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May 29th, 2011, 08:46 PM
I must say first, I have no idea how the original story of Rapunzel goes!
I know that Rapunzel is a girl in a tower with long blond hair, but that's it.
I never read the story, and after seeing the movie, I still haven't looked it up.
So I don't know if this movie is kind of close to the original fairy tail?

I saw this last Tuesday for the first time.
It was released about 3-4 weeks ago in Belgium, and I didn't wanna buy it at first, 'cause I didn't knew anything about it, apart from Mandy Moore being Rapunzel.

And Mandy Moore, I know from years and years ago, when she had this 1-hit-single in Belgium too, lol.

I know the series "Chuck", but never knew it was Zachary Levi.

Anyways ...

I didn't knew Alan Menken was part of it o_O

The story is great, funny and emotional.
I had some good laughs with it, which I didn't think I'd had.
I'm not afraid to say, I actually cried with the scene where Rider cuts off Rapunzel's hair, and he dies :(
That was just so beautiful.
Off course, Disney wouldn't be Disney, if he wouldn't come back to life somehow, hehe.

All characters once again are amazing, and the voice cast is awesome!
Mother Gothel, to me is an excellant villain, just love her voice.

And Pascal ...
Funny little dude :D

The songs ...
"When will my life begin" and "I see the light" are my new favorites at the moment.

Listening to the songs, it has Alan Menken all over it.
All the songs on the Tangled-album remind me a lot of "Aladdin", "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Little Mermaid".



May 29th, 2011, 10:06 PM
Again, how are y'all posting videos? :lol:

I love Tangled. It makes me ridiculously happy whenever I watch it. :D

King Simba
May 29th, 2011, 10:38 PM
I bought Tangled last Monday. I've already watched it once and I'm planning on watching it again. :D I'm happy to finally own it on DVD. It makes a nice change from watching a badly pixelated version on the internet.

I kinda regret not buying the double play version now though. :woe: I don't have a Blu-Ray player, but I'd love to see Tangled in HD at some point, so if I get one it would've been useful to have both the DVD and Blu-Ray. Ah well...

Pascal is just awesome. I would love him as a pet. :lol: And Flynn just makes me laugh, especially his mannerisms. :p

My favourite song just has to be "I See The Light", but I enjoy the whole soundtrack. ^^

Again, how are y'all posting videos? :lol:
I wondered that too at first. Just click edit post and you'll see the code in there, at least that's how I learnt. :lol:

May 29th, 2011, 11:01 PM
I love Tangled. It makes me ridiculously happy whenever I watch it. :D
Same here <3

What I really, really love about this film is the balance between serious drama and fun comedy. I am so very happy to see that dramatic side of Disney films making a comeback, the darker parts have always been what I love the most about Disney features, and I do hope that they will keep it up with their upcoming prouductions.

I don't think I made a secret of how skeptical I was about Tangled when Disney first started writing about it, but sometimes they still do prove me wrong. And I am so happy about that, haha :D

May 29th, 2011, 11:21 PM
Again, how are y'all posting videos? :lol:

There is a button above the space where you write your post. It's between the "insert image" and "quote" buttons, and looks like a strip of film.

I've only seen Tangled once, and I liked it. The horse and the evil mother were my favourite characters.

May 29th, 2011, 11:21 PM
^I too love the darker and more serious aspects of the film. It has some absolutely great humour, but I love the dark aspect and I really love how they portrayed that in the 'Mother knows Best' song.

I thought it was a great movie, the characters are very believable and loveable. I love all of the songs, and it's simply a visually beautiful movie. I love it, basically. Gave me faith in new Disney movies again :)

May 30th, 2011, 01:40 AM
Visually, the movie was quite stunning, and there were a lot of little things I liked about it. But I thought the soundtrack was sort of dull and the plot was a bit cheesy and predictable. I mean, I know, it's a Disney fairy tale, but ... :p Maybe I'm just not into that sort of movie anymore.

May 30th, 2011, 10:25 AM
The graphics have definatly changed too in a good way!

Thinking back at Chicken Little :cringe:

I guess John Lasseter did have something to do with it this time, hehe.

May 30th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Visually, the movie was quite stunning, and there were a lot of little things I liked about it. But I thought the soundtrack was sort of dull and the plot was a bit cheesy and predictable. I mean, I know, it's a Disney fairy tale, but ... :p Maybe I'm just not into that sort of movie anymore.

I loved the songs!

SPOILER WARNING Though I was kind of dissapointed that it was a tear that healed him, because it was just like Beauty and the Beast in that regard. I'm not sure how they could have done it differently, maybe have her heal him and then him cut her hair, but then it would have ended on her mother dying, and not the happy rejoicing of him coming back to life as it did. I dunno. END SPOILER

June 12th, 2011, 02:57 AM
Some Tangled news!

It was announced last night (or this morning, I'm not sure) that a Tangled short is being produced for the Disney Channel to be aired in the spring of 2012. It will be Eugene and Rapunzel's wedding! :D So excited!

June 12th, 2011, 04:19 AM
That sounds like fun! :D Not like I'll get to see it here -_- but there's always youtube.

June 12th, 2011, 04:52 AM
I got ridiculously excited when I saw the news release. Almost like this...


King Simba
June 12th, 2011, 10:26 AM
That would be interesting to see. :ooo: Hopefully they'll post it up on YouTube for those who can't see it or miss it.

I got ridiculously excited when I saw the news release. Almost like this...

That expression says it all... xD

I have a Blu-Ray player now, but no Tangled on Blu-Ray. :( And the Blu-Ray/DVD double play is only like £3 more than the DVD alone. D'oh... :woe:

May this be a lesson to buy the Blu-Ray and DVD on double play in the future. :p

June 12th, 2011, 11:13 AM
that gif is frightening :p

I bought the dvd/blu ray combo too. I like that they sell both together. :) I can use one on my laptop and the pretty bluray for our tv.