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View Full Version : It Made My Day (post your happy here)

May 28th, 2011, 03:41 AM
I don't think I stumbled across something like this here yet, and if there is one, please feel free to delete this. Also if it's in the wrong place feel free to pelt me with potatoes! :woe:

After suffering from a really horrible night last night with memories of my twin sister basically tossing me into a bad spiral of depression and thoughts of cutting again, I woke up to have a similar day. I mainly lurked about and did my usual hiding out/hermiting when things go bad. Cue a few minutes ago when I was out in the kitchen and saw this.

Not minding Chiquita, who looks quite derpy, and I assure you, she's a normal looking chihuahua, these two made me smile. They made me laugh for the first time today, and made me forget things for a few moments. They expect nothing of me except love, and they love me right back no matter if it's a good day or bad. They don't judge me when I feel like everyone else is. These two little souls are nothing short of perfect. :3

So I want to know...what made your day?

May 28th, 2011, 03:56 AM
Aw, how cute. My cat always cheers me up too. <3

After feeling really stressed the past week, and especially yesterday, my moment of happy was going to see a play my best friend preformed in last night, seeing that she included a shout out for me in the play's program, and getting to hang out with her yesterday. We've both been really busy lately, so it was nice.

May 28th, 2011, 04:02 AM
Yay for awesome animals! <3

That is so cool that you got to go see her, and was so sweet of her to include a shout out to you! :3 Sounds like you have a pretty amazing friend, and hopefully your schedules will be less hectic so you all can hang out more. ^^

May 28th, 2011, 04:32 AM
well.. dad was rushed to hospital again tuesday night by ambulance after being in this huge pain for an hour and the morphine they were giving him wasn't doing anything, after a CT scan they found he had blood clots in his lungs and could have died here at home.

Mum came home from the hospital and had bought me a stuffed owl (I love owls at the moment) and put it beside me in bed so when I woke up it was the first thing I saw with 'Love ya babe' note on it. <3

May 28th, 2011, 04:34 AM
I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I hope he has a speedy recovery, and I am so glad they caught it in time. *hugs*

That is so adorably sweet! Owls = <3 and your Mom is definitely cool. :3 I'm so glad you had something to cheer you up!

May 28th, 2011, 04:54 AM
OH this is an awsome thread! :D, very nice idea hun! "why didnt i think of this >.>" hehe well what made my day was

the other day when i sighed the contract for the movie il be in, i got an estimate on how much money i would get, and that was baised on the minimum salory actors get. and for 10 days of filming i would get.

28 800,00 kr , witch = 3 094,61 EUR witch = 4 405,62 USD

holy mother crap of god 0.o, un-foresnetly i WONT get this money " god would it be nice" but its legal why and i know why jadi jadi so dont have efforts to explain.
however i mean look at that sum! thats for 10 days of filming! jesus chirst, im glad the proffesion i have chosen is what i love to do over everything else AND well payed! :D
so that made my day knowing next time i get the main part in a film, il be loaded xP

May 28th, 2011, 04:58 AM
Aww, thank you! ^^ Lol well you've made a few awesome threads on here as well. :P

Ahhh I remember you telling me about all this! I am still so flipping proud and excited for you! :3 *hugs* You so deserve this, and I'm so happy things are looking up for you.

May 28th, 2011, 05:10 AM
This is a great idea for a thread! :D

Today, it made my day when one of my students tried to steal my shoes. :lol: She loves purple and sparkles and I wore my purple zebra sparkly chucks just for her. It was pretty funny.

May 28th, 2011, 05:15 AM
Yay! Thank you! I always love hearing how the little things in life make people smile. :3

Ahahah that is awesome! What grade do you teach? :3 Hey, don't blame her either, purple glittery zebras are killer! 8D

May 28th, 2011, 05:18 AM
8th grade. Some of them are holy terrors, but most of them are pretty awesome.

May 28th, 2011, 05:20 AM
Oh lordy. XD

Well I'm sure they keep you on your toes. That's awesome that you're a teacher though. ^^

King Simba
May 28th, 2011, 10:20 AM
I agree that this is a nice idea for a thread. Great idea. ;)

As for me, I received my new bank card today (I needed a new one because my old card details were found by someone else somehow, so I ended up being a victim of attempted fraud. :woe:) I honestly thought it would take a lot longer, but it only took a couple of days, which was nice because I thought I would be without a bank card all next week too. I also got to talk to Leor, which always makes my day. :love: And he helped identify a problem I can feel with one of my teeth. That's the advantage of having a boyfriend who's a dentist. :lol: Today has been a nice day so far. ^^

May 28th, 2011, 06:53 PM
Ouch on both of those misfortunes. I have been down the bank fraud route before and that right there is some scary stuff. :(

I am so glad you had him to give you a hand with that. Teeth issues can be confusing sometimes. XD Aww, that makes me happy knowing you are having a good day. :3

Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 28th, 2011, 08:22 PM
Not sure if anything really made me smile today but I'm generally quite a happy person these days!

I did have a sad earlier when I found out that Gil Scott Heron had died, I only discovered him earlier this year and he was fast becoming an influence of mine. RIP Gil.

May 28th, 2011, 10:20 PM
I think my favourite thing today was when the fire alarm went off at work :idiot: There was no actual fire, just some smoke that set it off, but everyone had to evacuate (I work at a massive castle, it has thousands of visitors on a busy day and today was very busy). The restaurant where I work is within the castle walls, so we had to get everyone out outside them. The restaurant was packed at the time and I had been really struggling to keep up for the last hour, so the fire alarm was a very welcome break :'D And then when the people were allowed inside again not as many of them did come back and after that the place was very calm until we closed up. I think that if not for the fire alarm going off, today would've been a lot more hellish. So, yeah. Weird thing to be happy about, but since there was no real danger it was a nice change and a chance to catch my breath :P

May 29th, 2011, 06:46 AM
Well, it's good there was no real fire. :p Fire drills are always a convenient excuse to get out of class... or work.

Well, my happy was talking to my mom about getting a tattoo. She said in the past she wouldn't have a problem with it, but I don't think she was expecting me to bring it up so soon, considering I just turned 18 a couple of weeks ago. xP I've wanted this tattoo for years though. She approved and even offered to pay for it as a gift since it's a small one :)

Now I just have to find a good tattoo shop, figure out the cost and dope myself up enough to get it done :haha:

King Simba
May 29th, 2011, 08:00 AM
I think my favourite thing today was when the fire alarm went off at work :idiot: There was no actual fire, just some smoke that set it off, but everyone had to evacuate (I work at a massive castle, it has thousands of visitors on a busy day and today was very busy). The restaurant where I work is within the castle walls, so we had to get everyone out outside them. The restaurant was packed at the time and I had been really struggling to keep up for the last hour, so the fire alarm was a very welcome break :'D And then when the people were allowed inside again not as many of them did come back and after that the place was very calm until we closed up. I think that if not for the fire alarm going off, today would've been a lot more hellish. So, yeah. Weird thing to be happy about, but since there was no real danger it was a nice change and a chance to catch my breath :P
That always used to make my day when I was at school. The fire alarm would go off in some of the worst lessons at times, and so most of the time after it was declared safe to go back in, the lesson had ended, so that used to keep me happy at school. :lol: Not so good for my education though. :woe:

That's the best part of a fire alarm going off at work... at least you're still getting paid for it. ;)

It's a bit too early to say what made my day today, but I've woken up this morning and brushed my teeth to find my tooth feeling better. :D It doesn't feel sensitive at all now when I brush it, which is quite a difference considering yesterday it was practically impossible to brush around there. I was thinking a visit to the dentist was needed but I guess it isn't... I just hope I don't jinx it by saying that now. :p

May 29th, 2011, 01:34 PM
Had a crazy exhausting weekend doing my pygmy possum volunteer work at innes, usually we have at least 3 people go, we were meant to have 4 but then 2 were sick. So it was just 2 of us. We had a tonne of work to do, took us much longer than normal and we were both exhausted. Getting cold and rained on, scratched by bushes etc, stung by mosquitos, a headache, and bitten by some of the more fiesty little pygmy possums. But it was all worth it, when you see that they're successfully raising young and when they poke their little head out from between your fingers and spread their ears, they're the cutest little gems in the world and I wouldn't give up all the exhausting field work for anything.

May 29th, 2011, 05:12 PM
Yesterday i got a taste of filming, because we filmed a Pilot video as its called, it will be 1 minute but we filmed from 9 on the morning to 8 on the afternoone, and i got a taste on how it will be in 2 months.

but what really made my day was that after it all, i forgot my jacket in the Directors (Reggisör på engelska Kanu?) car and called him so he knew about it, he went straight back and left it , and no one else was in the car, and then he said to me after i picked it up sense we where alone

" I noticed you where all flipping about, and where full of energy still, when the everyone else was down, tired and moody, trying to cheer up the mood in general, Thats what gets people re-hired "

I mean we get and me speciality, gets Praised by this proffesional established actor the whole time, at first i didn't take it to me much, becouse i figured he just wanted to cheer us up (or those that needed it) but now everytime he says something he is genuinely astondhised by our preformence, and he keeps praising himself for "choosing the right people for the job"

and when he praises you in private and alone, that makes it even more better, i always know i wanted to be an actor and could become one, but now i KNOW i got "the gift" and can become something big within it, who knows Perhaps il be the next Peter Stormare hehe.

but yeah that made my day.

May 31st, 2011, 05:03 PM
Sorry I haven't been as active here in this thread, just a really bad week. I have read everyone's posts though. :3

My little bit of happy just happened. Been having a few really bad days and struggling with a lot of issues. I was really upset last night and turned to one of my friends that was online. This morning, he surprised me with this:


It totally changed my day for the better and I couldn't thank him enough. I really do wish I could open up to you all more, but that is quite difficult for me at the moment.

May 31st, 2011, 05:17 PM
The small wooded area on the side of my yard is a favorite nesting area for robins, chickadees, and crows. Nothing can make me smile more then seeing the mother birds and their chicks grazing in my yard. We also get a good amount of Blue Jays, Cardinals, and the occasional Pigeon. Then their are the masses of squirrels, as well as the raccoon, groundhog, and rabbit living in the woods.

Wildlife living their carefree lives make me happy.

May 31st, 2011, 06:39 PM
Sister came home ill today, made her dinner, she was very thankful :lol:

King Simba
May 31st, 2011, 09:57 PM
I just spoke to Emilio and saw him on webcam. Seeing him smile after such an heavy day for us both really brought a smile to my face. :)

May 31st, 2011, 10:13 PM
Student joke!

What do you call a penguin from New Jersey?

June 1st, 2011, 03:33 AM
^It's Timba! (is it not?) That's heaps sweet. Reminds me when I first started talking to Pat (my bf) online, I was a bit down at the time, and he drew me a picture to help cheer me up, was really sweet :)

June 1st, 2011, 04:26 PM
Hey Azzy, where the heck IS Pat? Tell him to get his tail back here! WE MISS HIM!

June 2nd, 2011, 12:55 PM
:lol: He just faded away I guess :p I told him what you said, and he said he would register though probably wouldn't hardly post. He still hasn't registered though, typical :p I shall pester him about it ;)

My good thing today though, rang my dad as he's down this way until saturday, and I get to hang out with him for a few hours tomorrow before work! Haven't seen him since November last year! Very excited :D

June 2nd, 2011, 06:53 PM
I guess my happy was finally getting up the courage to take my future into my own hands. I contacted the Aveda Institute today in my town and am looking into getting my esthetician license. This is a big step towards me opening my company, and I couldn't be happier. Also, all the PM's from the lovely people on here asking how I was made the last couple of days. Thanks guys! <3<3

June 3rd, 2011, 09:28 PM
I met some Swedish people at work today! That cheered me up :D

I've met some Norwegian people at work before, but there were the first Swedes that came to the restaurant. They were very nice and quite surprised that I was Swedish too :P I couldn't talk to them for very long since I needed to serve more customers, but it was much fun none the less.

King Simba
June 3rd, 2011, 09:41 PM
I met some Swedish people at work today! That cheered me up :D
I remember when Leor and I were on our trip into the Highlands, on one of our stops we ended up bumping into a couple of other Mexicans that happened to be from the North of Mexico too. :lol: It was quite amusing to hear Leor talk to them in their own lingo while I stood there not understanding a word. :p

I've had a nice day overall today, but what made my day really was being able to talk to Leor. :love: Quite a predictable one, I know, but since we don't usually see each other on a Friday, it made a real nice change, plus we had a really nice and enjoyable convo. ^^ So that's what's made me particularly happy today, but also the fact that the weather was nice, and that I got myself some new curtains for my bedroom. They're thicker ones, so at least now I won't be woken up at 6am with the sun shining in my eyes. ;)

So yes... I'm happy! :D

June 4th, 2011, 04:41 AM
My little nephew is having his afternoon nap! Apparantly he's been on and off with them lately and he's a little more difficult when he doesn't have them, so I'm glad he is as I'm not used to babysitting :p

June 5th, 2011, 09:30 AM
My friend just sent me a rough picture of a design for a shirt she's making me. :cheese:


It's a character (and his pet polar bear...) from a show we both like, and it's so adorable. :D!

June 8th, 2011, 10:21 AM
The weather here has consistently been making my day for over a week now. It's so sunny and hot, perfect beach weather for days on end. And I don't care what any of you Aussies say, 20 degrees C is hot! :lol:

One particular thing that made my day a few weeks ago was that I got a free ticket to go see the Finnish National Theatre rendition of Wicked, with a very short notice. My mom and her friend were going to see it, but the friend cancelled the very morning of the day that the tickets were scheduled. So in the morning my mom was like "Hey, wanna go see Wicked?". And I was like "Uhh.. Yeah! :D". I had already seen the American Broadway version, so I knew the show was going to be awesome. And I wasn't dissappointed, although the Finnish version was anything but an exact replica.

June 8th, 2011, 10:43 AM
20 degrees :thinks: :lol: :cheese:

June 8th, 2011, 11:27 AM
20C... oi :p

What made my day was finally getting my stupid presentation over with. I don't get my grade until Friday but the judges told me I did well. I'm a high school graduate in eight days! :lalala:

June 8th, 2011, 02:06 PM
Umm.. trying to be positive, find a positive aspect of the day... well Pat got food poisoning... oh wait, no, that's bad... :thinks: I got to cuddle my cat and I worked on some digital art. I guess that's positive and made me happy.


June 8th, 2011, 11:20 PM
I was sitting at my desk, in a raging bad mood (connection yet again) when I got a txt from my gf. It was very nice and soothing, seeing as I was ready to go out on a murderous rampage. :lol:

June 9th, 2011, 12:10 AM
(^ Takes away your swiss army knife)

I got a call to say that I have a 15-20 min gig next weekend at the Sunshine Coast Show..nervous already :lalala:

June 9th, 2011, 12:16 AM
^That's fantastic! Hope it goes well, though I'm sure it will :)

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 9th, 2011, 07:08 AM
It's summer...do I need any other reason?
:cool: :D

June 9th, 2011, 09:24 AM
Got to talk to Pat for 2 hours today :)

June 9th, 2011, 09:55 AM
Update on my first and last post.. My gig has been taken to an hour on stage :lalala:

June 9th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Woo congrats Saf! Make sure to make a big show :D.

King Simba
June 9th, 2011, 10:03 AM
That's great Saf! :D I'm sure you'll put on a great performance.

I'm glad you could talk to Pat today too, Azzy. ^^

As for me, it's still a bit early to say what really made my day, but I got to talk to Leor this morning and I wasn't expecting to see him at all today, so that brought a smile to my face. :)

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 9th, 2011, 10:36 AM
Update on my first and last post.. My gig has been taken to an hour on stage :lalala:


Can we come watch?

June 9th, 2011, 11:16 AM
hmm ..should I allow hecklers :lol:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 9th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Pfft...I wouldn't heckle... I'd only be there to throw my underwear on the stage... :p

June 9th, 2011, 11:26 AM
haha .. why do I need holey boxers ? .. and leave your bag of tomatos at home too :lalala:

June 9th, 2011, 11:38 AM
That's good Azzy, glad you finally got to talk to him :)

And Safila, that's awesome! Congrats.

June 9th, 2011, 10:00 PM
Talking to Shadowland, finallyyyy :D

June 10th, 2011, 01:18 AM
^ I know the feeling :p

Also, can't wait to hear how your gig goes Safila.

King Simba
June 11th, 2011, 10:40 PM
I was able to talk to Leor for 3 hours today. :) That made my day. And also the fact that I now have myself a Blu-ray player in time for TLK's release. ;)

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 11th, 2011, 11:08 PM
It's just after midnight, I've been watching motor racing for 8 hours straight and Van Halen is on the stereo. What's not to be happy about? :haha:

June 12th, 2011, 01:08 AM
I was able to talk to Leor for 3 hours today. :) That made my day. And also the fact that I now have myself a Blu-ray player in time for TLK's release. ;)

Very good! :D On both counts :p

Today is the 12th(for me at least), so happy 5 years to me and Pat! That's enough to make me happy for the whole day, plus I don't have work ;)

Also, this....


June 13th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Got an email before asking if this youtube song of mine from last year, could be entered into a 'Miley' Competition. :lol:


King Simba
June 13th, 2011, 01:47 PM
Yesterday, I found out that the Blu-ray player I bought was actually a different one to the one that was listed in the catalog. It turns out they gave me a better model, which was much more expensive than what I paid for the one I thought I was getting (I paid just under £70) so it turns out I ended up getting around an £80 discount. :cheese: My guess is they put the wrong catalog number on the box. That really made my day when I found that out (I studied the product numbers and features carefully :curious:) even more so when I keep seeing the same model sold around in numerous stores for like well over £100... xD

June 13th, 2011, 06:48 PM
Yesterday, I found out that the Blu-ray player I bought was actually a different one to the one that was listed in the catalog. It turns out they gave me a better model, which was much more expensive than what I paid for the one I thought I was getting (I paid just under £70) so it turns out I ended up getting around an £80 discount. :cheese: My guess is they put the wrong catalog number on the box. That really made my day when I found that out (I studied the product numbers and features carefully :curious:) even more so when I keep seeing the same model sold around in numerous stores for like well over £100... xD

That's awesome =D Where was it from?

June 13th, 2011, 06:53 PM
KS, I love when that happens. :)

My sister gave me a shirt that says "I'm going to the Walt Disney World Resort!" to wear on the plane tomorrow. :lol: She even made a little button for Mittens to wear. It's so awesome.

King Simba
June 13th, 2011, 07:01 PM
The money for it hasn't even come out of my bank account yet. :lol: That would be even more awesome if there's an error with the payment system and they forget to charge me. :diva:

That's awesome =D Where was it from?
I got it from Argos. I was supposed to get this one (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5338777/c_1/1|category_root|Home+entertainment+and+sat+nav|144 19512/c_2/2|14419512|DVD%2C+blu+ray+and+video|14419615/c_3/3|cat_14419615|Blu+ray+players|14419628.htm) but I ended up getting this one (http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9368310/c_1/1|category_root|Home+entertainment+and+sat+nav|144 19512/c_2/2|14419512|DVD%2C+blu+ray+and+video|14419615/c_3/3|cat_14419615|Blu+ray+players|14419628.htm) instead. :ooo: I bet if they ever found out they wouldn't be too happy. :lol:

June 14th, 2011, 10:42 PM
Only 4 weeks left of school before summer break-... Hayl. Yes.

June 15th, 2011, 12:29 AM
^ awesome! :D

Great news. Flights booked! I have a date to look forward to! Only 39 days!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:wow::embarassed:

King Simba
June 16th, 2011, 08:38 PM
That's great Azzy! :D I'm glad you finally have your flights booked, and I hope those days don't drag too much. ;)

I just got to talk to Emilio in person (well, on webcam, that is :psst:) and it's been the first time since my Birthday. We were talking about plans for during my trip there (we have some new ideas in order), so I'm very happy and excited! :cheese:

June 16th, 2011, 10:42 PM
Found a choccy bar :D omnom

June 16th, 2011, 10:56 PM
Just been rung up for a job interview :lalala:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 16th, 2011, 11:22 PM
Just been rung up for a job interview :lalala:

What's this one for?

Congrats btw!
:hugs: :D

June 17th, 2011, 02:25 AM
^ Toy World - 42 hours a week.. I love toys :lol:

Edit : didn't get it, 20 were on interview list, got down to me and another girl and she got it.:cringe:
oh well, back to busking.

Wide Eyed Wanderer
June 17th, 2011, 07:00 AM
There'll be other chances Saf...for now, have some strawberries...

June 17th, 2011, 09:18 AM
:lol: nom nom.. *pushes away salad and lasagna for dinner and has strawberries instead

June 17th, 2011, 09:54 AM
^ lasagna! Yummie!

June 18th, 2011, 09:39 PM
Oooo lasagneeee 83
I watched Kung Fu panda, it's a great film imo :lol:

King Simba
June 21st, 2011, 06:32 PM
Remember my first post in the "Pet Peeve of the Moment" thread where I said the release date for an item I bought suddenly changed? Well, I just received an e-mail to say the item in question had been posted, a week before it was due to be released! :D So it looks as though there's hope after all for it to be here before I go to Mexico. ;)

Another thing that made me feel really happy is that after multiple times of trying, failing and finding a way to send money to Leor, the money from my bank account was finally transferred over to my Moneybookers account today, so I'm able to send the money to him now to pay for some tours we're planning together. ^^

June 21st, 2011, 08:23 PM
These figures http://multimedia.collectorsquest.com/image/1024x768/collectible-3565.jpg?1266847693 http://www.amazingdollshousecompany.co.uk/ekmps/shops/adhsh/images/papo-german-shepherd-dog.-129-p.jpg arrived today :) And they do look gorgeous. Especially the lioness ^^

June 21st, 2011, 10:39 PM
It's been Midsummer's day C: yayeeeee

June 21st, 2011, 11:03 PM
My John Lennon sunnies finally came from ebay.. yesssssssssssssssssssss

June 22nd, 2011, 01:32 AM
These figures http://multimedia.collectorsquest.com/image/1024x768/collectible-3565.jpg?1266847693 http://www.amazingdollshousecompany.co.uk/ekmps/shops/adhsh/images/papo-german-shepherd-dog.-129-p.jpg arrived today :) And they do look gorgeous. Especially the lioness ^^

That lioness looks like a pretty amazing figure. I'd be pleased with it too! :)

Good thing here today... I ate breakfast? :p

February 9th, 2016, 06:29 AM
I moved Stado Lwiej Ziemi from remotely hosted forum service to a VPS, without access to the database.
Owner of the hosting wasn't willing to share nor sell the database so I wrote a script in php to crawl all the posts, topics, forums, users etc. It worked like a charm - freedom at last :D

Also it was first time I touched a VPS. ^^'

February 10th, 2016, 02:33 AM
A couple of teachers came to my room today on "instructional walks" to observe how I run my room and interact with kids. All three of them came by again after school at some point to tell me how much they enjoyed visiting. It kind of made my day.

King Simba
February 24th, 2016, 08:51 AM
This made my day yesterday, simply because I can't believe the lengths some people would actually take to get something back from a company... a guy who I was serving put a claim in all because... wait for it... he cut his finger on a pineapple. :kionrollseyes: :lol:

February 25th, 2016, 10:57 PM
I already cutted my finger at the work with the cover of process! it are made of paper that it's edge are very sharp, so they act like a blade.

March 13th, 2016, 07:37 PM
This month The Lion King is back in cinemas in Poland. :D

March 13th, 2016, 08:04 PM
That's awesome, Nit! :D
Here they're putting Classic Disney movies at the cinema every weekend on March and beginning of April. I went to see Fantasia last week, it was truly amazing :simbabiggrin:

March 21st, 2016, 05:16 AM
Here, precisely at Cinemark cinemas, every weekend they choose a Disney movie and show it in the cinema by a special price. Unfortunately, tlk never made it, I would like to see it again in 3D

April 2nd, 2016, 01:11 AM
I was named Teacher of the Week for next week. It's not a huge deal, but it's nice to be appreciated.

April 2nd, 2016, 07:05 AM
Nice going HasiraKali :) That's awesome.

A very small win for me today, finally found my TLK CDs in one of my unpacked boxes. Listening to the Legacy Collection soundtrack now. So beautiful =)

April 2nd, 2016, 07:14 AM
A friend visited yesterday, and she got me 2 foreign Fanta's, she knows me too well, lol.

April 9th, 2016, 08:36 AM
Well, I finally opened up my TLK box from when I packed it all up before the move in August last year. I didn't take much out, but it was really nice to go through. Plus now it's super nice to have all my ceramic figures out in the display shelf where they should be. :) It's nice to be able to look over at them.

April 9th, 2016, 10:10 AM
TLK box, as in 'a box'?
When I get home ill show what I had to move tlk-wise, lol.

April 9th, 2016, 12:45 PM
Yes, just a single box :p However, there were several things that didn't fit in the box, mugs, clothing and some plushies. Speaking of which I'm yet to find my Shenzi plush, or the Simba plush that Audra gave me, they're around somewhere. While I only have one box of TLK things, I am hoping to remedy that one day, haha. :D I haven't really had the money to buy anything TLK in a number of years. I really want to complete and expand on my collection of ceramic/china figures. I have a bunch of plastic figures too, but I'm not sure I want to hold on to them. I also really want to collect the WDCC figures, they're probably my dream figures.

April 9th, 2016, 01:26 PM
There's I think still 10 boxes at my parents home.
But these I have with me now.
Hard to imagine it holds about 800 items.

April 9th, 2016, 09:55 PM
So many things! Is that the 1000 piece Simba and Mufasa puzzle on the top of the pile on the right? That's one of my must haves (eventually :p )

April 10th, 2016, 05:30 AM
Yes! I also have 2.
Someone wanted one, a friend went to WDW, picked one up, but added tax to get it back to Belgium (she declares things because she brings stuff for other people on her trips), and made it quite expensive.
And then the person wanting it backed out.

So will be trying eBay with it to get the amount back it really costed.

April 10th, 2016, 11:04 PM
Had some wine on a cold Sunday and binged watched Lion Guard cartoons. It has been glorious, and I apologize in advance because the combo creates a burning need to spam the episode discussions.

May 6th, 2016, 07:44 AM
Some people at work found an Eclectus Parrot today. They didn't know what it was so showed me photos. I told them it was an escaped pet so went and found it and caught it. It's now home in a temporary cage and has been chowing down on the entire fresh fruit and veg contents of my fridge for the last 2 and 1/2 hours. :p Really beautiful bird, seems very hand tame. I've already spent $16 on it, no idea how long I'll have it for. Have posted on lost and found pet sites so just waiting to see if anybody comes forward. Secretly hoping they don't :lol:

Will post pics when I'm done being paranoid about internet stalkers finding out the gender/colour of the bird to claim it as their own. They're a pretty valuable hand-tame parrot so being cautious with that. Very cool though and I'm lucky to have had supplies to assemble a temporary cage, and some rabbit toys from the bird section which are hanging up as well. I think it was lost for a while because as soon as it was in the cage it drank a whole lot of water, and spent an hour non-stop eating the capsicum and apple from the bowl.

May 8th, 2016, 08:57 PM
What an interesting find. I remember seeing a eclectus at a petshop once a long time ago. It was a male and he was beautiful.

Today I found a hair bow that is perfect for my Disney World birthday outfit. It's navy blue and has tiny silver and gold diamond cut studs on it. They look a little like stars. I'm going to add a bit to it, but it looks pretty good as it to be honest. Very pleased about that.

May 9th, 2016, 07:58 AM
Yes they are a stunning bird, this one has a few feathers missing, mostly around the neck area which I'm assuming it either plucked before or during it's escape due to stress. I haven't noticed much plucking and there is grey fuzz, not just bald skin so I'm thinking with good food and a safe and stimulating environment they'll grow back. No one has claimed the bird yet either, which does secretly make me happy. We did have one person over two days ago to double-check if it was his bird but it wasn't, and haven't heard from anyone else since then. Pat already came up with a name which I told him he was bad for doing, though it's still just "the bird" because I'm trying (and failing) not to get attached. I've been doing a tonne of research on Eclectus as well, which has been a lot of fun since I love learning about animals. Mostly diet and general care, and from that have been trying new veggies and things. Seems to like most things so far except for cucumber and silverbeet.

Seems to be settling in well though, is enjoying foraging from the eucalyptus branch I put in and peeling the bark from the branch perches. Has had a small test or two of the toys, but not much really. Yesterday afternoon it was a little bit chatty, made a few soft squawks and things, but no noise today. It's really very lucky it was found on Friday because since then the weather has turned cold, rainy and with very strong winds and wind gusts. I doubt it would have survived.

June 2nd, 2016, 07:16 AM
I went to an MLP convention in Kansas City last week and randomly met a member from TLKGO! :wow: Neither of us had any idea the other was at the convention but he saw my name tag and recognized it. We both kinda freaked out. It was Jasiem. He's a fairly new member, but still, it's one of those situations I used to play out in my head and it totally happened! lol :lol:

June 2nd, 2016, 07:27 AM
What a coincidence, that is so cool!

A Balanced Breakfast
June 8th, 2016, 08:11 PM
My mom surprised me and my brother with a trip to rome! Im in the ancient district now, it's amazing to be here. Europe is different than I expected.

June 8th, 2016, 08:31 PM
Wauw, that is so cool! Always wanted to go there, I should someday, it's only a 2-hour flight.

June 10th, 2016, 09:05 PM
My mom gave me my first trip outside South America. We will go to Portugal in December. Then we can decide to stay there or go somewhere else. I'm just afraid because I never went more than 3 hours non stop in a plane. From here to Europe is 8 hours! And when we came back, it will be via São Paulo... 11 hours! Oh...my...god!

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June 10th, 2016, 09:12 PM
Ooooh, that is nice! And you won't even need to learn another language for that, kind of, hehe.
Those 8 hours "fly" by ... loads of movies, series to watch on the plane.

June 11th, 2016, 02:58 AM
Ooooh, that is nice! And you won't even need to learn another language for that, kind of, hehe.
Those 8 hours "fly" by ... loads of movies, series to watch on the plane.

Don't forget music, I was in a KLM flight from here to Jakarta and they have a good library of music, I spent one and a half hours in the flight listening to Dream Theater's Dramatic turns of Event.

June 12th, 2016, 04:58 AM
Ooooh, that is nice! And you won't even need to learn another language for that, kind of, hehe.
Those 8 hours "fly" by ... loads of movies, series to watch on the plane.
The Portuguese has a very strong accent, so, it's not so easy understand them, even tough the language is the same...

Well now I'm worried in getting enough money to survive ten days in Europe, because this stupid conversion rate of 4 Brazilian Reais to 1 euro indeed make things hard...

Anyway, it's always good to travel :)

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June 12th, 2016, 11:07 AM
I collected pine cones today. Made me feel like a kid again :p

June 12th, 2016, 11:16 AM
The Portuguese has a very strong accent, so, it's not so easy understand them, even tough the language is the same...

Well now I'm worried in getting enough money to survive ten days in Europe, because this stupid conversion rate of 4 Brazilian Reais to 1 euro indeed make things hard...

Anyway, it's always good to travel :)

Enviado de meu SM-G130BT usando Tapatalk

I've never been to Portugal, so can't say if it's an expensive country or not. I don't really think so though, apart from the real tourist places, which is always more expensive everywhere in Europe.

June 13th, 2016, 02:44 AM
I'm happy my Orlando friends are safe.

August 13th, 2016, 02:34 AM
I found a new musical artist, so now I've got a plethora of new songs to listen to! :D
Considering I listen to music most of the time, it'll be nice to have something else to listen to for once!

Also, I went to Walmart and got a 'bunch' of M&M-related things for the yellow M&M thread (http://www.leahalalela.net/showthread.php?6294-the-yellow-peanut-m-amp-m). It might not sound exciting, but being a little obsessed with food, I'm super happy ^-^

Also also, I ended up getting Taco Bell tonight, which is pretty great as they've just come out with a couple of new things :p

And lastly, I found a good charger for my laptop, so it no longer takes 24 hours to charge!

I've got plenty of happies to share :D

August 15th, 2016, 05:23 PM
Vanity or not, I am really quite proud that one of my drawings is currently #1 in the "Top Rated Recent Uploads" on TLKFAA and another one is also in the top 10. For me it feels like an achievement, considering all the years I've been on the site. Little 13-year-old me working so hard to be recognised, and in the end I actually got there. It feels good. It does. It also feels a bit vain. But I want to allow myself this, just once.

Moving on! Something slightly more impressive also happened today - I finally signed the final papers for my new flat :D I am moving in three weeeeks!

August 15th, 2016, 06:31 PM
That is so awesome, congrats Kanu! :D and yeah, you allow yourself this, you deserve it ^^
*Looks at the #1 spot with hopeful smile* ...One day, Leor, one day.

And good luck with the moving too, it certainly must be exciting :)

As for me, I haven't exactly been having a good week, I've been feeling rather depressed lately for personal reasons. But this morning a patient I treated this past week (a 78 year old lady) called me to say thank you because she had been recovering well and feeling much better. She sounded joyful, said "God bless you" to me, and told me she would recommend me to her friends. These are the kind of little things that make me love what I do, and thus make me feel so appreciated. I'm feeling much better today :simbasmile3:

August 16th, 2016, 01:30 AM
and in the end I actually got there. It feels good. It does. It also feels a bit vain. But I want to allow myself this, just once.

I don't think you should feel like it's vain -- you've put some effort into something and it finally paid off! That's something to be proud about :)

These are the kind of little things that make me love what I do, and thus make me feel so appreciated. I'm feeling much better today :simbasmile3:

Sounds awesome. Good days at work are always great for morale =)

August 16th, 2016, 02:01 AM
That is so awesome, congrats Kanu! :D and yeah, you allow yourself this, you deserve it ^^
*Looks at the #1 spot with hopeful smile* ...One day, Leor, one day.

And good luck with the moving too, it certainly must be exciting :)

As for me, I haven't exactly been having a good week, I've been feeling rather depressed lately for personal reasons. But this morning a patient I treated this past week (a 78 year old lady) called me to say thank you because she had been recovering well and feeling much better. She sounded joyful, said "God bless you" to me, and told me she would recommend me to her friends. These are the kind of little things that make me love what I do, and thus make me feel so appreciated. I'm feeling much better today :simbasmile3:

That's the most adorable story I've read in a while! :)
Old people can be so cute :3

Also, I hope you'll feel better soon! :D

@KanuTGL Good job with getting there, I'm happy for you!

My happy is that I went out with a recently made friend, and we ate chinese and watched a movie :p
Also, I discovered that the forum works on my Vita, so I can comfortably post while waiting to get a new phone ^-^

August 16th, 2016, 09:52 AM
Finally, my doctor called and told me he'd finally write me a proper statement. For weeks I've tried to contact her in vain, but now everything has been resolved!
The problem is that I've hurt my ankle when I fell during one of our field trips at school about 3 weeks ago. Now the problem is, when you are a teacher in Germany and you work as a tenured German civil servant (That's possible over here but not for all teachers since you have to meet certain requirements), things get really complicated with accidents during work. My doctor had to write down that the accident wasn't my fault and that I've never had an accident involving that foot before. Oh and that the accident did indeed cause the distortion (D'uh!).
However, when she gave me the statement, she didn't really address any of these issues and so I had to contact her again, because my insurance needs her statement. Contacting her proved rather difficult, but today she finally called back. Yay! Now I can finally get the paperwork done... Good old German paperwork... how I just LOVE bureaucracy :P

But hey that call kind fo made my day. Now I just have to wait for her statement to arrive. :)

August 17th, 2016, 08:07 AM
That's awesome Kanu, really well done :)

I was always disappointed that I never made AotM, I know I faded out several years ago but I felt I had a really strong point with my art and just never got that recognition. But that's probably just me being bitter when there were other artists that I'd never heard of or thought I was better than who were getting it.:blah: Just a shame because it was always a big goal for me, as silly as that is, to become AotM back when the archive was really at it's strong point. Ahh well, times change I suppose. I keep thinking I want to draw again, but I just never pick up paper and pencil to do so.

August 17th, 2016, 06:09 PM
I can understand you there, Azzy, becoming AotM is a goal of mine as well (or at least see my art among the Top Rated Recent Uploads). But AotM is more based on popularity rather than how good an artist may be, so I guess it's a matter of becoming more prominent in the TLKFAA community. But even then I also think the system is kinda broken, the current AotM has been in the position since May :blah: Maybe there needs to be some kind of reminder to cast your vote from time to time? I don't think there's enough people voting xP

Now to be back on topic, I'm still not having real good days, but yesterday while I was out playing Pokemon Go at the park, I befriended a dog that's been living around there. It's really cute and kept me some good company for that while. I think it's homeless, as there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for it, and it doesn't have a collar or anything indicating it has an owner. Maybe I would adopt it if I could (right now there's no way I can). Hopefully I'll see it again today, I'll bring some treat with me just in case :)

August 17th, 2016, 11:38 PM
I can understand you there, Azzy, becoming AotM is a goal of mine as well (or at least see my art among the Top Rated Recent Uploads). But AotM is more based on popularity rather than how good an artist may be, so I guess it's a matter of becoming more prominent in the TLKFAA community. But even then I also think the system is kinda broken, the current AotM has been in the position since May :blah: Maybe there needs to be some kind of reminder to cast your vote from time to time? I don't think there's enough people voting xP

Now to be back on topic, I'm still not having real good days, but yesterday while I was out playing Pokemon Go at the park, I befriended a dog that's been living around there. It's really cute and kept me some good company for that while. I think it's homeless, as there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for it, and it doesn't have a collar or anything indicating it has an owner. Maybe I would adopt it if I could (right now there's no way I can). Hopefully I'll see it again today, I'll bring some treat with me just in case :)

That's adorable!
If the doggie still there whenever you decide to adopt it, run by the vet to make sure they're not microchipped. It'd be unlikely, but my vet checked it for free, and I don't think it would feel great to have stolen someone's dog :p

But, it's always nice to befriend random dogs and cats!
Someone at the end of my street has a bunch of kittens, and if you pet one, all 8-or-so of 'em come running and purring and all that. It's insane :haha:

But, more on-topic; I started my day off with getting Taco Bell.
I literally got everything on their breakfast menu :haha:
I've got two things left over: some random burrito with god-knows-what in it, and a bacon crunchwrap.

So, in short, Taco Bell made my day <3

August 19th, 2016, 06:51 PM
I'm just freaking excited because all of my hardwork for 4 days I just paid back, I was working for 4 days and I have 5 days goal on Uber. Glad I was unstoppable today so I could earn a rest on weekend and having enough money to pay the traffic ticket. :evilgrin: :wicked: :scarcool:

August 19th, 2016, 11:21 PM
This was my last day of work before going on vacation for a week! Yay leaving the office! Yay going somewhere!

August 20th, 2016, 04:24 AM
I am happy today because I haven't had a headache for the first time in two weeks. :D I had a little bit of a dizzy spell, but that was just because I was hungry and the PTA ladies were taking too long getting our dues taken care of so we could go eat. :p

But, more on-topic; I started my day off with getting Taco Bell.
I literally got everything on their breakfast menu :haha:
I've got two things left over: some random burrito with god-knows-what in it, and a bacon crunchwrap.

So, in short, Taco Bell made my day <3

How do you still even have intestines?

August 20th, 2016, 06:06 AM
I got a job at my college in the cafe (I'll be a cashier)! :wow: I start on Monday, and I couldn't be happier! <3

August 21st, 2016, 09:03 AM
This was my last day of work before going on vacation for a week! Yay leaving the office! Yay going somewhere!

Oooh, where are you headed?

Today my happy is coming home :) We spent the night at my sister's and after driving there yesterday (2.5 hour drive) and being completely swamped by my nephews and niece for every waking moment, and then driving 2.5 hours home today, I'm completely buggered and so happy to be home where it's peaceful and cosy :)

August 21st, 2016, 04:39 PM
AotM has definitely been a popularity contest... (Which is why I'm still really surprised that I ever got it, hahaha) But I, at least, think it's more about the art now. The community is smaller and many of the "popular" artists are older and more mature. It's not like it was in its hayday - those times when AotM was a reeally big deal and if the "wrong" artist got it, mobs genuinely would rally against them... And I'm glad that at least that has changed :'D

Now to be back on topic, I'm still not having real good days, but yesterday while I was out playing Pokemon Go at the park, I befriended a dog that's been living around there. It's really cute and kept me some good company for that while. I think it's homeless, as there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for it, and it doesn't have a collar or anything indicating it has an owner. Maybe I would adopt it if I could (right now there's no way I can). Hopefully I'll see it again today, I'll bring some treat with me just in case :)
Aww, that's so sweet :) I hope it'll come to keep you company again!

I got a job at my college in the cafe (I'll be a cashier)! :wow: I start on Monday, and I couldn't be happier! <3
Awesome! :D

Also, Azzy, I love that feeling of coming home after being away, to just be able to breathe again is great, haha :)

September 9th, 2016, 11:16 PM
Today, I had many happys. One of them was a surprise from my boyfriend in Belgium; he ahd flowers delivered to my home while I was in the office!


Second one, I find out I'm off for 5 days apparently? Starting a new shift next week. Plenty of time to move into my new apartment!

September 10th, 2016, 05:54 AM
Belgium ?? Where in Belgium ?? :o

September 16th, 2016, 01:45 PM
Belgium ?? Where in Belgium ?? :o

:cheese: He is in/near Braine-l'Alleud. I'm hoping to visit within a month or so, unless he comes out to the US at that time, etc.

September 18th, 2016, 07:16 PM
I'm happy because I managed to fix my pc problem. Hopefully it will last for another 2 years. :cheese: :D

September 18th, 2016, 10:08 PM
I spent three weekends optimizing and fixing my computer. The result made me happy.

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September 19th, 2016, 12:51 AM
I got through today with only a mild dizzy spell and I brought it upon myself by turning too fast. :p

September 19th, 2016, 04:14 AM
:cheese: He is in/near Braine-l'Alleud. I'm hoping to visit within a month or so, unless he comes out to the US at that time, etc.

I'm going on a limb here, because you type it in French, I'm guessing he's Wallon?

About an hour away from me.

September 20th, 2016, 05:33 AM
I'm going on a limb here, because you type it in French, I'm guessing he's Wallon?

About an hour away from me.

Yes, he is. He was born/grew up in Beauvechain, which is Wallon I think?

He's explained it to me but you know.....:simbaconfused: lol.

September 20th, 2016, 11:53 AM
If it's French, it's Wallon ;)

I don't go there. It's hard to get by with public transportation and I'm never keen on speaking French. It's not like most of them speak Flemish.
But it has got beautiful sights and country, mainly war leftovers also.

September 22nd, 2016, 02:39 PM
I had exactly the amount of spare change I needed to buy the eggs, icing sugar and lemon squash I wanted :lol: Now I am well and truly skint, with less than £2 to my name xP

But, only until tomorrow, thankfully!

September 23rd, 2016, 01:25 PM
Even though it was my last day at work today, I was quite touched by the goodbye present they had gotten for me.
A basket with a big box of chocolates, and about 15 cans of different soda's, haha, mainly lemonades.
Even they knew me too well!

September 25th, 2016, 01:19 AM
Even though it was my last day at work today, I was quite touched by the goodbye present they had gotten for me.
A basket with a big box of chocolates, and about 15 cans of different soda's, haha, mainly lemonades.
Even they knew me too well!

Aww, how perfect!

King Simba
September 25th, 2016, 09:35 AM
That's lovely Nathalie. :)

As for me, well on Friday I picked up my new car, so I've been in a very good mood all weekend. :D

September 25th, 2016, 09:46 AM
Awwww, how nice of them Nathalie.

I'm happy because I managed to have decent money on work again, nothing to worry about like on the past month. :sigh:

September 25th, 2016, 11:49 PM
As for me, well on Friday I picked up my new car, so I've been in a very good mood all weekend. :D

Wow, new car is huge happy! Congrats and may you have many happy (and safe!) years with it!

Is it brand-brand-new, or pre-owned?

King Simba
September 26th, 2016, 07:10 AM
Wow, new car is huge happy! Congrats and may you have many happy (and safe!) years with it!

Is it brand-brand-new, or pre-owned?
It's an ex demo car, which means it was used as a car to show people and do test drives in. It has only over 1000 miles on the clock and was registered in January this year, so yes, practically it is new. :) The only owner it has had is the dealership I bought it from.

The car I had before wasn't even that old either (2014) but it just wasn't economical enough. My new car is a diesel and still on a full tank of fuel even though I have probably done over 100 miles in it since I bought it. No more constant trips to the petrol station, yay!

September 26th, 2016, 11:19 AM
Wow :D It was just waiting in the dealership for it's forever home, lol.

September 30th, 2016, 04:14 PM
I just stood on my Wii Fit, and lost almost 4 kg *dances* !
Last time I stood on it was June.
Pretty sure the stomach flu from these past few days has something to do with it, but I haven't had take-out all month, and been trying to cook much better for myself, and on regular times every evening, I had already noticed I hadn't been eating as much lately.


October 4th, 2016, 10:44 PM
Finished my take-home exam, yaaay~

Now I just need to finish the ridiculous amount of written work required for the seminar on Thursday and maybe then I can breathe for a little while before it all goes crazy again ;__;