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View Full Version : Lion king 2 and lion king 1/2 isnt as gd as the origanal do you agree?

This Land
July 29th, 2005, 12:03 PM
:confused: :kovusmile :slimey:
Have you ever watched a sequal to a film and it isnt as good, i think this is the same thing as the lion king.
wat do u think of the sequal's to TLK do u think they are better or worse than TLK.
My opinion is that first watching lion king 2 i thought it wasnt as good as the first, but it has grown on me the more times i watch it and is pretty good.
But i dont think lion king 1/2 will never be good no matter how many times i watch it, i think it looses the magic of the origanal TLK by how they explain that the reason why the animals bow at the begining of TLK is because pumba farted, i dont think that was gd, it looses the magic of the animals bowing to there future king when the sun shines on simba.
The only thing i like about lion king 1/2 is how simba grows up :slimey:,nala trips over, and animals topple over in i cant wait to be king them bits are really good but besides that i was not that impressed.
What do you think of the sequals to TLK??? :hmm:

This Land
July 29th, 2005, 12:05 PM
sorry i have noticed i have put this in the wrong area sorry :(

July 29th, 2005, 12:09 PM

I think there are already topics on this, I know you are new, but you might wanna check "Everything the light touches" first :)

July 29th, 2005, 03:16 PM
I agree with you "This Land". What's your real name btw? =)

EDIT: Saw it was Adam. ;)

This Land
July 29th, 2005, 03:31 PM
:cool: whats your favourite lion king , i take it its the first one

unregistered user
July 29th, 2005, 08:13 PM
I like The Lion King, the original movie. I also like Simba's Pride.

And after watching TLK 1.5/3: hakuna matata again last night.. I began to like it x)

Personally I loved Timon's Ma. Though I do watch lion King movies mainly for the lions.. Timon and Pumbaa are alright, I'm trying to like them more =P

I'm more of a drama person though, not comedy. However, Timon and Pumbaa do have there brief dramatic moments too.. bah, anyway, enough babbling(sp? O.o) from me.

The Lion King 1 was best, paws down x)

July 29th, 2005, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
And after watching TLK 1.5/3: hakuna matata again last night.. I began to like it x)

woots! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v644/sombolia/BUMMS/testify.gif

To the question: I beg to differ :p I actually like TLK1.5 nearly, if not as much, as TLK.. horrorz! :eek:

July 30th, 2005, 12:24 AM
Lk1 is by far the best. Simbas pride is still great but I think the animation lets it down and as for 1.5 - well im not a huge fan at all. It grows on me a little but only when teen Simba is in it.

I really think Disney let themselves down with this. :(

July 30th, 2005, 01:43 AM
For me SP is far the best :vitsm:

I hardly watch the original and I'm yet to see the third.

But what is the defination here for "the best"? Quality-wise, TLK is the obvious winner, its got the biggest budget.

July 30th, 2005, 02:20 AM
Yeah, "the best" is all a matter of opinion.

besides - I don't think anyone here has the right to call SP's animation bad.. nobody here spent the time and process doing it. The animation's not exactly the same as TLK's, maybe - but bad?

July 30th, 2005, 02:31 AM
I look at TLK 1.2/3 as an hour and a half long T&P episode. I'm into comedy and I admit, I couldn't stop laughing at a few parts. It's just the potty humor, especially in the Simba Presentation scene, is just too much.

I liked SP the most when it came out. Ofcourse, I was a little kid. Now I look at it and don't hold it high in my regards anymore. The original TLK characters were too off model and out of character. I have to say, though, I <3 Kovu. He's been my favorite as long as the movie existed. His personality and character depth seems so much different than the others. It makes him unique and that's what I like about him. I just try to block out the whole "Yeehaw" thing.*shudders*

Ofcourse, you can't really expect much from sequels, being them low budget and it's just not the same. TLK is a phenomenon to the animating industry and the world over. It's magic can and never will be recaptured in a sequel.

July 30th, 2005, 02:43 AM
TLK is a phenomenon to the animating industry and the world over. It's magic can and never will be recaptured in a sequel. [/B]

TLKs magic is only in SP for me personally, so yes, it can be recaptured in sequels :cheese:

unregistered user
July 30th, 2005, 03:15 AM
Simba's Pride had an excellent story, but not enough development time.

Hakuna Matata had beautiful animation, enough to compare to the original even. It lacked in appealing tot he majority of the older fanbase though. it was mostly aimed directly at the crowds of children, and any fans of 'The Emperor's New Groove' ;) (Which I am a fan of btw xD )

I still and will always think that the animation was poor in Simba's Pride. That's my basic opinion. I see it, and I know they could've done better when I compare it to the other two movies. They just needed more time.

1.5 just lacked a lion base, which appears to be the biggest complaint about the movie, including from me as well. I personally would've loved for Scar to at least have a word =/ (Then again, it's probably for the best, otherwise they might have gotten some other person besides Jeremy Irons to voice Scar and then I would have to kill Disney x) )

Off Topic: In The Lion King world for Kingdom hearts.. I wonder if Jeremy will voice Scar o.o

July 30th, 2005, 03:42 AM
I really, really don't see the point in saying that TLK1.5 wasn't as good because it "didn't have enough lions". I say we complain about the lack of fueding stars in Star Wars, the the lack of hunchbacks in HoND. We get two movies full of lions, and have to complain when one of them doesn't give the felines more screentime. They didn't need more screentime. It's Timon and Pumbaa's movie, it wouldn't make sense to say, "Okay, now Timon did that, now cut to a scene with the lionesses in the den that has nothing to do with the plot! But it's okay, it has LIONS!"

Okay. End rant.

July 30th, 2005, 03:49 AM
It is based on Timon and Pumba and thats kinda why I dont like it as much.

Compared to TLK, Simbas pride animation is bad. It was produced alot further down the track where more technology was available and they took a backwards step.

July 30th, 2005, 04:30 AM
The most disappointing part of the animation in Simba's Pride is the way fire is illustrated. It seems far more digital than the obviously handdrawn flames shown in TLK 1 and suggests a lack of effort in staying true to TLK style.

I enjoyed TLK 1.5 for the most part, but the crude humor used during the presentation of Simba was entirely unnecessary. To take one of the most majestic scenes from TLK 1 and so overtly befoul its meaning is outright offensive, even if done with the best of intentions.

unregistered user
July 30th, 2005, 04:51 AM
That's the thing Somby, I didn't really want a Timon and Pumbaa movie x) I was kind of hoping for a inbetween-quel

Like what happened in the Jungle and the pridelands while Simba was gone and Scar was King. Showing Nala's growing up too, and the birth of the Outsiders, and them growing up as well. As well as Scar and Zira's relationship. It would've put to rest a lot of questions among TLK fans, it would've been a good movie too x)

However, i am thankful that we have one at all ^^

July 30th, 2005, 04:55 AM
I didn't like TLK 1.5 because of Timon & Pumbaa. I can't connect to that humour at all.

I haven't seen TLK 2, but from what I've read of it (the script) and the scenes I've seen, I don't want to see it. It just looks like it would be half-hearted and quite frankly I don't care about Kiara or the future generations after Scar.

July 30th, 2005, 05:22 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
That's the thing Somby, I didn't really want a Timon and Pumbaa movie x) I was kind of hoping for a inbetween-quel

Like what happened in the Jungle and the pridelands while Simba was gone and Scar was King. Showing Nala's growing up too, and the birth of the Outsiders, and them growing up as well. As well as Scar and Zira's relationship. It would've put to rest a lot of questions among TLK fans, it would've been a good movie too x)

However, i am thankful that we have one at all ^^

Yeah, but Disney wouldn't do that at all, and if they did - they'd probably make it absolutely terrible. They can't have Scar be abusive because it'd scare the kitties, so they'd turn him into a loving out-of-character wimp.. the same with Zira.

July 30th, 2005, 04:29 PM
I think both movies (TLK 2 and #) are quite good movies, but, we can?t even do a "comparrassion" with the original, because the original one is simply amazing

July 30th, 2005, 05:51 PM
Like I said, the magic of the original TLK cannot be recaptured in sequels the way the creators of SP and 1.5 thought.

Ofcourse, they had to make a movie only about Timon and Pumbaa. I'm sure they wanted to take one more crack at milking them for all their worth. In my opinion, this movie seemed to have made Timon look like a jerk, thus making him more and more disliked by the fandom. I still love Timon's character, but only from the original TLK.

July 30th, 2005, 06:57 PM
Nothing beats TLK! :D
I mean it was the first.. even though I like SP more than I did before.

July 30th, 2005, 07:08 PM
I totally agree about Timon! I don't know where I read or heard this but the directors were talking about including a scene where Timon disagreed to help Simba fight his kingdom back in the original movie. But they decided against it to leave Timon as loveable as possible! So when the directors of TLK 1 1/2 put that scene into the sequel they ruined the original idea of Timon's character!

But I still think TLK 1 1/2 is a very good movie (even better than SP in my opinion) because the concept was very original and it made me laugh a lot!

Kiara Serengeti
July 30th, 2005, 11:54 PM
TLK 1 is the best. I didn't like how they said that the animals bowed because Pumbaa farted :rolleyes: . Not at all. No offense to anyone, this is just my opinion, but I hated TLK 1.5.

Kovu The Lion
July 31st, 2005, 12:00 AM
Hmm No I disagree, I Liked TLK SP a lot better than TLK 1 because there wasnt as much love in the air in that movie ;) Kovu and Kiara are my all time Favorite characters, Probably why I liked it, Plus Scar was in the other movie , bah i Hated Scar

Kiara Serengeti
July 31st, 2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
Hmm No I disagree, I Liked TLK SP a lot better than TLK 1 because there wasnt as much love in the air in that movie ;) Kovu and Kiara are my all time Favorite characters, Probably why I liked it, Plus Scar was in the other movie , bah i Hated Scar

Woohoo! A Kiara fan!

unregistered user
July 31st, 2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Kiara Serengeti
Woohoo! A Kiara fan!

Oh, so there is Kiara fans out there??? :o I didn't know ....

Well, I like all the three movies, sometimes I just like the first one and sometimes the second etc. Everyone have their periodes x) But I actually like TLK1 more, of course, it's the original movie, the best painted one, the best characters (except Zazu...) is there as well as the actors, lines and musics/songs. The story itself is way too good, I can't compare it with something, maybe 'cos it has a such a huge meaning for me, I don't know... Anyway, it's a new thing to think about what will happen when you die xP
The story of TLK2 is also very good, maybe too much love, but I guess that's what the point was...uhm... But I still have a lot of questions around the movie that is really annoying and make me 'not understand' it really... And, a minus really is Kiara herself (somehow I think she's better when she's with Kovu, but her alone ... not exactly), she's just so disturbing in many ways I've already told you 10 times on Lea...xP And then Zazu is even worse in the movie, the painting is not very good and neither are the actors (not here anyway). But the music is okey, the two first ones could be a little boring sometimes though...
Then we have TLK1? or 3, I have to admit I laughed to death through the whole movie the first time I saw it. I don't see anything wrong with having a TP movie, really, it's just fun.... since it's really my type of humour...As someone said... The scene where Simba grows up, the animal pyramide and Nalas incoming really is funny. And the songs ...well, not that good, I actually only like Digga Tunnah. And the animation itself... Not really as TLK1, but I guess the technical things gets better (or worse with other words). And the new characters is really funny, then esp. uncle Max and Ma...x) (thought that's the only ones, right?Oo) As well as the story... It's amazing the creators had it all working a long with TLK1. Maybe not what happened with the animals in the presentation, I just saw that as a funny thing, not something that actually happened... I also think they could have done more different animals, I just see zebras, giraffes and whatever-it-is ... It has to be more animals on the savannah...xP

Ok, talk about a long text, I'm surprised I wrote it (hope it make sense) 3am in the morning....xD

This Land
August 1st, 2005, 09:00 AM
yer the only bits i like bout lion king 3 is where simba is growing up and how nala trips over in the love scene and the animals falling over in i cant wait to be king scene. i dont like the story of why the animals really bow to cub simba, loads of magic is lost. (i metioned this at the beginning of this thread".

August 1st, 2005, 03:02 PM
Yeah, Its true that this question is Highly opinionated. Personally, my favorite is tlk2. Its probably because of simba's drastic character change as well as the reflection upon Shakespear's "Romeo and Juliet". Don't get me wrong...Tlk was also based upon Shakespear's work "Hamlet". Quality wise, the original was the best. In the tlk3, simba was off model in alot of the scenes :confused: , still a good movie however. :cheese:

This Land
August 1st, 2005, 03:11 PM
i dont think simba was a little bit off model, he was just growing up, and trying out new things. I do see what you mean about TLK and TLK 2 folowing along the lines of shakepears work.

August 1st, 2005, 03:33 PM
Simba is off model in TLK 1/2. It's not neccessarily the adolescent stages, but as an adult. The length of his mane going down his chest continually changes in the scenes of him as an adult. Maybe it's just me, but that can get really annoying.

This Land
August 2nd, 2005, 06:04 PM
i see what u mean, just watched it ... again :lol:
also in TLK 3 the animals in the circle of life scene act diffenrently than in TLK,

because as soon as rafiki holds up simba the animals start to celebrate.
But in lion king 3 you see rafiki holding up simba in the background (timon mentions this "what is that he is holding up") and the animals dont even move they are just standing there. :hmm:

August 2nd, 2005, 06:06 PM
Yeah... It's supposed to be part of that fart joke. It was meant to amuse the kiddies. I never like that gag.

Melody of Scar
August 2nd, 2005, 06:17 PM
Without a doubt, the first is my absolute favorite. When I was younger, it was the most amazing animation I'd ever seen. I was a huge big cat fan, so I fell in love with all of the characters ( I was huge on Mufasa and Sarabi back then... ) and cried when Mufasa died and Simba reclaimed the throne.

Simba's Pride is a decent movie, and while it has grown on me it has come no where close to topping the original. A major problem is that it lacked a crying point. No part in that movie made me cry - not the exile, not Nuka's death, not Zira's death, not the ending when they all became one. It was funny, sure, and it's touching, but it lacked something bigger that the Lion King had - it wasn't quite as magikal to me.

And don't even get me started on Hakuna Matata. It was funny, sure, but it just wasn't good. It was full of overused and recycled jokes and mocked two of my favorite scenes of the original by adding in inappropriatly placed jokes ~ the presentation of Simba and the stampede.

This Land
August 2nd, 2005, 06:50 PM
wa i didnt have to speak you have said it for me lol :lol: 100% agree with wat u said even though i mentioned this at the beginning , but u have put it in alot better words than i did :) i dont think people understood how i worded it :lol: , did u like the scar animation i gave ya.

Melody of Scar
August 2nd, 2005, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by This land
wa i didnt have to speak you have said it for me lol :lol: 100% agree with wat u said even though i mentioned this at the beginning , but u have put it in alot better words than i did :) i dont think people understood how i worded it :lol: , did u like the scar animation i gave ya.

Thanks. ^_^; And I do like it, although I think I'll switch between NtL's banner and the gif... I dun like the off-centeredness. :D

This Land
August 2nd, 2005, 07:22 PM
i see what u mean, if you have photobucket, make the scar .gif image smaller and put one on each side, that will center it or put a few spaces on the side you want evening out (havent tested it myself though) also if you put two scars on each side you have to make it smaller or else it wont fit and go onto the next line and will not look gd.
anyway back to subject. :-)
do u like any bits off TLK 3 ?, the only bit i like is when simba grows up with timon and pumba. :slimey:
hows bout u

Melody of Scar
August 2nd, 2005, 07:35 PM
Some of TLK1.5 was good, don't get me wrong. It was a funny movie, even though most of it annoyed me to no end. I haven't seen it for a while so I don't remember which scenes I really enjoyed, so I need to watch it again ( obviously ). Digga Tunna was kinda fun, though. XD

This Land
August 2nd, 2005, 08:08 PM
what gets on my nerves is that timon and pumba keep pausing the film and i dont think that was very gd, it can drag on a bit :grr:

August 3rd, 2005, 04:09 AM
I think the point needs to be stressed that 1.5 is a parody, it's meant to make people laugh, and it's not what really happened. This isn't pointed towards anyone, just a general comment. ^_^;

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 05:55 AM
it could be, but as the beggining, timon mentions its behind the scenes

August 3rd, 2005, 05:56 AM
That doesn't change the fact that's it's a parody.

I mean, haven't you ever seen fanfic that says "this is what really happened"?

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 06:25 AM
i dont think disney would spend loads of money just to make a parody, the reason why its really funny and mocks some of the original lion king scenes is becuase lion king 3 is aimed for smaller childeren so they do these things to make it funny for the children, thats my veiw

August 3rd, 2005, 07:18 AM
why would Disney Spend money on anything then?

The point of tlk 1.5 was(as previously stated above) to poke fun at, even show the events of tlk in another point of view. It is true that 1.5 has a lack of drama (mufasa's death ect.) but including such a scene in a parody would make it alot less amusing.Tlk had an edge in drama with a side of comedy, where tlk 1.5 pushed it to the max in the comedy department. Ill end this statement by saying that comparing tlk and its predecessor tlk 1.5 is literaly comparing drama vs. comedy.

On a personal note, I favor tlk over tlk 1.5. Just because of the abundant drama and clashing, not to mention that it had more of a soundtrack to it :cheese:

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 07:32 AM
The point of tlk 1.5 was(as previously stated above) to poke fun at, even show the events of tlk in another point of view. It is true that 1.5 has a lack of drama (mufasa's death ect.) but including such a scene in a parody would make it alot less amusing.Tlk had an edge in drama with a side of comedy, where tlk 1.5 pushed it to the max in the comedy department. Ill end this statement by saying that comparing tlk and its predecessor tlk 1.5 is literaly comparing drama vs. comedy.
your right :cheese: i see wat u mean when u put it like that,

August 3rd, 2005, 03:23 PM
Yep, I believe that's exactly what LK 1.5 was intended to be, Somby and Shoukai! I sure agree with you but I can also understand why people don't like it.

August 3rd, 2005, 03:30 PM
Yeah, it got alot of dissaproving clucks. I can understand that too ;-;. The thread is just highly opinionated, and everyone is entitled to make their opinion =D!

I guess you can say that i liked 1.5 for giving us a better image of adolescent simba. For the five minutes that it actually did =.=

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 05:34 PM
simba in the adolescent stages should of been extended. :grrr:

Melody of Scar
August 3rd, 2005, 06:01 PM
I am going to have to agree with this - adolescent Simba should have had a good portion of the middle so we could learn more about what happened there. I was excited when I first saw him, but then it was like "HAHAHA QUICK SCENE LOOK ADULT SIMBA111!!!" -.-

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 06:33 PM
yep :slimey:
Another thing that puzzles me is, simba has care free days right, no hunting - animals, and he does nothing but just chill, meaning he has no fighting experience, so how can he beat scar or even have the nerve to when he hasnt even learnt any kills tactics or skill, if he had practiced to kill when he was in the jungle they should'nt of they shown this. :hmm:

unregistered user
August 3rd, 2005, 06:37 PM
1 was better than 2 and 1/2.

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 08:20 PM
yup, i think most of us agree on that, thanks for your opinion, keep them coming :slimey:

King Simba
August 3rd, 2005, 08:24 PM
Well, IMO, the sequels are never as good as the originals. TLK 2, IMO, was actually pretty good and it had a decent storyline behind it. TLK 3 (1 1/2) I wasn't too keen on. It didn't really have a proper storyline either. However, it's still funny in some parts.

Originally posted by Melody of Scar
I am going to have to agree with this - adolescent Simba should have had a good portion of the middle so we could learn more about what happened there. I was excited when I first saw him, but then it was like "HAHAHA QUICK SCENE LOOK ADULT SIMBA111!!!" -.-

I agree there too. The story of adolescent Simba should have been much longer. I discussed this with my sister the other day and she said the same. It was too short.

Lucy Lioness
August 3rd, 2005, 08:28 PM
The sequels aren't all bad. I am with Somby, I actually like TLK3 (or 1 1/2 whatever). But as a parody, nothing serious. I never used to like TLK2 but taking screenshots of the movie, I have noticed that the animation is still good, the colours seem better, sure adult Simba looks like a grizzly bear (IMO) it's still a good movie. It has grown quite a lot on me over the last few months actually.

King Simba
August 3rd, 2005, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
The sequels aren't all bad. I am with Somby, I actually like TLK3 (or 1 1/2 whatever). But as a parody, nothing serious. I never used to like TLK2 but taking screenshots of the movie, I have noticed that the animation is still good, the colours seem better, sure adult Simba looks like a grizzly bear (IMO) it's still a good movie. It has grown quite a lot on me over the last few months actually.
Grizzly bear. :lol:

Still, the illustrations and animations of the characters don't really bother me although I do think Nala and Simba looked pretty weird. Kovu was really the highlight in that movie for me. ;)

Lucy Lioness
August 3rd, 2005, 08:33 PM
Yes a grizzly bear. :D Just the way Simba seems so darn huge! I know lions are huge, but he is super big. :D And his chin is enormous! And, yes Nala did look weird, but not as weird as Simba IMO. :D

King Simba
August 3rd, 2005, 08:37 PM
Just to compare the adult Simba in both TLK and SP...



Lucy Lioness
August 3rd, 2005, 08:38 PM
See? Smexy Simba to grizzly Simba. :p

King Simba
August 3rd, 2005, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
See? Smexy Simba to grizzly Simba. :p
:lol: Still, it could possibly be due to his age? :bleen:

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 08:39 PM
talking of nala ealier on , in TLK 2 dont you think nala sounds different on her first few lines. :hmm:

Lucy Lioness
August 3rd, 2005, 08:41 PM
Considering that Simba is the same through the whole movie, and we supposedly saw him at Kiara's presentation at the end of the 1st movie, I'm not sure. Bceuase they looked totally different. The whole thing looked different, making me think the cub at the end of the first movie was not Kiara. Conspiracy theory! :D

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 08:49 PM
thats true lookin at it,
the cub at the end of TLK supossedly this is kiara but how can it, this cub at the end of TLK has a very small mane, like simba had when he was a cub, so how can it be a girl.

August 3rd, 2005, 08:51 PM
What I've noticed in the animators trying reanimate the original characters in the sequels is that it's just too hard for them, by some stupid reason they don't have enough good reference, or they just got lazy. Simba does look like a bear in TLK2, and like I said before, they didn't seem to settle on one design in TLK 1 1/2. I don't think age had nothing to do with it. They just can't draw the original TLK characters like they used to.:/

Timali had a good pic that she did explaining the confusion of Kiara and the cub at the end of TLK1.;)

Lucy Lioness
August 3rd, 2005, 08:54 PM
Methinks the cub at the end of TLK 1 was a male, but the makers of the sequel decided to make the cub a female so they could have a better story. I think they are probs meant to be the same, but don't look it because of the change of the cub from a male to a female for SP's story.

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 08:57 PM
that i think has to be the biggest goof.
the cub at the end of TLK is male (telling this by a yellow mane starting to grow on its heads) then in lion king 2 this cub is female.

Kiara Serengeti
August 3rd, 2005, 09:07 PM
In the books, TLK: SIX NEW ADVENTURES, there was a male cub named Kopa. However, then TLK 2 came out with Kiara, and there was no mention of Kopa.

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 09:27 PM
it might of just followed on from the books then, but as you said where is kopa mentioned, :hmm:

August 3rd, 2005, 09:42 PM
This picture by Timali is a good explaination for this;)....

Melody of Scar
August 3rd, 2005, 09:51 PM
Thank you, Katse. XD

This Land
August 3rd, 2005, 09:55 PM
i see, this explains alot, thanks katse :cheese:

King Simba
August 3rd, 2005, 09:57 PM
Yeah, I was gonna go and look for that pic earlier. Anyways, thanks for that Katse. :cheese:

August 3rd, 2005, 11:23 PM
I don't think it's because his age he looks screwy, the story from Disney that we're supposed to believe is that the presentation at the end of 1 and the beginning of 2 were the same thing. So if that's true, he wouldn't be any older =P

August 4th, 2005, 01:01 AM
Don't thank me, thank Timali for taking the time to put the pic together. I was just bored enough to go looking for it and post it here.:p

@ Somby: I agree with you there. I think it's just that they weren't able to reanimate him like the original animators. My last post before the one with the pic says that.;)

August 4th, 2005, 01:08 AM
Yeah, I agree.. I mean, they could've at least used the right colors >_< ...they had charts (http://lionking.org/imgarchive/?Miscellaneous_Images+hi).. =P

August 4th, 2005, 01:09 AM
I think they made the mistake of using the colors of Simba and Nala when they were in the jungle. That could be an explaination for Nala's blue eyes is SP.

Lucy Lioness
August 4th, 2005, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Yeah, I agree.. I mean, they could've at least used the right colors >_< ...they had charts (http://lionking.org/imgarchive/?Miscellaneous_Images+hi).. =P

Lol, making Simba look less bear-like would be a start! :p

*I am in such a weird mood* Weeeee! :D

This Land
August 4th, 2005, 06:34 AM
why did disney make a sequal with such a big gap in between, why couldnt they make a flush sequal so there would be no questions such as:
where where zira and the outlanders when TLK events took place?
when was zira banished?
etc etc etc ...
wouldnt of it been alot easier if they done a sequal which follows straight after the first lion king.

King Simba
August 4th, 2005, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Lol, making Simba look less bear-like would be a start! :p

*I am in such a weird mood* Weeeee! :D
Yeah and my sister thought the only difference between Simba in the second movie to Simba in the original was that he just got too overprotective. She didn't think he looked weird. :gasp:

August 4th, 2005, 08:24 AM
Gaaaaah, I HATED Simba in TLK2... blargh.

You know, I have a GREAT theory.

The lions in TLK2 aren't the same lions from TLK at all, they just look vaugely similar have the same names!


*weeps in corner*

August 4th, 2005, 03:37 PM
Have you noticed that the same thing happens with original movie characters in other sequels, too? They get all freakishly overprotective of their kid, like Ariel and Tramp did in their sequels. I can kind of understand it with Ariel, since her father was the same way with her and that kind of thing tends to happen in families.*shrug* Tramp acting like that bothered me. If there was going to be an overprotective parent, I thought it'd be Lady. But back ontopic.XP

I just read somewhere(thanks, Sharifu;)) that they indeed, didn't really use the original model sheets for the characters in SP, at least they didn't for Timon.

King Simba
August 4th, 2005, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Gaaaaah, I HATED Simba in TLK2... blargh.

You know, I have a GREAT theory.

The lions in TLK2 aren't the same lions from TLK at all, they just look vaugely similar have the same names!


*weeps in corner*
As much as I like Simba, I didn't really like him in TLK 2 either. :bleen:

Lucy Lioness
August 4th, 2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Katse
Have you noticed that the same thing happens with original movie characters in other sequels, too? They get all freakishly overprotective of their kid, like Ariel and Tramp did in their sequels. I can kind of understand it with Ariel, since her father was the same way with her and that kind of thing tends to happen in families.*shrug* Tramp acting like that bothered me. If there was going to be an overprotective parent, I thought it'd be Lady. But back ontopic.XP

I just read somewhere(thanks, Sharifu;)) that they indeed, didn't really use the original model sheets for the characters in SP, at least they didn't for Timon.

I have noticed the same thing. And the forbidden love storyline is a popular one. Also, the kid wants what the parent had but gave away - if you get me. Like Scamp wanted to be an outdoor dog like his dad was, Melody wanted to be a mermaid like her mum was (even if she didn't know, I'm not sure I remember the storyline so well). Oh the irony of Disney sequels!

August 4th, 2005, 04:01 PM
The people that had made the Disney sequels were the same that made TV shows, so they had zip experience in the movie making business. Since they didn't know what they were doing then, they always went by that formula, which got real old real fast. At least, now that some animators from Feature Animation are working in DTV, the sequels should be getting better. At least, I can see that the animation quality in them has improved.

August 4th, 2005, 04:14 PM
One thing though, Kopa was not just in the 6 new adventures. We have two story cd's here with Kopa in them. One where he becomes friends with a Hyena pup, but they realize because of the past they can never be frineds. The other has to do with a cheetah trying to take over when Simba becomes ill. But when Simba's Pride was going to be released, I guess they removed. So he also has a voice (although it's a German one)



Ignore the cover art, they were just lazy : p

August 4th, 2005, 08:20 PM
Wow, I didn't know that :confused: Cool :cheese:

Kiara Serengeti
August 4th, 2005, 09:32 PM
Simba was such a jerk in SP! And Nala was an airhead.

Edited to say: Just my opinion:alone:

August 4th, 2005, 09:40 PM
Ahh! I have that cassette "Freunde f?r's Leben", too. =D It's quite cool! But I have never seen the other one...:confused:

August 4th, 2005, 09:41 PM
It's all right, Serengeti. I agree with you. They didn't stay true to the original characters.

August 4th, 2005, 09:49 PM
Yeah. This sums it up:

Simba: You can't do anything because I have a big ego and think everyone's out to get me!!
Kiara: )-<
Nala: Wheeeeeee....

..haha. sorry.

Lucy Lioness
August 4th, 2005, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Yeah. This sums it up:

Simba: You can't do anything because I have a big ego and think everyone's out to get me!!
Kiara: )-<
Nala: Wheeeeeee....

..haha. sorry.

Haha! :lol: Simba needs therapy. :D

August 4th, 2005, 10:05 PM
Yeah x) I like TLK Adult Simba, but SP Simba - eugh. :woeisme:

August 5th, 2005, 01:36 AM
What did you expect him to become? Perfect? :vitsm:

I couldn't see adult Simba any other way in SP.

August 5th, 2005, 02:17 AM
Good Point :)

This Land
August 5th, 2005, 07:30 AM
if his personality or any other characteristics was perfect the film would be a little boring. :yuck:

Lucy Lioness
August 5th, 2005, 07:37 AM
I guess his character needed to change for the purposes of the story. :D

August 5th, 2005, 07:39 AM
If they had to change his character completely in benefit of the story, I say they shouldn't have done that story..

Lucy Lioness
August 5th, 2005, 07:43 AM
Hehe, me too. :D But the story isn't that bad, lol. It's a pretty routine love story though. Since I have been a member here I have appreciated SP more. :D But poor Simba and Nala. And Timon and Pumbaa were pretty annoying.

August 5th, 2005, 07:45 AM
Funny, since I've been here I've appreciated the story less >_<" but never mind.

Even though Timon's my fave character behind Scar, I have to admit T&P were a bit annoying. Disney messed them up, too - I think at least Pumbaa would've had the decency to disagree with Simba asked them to spy on Kiara..?

King Simba
August 5th, 2005, 07:46 AM
Simba = too overprotective. He looked weird and he didn't have the same characteristics as he did in the first movie.

Nala = her personality changed. Her looks and eye colour changed and to me, she looked like a completely different lioness. She also never had the same characteristics as she did in the first movie.


August 5th, 2005, 07:48 AM
Yeah, Nala looked WAY different in SP :confused: At least you could tell Simba was Simba, but I think that if someone who had never seen SP and wasn't a die-hard fan, wouldn't be able to recgonize her. =/

Lucy Lioness
August 5th, 2005, 07:49 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Funny, since I've been here I've appreciated the story less >_<" but never mind.

Lol. :D How do you appreciate it less? :browlift:

August 5th, 2005, 07:52 AM
I dunno, I thought SP was cool until I joined the online fan community.. were there's been tons of SP-bashing and the like. I've seen all the flames and even the sensible stuff, and I've watched the movie again and realized that it's mostly true.. so I guess in a way, LH has effected my opinion - opened my eyes, maybe? Dunno if that made any sense, but yeah.

This Land
August 5th, 2005, 05:41 PM
one thing that annoyed me aswell, nala's voice sounded completely different in sp at the beginning of the film :grrr:
and the person who replaced rowen akinson as the voice of zazu didnt do a good job either.

King Simba
August 5th, 2005, 05:46 PM
I've said this before; Zazu sounded stupid in SP. He wasn't the same without Rowan Atkinson's voice. :cringe:

August 5th, 2005, 05:49 PM
I think the most that bothered me about it was they seemed to turn Nala and Simba into Sarabi and Mufasa.

Nala became the quiet observer who would speak up here and there and Simba, not only his personality but the way he looked:



To me, at least it looked as if they tried to shadow Mufasa in Simba's looks as he got older. While the characters can look similar, Ahadi, Mohatu, and Mufasa, they all had different looks in the end, but Simba as time went on seemed to look just like his father, none of his mother.

August 5th, 2005, 06:08 PM
Ack, I know.x_x I also hate how they got lazy when animating his mane. It looks like a pile of puddy on his neck in SP.:eww:

Melody of Scar
August 5th, 2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Katse
Ack, I know.x_x I also hate how they got lazy when animating his mane. It looks like a pile of puddy on his neck in SP.:eww:

I just realized that... :eww:

King Simba
August 5th, 2005, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Katse
Ack, I know.x_x I also hate how they got lazy when animating his mane. It looks like a pile of puddy on his neck in SP.:eww:
Yeah... his mane looks weird in SP. I wish they kept it like it was in the original. :eww:

Nala The Lion
August 6th, 2005, 01:44 PM
I haven't seen LK 1 1/2 but it doesn't look as Good as The Lion King and Simba's Pride i love both of them :D

August 6th, 2005, 06:45 PM
Personally, I like TLK3 WAY more than SP.. just my opinion. ;)

August 7th, 2005, 12:57 PM
I'm not sure about overall quality, but I do like the song "He Lives in You" better than "Circle of Life".

To me, at least it looked as if they tried to shadow Mufasa in Simba's looks as he got older. While the characters can look similar, Ahadi, Mohatu, and Mufasa, they all had different looks in the end, but Simba as time went on seemed to look just like his father, none of his mother.

People get older, and I would imagine the same to be true for lions as well.

This Land
August 7th, 2005, 09:45 PM
I haven't seen LK 1 1/2 but it doesn't look as Good as The Lion King and Simba's Pride i love both of them

You will like it if you like comedy and parody films because thats what it is, there is not really much sad emtotion, drama or somthing that will catch your heart. But you get to see simba in his adolescent stages, that bit is cool.

August 8th, 2005, 11:23 AM
TLK 3 dissapointed most fans cause they were hoping for a lion king movie not a timon and pumba movie. Some parts may have been funny for a 30 min cartoon but not a whole movie.

This Land
August 8th, 2005, 06:31 PM
timon and pumba get a bit annoying after a while.
instead of telling the whole story again (which is a bit boring because we know what happens) Timon and pumba should of at least told alot more about the bits we wanted to see or extended the bits we wanted to see in the original film. eg simba growing up in the jungle.

August 8th, 2005, 06:55 PM
I agree with you This land.. and I hate the part with Pride Rock.. it just disturbs a legend. Darn movie.

Melody of Scar
August 8th, 2005, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Nalinda
I agree with you This land.. and I hate the part with Pride Rock.. it just disturbs a legend. Darn movie.

Hear, hear! :ayecapn:

August 8th, 2005, 11:25 PM
It's just a bloody parody, people.. of *course* that's not what really happened.. because TLK didn't happen at all! It's a movie >_<;

Lucy Lioness
August 8th, 2005, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
It's just a bloody parody, people.. of *course* that's not what really happened.. because TLK didn't happen at all! It's a movie >_<;

Haha, I agree with Somby. I like TLK3 (1.5) because it is for FUN! It's not serious! :D Like me really. :D Uncle Max pwns all, enough said. :D

August 9th, 2005, 01:50 PM
I like TLK 1 1/2 too because of the humor. And you can never guess who is my favorite character in TLK 1 1/2. :cheese: For TLK 2 Nuka is my favorite then next in line is Vitani and Kovu.

August 9th, 2005, 02:12 PM
I really enjoyed 1.5 Especially Ma. I wish they made a plush of her : ( The scene when Timon leaves, puts me on the border of tears for some reason. Probably the aspect of leaving home and going far away. : p

August 9th, 2005, 02:18 PM
Simba didn't really look like Simba in SP, though his attitude was that of a typical father's. Nala was an airhead, and Timon and Pumbaa were retarded :p

This Land
August 10th, 2005, 08:14 PM
:lol: thats one way of putting it.

August 17th, 2005, 07:06 AM
I may have missed something in the previous posts, but I believe I am the first to say that I detest the first movie, I detest the second movie even more, and I fairly enjoyed the third movie.

1 and 1/2 comes alive to me for several reasons. First, a focus on Timon and several scenes with the hyenas. The only thing that could've made this better for me is if they'd left Simba out of it entirely and shot the whole thing in Timon's colony. Heck, it didn't even have to have a plot to keep me happy-- just show me hyenas and meerkats. Preferably interacting. Hopefully mayhem is involved.

Second, a total sense of irreverence to the first movie. I nearly imploded with joy when I saw them tear apart the "serious" scenes of the first movie. All in all, I'm only disappointed they didn't make light of the possibly most serious scene in the movie, although I suppose joking about Mufasa's death would be going a bit far. I sure wouldn't complain.

The third movie approaches the events of the first movie with MY attitude: it doesn't matter, who cares, laughter is more important than awe and seriousness. I'm not going to lie; I can laugh at everything. Name a tragic event; chances are I'll tell you I was laughing on that day. Name a wondrous occasion; I was laughing then too. And any time I'm not laughing during tragedy or joyful times, I'm thinking, "Why is everyone so dang serious about this? In 5 billion years the sun will toast this planet and none of this will matter at all."

So, laughing or scowling in irritation. One of the two.

Anyways, I know I'm the odd man out, and by no means do I expect anyone to agree with me; I just wanted to speak my peace.

August 17th, 2005, 07:16 AM
FINALLY A TLK1.5 FAN. Excuse me while I shower you with praise.

August 17th, 2005, 07:19 AM

I love you, too, Sombolia.

August 17th, 2005, 07:22 AM
You already know I agree with you :3 so that makes me the odd woman out.
TLK1.5 is definately my fav... especially the beginning where we see the colony and the hyena attack, I think... I keep watching that part over and over X3

August 18th, 2005, 12:18 AM
TLK 3 is a cheap wash up of the original movie which struggled to entertain young kids. Although some parts of the movie I enjoyed, they really should have quit after Simbas Pride.

August 19th, 2005, 07:48 AM
simba: completely agree here.

January 27th, 2006, 06:18 AM
Hmm...I like TLK 1 just as much as I do TLK 1 1/2, if not more. Infact since they are both around the same time and the story of 1 1/2 is embedded into the first I would consider them both to be put together into one great movie.
The second one on the other hand, I didn't like as much. It seemed to lack the rich storyline that was present in the original. Plus it nearly put me off of liking Timon and Pumbaa.

@Simba2662: Taking that kinda tone about it isnt really neccissary, now is it? I know from experience that referring to something like that, Which other people may feel strongly about. Is a surefire way to cause an argument. If you don't like it just say you don't like it.