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May 25th, 2011, 09:51 PM
I found this quote around the internet. I find so many claims to these movies that were incorrect and pointed out to the OP the mistakes of it all. How terribly simplified these summaries of each movie was. (Also how the OP missed the entire point of each one). I had an interesting time reflecting upon these movies and their theme.

Refute this statement:

Dear parents. Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinocchio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed Sleeping Beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can't blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age...

May 25th, 2011, 10:23 PM
Dear parents. Jasmine was in a relationship with a dirty homeless boy named Aladdin. Snow White lived alone with 7 men. Pinocchio was a liar. Robin Hood was a thief. Tarzan walked around without clothes on. A stranger kissed Sleeping Beauty and she married him. Cinderella lied and snuck out at night to attend a party. You can't blame us. We were taught to rebel since a young age...

If you don't like it, don't watch it, and don't take minor snippets of the movie out of their context just so you have something for your bored-housewife-*** to complain about.


May 25th, 2011, 10:30 PM
Uhm, that quote wasn't made by me, so if you were referring to me up there, then I have to argue that I am no housewife, nor am I Derp. Lol... I wanted to discuss how you would argue with the statement bringing up actions from the movie that would indicate the opposite from the statement. In a none ad hominem way of course. For example:

Pinocchio was a liar.
Pinnochio did lie but not without consequences leading him to become a better person.

May 25th, 2011, 10:54 PM
That's the beauty of the "other side of the story". ;)

Kids won't look at another perspective during their heydays. It was the adult trying to manipulate the kids.
People should ask young adult [from 18 to 25] What did they see on the first time they watch Disney Animation? Now that is an important question!

May 25th, 2011, 10:59 PM
Now I have something to blame my bad behavior on! Curse you Disney! :p

May 26th, 2011, 12:33 AM
Haha... Well I cannot see how else Disney could have done these movies especially as none of the movies mentioned above are originally written by Disney. And to be honest. How many of us really thought of that stuff relevant when you were watching them as kid and as you come older and start realizing these things not being necessarily the most appropriate things to see in modern society, you should be old enough to see the difference between reality and fiction.

Thought I don't get the Tarzan comment as men are still allowed to walk around without shirt on in certain places so there is nothing wrong with that.

May 26th, 2011, 12:46 AM
The point of this thread seems to escape me :confused:. It looks pretty obvious to me that whoever wrote that quote wasn't being serious. It's a funny joke, turning the moral principles of the movies on their heads and coming to a funny conclusion that Disney promotes rebeling against your parents. I mean, just the introduction "Dear parents" in such a letter should be a giveaway that this was made tnogue-in-cheek. I have no idea why Shadowland became upset. Nobody is dissing the movies. And besides,
If you don't like it, don't watch it....you can't know whether you dislike something before you watch it :p ...

I see Khal's original intent was...to analyze the joke? Really? Doesn't that usually take the fun out of them? :lol:

EDIT: And as STM pointed out, even if we grant all the statements made about the movies, it still assumes that things like this actually have such an effect on kids. Which can't really be assumed.

Weylin got the correct response to this thread.

May 26th, 2011, 12:55 AM
Lol, Tarzan was raised by Apes. What did they really expect? Dress him up in Gucci?

@Revo, you're such a buzzkill >.> lol. We shall analyze this pronto!

Here, lemme rephrase my first post here:

What did you think of the movies mentioned in the initial post, and what was your impression of them *now* when you look back and analyze them

May 26th, 2011, 02:44 AM
I'll answer for Aladdin at least. I always thought it was sweet that Aladdin and Jasmine could fall in love from two different walks of life, to me that was one of the key points, that someone who was princely and wealthy wouldn't make her happy, he simply had to have that certain something, no matter where he came from. Not sure how easily I'd fall in love with someone dirty and homeless though :p The initial reaction is to go 'ewww', but you still can't blame someone for falling in love with whoever, it's just the way it happens... even if they are cartoon characters :lol:

Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 26th, 2011, 10:10 AM
What's wrong with being naked anyway? :lalala: :p

May 26th, 2011, 10:45 AM
...well, I can't say Disney movies had a profound negative effect on me. But I do blame Hakuna Matata for my bad attitude.

May 26th, 2011, 06:10 PM
Well said, Sombi. In case you all forgot, Simba, despite being a child, DID believe he killed his father, and ran from the law. Imagine how different the movie would have been had he gone to him mother, Sarabi, instead.

Some others:

Beauty and The Beast- Young girl tames then falls in love with wild animal.

Oliver & Company- Gang leader tricks innocent orphan into joining criminal gang, makes orpan feel guilty for leaving.

Dumbo- Child born with mutation is picked on and abused by locals and even own relatives. Mother who protects him thrown in prison. Child forced to perform incredibly dangerous stunts as slave(did you ever see Dumbo get paid?).

101 Dalmations- Scrores of animals abducted by psychotic woman and apparently brainless henchmen, imprisoning innocent bystander(Nanny) in the process. When rescued by some of the animals' original family, said family becomes hoarders.

Lilo & Stitch- Delinquent child befriends and attempts to civilize extra-terrestrial. Civilization attempt(though constant subjection to Elvis Prestly music) fails miserably.

Toy Story- Beloved toy, jealous of new comer, attempts to murder(though destruction) said newcomer. Psychotic neighbor child destroys any toys he can get his hands on, whether his or not.

Aristocats-Frail rich woman leaves her wealth to beloved pets in will. Jealous butler abducts and attempts to murder said pets, including three children. Children subjected to alcoholic duck.

The Rescuers- Child abducted by senile old woman and forced into slavery by threat of alligator consumption. Slavery includes highly dangerous job.

Rescuers Down Under- Poacher captures highly endangers species among others. When innocent child falls into a trap, poacher attempts to murder him by drowning in rapid river. Albatross subjected to medical experimentation by mad doctor.

I make these films sound dark, don't I? This is fun, though. :lol:

May 26th, 2011, 06:31 PM
Well said, Sombi. In case you all forgot, Simba, despite being a child, DID believe he killed his father, and ran from the law. Imagine how different the movie would have been had he gone to him mother, Sarabi, instead.

Some others:

Beauty and The Beast- Young girl tames then falls in love with wild animal.

Oliver & Company- Gang leader tricks innocent orphan into joining criminal gang, makes orpan feel guilty for leaving.

Dumbo- Child born with mutation is picked on and abused by locals and even own relatives. Mother who protects him thrown in prison. Child forced to perform incredibly dangerous stunts as slave(did you ever see Dumbo get paid?).

101 Dalmations- Scrores of animals abducted by psychotic woman and apparently brainless henchmen, imprisoning innocent bystander(Nanny) in the process. When rescued by some of the animals' original family, said family becomes hoarders.

Lilo & Stitch- Delinquent child befriends and attempts to civilize extra-terrestrial. Civilization attempt(though constant subjection to Elvis Prestly music) fails miserably.

Toy Story- Beloved toy, jealous of new comer, attempts to murder(though destruction) said newcomer. Psychotic neighbor child destroys any toys he can get his hands on, whether his or not.

Aristocats-Frail rich woman leaves her wealth to beloved pets in will. Jealous butler abducts and attempts to murder said pets, including three children. Children subjected to alcoholic duck.

The Rescuers- Child abducted by senile old woman and forced into slavery by threat of alligator consumption. Slavery includes highly dangerous job.

Rescuers Down Under- Poacher captures highly endangers species among others. When innocent child falls into a trap, poacher attempts to murder him by drowning in rapid river. Albatross subjected to medical experimentation by mad doctor.

I make these films sound dark, don't I? This is fun, though. :lol:


I love the Lilo & Stitch one! They're all making me laugh hard, the Dark Side of Disney.

May 26th, 2011, 07:53 PM
Uhm, that quote wasn't made by me, so if you were referring to me up there, then I have to argue that I am no housewife, nor am I Derp. Lol... I wanted to discuss how you would argue with the statement bringing up actions from the movie that would indicate the opposite from the statement. In a none ad hominem way of course. For example:

Pinnochio did lie but not without consequences leading him to become a better person.

No, that was addressed to the person who created the statement ;) and I wouldn't be able to argue without ad hominem, it aggravates me too much lol

May 26th, 2011, 08:32 PM
Lol, Tarzan was raised by Apes. What did they really expect? Dress him up in Gucci?

Well, Tarzan did dressed up good near the end of the movie! :p


I love the Lilo & Stitch one! They're all making me laugh hard, the Dark Side of Disney.

Well everyone have their own demon in their minds! including the brainchild of a project. :woe: :haha:

May 26th, 2011, 10:52 PM
i loled