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View Full Version : The Lion King Flaws in TLK

August 6th, 2005, 06:16 AM
Recent threads have been generating alot of anti-SP/TLK3 behavior, so I thought we'd give fans of those movies a bit of a break. For once.

So, what are some flaws/things that bug you from the original TLK?

August 6th, 2005, 06:42 AM
Nala! :cheese:

Other than her, the flaws don't bug me much.

But I've always wondered how Scar knew where the cubs were going to end up at the end of the hyena chase :hmm:

Unless he was running along side *L*

August 6th, 2005, 06:51 AM
Maybe he told the hyenas to chase them there.. er. It was a dead end, wasn't it? Or yeah, maybe ran alongside using the oh-so-convienently placed over head ledge :vitsm:

Nala bugged me too.. a little. I like adult Nala, but cub Nala was a little annoying, I think.

August 6th, 2005, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
Flaws in TLK... hmm... Scar!

As you probably already know, I would prefer a movie with no violence and death at all =D ... that means no Scar =) ... maybe a better movie would've included how all the lions worked together to overcome a different adversary =) ...
Scar makes TLK what it is today, end of.

Flaws in TLK for me would be the Morning Report on the DVD. I thought it was lame and ruined an awesome film.

August 6th, 2005, 11:36 AM
I love TLK. It's the best.. :cheese:
And I think it is Mufasa who makes that film.. to be honest. Simba would've NEVER returned without him..

August 6th, 2005, 11:54 AM
Yes but without Scar, Simba would've never run away in the first place because Mufasa wouldn't have been killed. So there =P

August 6th, 2005, 12:08 PM
Hmm.. Yes but without Mufasa.. Iestyn.. Simba would not been even born. :lol: But hakuna matata. All the characters makes the movie.

King Simba
August 6th, 2005, 01:03 PM
Hmm, well, Timon and Pumbaa did seem a little annoying in some parts but still, I did like them both (they're still both good characters... ;)) I don't really think there's anything major that annoys me though in TLK.

Nala The Lion
August 6th, 2005, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by va-kasi
Nala! :cheese:

Other than her, the flaws don't bug me much.

But I've always wondered how Scar knew where the cubs were going to end up at the end of the hyena chase :hmm:

Unless he was running along side *L*

who does Nala bug you :confused:

:haha: stl thats a good one! I think Scar's a good villian though, Flaws in Simbas Pride - Vitani!

oh and Zira's Voice :grrr:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
I would love a lion-size adult Simba plushie, that would own :p ...

I have one that is almost the real size (if it really was the real size it would be VERY big) just a little smaller. He takes up my whole bed. I had it from a store when they stopped sell the TLK videos (that's why he was so big, so the customers could see him from the floor, up there on the TALL shelf x). They were going to throw away the plushie (!crazy people!) but thanks to my grandma, she took care of that, and now it's mine and I'll never give it back *haha*. Not that I think they want it back, but anyway :D

And the flaws in TLK ... The Morning Report really destroyed it a bit ... I don't know why they even bothered to do a new song, it doesn't make any sense for the movie if it's there or not Oo ... I can't think of any other flaws right now, it has been to much about SP the latest days xD

Nala The Lion
August 6th, 2005, 01:35 PM
I would love life size cub Nala and Simba and Adult one's too :D :cool: :bleen:

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 01:37 PM
Yea, an adult Nala too would be cool..xD Not as cubs, we already have a lot of them, that's enough...:p

August 6th, 2005, 01:43 PM
The only Flaw I have with the LK is when - THE LION KING - appears to signal the end of the movie. :)

Nala The Lion
August 6th, 2005, 01:43 PM
hehe there is alot of Cub one's the one's from Disneyland Paris/Florida/Euro Disney are the best one's though!

Prince Simba
August 6th, 2005, 02:50 PM
Timon and Pumbaa should have been evil. And not so... stupid? Yeah, comic relief is good, but too much is bad. In all the movies, they're my least favorite characters.

Nala The Lion
August 6th, 2005, 03:13 PM
Timon and Pumba should of wisened up as time went by i agree, ok when Simba's a cub they can be stupid but they should of got smarter as he grow up coz although they don't get bigger or change apperance surely they still get older with Simba :-)

Kiara Serengeti
August 6th, 2005, 03:38 PM
Didn't like cub Nala, imo. There were some parts of IJCWtBK (the animation, not the song) that I didn't like, like Simba and Nala on the animal tower, I thought it was a little too cartoony like something from Donald Duck :alone: .

August 6th, 2005, 06:37 PM
Let's face it, folks - without Scar, there wouldn't be a movie. ;)

The point of IJCWTBK was to be colorful, cartoony - remember, we're seeing it from Simba's POV, and as he's still young, his vision of the future would be very bright/colorful etc.. whereas in Be Prepared we're seeing Scar's POV, so everything's dark, harsher colors, etc..

Aww. Timmykins. *pets Timon*

@simba2662: I hate that part! :woeisme: :p

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 06:41 PM
What I don't like about TLK 1? Simple.

The Lion King fans. :evilgrin:

Well, let me be more specific on that xD The fans have taken what was a very simple basic story and just made it this big complicated mess. Take The Lion King at face value people =/ Not 'Who is Nala's dad' and 'Was Scar really evil?' etc etc etc Movies are best at face value x)

Other than that.... I'd have to say... idk.. I can't think of any right now x)

August 6th, 2005, 06:43 PM
Really? Personally, I like theorizing.. XP But that's just me, after all.

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 06:55 PM
It just bugs the crap out of me. It's an animated film that wasn't even intended to be that big of a success at all. I doubt that most of the writers and animators and directors and producers were thinking if Scar was evil or not. Or if it really was Simba's fault, or who was who's relatives (well, they did do that with Kovu and Kiara in Simba's Pride because of the whole incest thing..)

I think they saw Scar and said 'there's the villain, at Simba and said 'there's the hero', and everyone else and said 'there's a cast, let's make a movie' xP

I like thinking about it to an extent, but usually it's just annoying to hear some of the outrageous suggestions made xP

August 6th, 2005, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
The Lion King fans. :evilgrin:

Well, to be honest there's 2 types of fan. The ones who just enjoy the movie for what it is, like moi. And then there's the ones who are totally obsessed, they create stories and fan fics, and buy all the merchandise going, those are the ones who create those tangents like "Who was Nala's dad?" etc. So I'm just saying that we're not all the type of fans you dislike.

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 09:15 PM
Very true Iestyn, I met the freaky fans x)

But I cna't talk really, I've written two and a half fan fics x) One was based on my character though so there :idiot: hehe

I don't go out and buy every TLK item there is though, nor proclaim ont he streets how much I like the movie.

'Cause for me, it was a movie, a good movie, but a movie x)

August 6th, 2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
It just bugs the crap out of me. It's an animated film that wasn't even intended to be that big of a success at all. I doubt that most of the writers and animators and directors and producers were thinking if Scar was evil or not. Or if it really was Simba's fault, or who was who's relatives (well, they did do that with Kovu and Kiara in Simba's Pride because of the whole incest thing..)

I think they saw Scar and said 'there's the villain, at Simba and said 'there's the hero', and everyone else and said 'there's a cast, let's make a movie' xP

I like thinking about it to an extent, but usually it's just annoying to hear some of the outrageous suggestions made xP

I'm sure the creators thought a lot about it. At least they said so in the making ofs of the DVD. And the movie wouldn't have been that magical if the characters weren't that well developed...

unregistered user
August 6th, 2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Well, to be honest there's 2 types of fan. The ones who just enjoy the movie for what it is, like moi. And then there's the ones who are totally obsessed, they create stories and fan fics, and buy all the merchandise going, those are the ones who create those tangents like "Who was Nala's dad?" etc. So I'm just saying that we're not all the type of fans you dislike.

I'm totally obsessed *proud* :D But I put fanfics and Nalas dad behind me years ago *:diva:*
We obsessed fans is big flaws, you're right ...

August 7th, 2005, 01:39 AM
Originally posted by Nala The Lion
who does Nala bug you :confused:

:haha: stl thats a good one! I think Scar's a good villian though, Flaws in Simbas Pride - Vitani!

oh and Zira's Voice :grrr:

I don't like her, she's the kind of character who was made simply for chicks to admire and respect :nukawha: Everything she does is so perfect.

She's just a Mary-sue who's tolerated by most people

Now, what do you have against 'Tani? :vitsm:

August 7th, 2005, 01:46 AM
I always thought Kiara was far more MarySue-y then Nala..

Although now you think about it, they both kinda are...

*hates Mary-Sues with a passion* >:P

August 7th, 2005, 01:56 AM
Kiara's a mary-sue, but she does have faults...

like being hyperly annoying :cheese:

unregistered user
August 7th, 2005, 01:58 AM
Ah yeah.. that is another thing... what's the deal with Nala?

In all three movies she barely makes an appearance. In TLK3 she's seen a total of once. In TLK2 she just briefly and randomly pops in a scene with her changing eyes. and even in TLK1.. she's briefly in the movie *shrugs*

How can you Nala fans like her so much? She was barely even there! :idiot:

And Nala and Kiara are a lot alike. They both argue with Simba and give him the 'I'm mad no so back off 'cause i'm a feminist' look =P I think Sarabi (yes Sarabi) taught Nala that and then Nala taught Kiara x)
*shrugs* I mean, I can understand how you'd like her a bit, but not as much as some Nala fans do. That's just me *shrugs*

Ah, and one las tnote, my biggest problem witht he original has got to be them not adding 'They Live in You', 'Shadowland', 'The Madness of King Scar', and 'Endless Night' tot he movie << Darn them!

August 7th, 2005, 01:58 AM
I don't think she was really *meant* to be so annoying, just bubbly and "fun", and.. er, that made her annoying. Another Mary-Sue trait. :p

But I'm not sure why, NTL, you said Vitani and Zira were annoying, because this is a thread about things that bug you in *TLK*. Not SP... yeah.

unregistered user
August 7th, 2005, 02:02 AM
Now that I think more about it.. Nala is indeed a Mary Sue! She's a Mary Sue if there ever was one Oo!

August 7th, 2005, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
[B]I don't think she was really *meant* to be so annoying, just bubbly and "fun", and.. er, that made her annoying. Another Mary-Sue trait. :p

Yeah, you're right. Little kids really go for that in a character ;)

She does seem to have a few loose screws though :Perks:

Melody of Scar
August 7th, 2005, 04:19 AM
Morning Report. :eww:

Between Simba's changed singing voice and Zazu singing... Ugh.

August 7th, 2005, 09:00 AM
Two more things that bug me - that little gasp/jaw-drop thing Zazu does when Simba is ascending Pride Rock at the end of the movie (honestly, what was he expecting Simba to do?), and the little smile thing Simba does right before he roars in the same scene. Dunno why that bothers me.. it just.. does.

August 7th, 2005, 10:02 AM
Would luv to have seen Shadowland, Endless night and He lives in you in the movie but they wouldnt have been as special for the broadway prodution. Nala is kinda dissapointing in the 2 sequels but in TLK she rocks.

August 7th, 2005, 12:43 PM
My problem is the movie's hyena theme. I find it disturbing that one of Mufasa's duties was to drive the hyenas away from the verdant Pridelands and imprisoned in the geothermically volatile, vegetation-depleted Elephant Graveyard, and that the movie supported this behavior. Just as disturbing is how the hyenas are blamed for destroying the Pridelands when Scar lets them in, when a serious drought would have sufficed to explain the Pridelands' horrible state during Scar's rule. Why can't hyenas be allowed into the Circle of Life?

Yes, it's quite natural for carnivores to try to scare off any other carnivores intruding on their territories, but why should Disney endorse this savage behavior?

Nala The Lion
August 7th, 2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I don't think she was really *meant* to be so annoying, just bubbly and "fun", and.. er, that made her annoying. Another Mary-Sue trait. :p

But I'm not sure why, NTL, you said Vitani and Zira were annoying, because this is a thread about things that bug you in *TLK*. Not SP... yeah.

Oh i know but think about it Simba's Pride is the second part of the lion king :p and they are annoying

Originally posted by va-kasi
I don't like her, she's the kind of character who was made simply for chicks to admire and respect :nukawha: Everything she does is so perfect.

She's just a Mary-sue who's tolerated by most people

Now, what do you have against 'Tani? :vitsm:

I just don't like her, she ain't what you expect from a female lioness, she's just like Zira and even when she grows up she's still totally like her! Luckily she doesn't have an annoying voice like Zira though. and Nala ain't perfect she's just wise :p

EDIT: The Edit button is there for a reason ;) ~Ravoc

unregistered user
August 7th, 2005, 05:07 PM
Yes well, this thread isn't about Simba's Pride, it's about TLK, keep on topic please ;)

August 7th, 2005, 07:52 PM
There's already more than enough threads complaining about SP, this is a thread about things that bug you in THE ORIGINAL ;P

So yes, let's keep on topic!

I dunno why people want EN in TLK - it's a good song, but even in the Broadway, Simba's just standing there.

unregistered user
August 7th, 2005, 08:08 PM
They wouldn't have to keep it like that in the movie Somby. Endless Night is a very emotional song. I consider it the best way possible to explain the way that Simba is feeling too.

Lucy Lioness
August 7th, 2005, 08:11 PM
Well there are things that bug me about the TLK SE DVD. Like that 3D menu with Zazu, and the Morning Report song. I don't have a problem with Simba's singing, it's Zazu's I have the problem with, lol. :D

unregistered user
August 7th, 2005, 08:19 PM
Eh.. Simba's singing.. the difference bothers me =/ But what can ya do? It's not like they could turn JTT into a kid again xP

Lucy Lioness
August 7th, 2005, 08:23 PM
Well Simba's singing was ok. My dvd always pauses when Muffy says 'How it's done' and that annoys me. Does that happen for anyone else? Just makes the Morning Report bit seem more crappy, lol.

Nala The Lion
August 7th, 2005, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Yes well, this thread isn't about Simba's Pride, it's about TLK, keep on topic please ;)

(what did i do for the edit Ravoc :confused:, i quoted too quotes in one post :confused: *blink*)

August 8th, 2005, 04:02 AM
Like that 3D menu with Zazu, and the Morning Report song.

Yeah, whoever thought "Morning Report" was a good song? It was pure obnoxiousness.

unregistered user
August 8th, 2005, 05:07 AM
No you didn't NTL, you originally had two posts, I put them into one ;)

August 8th, 2005, 05:20 AM
omg Ravoc, your post count.. 5555.. o_o *ahem*

Anyways, I can't come up with a way how they could make EN work.. it's only Simba singing and really requires no action.. so.... Dunno.

EDIT: ...the first part of this post is stupid, now, because your count seems to have dropped in the space of a minute. hmm.

August 8th, 2005, 05:24 AM
the flaw of TLK:

when I first watched it, it was painfully short
when I rewatch it now, it seems awefully long...

August 8th, 2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Huma
when I first watched it, it was painfully short
when I rewatch it now, it seems awefully long...
I thought that too, but the other way round.

Lucy Lioness
August 8th, 2005, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
I thought that too, but the other way round.

Haha, me too. :D And my disc actually pauses on that song, for a second, and the disc makes a noise as if it doesn't like the song. :D

Melody of Scar
August 8th, 2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by trexmaster
Just as disturbing is how the hyenas are blamed for destroying the Pridelands when Scar lets them in, when a serious drought would have sufficed to explain the Pridelands' horrible state during Scar's rule. Why can't hyenas be allowed into the Circle of Life?

I agree with the rest of it, but in my defense I never said they couldn't be allowed into the Circle of Life. I was simply stating that my point of view is that the hyenas had something to do with the depletion of the Pridelands. A drought may have had something to do with it but the hyenas, finally being in the midst of a virtual buffet, must have gone a little crazy.

That's my belief, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't call it disturbing. =/

Nala The Lion
August 8th, 2005, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
No you didn't NTL, you originally had two posts, I put them into one ;)

oh :hmm: i thought i had :confused:

sorry :D

August 9th, 2005, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Nala The Lion
oh and Zira's Voice :grrr:

That is the most beautiful thing at Zira ... haha
That voice fits the character perfectly, in my opinion.

I don't think anyone else could have done the same great job.

Actually, the rules say: "No Lion King hate posts or threads".
And this thread, might look like one ... Because people are saying what they hate about TLK.

I know, it's a discussion, like another one, but Mufasa putted that rule in there.

So ... Please, keep it friendly in here ! And this thing might stay open ...

August 9th, 2005, 06:52 PM
We're not saying we hate TLK, or bashing it or anything, we're just pointing out things that bug us. I mean, it's obvious we're all TLK fans here ... and people have said way worse stuff about SP + TLK3 in other threads. XP

Btw NTL, you have too many lines of text in your sig, ^^;

August 9th, 2005, 06:55 PM
Some posts I might say as a "mod" come from the mind of several members, not only by me ...

I'm just pointing it out then :)

Nala The Lion
August 9th, 2005, 07:28 PM
i do see what's being said here, but nothing's going to be perfect and it's good to discuss what people do and don't like about the film :-)

Melody of Scar
August 9th, 2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
We're not saying we hate TLK, or bashing it or anything, we're just pointing out things that bug us. I mean, it's obvious we're all TLK fans here ... and people have said way worse stuff about SP + TLK3 in other threads. XP

*coughs, chokes, and blushes*

I admit to that. I've said some reeeeally bad things about SP.

And I agree ~ we're not bashing TLK. 'Tis the greatest animated movie of all time, after all. But even the greatest movie has it's flaws. ;)

But thanks for being on the ball, nath. :D

unregistered user
August 9th, 2005, 07:29 PM
Yes, the posts in all three threads have seemed to be getting a bit aggresive. Perhaps if we don't like something about the movie we should just keep it to ourselves so others are not offended by our opinions? Idk, if it can stay unhostile, then these topics can stay open, but if anymore anger pops up in any of those threads I'll have to shut them down.