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November 3rd, 2005, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by nathalie
Looks like Lea is THE ideal place to find/get yourself a boy/girlfriend.

Is it like this on any other forum aswell? *lol*
Well the only thing I know is Kiara & I like to chat to each other so I know there is someting there.

November 3rd, 2005, 01:48 PM
I think we call this phenomena... WEBCEST.

November 5th, 2005, 12:50 AM
I was kind of down this weekend a bit because well, rumors have said that chris told his best friend kody who told my friend ashley that he wanted to date my her if she became single but he's too afraid to cause he thinks i'll hate him. Well, i WON'T hate him if he dates ashley or any of my friends. I realize the consequences of me taking my stand against dating. So i thought about it all week and i was slightly sad, cause i thought that maybe he didn't like me anymore. So finally yesterday i emailed him and said, "Okay here it goes. I've heard some stuff from some people, i'm not going to name (But don't be angry with anybody, promise?) and i guess it probably should be delt with, cause it's not necessarily fair to you. I don't want you to feel obligated not to like or date any of my friends just because i like you. I don't own you or my friends and i'm not like that anyways. I know stuff like this is gonna happen but i don't want you to feel bad or scared because i would never hate you for something like dating a friend of mine. Ever. I'm serious, that's not how i am. I don't know if you still like me or not and i know i can't date and all, and i realize the consequences of that. I don't want you to feel obligated to like me either. You're my best friend, and all i would want for you is to be happy."

I was very happy with his reply, and i only hope he was telling this to me truthfully, "I don't feel obligated at all. I really do like you. But, you cant date. But I just want you to know. I'm not going to date any of your friends because they're your friends, I'm not going to date them because I don't like them like that. I just want you to know that. We will always be friends and sooner of later I'm sure your parents will let you start dating and when that day comes let me know. Until then we can still be best friends."

It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But at the same time, it makes realizing that i can't date him now even harder to face. And tempting to do.

unregistered user
November 5th, 2005, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Talli
Well the only thing I know is Kiara & I like to chat to each other so I know there is someting there.

I chat with myself. Alot. Like, all....the time. Like in the shower, when I'm out grazing on grass, when I'm sleeping, when I'm working, even though I barely work, on the computer, at church, when I'm thinking, when I'm walking, when I'm reading, when I'm singing, when I'm burning bits of cars on fire, when I'm tying fireworks to my cat, when I'm arguing with the police, when http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/MufaCubby/what.jpg

But, I guess I'm going somewhere. Oh Kuzco I'm so happy for me!

@ Alli : Well CONGRATS girl! http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/MufaCubby/hugs.jpg
Though I'm sorry to hear you can't date him quite yet. When the time comes, I think you'll feel happy for the patience. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y42/MufaCubby/smile.jpg

November 5th, 2005, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by Nephilim
I think we call this phenomena... WEBCEST.

:haha:...I agree....And I must take advantage of it and find myself an Internet Wife...or three...:D

November 5th, 2005, 03:38 AM
well this is a bit late but anyways, Me and Sharifu have been together 6 months now ( or well in 11-03 )
so this is the longest time I have ever been with the same person... but I really wish it will last forever. I don't really know what else to say. Happy anniversary dear!? :love: ( even thought I did say that in the day already )

November 7th, 2005, 03:27 AM
Aw, STM, that's so sweet :D It doesn't matter how many times you say it, I don't think she'd get tired of hearing it. And if this is the longest relationship you've been in, then you know that she's definitely THE one. Good luck you two ^_^

November 7th, 2005, 12:04 PM
Oh wow... I didn't even know STM made that post about our anniversary...

But Happy Anniversary to you too. :) :hugs: <3

November 7th, 2005, 09:33 PM
Happy Anniversary Audra and Petteri! :D :cheese: :hugs:

King Simba
November 7th, 2005, 09:35 PM
Happy anniversary, Fu and STM. I hope you stay together for years to come and wish you both luck for the future. <3 :hugs:

November 7th, 2005, 09:51 PM
Congrats STM and Fu ^^ I hope you have many more happy months together :)

As for me and my gf, it was our 2 year anniversary on November 1st :love:

November 8th, 2005, 12:12 PM
congratulations STM and Sharifu, you two are so lucky that you were able to meet each other and that it all worked out for you, I really hope it all works out for you both. :hugs:

Also congrats Tiikeri, 2 years is a great amount of time to have beeen together, you are very lucky. All the best for you two.

November 8th, 2005, 04:54 PM
Congratulations Tiikeri, you have been together a long time indeed and it seems it works great for you too sinse you are still together and lets hope many happy years follows.
I also want to thank wishing luck for me and Audra. Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.

November 8th, 2005, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.

You sure are right about that. You have so far both been very lucky that you've been able to spend time together already, I hope you get the chance to see each other again soon.

November 8th, 2005, 11:34 PM
congrats Tiki! :hugs: all the best to you are your gf ;)

November 9th, 2005, 01:35 AM
Congrats on all you're guys' anniversaries. :hmm:

Eh - I'm going to tell this person that I like that I like them.. soon, but it's hard, I have no clue what to say. =/ I'm not going to get an "I feel the same way" answer - and don't say I'm being negative because I know, for a fact, that I'm not. But I'm at least hoping that they'll be okay with it - I don't want anything to change between us..

November 9th, 2005, 04:26 AM
Congrats on your 2 years Tiikeri. :) And thank you everyone for congradulating STM and I. And Sombolia, I hope everything works out after telling this person how you feel about them.

Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
I also want to thank wishing luck for me and Audra. Speding time sure is hard to find and expensive to get, but no price is too expensive of that happiness we both feel when we are together.

That is so true... I really feel so lucky that Petteri thinks that I am so special to work so much to be able to afford to see me... Seriously none of my friends would travel that far to see me. When I moved to Oregon, none of my friends I had when I lived in California, would travel to Oregon to visit me... This made me sad because I traveled to see them. It was only about a 6 hour drive too. (Like around 400 miles)

But Petteri is so right... No price is too high for the happiness we feel together... Chatting online, can't even compare to being together in person. The more time passes, the more I miss him. Well, in little over a month, Petteri will be here again, we'll be spending Christmas together. ^^ And I'm going to be saving up to go to Europe next summer, and spend my summer with him.

I told my dad last night how Petteri was coming for Christmas, and he was like... "What? Where is he getting all this money to come here?" And I said, "Well he's working a lot." (Duh) :rolleyes: I told my dad that he's coming on December 16. And he said, "What?! You're not working until Christmas?" And I said, "Well on my application it asked me about any upcoming vacations... And I put on December 16 to like January 4" The time Petteri would be staying here. And my dad got annoyed by that. He said, "What if Target won?t let you get the time off?" and I said to him, "Well I'll deal with that when the time comes."

For crying out loud I love Petteri and we rarely get to see each other and all my dad can think about is the money I would be making. My dad doesn't know anything about love... He thinks men can only fall in love after having sex. :rolleyes: (Well obviously not all men think like that, thank god! I don't even care what he thinks anyways...)

Anyways I can't wait to see you again Petteri. :love:

November 9th, 2005, 05:35 AM
Aww :hugs: Congrats Tiikeri, StM, and Sharifu. I'm really happy for you all. =D

But that is kinda lame--your dad bein' worried about money n' all. :confused:

November 9th, 2005, 07:02 AM
I wouldn't be able to get that much money if I would be living alone or if my parents would have that good saleries. Actually for this time I probably have around 400$ with me but I hope that is enough, because I have worked as much I have been able to and actually few times even sick and durning the exams. I'm not going to say anything about what your father thinks and well if targets want you to work it's ok with me. I will be able to spend some time alone... even though it is quite boring especially if there is no laptop to get online with.
oh and by the way... it is not 16th - 4th... it is 14th - 5th ;):cheese:

November 9th, 2005, 07:07 AM
Sorry I got the dates mixed up. XD And don't worry you'll have enough money.

Originally posted by FCSimba
But that is kinda lame--your dad bein' worried about money n' all. :confused:

Ugh yeah he owes me $550 and now he says he might not be able to pay me before Christmas... Well I mean I need that money for my trip to Europe. -_-

He could of just not gone to Mexico recently to go fishing... :mad:

Sorry I get mad at my dad for so many things. Even Petteri doesn't like my dad and you know how STM is, he likes to try to get along with everyone...

But yeah, I'm not sure what I'll do about working but I'll see closer to when the time comes and when I start working there.

Lion King Stu
November 9th, 2005, 08:50 AM
I don't like ya dad and I ain't even met him I just have to listen to the stuff he makes you do and all that....and that annoys me badly seriously.
Hes a jerk.
:hugs: poor Fu'ey...if I could kick him in the nutz for ya I would :lol:.

Oh and FC I'm missing you :tears: we ain't talked in days...curse the lame time diffs :lol:.

November 9th, 2005, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Lion King Stu
I don't like ya dad and I ain't even met him I just have to listen to the stuff he makes you do and all that....and that annoys me badly seriously.
Hes a jerk.
:hugs: poor Fu'ey...if I could kick him in the nutz for ya I would :lol:.

:lol: You are awesome Stu... :haha:

:hugs: :p

November 9th, 2005, 03:47 PM
ahh its so sweet to read this. Happy anniversery EVERYONE. It doesnt matter when it is, you should be gratuated every day with the fact you cherish your love with someone.

love is an incredibly big thing wich you CANT control. And youre the most lucky person in the world with having it. BUT that doesnt mean all the singles are unlucky, noo, you guys, there's someone OUT THERE! in a matter of time you'll be enjoying your feelings of love. =3

November 9th, 2005, 09:12 PM
aww, that's so cute Sharifu! will it be your first christmas together? :D

aww LKS, i'll be a message carrier for you and FC :p :lol:

November 9th, 2005, 09:16 PM
Oooo....Romantic Holidays for Audra and Petteri...:D

November 9th, 2005, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Lunarcat
aww, that's so cute Sharifu! will it be your first christmas together? :D

Yup =D

King Simba
November 9th, 2005, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by Tiikeri
As for me and my gf, it was our 2 year anniversary on November 1st :love:
Aww, many congrats on your anniversary dude. All the best. ^^

And ugh, that sucks Fu. >.> My dad is somewhat the same - he sometimes argues with me and tells me what I should and should not do. Sometimes, he's alright with me though. He does get in a moon pretty easily though which I try my best to not get him into one.

Meh, your dad doesn't sound too nice... and I haven't even met him. O_o I'm with Stu on this one.

But all the best for you and STM. :hugs: Hope it turns out well for you both. :)

November 10th, 2005, 01:29 PM
It's nice that this has become an ZOMG FU/STM OTP 4EVA thread, but surely someone else here must have a love life... stories, people!

November 10th, 2005, 02:03 PM
Well, I have a love life ... But it's kind of doll at the moment, haha, so nothing much to tell from my side.

unregistered user
November 10th, 2005, 05:39 PM
I basicly use my "love life" time checking out the mail girl and the bankier girl...

and Neph, to be fair, im not a STM/Sharifu shipper really, im more of a STM/Roog shipper to be honest, I mean, they are soooo IC! honest.

(If you havnt guessed it by now, the last part of this post was a joke and was not intended to insult or make fun of anyone.)

November 11th, 2005, 01:32 AM
Well, it's my boyfriend's and mine 6 month anniversary this Saturday. He said he's going to make me spaghetti for dinner that night, we'll see how it turns out :lol: I'm gonna give him a weave drawing (a drawing where you combine two pictures) I did in art. It's a close up of Christine from The Phantom of the Opera woven with a picture of Raoul and the Phantom fighting in the graveyard from the movie (you guys probably didn't care what it was but I'm just excited). 6 months may not seem like a big deal to you guys, but a half a year for a high school relationship is exciting for me. It doesn't seem like it's been half a year, time certainly flies...

unregistered user
November 11th, 2005, 02:42 AM
Awwww :hugs: Congrats! It's a very good thing that it all passed by so fast, it means that you've been having a good time all these months ^^
Love is in the air, or on this thread :lol:

Hey, you think you could show us the pic when yer done? I'd love to see it :cheese:

And spags sound yummeh :D
That's wot we call em haha

November 11th, 2005, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Yup =D

aww....may it be merry and bright ;)

Boosy Woo: come now, work up that courage and talk to them! :hugs:

November 11th, 2005, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Boos

and Neph, to be fair, im not a STM/Sharifu shipper really, im more of a STM/Roog shipper to be honest, I mean, they are soooo IC! honest.

:haha:...I have no idea what you're talking about...:D

November 11th, 2005, 11:30 AM
Well my love is doing awasome....wait I have no boyfriend.
But that's okay,i'm great about not having a boyfriend.....but there is a boy that i got my eye on his name is Michael.....I'm like a lioness wacthing her prey...haaaa:haha:

November 11th, 2005, 12:02 PM
I miss the one I love :tears:

November 12th, 2005, 11:43 AM
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Azerane :hugs: Where ever he is, I'm sure he'll be back very soon ;)

November 12th, 2005, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
It's nice that this has become an ZOMG FU/STM OTP 4EVA thread

:lol: Thanks Neph. XD

Originally posted by Boos
and Neph, to be fair, im not a STM/Sharifu shipper really, im more of a STM/Roog shipper to be honest, I mean, they are soooo IC! honest.

Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...I have no idea what you're talking about...:D

:lol: I have no idea what he's talking about either... :confused: What does IC stand for Boos?

Oh yes, congrats to my friend Muruwa. ^^ Let us know how it turns out, is he good at cooking? I know spaghetti is easy to make, but how you said, "we'll see how that turns out" with a lol smilie, makes me think you think he can't cook or something. XD And I bet that pic you made looks really cool!

Originally posted by Lunarcat
aww....may it be merry and bright ;)

:lol: Thanks, just about a month now until he's here... ^^

RoughPup, don't worry about not having a boyfriend right now... When I was 11, I never even thought about having a boyfriend... Seriously, only until I got to high school, was I open to the idea. Even when I was in middle school I didn't want a boyfriend, and in my opinion I thought I was too young to worry about that.

Aww Azerane, I know just how you feel. :hugs:

November 13th, 2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, Azerane :hugs: Where ever he is, I'm sure he'll be back very soon ;)

Thanks Reina, let's hope so.

Thankyou Sharifu *hugs back*

November 13th, 2005, 11:42 AM
Yush, hit three months (yesterday). Therefore me > life. Hurrah for drunk randy-ness, because it actually went somewhere. ;P

Well, 'twas a nice day. Went to his house, wink wink nudge nudge, and then to my friend's birthday and got nicely sloshed. >D I'm so glad I'm not in one of those relationships based around going out to fancy resturants and on dates. o__O

unregistered user
November 13th, 2005, 01:13 PM
I have no idea what he's about about either... What does IC stand for Boos?

It stands for in character :E

November 13th, 2005, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Yush, hit three months (yesterday).

congratulations Neph! :D :cheese: :hugs:

November 13th, 2005, 04:13 PM
Now my love is down in the dumps,because of Aaron and Michael be his "I hate her" act:grrr:

November 13th, 2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Oh yes, congrats to my friend Muruwa. ^^ Let us know how it turns out, is he good at cooking? I know spaghetti is easy to make, but how you said, "we'll see how that turns out" with a lol smilie, makes me think you think he can't cook or something. XD And I bet that pic you made looks really cool![/B]
Heh, thanks. I wasn't really sure how well he could cook, but it was really good last night ^_^ He's so nice, he got me this really pretty necklace with a heart on it. When I get the chance I'm gonna get a picture of that picture I drew so I can post it here. Last night was so... perfect, I'm in such a good mood right now.

November 13th, 2005, 10:42 PM
Awww, it sounds really sweet Muruwa, the evening that you had last night. I'm glad it went so well. Congrats you two. :)

November 14th, 2005, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by Muruwa
He's so nice, he got me this really pretty necklace with a heart on it.

Aww how sweet... You know that heart necklace I wear all the time? STM gave that to me too, but it was for my birthday.

Oh and congrats Neph. :)

November 14th, 2005, 12:25 PM
Congratulations Nephy *hugs* hopefully there will be a lot joy in your relationship for many more months and years ahead ;)

Lucy Lioness
November 15th, 2005, 10:31 PM
Speaking of anniversaries, tomorrow it is Shaun (my boyfriend) and I's 3 year anniversary. 3 years has gone really quick, and we are living together now. :D

November 15th, 2005, 11:50 PM
Wow 3 years, congratulations Lucy, that's really good that you've been together so long. You must be very happy together.

Not sure how I feel about the whole living together thing before you're married, I know it sorta prepares you a bit if you're thinking of marriage but, I dunno.

unregistered user
November 15th, 2005, 11:52 PM
Congrats Lucy :hugs:

3 years, and hopefully many more right? :lol: :p

November 16th, 2005, 01:37 AM
I just firuged out that Aaron is not being abused....I feel great!!=D

November 16th, 2005, 01:46 AM
So you said RoughPup, can we please keep that to the thread you had about Aaron in the first place, it's not really something that goes in here, sorry.

*edit* So sorry RoughPup, I didn't realise Xinithian directed you to this thread, although I think when he did he was talking about you should metion how you think Aaron likes you in here, and not about the abuse. My mistake.

unregistered user
November 16th, 2005, 02:02 AM
My relationship is going on...wait, I don't have one!

Well, I haven't found anyone around my parts yet...haven't been looking really. My tastes go else where, but no need to go into that! I have yet to date too, so yeah...nothing at the moment peeps.

I do have a big loving family, a nice paying job, and many other wonderful things to appreciate right now. But, I am happy for all the rest of you. *does thumbs up*

November 16th, 2005, 02:18 AM
You'll find someone John, and it doesn't matter if you're not looking, I actually think that's the best way, to not be looking, otherwise you go for people when you're not really all that sure about it, but you want to be with someone so you date them Anyway. When you least expect it someone completely amazing will walk into your life and you'll walk into theirs.

November 16th, 2005, 03:15 AM
Congrats Lucy! :cheese: :hugs:

Originally posted by Azerane
I actually think that's the best way, to not be looking

I totally agree. And Azerane I like your new banner! My banner is simple too. :p (I also don't have Photoshop, and I don't really know how to use it either)

November 16th, 2005, 03:22 AM
Thankyou. :) I'm just amazed that you can get the lines so perfect on paint!

November 16th, 2005, 03:25 AM
Heh, well that's because I trace my sketches so I have a clean version of the pic to color, then I outline that with a black pen. Then I scan that, that's how I do it.

But anyways, we better get back to the love life stories. ;) Hehe.

December 6th, 2005, 01:24 PM
Zzzzaapp! *resurrects the thread*

Well, I thought it about time I told my story... most of you no doubt have read my post in Upendi in the Indulgence thread to Kintaru, other's of you had suspicions before that, and you were right! Yeah you know who you are ;) Anyway... here goes...

You know, when I first came to Lea, which was over a year ago now, the last thing on my mind was finding someone who I would grow to love, if anything I didn't want it, or didn't believe it could happen, how I look back at that now and laugh, hehe. Because suprise, suprise, in walked Kintaru :p hehe, so that put an end to all that thinking. I knew you about 4 days Kintaru and already you were so caring towards me and I just couldn't believe it that someone was so concerned for me after knowing me for such a short space of time. I remember though, the first time we spoke was on Lea chat hehe, and then you added me on msn, and I remember being kinda suprised at that, but I thought whatever, that's cool... and see now look what you did... you made me fall in love with you :p I'm not complaining though, you are an amazing person Kintaru and you are so strong in that you believe nothing is out of reach. I admire that in you. So basically right after we met on Lea chat we just started talking to each, just about every day. I remember when I was feeling down shortly after we met, you drew me a picture, which was so sweet, you told me you'd catch me if I fell, and well... I fell for you :D You also drew a christmas picture with me in it which was so sweet, And even though you think you can't draw well, I disagree. So anyway... where was I...? Oh yeah we just met, we started talking, got to know each other and yeah I found myself liking him more and more each day, I still find myself doing that, you're so amazing Pat :hugs: And then, one wonderful day on the 23rd of February (muahaha... I still remember) :evilgrin: he asked me if I had a mate... and I'm sure the rest is obvious. :D Just wanna say thanks for sticking by me through everything Pat, thanks for the wonderful birthday present, thankyou for caring so much about me and believing in me. You mean so much to me Pat, always remember that. :hugs: :love: :hugs:

December 6th, 2005, 01:28 PM
Oooo...I was one of the ones who figured it out on my own...I is so smart!!!...:D....Congrats you both...I hope you go on to one day make many Philly Steak OUtback Steak House loving babies...:D

December 6th, 2005, 02:08 PM
:lol: Thanks... I guess :p hehe...

I'd thought you'd figured it out though, I just knew... *is a mind reader* :p :D

December 6th, 2005, 08:17 PM
Heheh, well I don't think anyone comes here intent on falling on love, that would be kinda strange. :evilgrin: I remember though, the crazy string of events that led me to this place. I think I actually originally joined this wacked out place in order to find out information about the DVD release, little did I know what would happen. It's almost scary to think though, what if I never picked lea? There are plenty of TLK forums out there, is it fate that brought me to this one? I've just always been fascinated by the idea that one decision can completely change one's life. But anyways, I know you fell for me Becca. And I stand by my word's I made that day. I'm here to catch you in my loving arms in the lake that waits below. ;) I remember the day we started talking though. I was on the forums and saw your name. I remember seeing that you were my age, and lived in Australia which I thought was cool. I hated seeing someone so sweet upset though, so I drew that picture, added you to my msn, and the rest, well, is our history. :cheese: It's been a crazy year for sure, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love you Becca, my wonderful mate.:love: And I'll always believe in you Becca, you amaze me everyday. I see so much potential in somone as smart and as caring as you are, and only want to help you live up to that. It's been nearly a year now since I asked you to be my mate, my lioness, and I hope we get to enjoy many years more.:hugs: I love you.

Hehe, and now I'm curious Roog, how would you make an outback style cheese steak, hmmmm? :p

December 6th, 2005, 08:27 PM
I should have known this earlier, though i did approximately.......4-5 months ago. I remember that picture that Kintaru drew for last christmas...Kint holding out miseltoe to Azzy...:p

anywhosen! that's sooo cute! :hugs: aww.......much luck to you both ;)

December 6th, 2005, 10:44 PM
Hehe, and now I'm curious Roog, how would you make an outback style cheese steak, hmmmm?

Instead of regular steak...you use Kangaroo steak...:D

December 6th, 2005, 11:16 PM
Aww how sweet... I knew about Kintaru and Azerane for a while... They both felt comfortable enough to tell me I guess. ^^

It's so sweet... You both are such nice and caring people... I hope this works out for both of you, and that you can meet sometime soon in the near future! :)

December 6th, 2005, 11:57 PM
Hehehe, that's what I figured Roog. ;) I'm going back to Philly after Christmas to go snowboarding with some friends actually. I can't wait, I want an authentic cheesesteak damnit! Hehe, though there's this restaurant I goto down here. Firehouse Subs. I must admit they make one very good cheesesteak.

And thanks Audra, I appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings, hehe. I guess we both saw you as the wise sage who would inderstand what we were going through. :haha: :hugs:

December 7th, 2005, 01:16 AM
Awww... :love: :hugs: :love: I love you so much Pat...

though what you were saying makes me curious as to why I joined Lea, :thinks: I think I followed a link in someones archive, maybe Blue Nikori's and it led me here... and like they say, the rest is history

And thankyou Sharifu, you really did help me out with this and I appreciate the time you took to listen and for the advice you gave. You've always been someone I could look up to and seeing as your in the same situation then yeah... hehe. I really hope we can meet up too, it's something that I wish could happen every day.

Anyway, thanks everyone. :)

December 7th, 2005, 01:53 AM

Well I'm glad you guys came to me for advice... I think a lot of people from Lea, who have found love here or somewhere else online, kind of look up to STM and I, since we have met in person as much as we have and we still love each other. (Even more after meeting.)

Well... I'm seriously missing STM a lot. It's been so long since I saw him last... And right now I have no internet access at home, and I rarely get to talk to him on the phone. (Because of how much it costs.) I did call him a few days ago with a calling card though. (Which is the only way I can make international calls) It costs me 12 cents a minute to call Finland. (On the calling card, not including what it costs to actually make calls on my cell phone. I try to wait until after 8:00 pm since I have free minutes then. And on the weekends I get free minutes too. But our time differences are so far from each other, it's hard to know when to call... That's a 10 hour time difference. The last time I called him, I woke him up and he was sick... I felt so awful but he kept telling me it was alright. He say he was even laying on the floor because his phone charger wouldn't reach to his bed. o_O) But he told me he was glad I called. I really really miss him. But he told me he'll call me one more time before he leaves. I seriously can't wait, only about a week left. (December 14)

December 7th, 2005, 03:40 AM
Aww Sharifu, it must be really hard for you, missing STM like that. I know I find it so hard missing Pat the way I do, but I couldn't even begin to imagine how much more it hurts, having met STM, and then having to be apart again. I hope this week goes by fast for you so that you'll be with STM before you know it. I hope you have a great time when he comes.

December 7th, 2005, 03:58 AM
Wow, so many more pages since I last posted on here...but might as well now!

"This just in from the battlefield live on CNN"

"Yes Ted, it seems that in our extensive study of Kiva (The Lion) it has been affirmed that he still, I repeat, still does not have a love life to speak of. It is hard to say, but this is a sad day for extremely SEXY lions all over the world. Back to you Kent..I mean..Ted" *cough*

Had to find that "file footage" for you guys! Enjoy! :p

December 8th, 2005, 01:16 AM
Aww, You'll find someone, just when you least expect it. They'll jump you from behind :die: hehe :p All in good time.

unregistered user
December 8th, 2005, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by Azerane
Aww, You'll find someone, just when you least expect it. They'll jump you from behind :die: hehe :p All in good time.

: O... No one's jumping me from behind. I have a lemon, a box of pebbles, and my imaginary friend, Al.


December 8th, 2005, 01:36 AM
Am I the only gay person who has posted in this thread?

I'm single, and haven't ever had a partner. I think that having a BF would definetly make me more motivated to do things, because now I am getting lazy for the lack of somebody to impress.

December 8th, 2005, 01:44 AM
Well, I like guys... but I like gals also; regardless, I've posted in this thread ^_^

I agree, having a partner would definately make me more motivated in life.

Kovu The Lion
December 8th, 2005, 01:46 AM
^ Agreed ^_^ Guys + Gals, I would care less if I had a mate in life :\ But there is one person I <3 <3 <3 and you guys know who it is probably anyways, So yeah ^^ I think STL posted in here once... Not sure, Not going through tons of pages to check either :P...


December 8th, 2005, 02:53 AM
I never had a love life, I guess no one finds me attractive...or is it something wrong with me? I don't know...it's kinda depressing really being single all my life...

December 8th, 2005, 02:59 AM
not counting a silly little bf/gf thing in 3rd and 4th grade. No love life. it's really boring....

December 8th, 2005, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
I never had a love life, I guess no one finds me attractive...or is it something wrong with me? I don't know...it's kinda depressing really being single all my life...

Hey, you're only 16, you're still young... I'd say there are people who find you attractive, they might just be too shy to say so. Hey, I was single at 16. Enjoy the freedom of not having those sorts of complications at your age.

December 8th, 2005, 04:30 AM
Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
I never had a love life, I guess no one finds me attractive...or is it something wrong with me? I don't know...it's kinda depressing really being single all my life... Have you ever asked anybody out? I really don't think that looks matter that much... unless if you're unusually ugly or something, I'd imagine that most people would be looking at your personality more than your looks, especially during the teen years because peoples' physiques change so much.

December 8th, 2005, 05:32 AM
Meh... I was in love, we both were at one time. Still rather hurts to think about it... :|
Best thing that could've ever happened to me, and to this day I am still her friend. Eh, things happen for a reason I suppose. Then Kovu became best friend all over again- Guess that's one good thing about it. :p

But yeah... Enjoying the single-life, or rather... Putting up with it, because I know where I'd be right now if I was given the chance. :p ;)


December 8th, 2005, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Twilight
But yeah... Enjoying the single-life, or rather... Putting up with it, because I know where I'd be right now if I was given the chance. :p ;)


That's a rather cryptic, suspicious thing to say... :thinks: so... who is this mysterious person hmmm? :p :evilgrin:

December 8th, 2005, 06:45 AM
That's a rather cryptic, suspicious thing to say... so... who is this mysterious person hmmm?

Well now.. If I told you- That'd not make it very cryptic and suspicious now would it? ;)

I don't quite expect you to know her anyways, unless by some Huge stroke of luck. x) Hehe..:cool:


December 8th, 2005, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
I never had a love life, I guess no one finds me attractive...or is it something wrong with me? I don't know...it's kinda depressing really being single all my life...

hey i agree with Xinithian, but also; youre young, you have many and many years ahead of you to get a mate, after all, Sharifu for example is 19 (i think,,, ore 20..) and this is the first time she's having a real relationship :)

so my advice, wait patiently :)

December 8th, 2005, 09:08 AM
I agree with Amaryllis...I am 21 and I still have yet to have a serious relationship...and I don't really plan on having one until I graduate from college...

December 8th, 2005, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Twilight
Well now.. If I told you- That'd not make it very cryptic and suspicious now would it? ;)

I don't quite expect you to know her anyways, unless by some Huge stroke of luck. x) Hehe..:cool:


Hehe, it's ok, I don't expect you to tell me. Well anyway, seeing as there does seem to be a special someone in your life I wish you both all the best. :)

December 8th, 2005, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Azerane
Hehe, it's ok, I don't expect you to tell me. Well anyway, seeing as there does seem to be a special someone in your life I wish you both all the best. :)

I thank ya. ^_^
Although.. It may be a while before she actually ventures into MY life again, but I'm still her friend, and she stills means alot more to me than she realizes. :)

Again, putting up with the single-life. (Got past the devastating heart-break phase mostly already, or else I'm not so sure I'd be able to phrase it as "enjoying"...:p)


December 8th, 2005, 04:06 PM
I've only had one relationship...a very bad one with a guy (which was a mistake on my part) that turned out so much worse than I wanted it to...and probably has affected some aspects of me making relationships in the future. Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a mate again...idk..its flattering sometimes...but im not really in a bad spot..and I dont get lonely much...but I m always open to anything really. For the most part I think i am pretty mediocre, so I don't really stand out much in having someone become interested in me or something. Maybe there is someone I don't know about, but I will probably never find out..hehe.

December 9th, 2005, 05:01 AM
Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City :lol: (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).

December 9th, 2005, 05:16 AM
Originally posted by Muruwa
Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City :lol: (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).

Get him Boxers! :p As a joke of course... ^_^ !!
Spatula too... Make sure the boxers are Barbie :D


December 9th, 2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Muruwa
Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City :lol: (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).

Ehh... I got him some Iron Maiden guitar picks, a set of framed Metallica art work with actual film cells from some video or something, Chicken Run on DVD and some Jack Daniels. I'll probably pick out more random things as I find them. ;P *puts spatula down on the list*

December 10th, 2005, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Azerane
Hey, you're only 16, you're still young... I'd say there are people who find you attractive, they might just be too shy to say so. Hey, I was single at 16. Enjoy the freedom of not having those sorts of complications at your age. :confused: I never thought of it like that I guess because all my friends were happy and snuggling with their bf/gf I was sorta jelous that no one ever had feelings for me....that I knew about, I guess some are just shy about coming to talk to me like you said.:alone:

December 13th, 2005, 03:47 AM
Is wonderful. ^_^ That long time before she ventured back into my life ended earlier than expected- not that it was expected- And we are together again. ^_^ !!

She's new to the forums, since I dragged her into the open... She's Sadira :love: Her name's Danielle (to Azerane) :D And I couldn't be happier...
Everything's back to normal- Much better actually heh :)
(Daniii if you're reading this *most likely you are.. -_-* lufff ya ^_^ )


December 13th, 2005, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
hey i agree with Xinithian, but also; youre young, you have many and many years ahead of you to get a mate, after all, Sharifu for example is 19 (i think,,, ore 20..) and this is the first time she's having a real relationship :)

so my advice, wait patiently :)

Yup... I didn't fall in love until I was 19.

Less then two days, STM will be here again. :love:

Originally posted by Muruwa
Nothing new happening with me and my boyfriend, coming up on 7 months though. I'm curious, I have no idea what to get him for Christmas, what are some of the things you guys have gotten a boyfriend/girlfriend for Christmas? I think I'm gonna (as a joke) get him a spatula as part of it... perhaps from Spatula City :lol: (if you've seen UHF you should get that, if not, well... go watch that movie).

I can't say now, well because my b/f posts here, duh. :p ;) But I guess I'll say so after Christmas.

Hey, since this is the love thread, look at this pic Eva Janus did for me as part of our art trade, it's Sharifu and STM as anthros... I think it's beautiful. ^^


She's such a great artist. :D

December 13th, 2005, 03:57 AM
Originally posted by Twilight
Is wonderful. ^_^ That long time before she ventured back into my life ended earlier than expected- not that it was expected- And we are together again. ^_^ !!

She's new to the forums, since I dragged her into the open... She's Sadira :love: Her name's Danielle (to Azerane) :D And I couldn't be happier...
Everything's back to normal- Much better actually heh :)
(Daniii if you're reading this *most likely you are.. -_-* lufff ya ^_^ )


Awww, that's so sweet. I'm so happy for you Twilight, that's really good that you can be together again, and hopefully for a long, long time. Best of luck to you both. :)

And Sharifu that's simply fantastic that you get to see STM in just 2 days, hope you two have a great time, also that pic that Eva did for you is simply beautiful, it's so sweet.

December 13th, 2005, 04:00 AM
Azerane I really like your new banner. :) How cute.

December 13th, 2005, 04:06 AM
Thankyou Sharifu =)

unregistered user
December 14th, 2005, 08:33 AM
*dances* Do a little dance....make a little love...duh duh dum...get down tonight *stares* That was a little uncontrolled.

Love life. I've been reading the stories, most of them. Okay, I wenmt a page back and skimmed. I got the picture. Smooch smooch. Sex...babies..cocnuts and lawn chairs. I mean it's the big rush, I can see why too. It lasts for about 5 seconds at my school mostly.

Originally posted by Prince_Kivoru
:confused: I never thought of it like that I guess because all my friends were happy and snuggling with their bf/gf I was sorta jelous that no one ever had feelings for me....that I knew about, I guess some are just shy about coming to talk to me like you said.:alone:

Well I'm not shy, and I find you attractive. However -*snaps fingers* I barely know you. Most people here are good looking. I'm looking for the good within the heart.

If I was to be getting involved with anyone, it'd have to be a Godly man. I mean
somebody who would bring me up, and not down spirtually speaking. They'd have to be pretty 'up-there' with God, and know the Bible, and not be like, "Oh yeah I've heard about the Bible. Consider the lillies of the f***** field!"

Yeah that kinda, nulls and voids that verse. Point of it is, I'd want to get onvolved with a man of Christ, and to get married to understand the body of Christ fully. I don't think love is simply an 'emotion' provoked by lust or looks or knowledge. I think it's a decision. Alot things today, nah they tell you to go with emotion and looks. It's all the rave. Eh, not in my book.

December 14th, 2005, 09:22 AM
Well that's a fair opinion. But to me, there's something beautiful about love being something we can't entirely control or predict. If it was, that would take all the wonder out of it.

Love is not a simple black and white choice. It's not like deciding which shirt to where, or which book to buy, or what restaurant to goto. It's love, and there ain't nothing else like it. That's part of what makes it so wonderful.

And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean no offense of course. But it's not really fair to try to hold someone to such a high standard so that they're "good enough for you."

December 14th, 2005, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Kintaru
And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean no offense of course. But it's not really fair to try to hold someone to such a high standard so that they're "good enough for you."

Yeah, agreed. For instance, the thing I thought when I saw my boyfriend for the first thing was "oooh, long hair!", and I don't necessarily think that makes my feelings any less vaild. In all honesty, look are important to me, albeit not the most imporant thing. I don't understand what you mean Utora, when you say not to go with emotions... could you explain please?

On the other hand, personally I wouldn't want to be with someone who was highly religious, simply because I am very much anti-religious (excluding Buddhism), though I'm sure I could- I would just rather not be with someone who was overly religious.

December 14th, 2005, 12:25 PM
I see it this way, if you're looking for the PERFECT man\woman, you're not going to find them. It's what one of the traits of love is, it's found in all the strangest places sometimes. Love will Always be an opinion- you can't love someone and say it's true for everyone else. So however you think you'll find love is your own idea.

And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

December 14th, 2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Yeah, agreed. For instance, the thing I thought when I saw my boyfriend for the first thing was "oooh, long hair!", and I don't necessarily think that makes my feelings any less vaild. In all honesty, look are important to me, albeit not the most imporant thing.

i was thinking exactly thesame when i saw Ragoom. But i dont know weather you have to believe in /love at first sight/ i think its more like /liking eachother on first sight/. Because love is something thats grown, and not like a thing you get in a drive-in x)

December 14th, 2005, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Kintaru
And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?

2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be yoked* together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness"

*'yoke' is reffereing to 'marry' or 'be married'

I think that's where what she's saying comes from... ;)

unregistered user
December 14th, 2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by A-non-a-mus
2 Corinthians 6:14 "Do not be yoked* together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness"

*'yoke' is reffereing to 'marry' or 'be married'

I think that's where what she's saying comes from... ;)

Yes, that's what I was speaking of. Thank you Anon.

And love does involve emotion, but I said I don't think that is 'simply' just it. Those are my views, and I'm not forcing them on anyone else. Don't be so eager to say I'm looking for someone good enough for me because that's not what I was going for.

December 14th, 2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Utora
Don't be so eager to say I'm looking for someone good enough for me because that's not what I was going for.

No, no, of course you should be looking for someone good enough for you! ^__^;

December 15th, 2005, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by Utora
*dances* Do a little dance....make a little love...duh duh dum...get down tonight *stares* That was a little uncontrolled.

Love life. I've been reading the stories, most of them. Okay, I wenmt a page back and skimmed. I got the picture. Smooch smooch. Sex...babies..cocnuts and lawn chairs. I mean it's the big rush, I can see why too. It lasts for about 5 seconds at my school mostly.

Well I'm not shy, and I find you attractive. However -*snaps fingers* I barely know you. Most people here are good looking. I'm looking for the good within the heart.

If I was to be getting involved with anyone, it'd have to be a Godly man. I mean
somebody who would bring me up, and not down spirtually speaking. They'd have to be pretty 'up-there' with God, and know the Bible, and not be like, "Oh yeah I've heard about the Bible. Consider the lillies of the f***** field!"

Yeah that kinda, nulls and voids that verse. Point of it is, I'd want to get onvolved with a man of Christ, and to get married to understand the body of Christ fully. I don't think love is simply an 'emotion' provoked by lust or looks or knowledge. I think it's a decision. Alot things today, nah they tell you to go with emotion and looks. It's all the rave. Eh, not in my book. Awww thanks Utora... :licks: that means alot to me...and My pa-pa is a pastor if there's any one who knows the bible well its him, and he's still teaching me..so I'm getting up there with God ^ ^

unregistered user
December 16th, 2005, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Kintaru

And Utora, you say that you don't like people deciding on who they love based on emotion and looks. But you also say that you won't want to be with anyone but someone who is extremely religious and spiritual. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? I mean no offense of course. But it's not really fair to try to hold someone to such a high standard so that they're "good enough for you."

After my forced thinking on my flight to Germany, I did really come across this as an odd statement. You are saying, that I shouldn't want someone good enough?
So, when I marry, I'd want a man that wasn't good enough for me? To spend all my life with someone that wasn't good enough?

I'd think the exact opposite and honestly I feel like Neph is the only person here who understands that, and that's why I began to think.
Of course I'd want somebody good enough.
Looks and emotions are a part of love but not JUST love. And their religion doesn't affect their looks, and it would affect their love emotionaly. Therefore I'd be looking for someone with Christian based morals and such. Therefore, yes. The man I'd want to marry and love would have to be good enough for me, and me good enough for him. It's not hypocrisy. Looks and emotions are different then 'spirtual' and religion. According to my religion. So you see for anyone to truly understand what I mean in this sense they'd have to be a Christian, because lots of people believe religion and 'spiritual-ness' are feelings.

No matter what you say or do in life, someone shall either disagree, or agree.

December 16th, 2005, 08:28 PM
I think what Utora is looking for in someone is alright. I know a few people who want their mate to be religious or of a certian religion for one reason or another. But you have to be careful, don't feel too secure about someone just because they're religious. They're human...they can still hurt you, cheat on you, etc...

unregistered user
December 16th, 2005, 08:44 PM
|^| That's right, Roog. One's confined faith isn't without its boundaries, detrimentally.

December 16th, 2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Twilight
I see it this way, if you're looking for the PERFECT man\woman, you're not going to find them.

Good so you finally agree that I don't fit the description of perfect :D- of course by typing that you'll probably switch it around and just say "i didn't look, i got lucky" or something cute like that so I surrender already... For my love life, just view all of twilight's post lol...

December 16th, 2005, 10:23 PM
I don't know, a person can still have good morals and not be Christian, or not believe in God at all. I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying.

December 16th, 2005, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Sadira
Good so you finally agree that I don't fit the description of perfect :D- of course by typing that you'll probably switch it around and just say "i didn't look, i got lucky" or something cute like that so I surrender already...

Do I even need to say anything about that..? ;)
I don't believe in luck... I do believe in fate however- so you're right; I didn't look. :love: ;)


December 17th, 2005, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Twilight
Do I even need to say anything about that..? ;)

Nope, just smile and agree with me :D ?

December 17th, 2005, 03:43 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I don't know, a person can still have good morals and not be Christian, or not believe in God at all. I'm not disagreeing, I'm just saying.

True...but when someone is religious, people tend to find comfort knowing that their morals are backed by a strong organization...it's why all the presidents have been people who are religious.

December 17th, 2005, 03:52 AM
True, true. My parents are always harping to me to find someone that's the same religion as I.

Um... other than that, I have no love life. Honestly. I haven't fallen for anyone, and no one has fallen for me.

December 17th, 2005, 04:32 AM
Truth is, you don't need religion to have a healthy relationship. Although a relationship bound by religion has a bit more foundation- vows to uphold, traditions to keep. But it doesn't mean that someone like me, isn't capable of a relationship just as well. It seriously depends on moral and what you believe in, and I don't mean belief as religious, i mean what you think is right. So many recently have- strayed from what is right, relationship-wise.

But that's their own moral, and frankly that's going to get them nowhere as far as a relationship (a good one) goes.
Bottom line: What's good for one isn't good for another. :p

Considering the love I found is in someone anti-religious, they're obviously not going to do for someone like Utora. ^_^ What's good for me is Only good for me.

December 17th, 2005, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
True...but when someone is religious, people tend to find comfort knowing that their morals are backed by a strong organization...it's why all the presidents have been people who are religious. Not necessarily... in many cases, I think that religion gives others an excuse for being prejudice. For example, they made such a big case about JFK being a catholic, even though many of the morals are the same as the other denominations of Christianity. It's more of a case of one religious group versus another, rather than the actual religion itself.

December 17th, 2005, 06:32 AM
Utora, that's not how I meant it. Of course you want someone who is good enough for you. But what I'm saying is that you can't just go about saying this person's not good enough for me, nor is he, or him, or that one, etc. You have to give someone a chance. That's just my opinon of course.

December 17th, 2005, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Sadira
Good so you finally agree that I don't fit the description of perfect :D- of course by typing that you'll probably switch it around and just say "i didn't look, i got lucky" or something cute like that so I surrender already... For my love life, just view all of twilight's post lol...

:lol: That reminds me of someone I know... :haha:

December 17th, 2005, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Xinithian
Not necessarily... in many cases, I think that religion gives others an excuse for being prejudice. For example, they made such a big case about JFK being a catholic, even though many of the morals are the same as the other denominations of Christianity. It's more of a case of one religious group versus another, rather than the actual religion itself.

Yeah, but I was refering to religion as it pertains to the individual and the values that are usually admired in someone who is a person of religion...and how being a Christian, etc, helps shed some light on the person's moral beliefs.

December 17th, 2005, 07:21 AM
And who would that be, hmmmm? :confused:

December 17th, 2005, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by Kintaru
And who would that be, hmmmm? :confused:

I'm sure you know him ;) hehe... :hugs:

December 17th, 2005, 07:31 AM
Hmmmm, I very well may Azzy. But you'll have to forgive me, it's late and I can't really think, so you'll have to remind me. ;)

December 17th, 2005, 07:36 AM
Well, he's kinda white and also kinda spotty... :D Hehe, you may tease me my cheetah, but I love you anyway :love:

December 17th, 2005, 07:41 AM
Heheh, kinda spotty? :browlift: I'd say I'm a bit more spotty than that. But hey, teasing ya is just fun! Though I love you too sweetheart, more than I can say. :love:

unregistered user
December 17th, 2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Kintaru
Utora, that's not how I meant it. Of course you want someone who is good enough for you. But what I'm saying is that you can't just go about saying this person's not good enough for me, nor is he, or him, or that one, etc. You have to give someone a chance. That's just my opinon of course.

I know that. However, I'm more head on in my Christian work then anything, and I need not worry about finding the right man. I'm leaving that to God to handle. But I'm not going to affiliate myself with a non-Christian, that is, when I'm considering him for the love of my life. And it is simply left at that.

December 19th, 2005, 07:29 AM
^ Do you mean you'll date non-Christians but only get into a serious relationship with a Christian? That outlook sounds good to me, I can understand why you would want to marry a Christian person, I mean I plan on marrying someone that is the same religion as me someday in the future. Just remember, someone may be willing to learn and become Christian if someone just teaches them, so don't completly disregard non-Christians.

December 19th, 2005, 08:18 AM
I can't see myself dating an overly religious person, but at the same time I wouldn't want to date like.. someone satanic.

unregistered user
December 19th, 2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by Muruwa
^ Do you mean you'll date non-Christians but only get into a serious relationship with a Christian? That outlook sounds good to me, I can understand why you would want to marry a Christian person, I mean I plan on marrying someone that is the same religion as me someday in the future. Just remember, someone may be willing to learn and become Christian if someone just teaches them, so don't completly disregard non-Christians.

I believe to date is to seek marriage. No I shall not date non-Christians. I shall reach out to them, and spread His Holy Word, But I will not, date them.

I talk about this as if I know it's ways. I for one think Love is beyond my control. I know God will not give me a man who shall lead me into temptation, and guide me against His will. To date is to seek marriage. I shall not do so until God desires it.

For to be married is to represent the body of Christ. How can one do that if one is a believer and the other as lost as the wind? It cannont be done. I have much to learn. But I do not go against anything I have said up to this point. I shall lean not unto my own understanding.

December 19th, 2005, 09:39 PM
^ Wow, I admire your conviction, I really do.

January 12th, 2006, 08:42 AM
Man... Some guys are too much.

Today at work (I work at Target) some guy asked me where some hooks were, so I told him. Then he said to me he wanted to buy some clothes, and then I said, "Well all the clothes are in the middle of the store." (I thought this was a weird question, because there are so many different kinds of clothes and you can't miss it right in the middle of the store) Then he asked me what my name was... And I said, "Audra" And then he said, "Oh that's interesting... Do you have email?" And I said, "Yes..." He asked me if he could have it... There's something that just bugs me, when male strangers ask for that... (Or my number) I mean, I don't mind giving it to some guy if I got to know him in class or something like that... But it's like those kinds of guys just want to get to know you because they think you're attractive. Yeah it's nice that they think that, but I want someone to want to talk to me because he knows more about me. (Like I'm a nice person, etc) Plus I think it's weird to talk to strangers on the phone or email like that because usually you don't have much in common. Plus I always want to be friends first. That's why I think STM and I work so well together. We didn't even think about being together at first, we just liked talking to each other. Anyways... I told the guy I don't check my email that much. (Which isn't really true, I just said that because I wanted him to leave me alone) Then he said, "Do you have electricity?" And I said, "Yeah..." Then he said, "Well? Give me your email or phone number." And I said, "I don't like giving that information out." And he said, "Oh come on." (How rude! I swear so many guys have done that to me, and I think they should be respectful enough to not ask after I told them I don't want to) I then told him, "I have a boyfriend, if that's what you're thinking..." Then he said, "No I don't think so." And I said, "What? That I have a boyfriend?" And he said "Yeah." I told him, "I really do have a boyfriend!" And then he said, "What, that guy?!" And he pointed to some other guy around my age working there. And I said, "No, my boyfriend doesn't work here." And he just got kind of annoyed and walked away.

That just shows right there that guy didn't have any respect for me, saying I was lying. (And you all know I have a b/f!) Even if I was single, I wouldn't want to talk to that guy again. :rolleyes:

Anyways? I wanted to say that I love Petteri (STM) so much, even more after this last visit. Even though I had to work a lot, our last visit was so great to me. I miss him so much? And all the time I?m working I?m thinking about going to Europe next summer. (Which is why I got that job)

My dad has been bring me down though, about a lot of things, but one thing, saying Petteri was lazy and I have to date other guys. What does he know?! He told me it?s ok to date other guys and it?s not cheating. Well in my eyes it is. That?s like keeping Petteri but for right now look for someone ?better?. My dad even said he wouldn?t be surprised if Petteri was dating another girl in Finland right now. :mad: All I said to him then was, ?You don?t know how much he loves me!? Jeez, I?m 20 years old! When he is going to stop telling me what to do like that? I think I?m old enough to decide what I want to do with my relationship.

January 12th, 2006, 05:20 PM
I totally know how you feel Sharifu, my mom says exactly thesame things, and my dad agrees, although he doesnt say it, i know he does.

Convincing them doesnt help, try giving in to them for a change, say like "yea i hate Petteri soo much hes soooooo lazy" ore anything like that, they wont have anything to bring in then :) it works for me ^^

Lion King Stu
January 12th, 2006, 08:39 PM
Well you know how much I think of your dad and I can't really go on bout it unless I go on a swaering spree. So I will keep it clean cause I don't want to get into any trouble.

I can't believe how much of a *** he with all the things hes done and said; and I've said this many times before but damn I feel sorry for ya :(. Can't wait till you can finally get away from him because you really deserve better than whats happening to you.

Anyway guys like that are only looking for one thing anyway so just walk away from them unless you have to take them anywhere in the store for something.
Did you tell someone about it like a supervisor or a security guard?
Get those crepos chucked out pretty quick.

January 12th, 2006, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
I totally know how you feel Sharifu, my mom says exactly thesame things, and my dad agrees, although he doesnt say it, i know he does.

Convincing them doesnt help, try giving in to them for a change, say like "yea i hate Petteri soo much hes soooooo lazy" ore anything like that, they wont have anything to bring in then :) it works for me ^^

Well it's harder, when your parents have actually met him already. If I say I hate Petteri then it's not going to make sense that he's coming here again or that I'm going to Finland next summer.

Whatever, I don't care what my dad thinks. My mom likes Petteri and all that really matters is that Petteri and I are happy with our relationship, right?

Yeah LKS, you know more what my dad's like, then a lot of people here. (STM, Fuzzy and Vidan know a lot too) I just have to put up with it right now. This is where I can get these animation classes for such a great price.

January 13th, 2006, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
My dad has been bring me down though, about a lot of things, but one thing, saying Petteri was lazy and I have to date other guys. What does he know?! He told me it?s ok to date other guys and it?s not cheating. Well in my eyes it is. That?s like keeping Petteri but for right now look for someone ?better?. My dad even said he wouldn?t be surprised if Petteri was dating another girl in Finland right now. :mad: All I said to him then was, ?You don?t know how much he loves me!? Jeez, I?m 20 years old! When he is going to stop telling me what to do like that? I think I?m old enough to decide what I want to do with my relationship.

I hate to say it, but there comes a time in every person's life when they have become mature enough to say "No, I'm my own person now" to their parents. This may be a subtle thing, maybe a parent telling a 21 year old that they're not allowed to go to the movies or it may be something like your case where your father says that you have to date other people. Either way, it's an important developemental stage in a person's life to finally declare their emotional, spiritual, social, and physical independence from their parents. That, of course, doesn't mean that you don't love them anymore or even that you don't live with them, it simply means that you've become independent and it's time to make these decisions for yourself. I urge you to stay with STM, you guys are so happy together (by what I've heard); it's no longer your father's choice who you're going to date, as you're old enough to make those decisions. I'm no family counselor, but I'd suggest being up front with him that you love him and you know he wants what's best for you, but you're going to make this decision yourself and will stay with STM until the time comes that you decide otherwise, if that time even ever comes.

In other words, you're a big girl now, you're an adult and have the full right to make these decisions on your own. In all honesty, I'm sure your dad just wants what's best for you, but like quite a few parents, he may also be afraid of letting you go. A lot of parents say they don't like their children's choices in dates early on not because they don't actually like the person, but because they're afraid that their children are starting to go out on their own, make their own decisions, and start their life. Empty Nest Syndrome, I think people call it.

January 13th, 2006, 07:56 AM
I really don't know how Audra's dad can say that I am lazy, sinse he bearly does anything after he comes from work, except watch TV or go out with friends. Also that he said that Audra have to clean after me is what Audra have to do after him and about dateing with other guys and that he bet I have a girlfriend here, does make no sense at all. How would I be able to work that much to get enough money to travel otherside of the world if I had another girlfriend here plus that you all know me well enough to say that I could never do it. dateing with many girls is the thing what he does, I wonder why he try to tell Audra that I am like him. He never even talks to me, not that I mind sinse I think he is a real jerk after all I have heard and experienced.

January 13th, 2006, 08:16 AM
I'm sorry you're having trouble with your dad about this Sharifu, it's hard when things like that happen, I agree with pnt though the you have to tell him that you can make your own decisions, and it would probably mean more if you brought the subject up to him and not the other way around as by the sounds of things he's mentioning it to you. (Though I could be wrong.) So tough times but I'm sure you can work through it.

And you're right that the guy who spoke to you at work had no respect for you since he just basically accused you of being a liar and what sort of a question is "Do you have ecectricity?" :confused: I mean... really. And then he just demands you give him your e-mail or phone number. It's just plain rude.

January 13th, 2006, 08:32 AM
Yeah, pntbll248, I know what you mean, but my dad is weird... For some things he acts like I'm a little girl, then for other issues he wants me to be more like an adult. (Like now that I have a job he wants me to pay for my own food, and my classes) But I basicly got that job to go to Europe next summer to be with Petteri and go to the Lea Paris meeting. Now that I'm making money he wants me to spend it on things he said he would pay for when I moved back to live with him to go to school. (And really, if I could get those animation courses near where my mom lives, I would much rather live with her) But if I pay for all this how can I go to Europe? Some people I think are getting laid off at Target soon. I just hope they keep me.

Anyways, he also told me how Petteri is my first love and I'm young. Well duh, I know that... But it's never like first loves never work out. And I am really happy with Petteri. I miss him a lot when we are apart but I wouldn't want to stop the relationship because of it. He plans to move here in the future and I think it's worth the wait. :)

January 13th, 2006, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
I miss him a lot when we are apart but I wouldn't want to stop the relationship because of it. He plans to move here in the future and I think it's worth the wait. :)

Aww... well of course it's worth the wait. You two seem so happy together it would be a shame to see it end just because of the distance when you so clearly love each other. And I don't see any point to end it if it's just because of the distance, I mean if you really love you each other you should be willing to make it through that extra step just to be together, that's a true test of love. You two seem so sweet together, I hope you get to be together again soon. :)

January 13th, 2006, 07:21 PM
Well my turn to make this a sort of depression Thread, as some of u may of heard me and my gf just split up, so yeah, i aint really got anything else to say except, i pretty much wana die.

January 13th, 2006, 08:45 PM
Know the feeling, but hey, you are young, and there's loads of time left for you to find your mate. Sharifu is an example there. And i didn't mean to be sounding hard ore anything but you're young, and as i said, loads of time left for you :)

January 13th, 2006, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by LoneStar
Well my turn to make this a sort of depression Thread, as some of u may of heard me and my gf just split up, so yeah, i aint really got anything else to say except, i pretty much wana die.

Hugs for you :hugs: :hugs: I can imagine you would be feeling pretty awful right about now, and I'm sorry to hear that you split up, but as Amaryllis said, you are young. Try not to dwell on it though, though I know it will be hard not to, everything'll be alright in the end.

January 13th, 2006, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by LoneStar
Well my turn to make this a sort of depression Thread, as some of u may of heard me and my gf just split up, so yeah, i aint really got anything else to say except, i pretty much wana die.
Try doing that 5 times with the same person all in the same year, that's what I went through.

Hope things get better for you soon though.

January 15th, 2006, 11:14 AM
Breaking up always sucks. I've bin there multiple times. And every time you feel aweful, but there's loads of fish in the sea. And most relationships begin when youre about older then 18/19. (these days i mean). I couldn't know how i should be able to support from all the way down holland, but do know that you can always talk about it here, and as i said, you're young ;3

January 19th, 2006, 08:45 PM
awww... I have can perfectly feel you there Lonestar. When I broke up with one of my girlfrined or actually when she dumped me, I was broken like 3 years and was affraid to go in relationship... but sometimes even it feels like you two have been made for each other it's not true... but it still can hurt. And uselly it does, but that is kind of good, because that just tells what you have had... but I really hope you get better soon.

January 20th, 2006, 05:37 AM
To LoneStar: Sorry to hear about that man. >< Hope things get better for ya soon though man.

I haven't had an IRL relationship with anotherperson... aside from a few people.. and even then it just didn't feel right After a while I got really irritated.. figured out its not the person and 2 of those relationships were mutual in the end :P. This one person I went with.. it lasted for about 4 months.. but around the 3 month 1/2 period I started figuring out very creepy stuff about this person... o_o VERY creepy.. a few of this persons friends told me that the person I was going with had been stalking me for 6 months prior and I hadn't even met the person before hand! Since then I haven't had much to do with a love life. So... my break-ups haven't been that bad... in the end pretty happy it was over.. aside from an online relation that went pretty rough. That was the first.. but never a IRL one.

I'm a free kitty on the loose :D

unregistered user
January 20th, 2006, 06:35 AM
Sorry Sharifu, but it's time for me to pick on your dad. :p

I'm going to be very blunt about this. Being that your dad is from an older generation, his moral, ethical, and demeanour would be comprised of his dad's or caretakers' judgements with the incorporation of his own. It's apparent that he doesn't like Petteri, and some things are put on as a front. I'd hope geezers like that would find a middle ground of understanding, but chances are they won't. It sounds like to me your dad misjudged Petteri, and he should rethink it. Bottom line, I think it has to do something with that cultural divide. Only time can wise a man. And it tells everything.

January 20th, 2006, 08:26 AM
Haha, don't be sorry Sonkakee. ;)

I don't care what my dad says... He barely even knows STM, they rarely ever talk to each other... And I trust my judgement. I have had guys for the past couple of years interested in being in a relationship with me, and STM was the first guy I got really strong feelings for that I wanted to be with, and he showed so much interest in me, even before I started feeling that way. I'm happy with STM, and he's happy with me.

unregistered user
January 20th, 2006, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Sharifu
Haha, don't be sorry Sonkakee. ;)

Well... I had to watch myself, because I know how you Californians like to... BEAT PEOPLE UP!

:eek: :D :lol:

January 20th, 2006, 09:29 AM
:o It's so like me to beat people up. :lol:

But really, I don't think high of my dad myself, so I'm not offended when people say negative things about him.

Though it was nice of you to say that, I know that you wouldn't want me to be offended.

January 20th, 2006, 02:34 PM
Okay, to make this thread even more sad... Ragoom broke up with me. again.
i dont know weather to cry ore be happy...i though it could work just like stm and sharifu. But at the end it just didn't... well, again my life has striked back

unregistered user
January 20th, 2006, 02:37 PM
Dont worry about it Amaryllis, your young and have your whole life infront of you and im sure you will find another person to hold your heart someday! :hugs:

January 20th, 2006, 02:38 PM
I know, i keep telling that to myself. Maybe i should be happy. I have a chance to be with someone close to me. After all, i expected my relationship wouldnt work out.

January 21st, 2006, 08:44 AM
Aww I'm so sorry Amaryllis... I wish there was something I can say to make you feel better... I don't really know Ragoom much, but it seems like he has broken up with you at least a couple of times. Maybe he's just not ready for a serious relationship? (I'm wouldn't know though) Maybe it work out better for you if you ended up with someone else. But I just want you to be happy and don't worry, look at how long it took me to find someone like STM. So there is still hope. :) :hugs:

January 21st, 2006, 08:49 AM
Yes i know, thanks for the post. Ragoom's a bit of a coward. He send me a mail, wh couldnt he say it personally? And when i talked to him he was really quiet. Well, it all comes to the point he's accusing me of things which are ridiculous because he could talk to me about that, so we could work it out.

But anyways, i was mad in the beginning. And i talked to my dad about it, hes the wisest person in my life that i know. And it really helped me. But now, maybe it's more a thing for me to get an relationship close to me ore something. I'll just have to wait for a new fish in the sea. x)

January 21st, 2006, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
But anyways, i was mad in the beginning. And i talked to my dad about it, hes the wisest person in my life that i know. And it really helped me. But now, maybe it's more a thing for me to get an relationship close to me ore something. I'll just have to wait for a new fish in the sea. x)

Sorry to hear about that Amaryllis, but sadly that's how most long distant relationships end up. I mean, it's hard enough to make things work when someone lives near you, but I'm sure a local relationship would be a welcome change for you. When you're ready, of course.


January 21st, 2006, 02:00 PM
Yes i know, thanks Neph :) I really appriciate all the help and support i get. But yes, a local relationship would be better. Btw, i noticed my badminton teacher brought his son at this morning's training, and he's cute;) XD

January 22nd, 2006, 09:16 AM
I'm sorry for you Amy and I don't know Ragoom that much myself either so there is nothing I can say about him. I really hope you will find someone again, but give it sometime, I mean people who uselly get in a relationship soon after one have come to it end, can't make it work. But I bet you will find someone. :hugs:

January 22nd, 2006, 11:06 AM
Yes i know x)

But ah well, im currently not looking for an new relationship, im a bit afraid of being broken again.

This Land
January 22nd, 2006, 11:25 AM
Need help :(
MY ex-girlfriend rang me up on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday and asked me out later on in the evening when i went to see her. id said ill think about it

She has dumped me 5 times in the past ,but i still really like her but i cannot trust her, im being torn between trust and love, what shall i do :tears:

January 22nd, 2006, 11:29 AM
Sometimes it's best then, to not be involved with that person again. (I think)

January 22nd, 2006, 11:35 AM
Maybe she just wants to be friends?

I'm not really sure what to tell you, I've never been through a break up.

January 22nd, 2006, 12:30 PM
You need a good talk with her. Then it'll come out. At least i think you should put up a line. Maybe that helps:)

January 24th, 2006, 02:34 AM
My love life? I'm sure no one would want to hear about it:( It's not like I ever had one anyway...:alone:

January 24th, 2006, 03:03 AM
So yeah, today I helped the person I'm in love with get together with the person they're in love with. Not much to say other than it didn't feel to great, messed me up more than a bit. Don't know why I posted this, I've come to learn throughout my life that there's very little comfort to be had from words, especially over the internet, but I guess it seemed right to post nontheless.

January 24th, 2006, 04:34 AM
well, there may not be comfort in words, but there is comfort in hugs

*hugs pnt*:hugs:

Prince Simba
January 24th, 2006, 04:45 AM
omgwtf. I suck.

A couple weeks ago, I like. Told my best friend I was in love with her (even though I knew she doesn't feel the same). And now, I'm like avoiding her like crazy. I even go way out of my way to be antisocial.

I'm such a complete sociopath. I <3 internet.

January 24th, 2006, 05:01 AM
*hugs PS*

:( awww, what a bummer. i guess you cant go back to normal, eh?? a little akward. She probably feels flattered, and confused. hoping she made the right descision.

anyways, im no good at this love stuff. i <3 internet as well, its like hanging out with your best friends.

PS i <3 Lea

January 24th, 2006, 08:49 PM
I've come to learn throughout my life that there's very little comfort to be had from words, especially over the internet, but I guess it seemed right to post nontheless.

I must add something on that, words do have lots ofcomfort and talking about things can help, you just have to accept that help, if you are denying the help, you can't be helped. i remember talking with you a lot a year ago, about problems you had and such and maybe words doesn't comfort you that much, because you denying the help even being greatful that people want to help. But most of time talking helps, even online. Words also hide a lot of emotions behind, even they would been typed out. And because no one can tell what kind of tune I'm typing this I want to add that I am not attacking on anyone with my opinion about importans of words and talking with friends, even about problems.

January 24th, 2006, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by pntbll248
So yeah, today I helped the person I'm in love with get together with the person they're in love with. Not much to say other than it didn't feel to great, messed me up more than a bit. Don't know why I posted this, I've come to learn throughout my life that there's very little comfort to be had from words, especially over the internet, but I guess it seemed right to post nontheless.

well ya know what pnt... thats one of the draw backs of being nice, sometimes doing it can get you hurt :o ive done it a million times myself and i feel for ya, but it was a respectable decision you made =)

January 25th, 2006, 04:43 AM
^ I gotta agree with Taka Tiger; while it may not be any consolation to you, it was very noble of you to do that pntbll, I don't think it's something I could have done...

January 25th, 2006, 06:34 AM
Originally posted by Muruwa
^ I gotta agree with Taka Tiger; while it may not be any consolation to you, it was very noble of you to do that pntbll, I don't think it's something I could have done...

well, if you love someon, wouldn't you do all in your power to make that person happy? personal gain or not?

but despite a secret lust you have for someone, and are not there mate yet, than try not to act like it, act the way a good friend would i say ^^

January 25th, 2006, 11:22 AM
I totally agree with Taka-Tiger. When i date someone i'm trying to make him feel the happiest he can be, even though i would not get it back in return.

January 25th, 2006, 04:13 PM
Now, I don't want anything more to do with this topic, this whole damn thing is eating away at me, but I gotta say that it's somewhat unrealistic to think that one should be happy for helping their love interest get together with someone else solely because it makes their love interest happy; that's just not how people work, that person will most be definately sad to some extent regardless of whether their love interest is happy. It friggin sucks because this is how every relationship or potential relationship, goes; I have been in a few relationships and every one has ended in the other person leaving me for someone else or cheating on me. The potentional relationships almost always end with me helping that person get with someone else and in the end making me look like a dumbass. I don't really think it's the people that I have relationships with, almost all are smart, ambitious, and kind, which leads me to believe that the person to blame is not them, but most likely the other person in the relationship (me). But, I try to keep my problems off the forum, that's enough angst for today, and I really don't have much more to say on the matter.

January 25th, 2006, 04:29 PM
well, not to be douchey, but it would seem kind of selfish not to be interested in the loved ones needs, or wants. if not, are you really in love with them? or just looking for someon to call your own? sure it might send you into a spiral of depression, but if you care enough for this person it would be worth it ^^

<hushes now> i dun wanna start any fights or anything ,so i take my leave of posting here >.>

January 25th, 2006, 11:07 PM
Errr, that's not what I meant at all. Of course if you love someone you want them to be happy (that's all I want for my boyfriend), I'm not so selfish that I would put my needs and personal gain above someone else's happiness (whether I am in love with them or not, that's not the kind of person I am). I was simply saying that I don't know if I could stand to help someone I love get together with someone else; I would be supportive of them in their relationship and I wouldn't do anything to jepordize it, but it would eat at me that I helped start that relationship. I will say no more about this but will hope that this post will not be misinterpreted like the last one.

January 25th, 2006, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Muruwa
Errr, that's not what I meant at all. Of course if you love someone you want them to be happy (that's all I want for my boyfriend), I'm not so selfish that I would put my needs and personal gain above someone else's happiness (whether I am in love with them or not, that's not the kind of person I am). I was simply saying that I don't know if I could stand to help someone I love get together with someone else; I would be supportive of them in their relationship and I wouldn't do anything to jepordize it, but it would eat at me that I helped start that relationship. I will say no more about this but will hope that this post will not be misinterpreted like the last one.

I wasn't responding to your post, more of Taka's and Amaryllis's; I agreed with you :p

January 26th, 2006, 03:04 AM
I know you were agreeing with me, I was responding to Taka's and Amaryllis's also ;)

January 26th, 2006, 07:05 AM
Cause were so cool, everyone is responding to our posts

But i now Belong to the lovley Broken <3

January 26th, 2006, 01:29 PM
Congrats Taks ;) you finally got her x) *throws confetti*

Oh my name got actually mentioned a couple of times Oo

February 24th, 2006, 05:24 PM
A thread about love life. What love life? I'm approaching 18 and a guys never so much as looked at me. All the time I get told "don't worry, you'll find someone soon enough" but that doesn't exactly stop the feeling of total loneliness. Bah! I'm through with the opposite sex and I've not had anything to do with them yet.

February 24th, 2006, 05:28 PM
hey read Sharifu's story then.

February 24th, 2006, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Gypsy
A thread about love life. What love life? I'm approaching 18 and a guys never so much as looked at me. All the time I get told "don't worry, you'll find someone soon enough" but that doesn't exactly stop the feeling of total loneliness. Bah! I'm through with the opposite sex and I've not had anything to do with them yet.

There are plenty of people your age in the exact same position as you right now. Honestly, it's best not to worry about all of that yet, because it just bloody well gets in the way of everything. It's nice, but works out rarely.

Just give it time and don't think on it too much.

March 20th, 2006, 01:06 PM
Time for this thread to get a bit active again x)

well, i have news. Yeah well most members here know i have a crush on my badmintontrainer's son. Well, guess what. He was supposed to be coming last saturday (when i have badminton training) but he wasnt there. The reason: he got like a crevice on the back of his leg. So he can barely walk ore do anything. And my trainer said he probably wouldnt show up the next 4 weeks :(

But then, a bit on the end of my training, i came up with this idea. To buy a card for my crush, and put all the names from our badminton group on it. (like a 'get well soon' card). Everyone in my group liked the idea, even the boys =D
Though, i hadnt asked everyone yet about the idea, so at the end of my training, i waited outside for the boys, to propose my card idea. They liked it ^_^ my trainer went to us, and i even told him about the idea, he liked it.(!) BUT THEN! he turned to me, and said i should have his son's greetings, j?st me! ?nly me. ^_^ i was like: OO ...... =/DD
My trainer also told us, that his son was really r?ally fed up with the idea of staying home all the time. Because he loves to train for badminton and he's really good OO (i had to play a match against him so i know.. >>)

I just got home, and bought the card for him, its really cute and i think it suits him :p

So well, that was the update about my lovelife x/)

March 20th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Heheh, best of luck with it then Amaryllis. Though, when you go to give him the card, try not to act all hyper and excited like in this post, heheh. Boy's likely to think you're crazy. :evilgrin: But then again, maybe he likes that sorta thing. ;)

March 20th, 2006, 06:03 PM
LOL, thanks :) but i'm not giving the card personally, seen as he's at home, and he lives a few towns away from me. His dad is going to, he's my trainer so =3

March 20th, 2006, 07:44 PM
Lol. Love life.. what love life??? I agree with gypsy here.

SO far, I have asked out four people in my LIFE.. three during this last week.
One is gay :( lets not walk that path again..
Another is seeing someone... although he refuses to go out with him because he lives in Jersey compared to Devon
Another is already going out with someone but I didn't know..
The fourth was a girl who I really liked... but shes freaked out that another girl fancies her. Damn those heterosexual minded people!!!!!

So yea.. thats me pathetic excuse of a love life :D

March 20th, 2006, 07:53 PM
Every day is a new day, anything could happen =)

March 20th, 2006, 07:55 PM
There's alot of fish in the sea as KTL and TL told me after my ''seperation'' with Jenna ^^

March 20th, 2006, 07:56 PM
?xactly. And there's PLENTY of time left for you =3

March 20th, 2006, 08:02 PM
unless I get hit by a bus.. :p

March 20th, 2006, 08:03 PM
Yep.. or a truck!

Dyani, there's always hope! Keep trying, someone will find you =)
I'm sure.

March 21st, 2006, 03:53 AM
Haha, love life... If you wanna hear my story, read along.

I was never very popular with the guys, guys here tend not to like tomboys. They prefer girls who like dresses and wear makeup, and don't like to be wierd like I do.
I was sitting in science class last year, it was halloween and I was in my costume, my favourite anime character, Rei Kon from beyblade. Well, dressing up as an anime character AUTOMATICALLY makes you a dork in my school. (Not that I really cared.) So these three idiots who always picked on me decided they'd come over and have some fun. Then, in the middle of thier teasing, this kid nearby comes over and tells them off and makes them go away.
I was stunned. :badnews:
This guy I'd never even talked to came over and defended me, then talked to me. After the class ended I could barely believe it.
In fact, if you can believe this, by the end of the day I had myself thoroughly CONVINCED that it was all a wierd daydream. I really believed in never happened. Until, he talked to me again the next day. He was such a nice guy, we got closer and closer throughout the month. Finally, he asked me to be his girlfriend (sent me a wordpad file :bleen:) and I was deliriously happy. ESPECIALLY after my first kiss. My first RL boyfriend. Finally I had someone to hold me, and hug me, or so I thought. He was awesome for the first little while, he was sweet and understanding. But then I noticed that he really didn't want to be near me. SITTING too close to him made him uncomfortable. So I stuck with him, and thought we could work it out. While I was hoping that he would become more comfortable with me, two months from our one-year anniversary, he dumped me. And, as most people do, I felt like I wanted to die. You never realize how much it hurts until I happens to you. We almost went out again, but I told him he had to get over his personal space issues, and I was afraid of getting hurt again.

Its been seven months, and I'm STILL not over him...
One day a few months ago we were sitting on my couch, and he told me "See, no personal space anymore!" and he gave me a hug. He began to touch me a little more, tickle me and such. This lead me to believe that he still liked me. And I don't believe I'm stupid to think that, under those circumstances. But then, just two or so days ago, we were sitting in his room, and as we were discussing why my cousin didn't like him, he said
"Its like what I said..."
Me, not understanding, pushed for him to answer me. Bad idea.
"Tell me."
"You can't make someone love someone else." :squash:
Just like he said when all our friends ragged on him for dumping me.
I was freaking crushed to put it mildly... The rest of my stay at his house that day found me very quiet.
Now I'm depressed about it again. And I'm aware that I'm young, with lots of time, and plenty of fish in the sea and all that....
But, those words don't stop the loneliness. Those words can't stop pain.

Voila, my 'love life.'
If you can call it that.

If you read that, good job. You must have a lot of patience or a lot of time. And thanks for reading. Its nice to just write it down.

March 21st, 2006, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Esoterikos

If you read that, good job. You must have a lot of patience or a lot of time. And thanks for reading. Its nice to just write it down.

Heh, it is nice to get these things out sometimes, isn't it? Helps a lot to tell someone else.

I'm sure you'll have more luck in the future though, because a bad experience helps us learn... though they do suck. =]

Also? Cosplay=awesome.

March 21st, 2006, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Heh, it is nice to get these things out sometimes, isn't it? Helps a lot to tell someone else.

I'm sure you'll have more luck in the future though, because a bad experience helps us learn... though they do suck. =]

Also? Cosplay=awesome.

Yes, cosplay=awesome. No matter what anyone at the school thinks. lol.

Yeah, I dunno what I learned from it... I suppose I'll find out sometime.
I just wish I didn't care about him anymore.
He's still my good friend for some reason, no matter what he does to piss me off, no matter how many times he makes me mad...
I forgive him. Every freaking time I forgive him.... I'm too nice for my own good sometimes. -sigh-

March 22nd, 2006, 08:25 AM
thats quite some story Esoterikos =) but well, i hope you'll have more luck soon enough, just like Nephilim said, i second that :browlift:

March 24th, 2006, 03:19 AM
Thanks for the encouraging words guys.
It has made me feel a bit better having written it down and reading your positive responses.

March 24th, 2006, 10:41 AM
Esoterikos: I'm really not the one to talk here, but If I was you, I'd try to keep away from him for some time...I know that was the best thing for me when I broke up with my first boyfriend...I couldn't get over him for more than half a year...I was going crazy...but then I finally started to go out diferent places, meet other people...and I met a great guy (who is also one of my ex guys now) and forgot about the other one in a week :) I think our first love is really hard...cause we think it's the true one...it's not...it's just the first time someone made us feel that special and that great and it's hard to let go...

March 27th, 2006, 05:34 PM
Well, I spent some time away from the stress at home over the weekend, and I've had a chance to think things through. I decided that I'm done with boys for now. Right now, college is my priority. Since it seems that boys can't get serious, then I'll put them off for a little while. Just until I feel that I'm ready for the next big step in life. But right now, ''love'' will be at the bottom of my list.

unregistered user
March 27th, 2006, 05:44 PM
Hey Reina, I read your post on above and I have to agree with you. I am sorry about this and I don't think we get through this far and hope remain close friend like the old days.
Good luck on your journey life.:hugs:

March 28th, 2006, 01:42 AM
My boyfriend just broke up with me :tears: I don't feel like explaining why, but I feel terrible. We decided to stay friends, but gosh, I feel like I was the only one trying to save the relationship, at least until summer when I wouldn't have to see him at school a lot. *sigh* I'm feeling really down right now, I know it'll get better, but knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less. He didn't even have the decency to break up with me to my face, he did it online. I'm trying not to get mad at him but I'm finding it very difficult right now...

March 28th, 2006, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by Zaya
Esoterikos: I'm really not the one to talk here, but If I was you, I'd try to keep away from him for some time...I know that was the best thing for me when I broke up with my first boyfriend...I couldn't get over him for more than half a year...I was going crazy...but then I finally started to go out diferent places, meet other people...and I met a great guy (who is also one of my ex guys now) and forgot about the other one in a week :) I think our first love is really hard...cause we think it's the true one...it's not...it's just the first time someone made us feel that special and that great and it's hard to let go...

I know that it might be good to stay away for a while.... I just... I want to be near him but I don't. :confused:

Why can't it just be simple? :alone:

March 28th, 2006, 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Muruwa
My boyfriend just broke up with me :tears: I don't feel like explaining why, but I feel terrible. We decided to stay friends, but gosh, I feel like I was the only one trying to save the relationship, at least until summer when I wouldn't have to see him at school a lot. *sigh* I'm feeling really down right now, I know it'll get better, but knowing that doesn't make it hurt any less. He didn't even have the decency to break up with me to my face, he did it online. I'm trying not to get mad at him but I'm finding it very difficult right now...

I'm so sorry to hear that Muruwa. :hugs: I can't imgaine how you must be feeling right now, but I hope you can start to feel better soon. And I can imagine it would have been annoying that he broke up with you online, when it would have been much better to sort it out face to face. Stay strong *hugs*

And @Kos
Why can't it just be simple? Becuase love isn't simple, it's complicated because it involves a whole lot of emotions and there's two seperate people involved who are trying to live their own life and be with someone else at the same time. I'm sure you'll get through it and work out what's best in the end though. :)

unregistered user
March 28th, 2006, 05:45 AM
Sorry for such grieving, Muruwa. "May subtlety be the refrainment of intermittence' loss." ...


@Azerane: Indeed.

March 28th, 2006, 12:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Muruwa. The wound is still fresh, but you have all of our support =) and i think it needs some time to let the wound grow again :hugs:

March 28th, 2006, 04:10 PM
Hmmm, it just came to my attention that I've been with my one for seven (eight?) months now. Yeah, I'm not very good with those dates, but I suppose I'm happy. =] Picture (http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a269/caiconfiend/Chrisdead.png), hah.

March 28th, 2006, 05:05 PM
Cute Neph =D *steals* :p

March 28th, 2006, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Amaryllis
Cute Neph =D *steals* :p

*gasp* Now that's just mean. :gasp:

March 28th, 2006, 07:46 PM
Sowwy, its just cute x3

March 28th, 2006, 08:08 PM
Aww I'm so sorry Muruwa... :( I was looking at TLKFAA and was looking at your gallery and saw the pic you drew and I wasn't sure if your boyfriend really broke up with you... Well now I know... *sigh*

I would be mad too if my boyfriend didn't talk to me face to face when braking up with me. (Well I know with STM and I we don't see each other in person that often but if he did live here like your boyfriend did, I would think he would talk to me face to face with something like that) Did he email you, or talk to you in IM? I'm so sorry my friend, it seemed like you guys were together for so long and I was happy for you...

Well, you're still young, and I know it doesn't help saying that, but you will find another some day. I know it still hurts though. :( Well I will always be here to talk if you want to, and you know that. :hugs:

March 28th, 2006, 09:42 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that Muruwa, it's always sad when people broke up, unless they both think it's not gonna work.
I have broke up only once on relationship and 3 other times it have been them... and the time I told it face to face... it was hard, but I know she appricated it and we still talk sometimes.

And Sharifu, I do think if we ever break up it does happen when we are together in person and then I really going to tell it face to face... but I don't really see that happening. Not by knowing I miss you 24/7 when I'm not able to be around you and even when you worked while I was there is summer I wanted to walk there just to see you on your break's even I know you didn't want me to.

March 28th, 2006, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty
Not by knowing I miss you 24/7 when I'm not able to be around you and even when you worked while I was there is summer I wanted to walk there just to see you on your break's even I know you didn't want me to.

You mean last winter right? Aww well I would of loved to have you visit during my breaks but it didn't really seem worth it to walk for 20 minutes in the cold at night when I only had 15 minute breaks. (And one lunch break that was 45 minutes)

And yeah I miss you all the time too...

March 28th, 2006, 11:01 PM
Thanks for your support everyone, it really means a lot to me. Time heals everything, I know. I know that something had left our relationship after something had happened (I tried to bring it back but he didn't give me enough time to), but I had wanted to wait until summer to part our ways as friends, just to give us some transition time. Evidentally he felt it would hurt less to break up with me now rather than later... But life moves on as relentlessly as ever. I just hope this immediate pain goes away soon, I don't know how many days I can go with the feeling that someone is squeezing and tearing my heart apart...

May 3rd, 2006, 05:43 AM
ok, it's not actually third of May yet in California, but I can't wait to make this post ;)

Happy anniversary my cute Sharifu :hugs:
today ( 3rd May ) we have been together for a year, and in that year we got to spend a bit over 70 days together which is quite a lot sinse we live so far apart, but I know we both working for change that :love:
I really was hoping I could of spend our one year anniverary with you, but due the studies and working I still have and because I need the money at summer time so we can spend it together, I couldn't get there by now.. but you already know I'll make it up for you in this summer ( not that you expect me to do that )
Well I don't know why I post this on here... I guess someone might find it interesting besides us, but then again, no one might not. I guess I just did sinse most of the board do know about us... well... I guess so at least :evilgrin:

May 3rd, 2006, 05:52 AM
Aww, congratulations you guys! Alot of online relationships don't make it this far, what you guys have is definately special. :3

May 3rd, 2006, 08:37 AM
AW SO SWEET! Good on you guys! A year together is a brill achievment! I will never get that far :p

Quite a number of you already know this, but the one person I thought was The One for me turned out to be gay. That took a long time to heal. But we love each other anyway, and who needs to go out with someone to show that they love them?

So I'm single and I expect to be for a long time. People go for nice figures and beautiful faces and ignore the others most often as far as I know, and unless I meet someone online who likes me for my personality more than my none-existant looks, or an old friend likes me... then I'll grow old and die without anyone. Meh, I can look after myself. :woeisme:

Unless anyone on here likes me!!! (DESPERATE - PLEASE STAY CLAER FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!)


May 3rd, 2006, 08:57 AM
thanks both of you and Dyani don't feel that way. I'm sure you will find someone. I have been in that situation too thinking that I will never get on relationship again etc etc...
so just give it some time...

May 3rd, 2006, 09:17 AM
Awww, congrats you two :) That's really great that you've made it so far *:hugs: both of you* And I hope you have many more years to come.

And while I'm in this topic, most, if not all of you know about Kintaru and I *hugs him* and I just thought I'd let everyone know (because I'm all excited :D) That Kintaru is coming over in mid-June to visit me! ^^ :D :cheese: So we're finally getting a chance to meet. He's gonna be here for two months and yeah, it's really great to finally have this chance to be together. So we'll see how it goes I guess, though I'm sure it'll go well, we've been waiting for a chance to meet for a long time now. We've been together online for over a year. But not long now till he comes... just over a month.... =D

This Land
May 3rd, 2006, 09:25 AM
aww congrats STM and Sharifu.

I really hope both of you, share your love for each other forever to come and its strong all the way.
I really do hope that next year, im here again. posting to congratulate you for your second aniversary, and the next and the next....:D

Dyani - Dont get down, there is always someone out there for you, never get upset thinking you wont fins the perfect someone. the the perfect someone is proberly finding you :hugs:

May 3rd, 2006, 10:54 AM
*thumbs up* congrats you two. :secret:

May 3rd, 2006, 12:24 PM
Thank you everyone! ^^

And Azerane, as I told you before I'm so happy you get to meet Pat, that's really great, and that you get to spend that much time together when you first meet. All the best to you guys!!!

Happy Anniversary Petteri! :hugs: :love: I did a pic for him just now if any of you want to see, it's in my TLKFAA gallery, and I posted it in the "Post Your Art Here!!!" thread in The Water Hole... :D

May 3rd, 2006, 01:05 PM
Congartulations, STM and Sharifu!:cheese:
You made it that far, and I hope you'll stay together through all the difficulties (and I'm sure with that distance there are/will be a few); no matter what anyone from outside might say or think.

Dyani - What the hell are you talking about?!
I like you! (well, not in THAT sort of way...:hehe: )
But seriously...I know, it shouldn't affect somebody's love for you in any way, but you are beautiful. And from what I've gotten to know you also have a great personality. I'm pretty much VERY sure there's someone for you, you'll just have to let him find you :browlift: And I'm not one of those who're saying that kinda things because everything is perfect in their (love-) life.

Wow, that's awesome news! I knew this had to mean something ;P
And as you and Kintaru have also been together for over a year, I'm sure everything will go well. Hehe, I hope you too will be able to wait till then ;)

May 3rd, 2006, 01:13 PM
Congrats to the four of you : )

May 3rd, 2006, 01:28 PM
*Hugs Azzy tight* Ahhhh yes, on June 13th the terror begins, muhahahahaha! :evilgrin: Hehe, yeah, it took a while, but we're finally getting a chance to meet, and I know for one I can't want. :love:

And I'll make sure to post lots of fun and exciting pics of us once I'm over there, though I'll probly have to fight Becca to the death do so! :cheese:

May 3rd, 2006, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Neola
Wow, that's awesome news! I knew this had to mean something ;P
And as you and Kintaru have also been together for over a year, I'm sure everything will go well. Hehe, I hope you too will be able to wait till then ;)

:evilgrin: Hehe, yes... it was for people to guess at :p

And thankyou again Sharifu, and yeah I realise that we are lucky that the first time we meet we get to spend two months together, and he's going to be here for my birthday :D

Thanks MehndiX :)

Hehe, there won't be anything left of my house by the end of the first week :woeisme: And yes... to the death... :evilgrin:
I really can't wait to meet you either, it's been a long time to wait but we've almost made it, and the time spent waiting is just going to make the time we spend together even more special :love: I can't believe how lucky I am that someone would fly across the world just to be with me *hugs you tight* You are amazing :love:

This Land
May 3rd, 2006, 02:45 PM
Azzy, Your a awsome person and a great friend to talk to. You deserve this oppurtunity 100% :D

May 3rd, 2006, 03:56 PM
Congrats, STM and Sharifu...I remember as if it were just yesterday when you two got together...When really it was today, just a year ago...:D

Congrats Azerane and Kintaru...Hope you guys have an awesome time!...And all the questions I'll be asking afterwards...:D

May 3rd, 2006, 04:49 PM
hehe thanks everyone ;)

and I really hope Bec and Pat you have great time in June, I'm sure both of you will feel nerves at first, no matter how long you have known, but it will turn out just great for sure, best of a luck and I hope you guys can make it work just as much as I hope we can with my Fu'ey ;)

Roog... I don't think we talked with you in the day we got together... I don't think we told anyone we did get together in that day...

May 3rd, 2006, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheMighty

Roog... I don't think we talked with you in the day we got together... I don't think we told anyone we did get together in that day...

I have no idea...I remember talking with Audra about it sometime, I think before you guys got together...or maybe it was after...=D

May 3rd, 2006, 07:16 PM
AW!! Congrats to Sharifu and STM, and Azerane and Kintaru. You are all fantastic people and deserve a wonderful long relationship :D

O___o I got a random text today from someone I didn't know, so I texted back and asked who he was, where he was. He's a bloke called Barry in Suffolk. When I was getting cautious and asked how old he was, he said he was 42...


However, he seemed to know that his age would be inappropriate and he txted 'does that mean you don't want to talk to me anymore?' So I replied that I didn't as I was 18 and it could be translated wrongly.

However, now I feel really guilty. He sounded nice but all creeps do. What would be your advice, people?
(this is slightly freaking me out as I had read.. i think Sonique's thing ... about meeting someone over the TV? Freaky..)

May 3rd, 2006, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
I have no idea...I remember talking with Audra about it sometime, I think before you guys got together...or maybe it was after...=D

Must have been after ;)
but only thing that matters is that it happened.

May 3rd, 2006, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Azerane
I can't believe how lucky I am that someone would fly across the world just to be with me

I feel the same way... :D It really shows how much they love you...

May 4th, 2006, 03:13 AM
Aw, thanks so much everybody :hugs:

@Roog: hehe, you may ask a lot of questions, but it doesn't mean we're going to answer them ;)

@Dyani: That was Nathalie that met her boyfriend over the tv :) As for advice, I would just leave it as it is and not contact him, I wouldn't feel bad about it at all.

@Sharifu: It sure does, hehe, I was telling my friend yesterday how he was definetly coming over to visit, because I'd sort of only mentioned it in passing to her before, but when I told her she thought it was really cool, and I remember she said "Wow, he must really like you." Haha, and I'm just like.. "yeah..." :p

May 4th, 2006, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by Dyani
AW!! Congrats to Sharifu and STM, and Azerane and Kintaru. You are all fantastic people and deserve a wonderful long relationship :D

O___o I got a random text today from someone I didn't know, so I texted back and asked who he was, where he was. He's a bloke called Barry in Suffolk. When I was getting cautious and asked how old he was, he said he was 42...


However, he seemed to know that his age would be inappropriate and he txted 'does that mean you don't want to talk to me anymore?' So I replied that I didn't as I was 18 and it could be translated wrongly.

However, now I feel really guilty. He sounded nice but all creeps do. What would be your advice, people?
(this is slightly freaking me out as I had read.. i think Sonique's thing ... about meeting someone over the TV? Freaky..) If he really wanted to just be friends and not dates, he would've contacted you regarding one of your accounts for one of your interests/hobbies, not to contact you to find out what you liked. So I definetly wouldn't feel bad about it, and don't think about it too much.

May 5th, 2006, 01:28 AM
Congratulations, Sharifu and STM! Kool beans, Azerane and Kintaru. =D

:hugs: =)

@Dyani: "Never give up, never surrender!" - Porthos du Vallon

May 5th, 2006, 01:54 AM
Wow! Two whole months, and you live that far apart?! That's awesome!

I was planning a month visit with my Eva, as in, she was supposed to come here for that long, but sadly her parents just wouldn't accept it. She is already 18, but she lives with them, so at the end of everything she had to go with what they wanted.

Anyways, she will be coming here for 2 weeks, which is better than nothing. Even a second is wonderful if it is spent with the person you love. This will be the thrid time we have met, so I expect it to go wonderfully!

Congratulations everyone!


May 5th, 2006, 05:12 AM
Yeah, it is pretty amazing. We're very lucky to get that much time together, but with the distance we live apart and the cost of travel that he's paying to get over here, we wanted to make the most of it.

And I'm sorry you couldn't get a month to spend with Eva, but 2 weeks is better than nothing, I hope you have a good time anyway, when it happens.

May 5th, 2006, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Only-now
Wow! Two whole months, and you live that far apart?! That's awesome!

It makes more sense though, that couples like STM and I, and Kintaru and Azerane, that we spend a lot of time together when we do visit. We have to fly across the world to be with our loved one, so the cost is extremely high to fly. For you and Eva, you both live in the US, so it doesn't cost as much for you guys.

Originally posted by Only-now
I was planning a month visit with my Eva, as in, she was supposed to come here for that long, but sadly her parents just wouldn't accept it. She is already 18, but she lives with them, so at the end of everything she had to go with what they wanted.

Aww that's too bad... I remember Eva telling me how you were going to visit for a month. I really wonder why her parents said no to that. They let you visit her before. Of course it wasn't that long. But she gets to visit you for 2 weeks, and a month is just double that amount of time. I don't get it. But well I am glad you guys do get to be together this summer.

This summer, I get to spend a total of, about 4 months together with STM!!! :wow: I am soooo lucky! :D STM is coming June 5 here to California. Then a little over a month later, on July 6, we both fly back to Finland together, where I'll be in Europe for almost 3 months.


May 5th, 2006, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Only-now

Anyways, she will be coming here for 2 weeks, which is better than nothing. Even a second is wonderful if it is spent with the person you love. This will be the thrid time we have met, so I expect it to go wonderfully!


aww.. well I hope you guys get to spend more time then that together in the future, maybe after her parents get used to the idea. and well 2 weeks isn't all that bad... like 2 last times I have fly over to US I have stay like 22 days both times which is a bit over 3 weeks. I really hope you guys have wonderful time in this summer. Not that I doubt you will ;)

And I wish the same for Azerane and Kintaru and I really hope even after meeting each others it still works for you guys. :hugs:

This summer, I get to spend a total of, about 4 months together with STM!!! I am soooo lucky! STM is coming June 5 here to California. Then a little over a month later, on July 6, we both fly back to Finland together, where I will be in Europe for almost 3 months.

yeah that will be sooooooo great... Today there is exactly a month till it happens. And just as Only-Now said, the time you get to spend someone you love is more precious then anything and well.. why wouldn't it be? :love:

May 7th, 2006, 07:31 PM
WOW congratulations you all ^_^ wow, it sure does remind me of my time with Ragoom, its great, and i wish ?veryone can have that feeling =^^=

May 13th, 2006, 04:51 AM
SW & '04 May 12th, 2006 :cheese:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 13th, 2006, 05:46 AM
Congrats '04, though I'm not exactly sure what it is that's May 12th... anniversary, getting together?

Only a month now until Kintaru comes... I can't wait... *hugs him tight*

May 13th, 2006, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Simba_2004
SW & '04 May 12th, 2006 :cheese:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you two back together? I remember you telling me the other morning that you two were going to spend some time together.

Originally posted by Azerane
Only a month now until Kintaru comes... I can't wait... *hugs him tight*

I know how you feel since STM comes in June too... I'm ecstatic! :D

May 13th, 2006, 10:52 AM
Yes we did get back together, took all day long :idiot: but, yes we did get back together on May 12th :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:

May 13th, 2006, 10:57 AM
That's great to hear '04, after everything you guys went through.

May 13th, 2006, 11:39 AM
That's really great Derek. ^^

May 13th, 2006, 12:08 PM
Good to hear that Derek ;) Best of the luck and a lots of great moments for you two ;)

I know how you feel since STM comes in June too... I'm ecstatic!
yeah... well ofcourse it will be great.. and who could be waiting... sinse it have been sooooo long sinse we saw the last time... it have been already almoust 4.5 months...

May 20th, 2006, 07:40 PM
Gah! I'm so confused! I think I made a post in this thread before, and yay, I'm crushing on the exact same guy. A couple of months ago, I thought I had forgot him, I didn't talk to him that much anymore and I was no longer obsessed with sitting near him in the classroom. Then we had some sort of quick but funny conversation, and I was stuck at it again. I spent the whole spring break thinking about him, wanting to meet him, but when I came back for school, I somehow managed to cool off my feelings because I knew that the smallest sign that indicates that he does not like me that way, would destroy me. It has been quite cool since then, but last week, he did or said things that just blossomed these feelings once again.

He's so charming, loveable, funny, handsome, but I also know that he's not perfect, he drinks a lot, smokes, steals..... my moral has always told me to stay away from guys like that, but now it doesn't even matter. I don't care if his mouth tastes ash tray, I don't care if he drinks til he blackouts, I don't care if he steals stuff and sell them, it's like I beleive that if I'd ever get him all that would change. But deep down, I know that most likely, no.

He has flirted a couple of times, suggested a couple of "indicent" acts, asked me if I wanted a kiss as birthday present, and I never know if he's serious or not. It often feels like it's meant to be jokes on the surface but that there's another meaning as well, because I've never heard or seen him do the same thing to somebody else.

I've asked him to burn AC/DC CD's for me two times now, even though I easily could get them from somebody else. It's my way of contacting him, I know that I need to textmessage him, then give him CD's, wait for him to burn them, get them returned to me, and then we'll discuss what songs we like best. I would like to give him something as a thank you (he said he didn't need anything though, he doesn't mind doing it at all), and if I had the guts I would probably ask if he wanted a kiss in return.X) Maybe I can twist that so it's more of a joke, so if anybody hears it, or if he backs off with a big "No", I can laugh and say that it was just a joke. It would give me a idea of what he thinks of me.

I've felt that he's something special, that there's this special energy between us since the first time I saw him. Once I felt and knew that I would see him when I went to his hometown, and I did, twice.

People have suspected that there was something going on between us, and one of my friends just seem convinced about that he's having a crush on me. I've been having crushes before, and NONE of them has been as strong and long as this one. I'm just so attracted to this boy, and he's the most beautiful person in the world to me. We won't be in the same class next year, so I just hope that I'll be able to tell him what I feel at the upcoming "class party", hopefully we can be honest with each other. I don't want to move on and regret not taking a chance.

Anybody got any advice on how to tell him without making a fool of myself, or how I can flirt with him without it being too obvious etc. Maybe you've been in a similar situation? then please, for god sake, say something. Anything.

May 20th, 2006, 07:57 PM
well I don't see why you would have to hide your feelings... try to wait right moment and tell how you feel. You can't force anyone to like you, but I do think thats the best way, I know it's not easy, but you should try it.

May 20th, 2006, 08:32 PM
well, my love life needs an update aswell.

Some of you may remember the guy whom i fell in love with. Well, i send him a card when i was in Rome, and next time i saw him, we had a funny convo again.
Today i saw him again, and he added me on msn aswell. We can get along great and i just can't wait to talk more and more to him. And i even got myself some great photos of him ^_^

May 20th, 2006, 11:03 PM
Good to hear that Amy! :hugs:

and sinse I do post here once again I can say I'll be traveling over to CA to visit my love again in 15 days. I say I can't wait and that is true, but I just have, no matter can I or can I not.
After that we gonna have 3 and half months together... which will be really great!

May 21st, 2006, 08:08 AM
@Xanahti - hmm... that does seem to be quite a pickle to get through ... uhm... slow 'n steady wins the race... though, you know all these things, of him that you know would not work out... hmm... there is a chance that he would give up all that for you, for people will do many number of things to find true love... If he were smart, he would give up drinking, stealing, smoking for you... however... I dunno, what to say really... you're idea, with kind of hinting it around sounds ideal, though will take patience... remember though, weak hearts will always take the easy way out, yet strong hearts will endure.

@Amaryllis - It's always great to hear things are working out for the better. Just know there's a bumpy road ahead of you, don't become daunted when traversing over them...

@SimbaTheMighty - wow... I have no idea how you manage to seem so calm... the wait alone must be killing you right? I know from when I had moved to florida to see a friend of mine, the wait for me was great enough... for you it must be 100x greater than that...