first movie. You can clearly see in end of the first movie that the body structure, the coloration and appearance of the cub are nothing like Kiara's features in TLK2 so technically the cub could not be Kiara, what comes to Kopa, it's not as said before character created by Disney thought approved by Disney therefore in a movie world of Lion king it doesn't matter. For me the cub in the end of the movie is Fluffy, no matter how you look at it as at the time movie was made no one could have foresee what is going to happen with the movie or TLK universe.i was not trolling was I ? anyway, it's offiacally fluffy/kiara.

June 1st, 2011, 10:34 PM
Actually, they never say either way who the cub is. The creators of the first film had no idea there would be a sequel in any form, including 6NA. It's just Simba and Nala's cub.

June 2nd, 2011, 03:00 AM
On the actual topic, because I do find it interesting (not the is kopa official thing, but who is the cub). You are right Hasira, that it is just Simba and Nala's cub. However because of the creation of Simba's Pride, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. Because the cub has a different design, you can then claim that it's not the same cub, because they could have gone back to see how they drew it to copy it, but they didn't. They made her unique, and perhaps a little older looking.

So therefore you do have the option of saying that it's possible that they had a cub before Kiara and that cub could possibly be Kopa, it could be cub Xyz for all I care, but I'm just saying that the differences allow for options in terms of the fandom and how you want to look at it :)

June 2nd, 2011, 06:41 AM
Yep, wether it's canon or not, gotta accept that there are loose ends, and fans enjoy filling them up, I see nothing wrong with that, really :p it's a lot less interesting if there are no loose ends, no matter the way you see it, it just won't be perfect, and that's fine. Oh and yeah, I like Kopa being Simba's son at some point.

King Simba
June 2nd, 2011, 07:59 AM
I for example like to think that Simba's son is Kopa, because it's the closest thing to an "official" second cub we have
I've always liked that idea. I find it interesting to think of a father and son relationship between Simba and Kopa like the one Simba had with Mufasa.

Either way, we'll never know who the cub at the end of TLK is, but as a fan having my own theories, I like to believe it's Kopa and that Simba did have a son at some point. But I think the reason we don't see Kopa in the second movie and only in the 6NA books is because he was killed at some point (probably by Zira or the outlanders), which can explain Simba's over-protectiveness with Kiara to some extent, as well as the events that happened in his life before. Like his own uncle killing his own father for example. Those can be factors which make Simba what he is in SP.

But anyway, us fans will always have our own theories as to who that cub is, as none of us know for sure. We can agree or disagree with them as much as we want, but that's what makes it interesting. ;)

Those are my views on the matter. :p

June 4th, 2011, 04:29 AM
I've always liked that idea. I find it interesting to think of a father and son relationship between Simba and Kopa like the one Simba had with Mufasa.

That's exactly it, there's a whole realm to explore there, which makes it really interesting, especially since I see Simba's father-son relationship with Kopa being different than what his was with Mufasa due to what he went through as a cub. It's certainly an interesting relationship to explore. I know there's Simba's father behaviour in TLK2, but he's too overprotective and it doesn't seem quite like Simba, so exploring that would be really cool.

June 4th, 2011, 08:32 PM
What I think is that saying Kopa isn't official is just silly. He's in OFFICIAL story books put out by Disney so of course he's official. I think the confusion comes from Kiara being the one in the second film, so it isn't exactly clear where Kopa fits into the story and most people don't know about him anyway. I do agree that it opens up a whole bunch of story possibilities for fan fiction, and that's where it gets fun.

June 5th, 2011, 04:41 AM
Whenever I hear Kopa I hear Lion king. That just makes him official. The mass rules. :lol: ..I think I just heard a gavel, too....

June 5th, 2011, 09:19 PM
hi everyone , i'm going to explian why kopa is not offical !

1. kopa was diened by the people who made the lion king.
2. the cub was GENDERLESS and NOT a BOY.
3. the cub did not have fruit jucie on it's forhead , meaning it's a GIRL.
4. kiara got her fruit jucie on her head AFTER she was rasied. and FLUFFY did not have the fruit jucie , meaning , she got it after she was rasied. meaning she was a GIRL , KIARA !
5. the people that made tlk6na where NOT FROM WALT DISNEY STUDIOES !
so now you know that kopa is NOT offical , and the cub is OFFICALY KIARA/FLUFFY !



Kopa = in Disney-authorised Lion King books = Official


Hahahahahaha /THREAD


k byee

June 5th, 2011, 09:52 PM
I love how we're all still trying pwn a banned user. :lol:

June 5th, 2011, 10:25 PM
I love how we're all still trying pwn a banned user. :lol:

LOL I wish someone informed me :lol:

June 5th, 2011, 10:50 PM
It says under the username. :lol:

June 5th, 2011, 11:04 PM
http://4chanarchive.org/images/a/36533196/1277014192615.png So it is..

June 5th, 2011, 11:05 PM
Yes.. our first banned user.. what good taste you have Mannie :lalala:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 5th, 2011, 11:14 PM
Bye bye Bouncy...don't forget to write!

June 6th, 2011, 01:26 AM
Well I was simply trying to have a discussion about kopa, but it looks like that got lost in goodbye posts :lol:

June 6th, 2011, 01:54 AM
Yes, let's get back to poor Kopa.

June 6th, 2011, 02:10 AM
What I think is that saying Kopa isn't official is just silly. He's in OFFICIAL story books put out by Disney so of course he's official. I think the confusion comes from Kiara being the one in the second film, so it isn't exactly clear where Kopa fits into the story and most people don't know about him anyway. I do agree that it opens up a whole bunch of story possibilities for fan fiction, and that's where it gets fun.

The question is, how official are some TLK storybooks. I think some are simply going to be more accurate and official than others, particularly ones that were released are merchandise for the first film. But I don't really know how all that book stuff works. I agree though, Kopa is definitely official, whether the cub at the end of TLK was intended to be him or not, is irrelevant. I still very much like the idea that Simba had a son. Although I understand the very thing that I believe to be the reason for choosing a female cub. Using a male cub, would have made the movie too much of a replica of the first. Plus in reality, a lioness wouldn't really beat a full grown male in a fight...

Also, I've just noticed there's a spider on my ceiling...

June 6th, 2011, 02:34 AM
oh gawd do I need to repost my previous post :lol:

June 6th, 2011, 02:43 AM
The 6NA books were released with the first batch of storybooks from the film's original release. It's funny how this gets so muddied. Since those books came out along with the first film, it can be said that the cub in the film is meant to be Kopa. Whether the film makers had anything to do with that or not confounds the matter. :hmm:

June 6th, 2011, 02:57 AM
That's the thing, is that are the people who wrote those books, were they part of the actual creative team from the movie? If yes, that really makes them official, but even if not, that doesn't mean they're not official stories and characters etc. Too many variables :p

June 6th, 2011, 03:09 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if the movie creative team had no involvement in the writing of the books (which I thought was outsourced to non-Disney writers, no?).
It wouldn't be the first time that Disney's demonstrated that their left hand has absolutely no idea what the right hand is doing - there've been several disconnects between the movie creative team and merchandising.

At any rate, be he "official" or not, I still prefer Kopa over Kiara.

King Simba
June 6th, 2011, 09:30 AM
That's the thing, is that are the people who wrote those books, were they part of the actual creative team from the movie?
I read here (http://www.mylionking.com/wiki/The_Lion_King:_Six_New_Adventures) that Alex Simmons, the author of "A Tale of Two Brothers" wrote on his personal web site that the book is his original story based off TLK, and that he is not a part of Disney. I also read that the TLK6NA books were "denied" by the film makers, so that must mean that they weren't made by the movie producers. :thinks:

Quite interestingly, I also read that Leslie McGuire, the author of "A Snake In The Grass" and "How True, Zazu?" is a consultant for Disney, which confuses me slightly. :hmm:

But well, who knows how much we can trust any Wiki page. :p

The books were produced with the permission of Disney (obviously, otherwise that would be infringement) so I guess that makes Kopa official to some extent, but I don't think it really matters if Kopa is official or not really. I still like the idea of Simba having a son either way, and find the whole idea very interesting.

June 6th, 2011, 11:44 PM
This is the same kind of thing that comes up in the Doctor Who canon timeline. There are tons of novels out which are licensed by the BBC for the show, but are not written by the writers or anyone who actually works on the show.

June 7th, 2011, 01:30 AM
Too many cooks, spoil the broth :p

June 7th, 2011, 02:09 AM
Exactly. I was just thinking. Would Kopa being killed or kidnapped explain why Simba is so protective of Kiara in SP? I'd imagine if Kopa did exist in TLK canon as another cub, loosing one like that would certainly change Simba's behavior.

Now y'all have me thinking about this. I was so happy just letting things be the way they were :lol:

June 7th, 2011, 06:31 AM
crap i missed the trolling damn! xP

June 7th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Exactly. I was just thinking. Would Kopa being killed or kidnapped explain why Simba is so protective of Kiara in SP? I'd imagine if Kopa did exist in TLK canon as another cub, loosing one like that would certainly change Simba's behavior.

Now y'all have me thinking about this. I was so happy just letting things be the way they were :lol:

Firstly, I just noticed the night sky buttons are done, awesome! :D

Secondly, I think that's generally the most accepted theory, Kopa-wise and in regards to Simba's behaviour in the second movie. That Kopa was perhaps killed by Zira and company which is perhaps why they were exiled, or he simply died out on an adventure, so Simba is determined not to lose Kiara the same way and so became the over-protective father that you see in SP. A bit of a sad story though.

June 7th, 2011, 11:05 PM
It is. We need a between-quel!

December 23rd, 2016, 12:19 PM
I would love to see this thread alive again now, when we have The Lion Guard.

And I would like to presents some facts.

KieranTheWolf asked Alex Simmons some questions about 6NA.

Aaaaand Phil Weinstein (Simba's Pride storyboard artist) had no idea about Kopa:
[img]Aniu: Are you familiar with Kopa, the original son of Simba and Nala? And if so, was there a reason you all opted not to put him in The Lion King 2?
Phil: No…what was his name?
Aniu: Apparently his name was Kopa, and it was—I forget exactly where the fan knowledge comes from, because I’m not—
Skul: [interrupting] I can answer that. Kopa was the son of Simba and Nala in a series of books that were published immediately after The Lion King . And there were six books total, all of them 100-page kids books, but they all had Kopa in them.
Phil: Wow. No, I wasn’t aware of that.
Skul: Yeah. A bunch of people have been wondering why it was Kiara instead of Kopa in Lion King 2 . And, I guess not even you know the answer.
Phil: No, you’re going to have to track down—gosh, I can’t even remember. Who wasit…was it Darrell Rooney that directed Lion King 2 ? Is that right? I think he was the one who ended up taking it to the finish line.
Aniu: Okay.
[Note from Skul: Yes, Darrell Rooney was the director]
Phil: So you’ll have to find him or one of the writers and ask them. They might know.
Aniu: Okay. We’ll definitely have to track him down and ask that question eventually.[/quote]
Source: http://www.animationsource.org/sites_content/balto/upload/fanproject/152111/weinstein_interview.pdf

December 23rd, 2016, 03:37 PM
I've said this before and I'll be saying it again, haha. I think the fandom obsession with Kopa is just a liittle bit crazy. I am both kind of impressed and kind of weirded out by the fact that there are people who are actively seeking out people who worked on the books and worked on Simba's Pride to ask them about the character. Come on. There is no Great Mystery to solve. Kopa was a one-off for a small book series whose production was entirely separate from the film production. They clearly never intersected and the deeply invested TLK fandom are more or less the only people who know about him.

Kiara and Kion are Simba's cubs. Kopa does not exist in the canon and he never will. End of story.

But I see absolutely no problems with fans taking Kopa and creating fan works centred around him! I love seeing those theories and stories and it's really fun to toy with. But I do think that people seriously need to stop trying to "prove" or "disprove" him. The character is here to stay, clearly, but gosh, stop pestering production staff about him @_@