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View Full Version : Your favourite moment in TLK

May 14th, 2011, 02:15 PM
So, fairly obvious topic here. Do you have a favourite moment in the Lion King, if so, what is it and why?

I know it's hard to pick a moment, but there's two in particular that I like.
-During 'Hakuna Matata' when timon and pumbaa are swinging on the vine and simba is watching them, and he suddenly spins around and sings the line 'it means no worries, for the rest of your days!' I love that bit! :D

-It's hard to pick just one other moment, but I do love Mufasa's ghost, and the scene in the elephant graveyard right before 'be prepared' with the hyenas talking about how they hate lions and it's just Scar that appears on the ledge, not somebody important ;)

May 14th, 2011, 05:32 PM
I'll be a complete weirdo and say I love all of Scar's moments. xD

But seriously one of my other favorite moments is when young Simba and Mufasa are looking at the stars, the ghost scene... okay and "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" too, haha. ... I like a lot night scenes. O_o

May 14th, 2011, 06:25 PM
I like many parts of TLK but one of my favorites since it originally came out was when simba is telling Scar of all about his future kingdom and Scar is all super amused.:headache:

May 14th, 2011, 08:43 PM
The moment's with Mufasa, but mostly when the sun rises and they are sitting on top of Pride Rock.

Otherwise it's when Ed is gnawing his leg off before Scar show's up.


May 14th, 2011, 10:18 PM
I love Mufasa's ghost and the part where Simba's running through the desert back to the Pridelands. It's epic.

May 14th, 2011, 11:47 PM
The part of CYFTLT where they roll down the hill and Nala kisses Simba used to be my favourite, because there I would get all those lovely chills of "love being in the air" :haha:. Yeah go ahead, call me a romantic daft all you want. :p
Nowadays.. I dunno, maybe the opening.

May 15th, 2011, 01:35 AM
Gotta say my favorite moment is the stampede and the death/murder of Mufasa.
The score, the art, the drama - I love it all...but I particularly love the part where you see Scar's claws throw Mufasa's off the cliffside.

<3 Scar and his delicious wickedness...and his willingness to get his hands dirty directly.

Other favorite moment is during Circle of Life when Sarabi flicks her ear - tiny, subtle details like that always tickle me pink.

May 15th, 2011, 03:31 AM
The whole of Be Prepared. :jejeje:

I also like when Banzai falls in the cactus, ahaha. "You want me to come out lookin' like you, cactus-butt?"

And Hakuna Matata, especially when adult Simba swings on the vine and falls into the water.

The end battle is also really cool.

May 15th, 2011, 03:50 AM
I like many parts of TLK but one of my favorites since it originally came out was when simba is telling Scar of all about his future kingdom and Scar is all super amused.:headache:

Ahh yes, that moment is wonderful :D

And of course, the circle of life scene.

...perhaps my inability to stick with just one scene is a good indicator as to why TLK is still my favourite movie :lol:

May 15th, 2011, 03:53 AM
I love Mufasa's ghost and the part where Simba's running through the desert back to the Pridelands. It's epic.


King Simba
May 15th, 2011, 07:02 AM
I like the ending, where the Pridelands suddenly turn back green after Simba's return. I like various other scenes too, such as the Circle of Life scene, the IJCWTBK scene, the Elephant Graveyard scene, Mufasa's Ghost, Simba's return... ah, I have a long list. :lol:

May 15th, 2011, 12:24 PM
The part i most like in TLK is the IJCWTBK, it has a completely diferent style than the rest of the movie, its colors , its beats, just amazing.

I also like mufasaá death scene ([record scratching] WHATT???), let me explain,i think the scene has an emotional load that you don´t usually see in animated movies, it is a sad scene indeed, but with the continuity of the movie it shows that a death of a someone, doesnot mean "the end" for someone, if you persist in your goals, you will achive it. so it is nice as a life lesson it gives.

May 15th, 2011, 12:43 PM
The "Mufasa's Ghost" scene, definitely. It has always been my top favourite and will stay that way :P

My other favourites are the Mufasa's death sequence (sad as it is, but emotional scenes have always been what I love the most), the slow-mo run through the desert, the fight between Scar and Simba at the end, Simba's acsent of Pride Rock and roar, Mufasa saying "And so we are all connected in the Great Circle of Life." (always gives me shivers, every single time), and last but definitely not least, the whole of the Circle of Life sequence <3

So, yeah... lots of favourites xD

May 15th, 2011, 04:40 PM
The "Look at the stars" scene with Muffy, and Simba's ascension up Pride Rock at the end. It's the kind of inspiring "this is it" moments.
These two moments also have my favorite parts of the score. :)

May 15th, 2011, 04:51 PM
Simba stepping to the peak of pride rock and reclaiming his kingdom 8O awesomely powerful, especially with the crescendo in the music

May 15th, 2011, 09:14 PM
Simba stepping to the peak of pride rock and reclaiming his kingdom 8O awesomely powerful, especially with the crescendo in the music

This too.

May 19th, 2011, 07:25 PM
What I have kind of noticed is Mufasa says, "One day Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you, as the new King."

Mufasa dies during the day, Simba runs away into the sunset. Overnight, Scar takes the Kingdom. (Mufasa's reign is over officially.)

Simba grows up from cub to adult from night to day. (obviously not IN ONE day)
Simba returns to pride rock by nightfall, kills Scar by night and is King by sunrise. I mean it's obvious, but not and there's even more of it going on during certain scenes specifically...but I guess Mufasa saw it coming?


He's going, "No I literally meant during the night Scar will have the thrown and when the sun comes up one day, you'll be King."


Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 19th, 2011, 07:47 PM
Either CYFtLT (yes yes...the Nala bit!) or the end with Simba climbing the rock!

May 20th, 2011, 10:15 AM
It's hard to pick just one or two favourite scenes because TLK has so many good scenes. But if I had to name just one scene, it would be Circle of Life. During CoL you can see all different kind of animals and landscapes. Baby Simba is so cute! Makes my heart melt every time.. :P Also I like to hear Mufasa's roar and see Sarabi flicks her ear. CoL offers so many little details I like to seek every time I see the movie.

I list here some scenes that are very good too:
- Stampede
- The end where Simba takes over his kingdom
- The scene where cub Simba asks Nala "to the waterhole" (I love the music here)
- Under the Stars