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View Full Version : What are all your pet Peeves?

July 15th, 2005, 01:48 PM
Just so everyone knows A pet Peeve is something that you really find annoying/hate. Sorry If this seems a little random. I'll start with mine......

_ People who think watching the Lion King is immature[Trust me I know a lot of these people]

_People who try to act all cool by talking loads of trash to you online.[I have also known a lot of people who are like that]

_ The white Suburban teenagers who pretend they're all Gangsta.[I don't really have a problem with them in general I just have a problem with their attitude]

All my pet peeves almost all of them have to stick with a certain person. I'll think of some more.

Lucy Lioness
July 15th, 2005, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
[B]- Excessive 1337 language bugs me...
- Chavs.
- People who are arrogant (It's somewhat amusing to make these people feel small :D ...)[B]

Me too. And Shatara's darn poking all the time! :D (Kidding). :p

Anyway, my list:

- Rudeness.
- People who patronise me.
- People who can't spell. I know I make my mistakes too, but spelling errors bug me and I have to point them out.
- People who think they are better than everyone else.
- People who just don't listen.

I'm sure there will be more. :D

July 15th, 2005, 02:10 PM
_Yeah people who do stuff like STL wrote gets me angry too.

_What used to make me real angry was comp slang[I guess cause basically I didn't understand a word of it.]

- ALso people are who are arrogant.

_And fast food employees who are rude. [especially in NYC]

- People who think they're god's gift to the world.

July 15th, 2005, 02:19 PM
People who say they respect everybody's opinion, but when it comes to it, they don't (even when they still say they do), and then call people names and stuff like that.

Lucy Lioness
July 15th, 2005, 02:20 PM
Also, I hate people who bully other people. :grrr: And people who are not fair on others, just in general. Oh, and hypocrites.

July 15th, 2005, 02:26 PM
-People with English as a first language who can't spell.
-People who blame dyslexia on terrible typing, when they themselves are not even trying; i.e., putting 2 rather than too.
-People in the same situation as above, only minus dyslexia, but with English as a second language.
-People who don't know the difference between there/their/they're, its/it's, to/too/two.
-Lack of SPaG
-Elitist f'cks.
-Lack of ability to understand sarcasm.
-Yaoi fangirls
-"98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature" <-- that signature. Come on people, just not.

King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 02:34 PM
1) Chavs.
2) Nasty people.
3) Art thieves. :grrr:
4) School.
5) Coursework.
6) Essays.

And much, much more. Trust me, my list is miles longer. I listed some of the things I hate/dislike in my SheezyArt (http://namabiafrika.sheezyart.com/) account.

July 15th, 2005, 02:36 PM
At the moment, my biggest peeve is being asked to clean your room, when there is obviously nothing to clean and everything is pretty much tidy. Say neph, speaking of yaoi fangirls...I saw the words " I <3 Yaoi" embroidered on one guy's backpack. That pretty much made me sick.

Another one of my peeve's is corruption within an mmorpg.

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 02:48 PM
1Neat Freaks
2Memory cards that easily get lost
3Being forced to interact with infants
4Stuff I don't understand
5 Having my picture taken.


6 Grammer.

July 15th, 2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by Shoukai
Say neph, speaking of yaoi fangirls...I saw the words " I <3 Yaoi" embroidered on one guy's backpack. That pretty much made me sick.

Yup, it's stupid. While I like yaoi, because to me it's just another pairing (anything that an author/artisit can make work is good to me) I don't see why people feel the need to differentiate between yuri, yaoi and het. It's just lame.

July 15th, 2005, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Me too. And Shatara's darn poking all the time! :D (Kidding). :p Muhahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa *poke* http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v118/Shatara/bumms/ebil.gif

By teh Neph
-"98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature" <-- that signature. Come on people, just not.
Yeah. I was thinking of adding to mine "98% of the teenage population belives everything they read on the internet..."

July 15th, 2005, 02:58 PM
I don't even know who Yaoi is I'm guessing it's some Anime thing right?

July 15th, 2005, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
I don't even know who Yaoi is I'm guessing it's some Anime thing right?

Yup- yaoi is the term for male/male pairings.

July 15th, 2005, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by PhantomBPR

No need for homophobia. -___-

Oh? And, that post you made was spam. You might want to delete it.

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
No need for homophobia. -___-

It's cool. :cheese:

July 15th, 2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Nephilim
Yup- yaoi is the term for male/male pairings.

OHHHH thanks for telling me.:cheese:

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 03:20 PM
Funny though, all these years I've seen that and never knew what it meant, it's like I've got a whole new perspective on life. :cheese:

July 15th, 2005, 03:55 PM
hmm, sometimes things just need to be said a few times ...

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 05:30 PM
What can't I stand... :thinks:

-Gangster people
-People who consider hunting a sport
-People who hunt but don't need to, they just do it for the 'trophy'
-Extremists (in anything, extreme reilgion, extreme sports, extreme talking.. moderation people -_-"")
-Driving with my Mom or older sister in the car -____-;
-When I can't find what I'm looking for
-The IWndows Blue Screen of Death :gasp:
-People from Sweden :evilgrin: (j/k Boos :hugs: ^^)
-Cursing/swearing (It's not required, it doesn't improve your speech, it makes you sound stupid)
-People that say 'like' after every word (refer to the above comment on Cursing/swearing)
-People who drive around with their stereos cranked up all the way (May your eardrums explode >< Or at least your speakers)
-Several members on this forum, that shall go unmentioned
-Snobs! I loathe all of you snobs out there :cheese: May you all drop dead sometime int he near future! =)
-Fakers, people who say they are against (ex: angst) yet they show (ex: angst) all the time.
-SPAM, all kinds.

There are more, but I cna't recall them at the moment :evilgrin:

EDIT: Ah, I thoughnt of some more:

-People that are driving while talking on the cell phone, or playing with the radio, or doing something besides driving! Quit endangering everyone elses lives.
-People that continously talk during a movie, especially one you've never seen before
-Annoying people in movie theaters. People who talk, people with cell phones on, people that are way too tall sitting right in front of you. People that spill their drinks and food all over the floor. Custodians that don't clean up said food and drinks.
-People that continously log on and off of IM services.
-My Mom and others like her during a movie (she has this horrible habit of asking me what happens during the movie. I hate that. I don't want to spoil the movie for her. ANd she evens asks when I haven't even seent he movie, so I basically say 'I don't know!' and she replies 'I was only asking'. If you don't want to watch the movie, then don't, go read a spoiler somewhere and be content, let the movie goers watch it in peace.

July 15th, 2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
What can't I stand... :thinks:

-Gangster people
-People who consider hunting a sport
-People who hunt but don't need to, they just do it for the 'trophy'
-Extremists (in anything, extreme reilgion, extreme sports, extreme talking.. moderation people -_-"")
-Driving with my Mom or older sister in the car -____-;
-When I can't find what I'm looking for
-The IWndows Blue Screen of Death :gasp:
-People from Sweden :evilgrin: (j/k Boos :hugs: ^^)
-Cursing/swearing (It's not required, it doesn't improve your speech, it makes you sound stupid)
-People that say 'like' after every word (refer to the above comment on Cursing/swearing)
-People who drive around with their stereos cranked up all the way (May your eardrums explode >< Or at least your speakers)
-Several members on this forum, that shall go unmentioned
-Snobs! I loathe all of you snobs out there :cheese: May you all drop dead sometime int he near future! =)
-Fakers, people who say they are against (ex: angst) yet they show (ex: angst) all the time.
-SPAM, all kinds.

There are more, but I cna't recall them at the moment :evilgrin:

EDIT: Ah, I thoughnt of some more:

-People that are driving while talking on the cell phone, or playing with the radio, or doing something besides driving! Quit endangering everyone elses lives.
-People that continously talk during a movie, especially one you've never seen before
-Annoying people in movie theaters. People who talk, people with cell phones on, people that are way too tall sitting right in front of you. People that spill their drinks and food all over the floor. Custodians that don't clean up said food and drinks.
-People that continously log on and off of IM services.
-My Mom and others like her during a movie (she has this horrible habit of asking me what happens during the movie. I hate that. I don't want to spoil the movie for her. ANd she evens asks when I haven't even seent he movie, so I basically say 'I don't know!' and she replies 'I was only asking'. If you don't want to watch the movie, then don't, go read a spoiler somewhere and be content, let the movie goers watch it in peace.

Sheesh, a lot of things tick you off.*Worries he's on Ravoc's list of annoying people*

But you gave me a few more things that tick me off.

_People who turn their radios up so you could hear their radios when you pull up to a red light.

_Country music


_People who get so impatient with you when you're on IM.

- People who talk during movies

-Terrorists[I can not tell you how much I hate them]

-People who leave their cell phones on and let it ring during movies.

-People who have annoying dogs who keep on barking and yet they don't do anything about it. I love dogs just about as much as the next person but it's their responcibility to stop it from barking so much.

_ People who leave their garbage in a parking lot. [I had to clean other people's junk out of a parking lot for at least an hour yesterday in the blazing heat It's not so hard to pull over and throw it in a trash can]

- Customers who are rude to you

- My dad always wanting to know how to turn on the VCR how to play a DVD, Fast Froward, rewind, etc. etc. etc.

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 06:24 PM
Ah.. you reminded me of a few I had forgotten as well...

-Babies (this can range from any age, not just infants..) who cry loudly in stores, theaters, restaurants, basically anywhere within my listening range.
-People who know nothing about computers at all, suddenly calling you over and say 'Okay, how do I do this' -__-;;;
-People that throw there garbage anywhere instead of in a garbage bin or even better a recycle bin!
-And people that generalize all country music as bad (chances are you have only heard the crappy lyrics)
-People that only like music for the music, instead of the lyrics. Listen to what you are singing x)

July 15th, 2005, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Ah.. you reminded me of a few I had forgotten as well...

-Babies (this can range from any age, not just infants..) who cry loudly in stores, theaters, restaurants, basically anywhere within my listening range.
-People who know nothing about computers at all, suddenly calling you over and say 'Okay, how do I do this' -__-;;;
-People that throw there garbage anywhere instead of in a garbage bin or even better a recycle bin!
-And people that generalize all country music as bad (chances are you have only heard the crappy lyrics)
-People that only like music for the music, instead of the lyrics. Listen to what you are singing x)

Sorry I don't listen to much Country music. All the country music I ever heard from my experience was very sad That's what I didn't like about it. You know now that I think about Country Music is ok.

King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 06:32 PM
Here's some more...

- People who talk behind other people's backs, i.e talking about another person and *****ing about them.
- Sp@mmers.
- Parents... especially when they're telling you what you can/can't do.
- Classical music... rap music (some exceptions may be made if the song doesn't have too much rap included in it.)
- My sister.
- Seagulls... once we were at Whitby and we were having some fish and chips for lunch. My dad was stood there eating his portion whilst a seagull swooped down and stole a chip from him... he had to throw the full portion away because it kept attacking him for food. :lol: :gasp:
- Computer illiterate people... i.e, my dad. My mum knows the basics about computers so she's okay.

July 15th, 2005, 06:35 PM
_People who don't like rap[Little Exception to people here on Lea]

-Kids screaming

- People who seem to speed down the highway, cut you off, Honk their horn loudly if there's one second of delay, etc. etc.

King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 06:39 PM
- Learner drivers... especially when they travel at 20MPH down a road where everyone drives at 30MPH.
- Joy riders.
- Youths.
- Vandalism... especially if it's stuff like "Rachel woz eya '05" etc.
- People who hang out around the shop fronts or on other people's garden walls. Probably fits into the "Youths" and "Vandalism" category.

July 15th, 2005, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
- Learner drivers... especially when they travel at 20MPH down a road where everyone drives at 30MPH.

I can't believe it I irritated KS and I didn't even know it.

Anyway I believe I have some more.....

Smokers[ I am sorry to anyone that smokes. It's not smokers in general that bother me it's smokers that smoke even though you ask them to stop/ where it's prohibited not too.]

People who go to bars just for the sole purpose of ummmmmmmmmm........ you know what forget it.


King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
I can't believe it I irritated KS and I didn't even know it.
Hehe, well, everyone who wants to at least drive needs to learn how to drive first. I'll be the same when it comes to my time...no doubt about it. They make all learners travel at that speed limit especially on that road. ;)

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 06:50 PM
Would you really want a n00b speeding down the highway beside you? x)

-Old people drivers! They're so slow x)

This isn't a pet peeve, it's just gross but..
-Parents kissing, ewwww xD

-Also, people who blow their nose in a restaurant. Go to the bathroom or something if you're going to make it known to the world <<

July 15th, 2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
Hehe, well, everyone who wants to at least drive needs to learn how to drive first. I'll be the same when it comes to my time...no doubt about it. They make all learners travel at that speed limit especially on that road. ;)

I think it would be more annoying to have Learner drivers barreling down the highway at 75 miles an hour. But that's just me.

Another thing that ticks me off are driving instructors, you make one tiny mistake and you fail. I failed mine when I was driving on the grass. Turned me off of driving for good.

Gas prices.

King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Simba22
I think it would be more annoying to have Learner drivers barreling down the highway at 75 miles an hour. But that's just me.

Another thing that ticks me off are driving instructors, you make one tiny mistake and you fail. I failed mine when I was driving on the grass. Turned me off of driving for good.

Gas prices.
My sister passed her driving test first time round. However, it took my parents a few tries to pass.

Anyways, back on topic...

- People who seem to think it's smart or clever to actually push in front of you in a queue.
- Flight delays... especially if they're over 2/3 hours long. One delay was well over 12 hours long and that was after being transported to another airport from the original airport we were supposed to be departing from.
- Carousels at the airport... no reason why. I just find them annoying for some reason. :bleen:

Prince Simba
July 15th, 2005, 07:42 PM
- Gas prices
- People who throw their cigar(ette) butts out the window of their car.
- Lack of punctuation and grammar
- Lots of spelling mistakes (a few are okay)
- Illegal immigrants
- Overly stubborn parents
- Adults who act like 50 yar old kids
- People who reading over my shoulder (especially when I'm posting or writing)
- Political idiots who are trying to keep my drivers liscence away from me until I'm 18 instead of 16 (I'm so close!)
- Stupid people
- Politics
- MySpace
- Elitism
- Terrorism
- People who drive stupidly
- People who choose to be ignorant
- Having to teach
- Being forced to learn something that has no point, use, or function
- People who won't give you a chance to speak
- When someone constantly ignores you
- When people complain about their love life to you
- Spam, adware, spyware, ads, etc.
- Racist, sexist, biased, etc commments
- People who don't know what they're talking about
- People who only pretend to know what you're talking about
- When doctors say stuff like "I see, I see, mmhmm. I see."
- Whiny people (children and adults)
- Blue screens of death
- Error messages that tell you nothing
- Frequent high-speed internet outages
- Slander & libel
- People who think they're "all that"
- People who do, sell, make, etc drugs
- Extremely drunk people
- People who come to school high
- People who smoke pot in school bathrooms
- Girls who are pregnant before they're even 18
- People who won't give other people a chance
- People who don't care about school and just disrupt class and make it harder for other people to learn

Long list... and that's not all :lol:

July 15th, 2005, 08:18 PM
I hate:

Gay People
People who dislike racism
Dannon Yogurt
People who think we actually went to the moon
Jewish people
People who speak their mind
Excessive political correctness
People who support the US

I'm annoyed by:
Un-carpeted floors
New shoes
Old shoes

Yes, that was all sarcasm =P

Really though, I'm annoyed by people who are intolerant of other people, homophobia, being over-sensitive, people who constantly complain about everything but won't do a darn thing to fix it, people who deny all evidence for something for no logical reason and people who don't think before they speak.

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 08:25 PM
Pntbll is my pet peeve :idiot: hehe, j/k buddy ^^ :hugs:

However friends can definitely become a pet peeve. One of my friends for instance is a great person, but like PS stated, all she ever talks about is her love life -_-"

Love life discussions, that is my pet peeve :cheese:

unregistered user
July 15th, 2005, 08:31 PM
:gasp: I forgot the biggest pet peeve of them all, thank you Dakota for reminding me..


King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 08:33 PM
Oh geez, not Maths. I can't believe I forgot that one. I've just had to complete some GCSE coursework for it.


King Simba
July 15th, 2005, 08:36 PM
Ah yeah, Shakespeare. I've gotta write an essay for that which has to be done before Summer.

July 16th, 2005, 12:06 AM
-Yaoi/Slash worshippers. Like some others said, I don't see the reason to seperate het and slash... it's all good.
-Homophobes. Yargh.
-People who haven't even seen a movie/read a book/listened to a song, and automatically label it as "crap". Like my friend, Ms. Star Wars Sucks. Guess what? She's only seen Episode II. YEAH, GREAT MOVIE TO JUDGE THE WHOLE SERIES BY.
-This type of person. (http://www.sorethumbsonline.com/comics/st20050715.gif)
-MARY SUES. ;____;
-GARY STU'S ;____;
-People who say Harry Potter is "evil". Yes, I'm SURE, that after reading HP, little kids wave around sticks and mutter curses in attempts to kill people, or attempt voodoo in their backyards. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL.

There are more.. but.. I'll add them later. Or something.

July 16th, 2005, 12:36 AM
When people say "people who" rather than "when people" :vitsm:

July 16th, 2005, 02:42 AM
Originally posted by Simba22
While their parents were still asleep. And Scout was also still asleep. Ballard the explorer couldn't seem to get to sleep. "Psst, Scout you awake"Ballard whispered. "Psst Scout" She whispered louder. Ballard shakes him lightly to get him up. But Scout was so tired he was out cold. Ballard being the adventuring type she was tiptoed out of the cave she'd be back in a few hours. Hours pass. Morning comes. Scout yawns.... "Good morning Ballard...... oh Ballard's gone". He puts his head back down it takes Scout a minute to comprehed what he just said. "Ballard's gone"? Scout yells worriedly. He looks all around the cave. Something was terribly wrong Scout knew it. He wakes his dad and mom up. We got to save Ballard, I just know she's in trouble" He says really starting to worry about his friend.

What? :confused:

July 16th, 2005, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
What? :confused:

Oh wrong thread by mistake sorry I feel so stupid now. See what happens when you post at ten at night?

July 16th, 2005, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Simba22
Okay let me try to explain it. Ballard is a hyperactive cub right? She walked out while everyone else was asleep. She was only going to be gone for a few hours by morning she was still not there. If you're still confused please tell me.

And this a pet peeve? :p

EDIT: LOL no problem, I've done it before myself. ;) I was just wondering. :p

July 16th, 2005, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
And this a pet peeve? :p

This is a pet peeve about myself. I find it annoying that I'm an idiot.;)

July 16th, 2005, 05:03 AM
Hmm..Petpeeves...I probably already replied to this thread...but maybe my petpeeves have changed..or I just forgot a few...:D

-When people bother me when I'm studying...I mean, I only study about 2 to 4 hours a day..it's not like I study all day..but nooo they have to bother me during those few hours...:D
-When Men abuse Women
-People who use hard drugs
-People who sell hard drugs
-Whn People think they hard
-When people pull out knives and guns on otehr people, yet don't go through with it...I mean, if you are gonna act all hard, you better be able to back it up, or else you will be the one with the knife in your back.
-People who hurt and steal from other people
-When you fight someone and they have to be a little ***** and they come back with a knife or a gun...it's the main reason I don't fight.
-When someone looks at you and judges you.
-When you are thought of as dirt because you live in a certian area of town or when you went to a certian highschool.

July 16th, 2005, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Dakota
another of mine:

When you leave the house, with an outfit on that looks perfectly fine and all the so called 'hard' girls, all give you the most filthiest of looks, and their eyes follow you all the way round as you walk past them, when it happens to me i'm like What!

I know what you mean...Sometimes, I will come out of the house lookin' all purdy and everything...and people give me all sorts of weird looks, too....:D

July 16th, 2005, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by Dakota
lol I know, it's so irritating, especially at school, I had my new Converse on and I heard someone say about them, 'What are they!' i was like well what do they look like, ballons?

:haha:..I know what you mean...I had my new mini skirt on, and this one dude was like.."Dude, what are you wearing?"...and I was like.."Dude!..What up, Dude?!...I'm tryin' to be a fashion trendsetter here, yo"...and he was like.."My umm Brotha, you aren't really gettin' it, son"...and I was like.."Do I ever get it?...you know me.."...:D

July 16th, 2005, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:..I know what you mean...I had my new mini skirt on, and this one dude was like.."Dude, what are you wearing?"...and I was like.."Dude!..What up, Dude?!...I'm tryin' to be a fashion trendsetter here, yo"...and he was like.."My umm Brotha, you aren't really gettin' it, son"...and I was like.."Do I ever get it?...you know me.."...:D

I tried to start a fashion trend by wearing shorts over my jeans, but it didn't work :( all I got was wedgie :idiot:

July 16th, 2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I tried to start a fashion trend by wearing shorts over my jeans, but it didn't work :( all I got was wedgie :idiot:

:haha:...If only I was there....I woulda laughed...but not at you...I would be laughing with you....:D

July 16th, 2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by Dakota
lol, i know i wore a green ra-ra skirt, white thin leggings, my converse and a white t-shirt and i loved the outfit, just not the looks i was getting, Wales isn't really the best place for trendsetting lol, especially when my inspiration is from America.

:haha:...Yeah...and I found out that trendsetting isn't good if you are male...especially with clothing that isn't really made for males...:p...:D

July 16th, 2005, 10:29 AM
Roog, I remember you saying once "there are surgery's for that" :p :lol:

July 16th, 2005, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...Yeah...and I found out that trendsetting isn't good if you are male...especially with clothing that isn't really made for males...:p...:D

Perhaps we ought to re-evaluate what you really mean by "dreaming of her." :lol: So entranced by your lionesses that you want to become one? :p

July 16th, 2005, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by nathalie
Roog, I remember you saying once "there are surgery's for that" :p :lol:

:haha:..Yeah...but then I couldn't do it for fun anymore...:p

lol Roog. wear what you want.

:haha:..okay...I don't like to wear anything...:D

Perhaps we ought to re-evaluate what you really mean by "dreaming of her.":lol: So entranced by your lionesses that you want to become one? :p

:haha:...See, females are a bad influence....:D

July 16th, 2005, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
[B:haha:..okay...I don't like to wear anything...:D

You should start a Lea Halalela Nudist Colony :D

July 16th, 2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
You should start a Lea Halalela Nudist Colony :D

:haha:...the only problem with nudist colonies is that they usually involve other dudes....and I just can't have that....:D

July 16th, 2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
You should start a Lea Halalela Nudist Colony :D :lol: :lol:

July 16th, 2005, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
You should start a Lea Halalela Nudist Colony :D

just add it to your sig ;)

King Simba
July 16th, 2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by IchLiebeNALA
just add it to your sig ;)

Wait, are you serious? :gasp:

July 16th, 2005, 12:29 PM
no, i'm not serious

*wipes head*


King Simba
July 16th, 2005, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by IchLiebeNALA
no, i'm not serious

*wipes head*

At one second there I thought you were. :lol:
:gasp: :eek: if you were.

;) :bleen:

July 16th, 2005, 12:33 PM
me? serious?

the world will end :lol:

July 16th, 2005, 01:19 PM
Let's see...

-When people who smoke walk by me and blow the cigarrette somke into my face instead of politely turning away
-people who talk like this, '''Ey sup Shawty, you wan be mah nigga? C'mere guh! What yo name is?''
-gangsta rap
-people who have too much pride
-when people pick their noses and eye crud in front of me :eww::p
-false hair/nails
-whiite tees
-old cadillacs with truck-sized wheels and loud gangsta music
-loud, boisterous people
-EDIT-when people type run-on sentences

That's all I can think of for now...

July 16th, 2005, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Dakota
lol i agree with all of those apart from the white tees, well as long as thats t-shirts, lol i like white ones at the mo,
EDIT: although, gangsta talk like yo sup imma holla at ya later, is actually quite funny when u read it :D

It may be funny when you read it, but it's so agrravating when you actually hear it :cringe:

And I don't mean regular white tees, those are fine. I mean the kind that go all they way down to the wearer's knees or ankles. Every,
single guy in my neighborhood wears them :rolleyes:

King Simba
July 16th, 2005, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by la_reina

That reminds me of a time when we were on holiday in the Canaries. We were staying in a bulgalow-style apartment whilst we were there and it was infested with cockroaches such as climbing up to plug holes, through the windows, up the toilets etc. It wasn't very old then so I don't remember much. Thank goodness for that.

Here's some more from me...

- Kids/teens who just cross the road in front of cars and swear back at the driver after being blasted by the horn. They usually give you an "F off" response... in fact, my mum had one today. :grrr:
- People who turn up late for no particular reason.
- Spiders.
- Electric scooters - no idea why. :lol:

July 16th, 2005, 01:34 PM
:lol: Electric scooters are cool, though you wouldn't catch me riding one. I can't see myself doing it :p

Yeah, we had a cockroach in our pantry last night, and my sissy-ish brother let it escape. Now I'm afraid to eat any of the cereals in there :eek:

July 16th, 2005, 09:34 PM
and it ws then i took my kity out and plyed wiv her and comed her and then i went inside agen and eated my tea and plyed on the cmpter and wnt to bed and that was wht i did 2day

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

unregistered user
July 16th, 2005, 09:55 PM
I would like to add 'My Family' to the list, since mos tof what they do annoys me.

July 16th, 2005, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
I would like to add 'My Family' to the list, since mos tof what they do annoys me.

I think it must be some kind of law that most family members have to be annoying especially if you have a younger bro or Sis.[I was one of the lucky ones only child. Woot!]:p

unregistered user
July 16th, 2005, 10:13 PM
I have an older brother, two brothers in law, two sisters, one sister in law, three younger sisters, and one younger brother that I must put up with x) And each one is annoying in their own special way x) But the King and Queen of being annoying are my parents x)

July 16th, 2005, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
I have an older brother, two brothers in law, two sisters, one sister in law, three younger sisters, and one younger brother that I must put up with x) And each one is annoying in their own special way x) But the King and Queen of being annoying are my parents x)

Wow that sucks. Only member in my family who's annoying in my family is my dad. My mom's cool. The only other member of my family who is annoying is my dog. But still I have much love for her. :cheese:

July 16th, 2005, 11:05 PM
:haha:...I like being with my family...Hmm, I have my Mom...she can be as much out there as me...my Grandma, my sister, an Aunt, an Uncle, and Two cousins....that's about all the family I have that I consider actual family....:D

July 16th, 2005, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...I like being with my family...Hmm, I have my Mom...she can be as much out there as me...

:eek: I didn't think anyone could be as out there as you.:cheese: LOL just kidding.

July 17th, 2005, 01:02 AM
^maybe that's where he got it from! :lol: If that's the case I would love to meet your mom roog!

well, here are my peeves:

-people chewing with their mouths open, or just smacking

-being called baby

-people who wear out my name, i.e. 'moooooooni, I like your name mooooooooni'

-bad grammar


-pointless rap, i.e. 'I be hangin' at da club all day with my bling bling crap and stupid women that shake their booties'

-creepie crawlies

-chick flicks

-PETA, or extremists...

There are many more but I guess I forgot most of them...

July 17th, 2005, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by moonibear
^maybe that's where he got it from! :lol: If that's the case I would love to meet your mom roog!

well, here are my peeves:

-people chewing with their mouths open, or just smacking

-being called baby

-people who wear out my name, i.e. 'moooooooni, I like your name mooooooooni'

-bad grammar


-pointless rap, i.e. 'I be hangin' at da club

all day with my bling bling crap and stupid women that shake their booties'

-creepie crawlies

-chick flicks

-PETA, or extremists...

There are many more but I guess I forgot most of them...

If that were the case I swear that'd be the coolest mom ever.

Wonder why everyone seems to have such a problem with rap music.

Anyway got some more peeves

-Chick flicks [Thanks for reminding me how much I hated them Mooni]

- The old Woman who is on the Nextel commercial you know the"Where you at" Commercial

- The "I'm lovin it" slogan for McDonalds I love McDonalds hate the slogan.

-People who are rude to me and ask me if I've seen Supersize [which I have] When I say I love Mcdonalds.

-The people who always give me stares.


-Junk e-mail


- Politicians

-George Bush

July 17th, 2005, 01:45 AM
Originally posted by Simba22

Wonder why everyone seems to have such a problem with rap music.

It's not that I have a problem with rap, it's just that I have a problem with THAT kind of rap. I listen to Eminem and Outkast and some of 50 Cent's old stuff. The kind of rap that has a point, i.e. 'around here there's shooting all day and everyone smokes weed for meals', or 'I used to have no money so I dealed drugs before I got this gig' and so on...

July 17th, 2005, 09:12 AM

July 17th, 2005, 10:49 AM

- ATM's that make you pay a surcharge at any other place besides your bank.

July 17th, 2005, 11:42 AM
:haha:...I get my easygoing and sometimes hyper personality from my Mom....I get my insanity from my Dad....ya add them together, and you get me.....:D

I agree with you, Mooni, on the Rap thing...That's why I am more fond of Old school rap and Hip Hop..Tupac was great, liked some Skee-Lo, Naughty by Nature, House of Pain, NWA, Coolio, Warren G and today like Eminem, Akon, 50 Cent like you said, Wyclef Jean, Benzino, Scarface, DMX, Black Eyed Peas, Outkast, Kanye West, Nas, T.I., Techn9ne...and haha, why not, some Afroman, just cuz he's funny..:D

July 25th, 2005, 10:48 PM
When people always mistake me and Mooni for twins. We ARE NOT twins. We look nothing alike, well, we look like sisters, yeah, but not twins :p
That's another I just remembered.

unregistered user
July 26th, 2005, 05:00 AM
- I walk down the street or something, with a cigarette in hand and somebody says "Smoking is bad for you, and you shouldn't do it." I usually tell that person, "Go !@#$ yourself, yeah, that might be bad for you as well, !@#$%."

- People whom chew with their mouths open.

- People who constantly yell.

- Employers' that treat their employee(s) like *garbanzo beans.

- People who mistreat *others for any type of self-gratification, no matter the circumstances.

That's about it ...

July 26th, 2005, 06:51 PM
-loud crunching.......i'm sorry it just is horrible
-when people just won't shut-up

Lucy Lioness
July 26th, 2005, 06:52 PM
Spamming, not naming any names here. :D

July 26th, 2005, 07:17 PM
when people promise that they'll do something for you and they don't...

King Simba
July 26th, 2005, 07:21 PM
- People who ask for trades/requests whatever when the status is set to closed. Here's (http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Timali/TLKFAADrawMyCharaPlz.gif) a good example by Timali.


July 26th, 2005, 07:29 PM
Any Child is a peeve... Children are evil!

July 26th, 2005, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
- People who ask for trades/requests whatever when the status is set to closed. Here's (http://fanart.lionking.org/Artists/Timali/TLKFAADrawMyCharaPlz.gif) a good example by Timali.


:haha:...Timali is awesome!...:D :cheese:

More petpeeves...

-When you're in a relationship with someone and they quit talking to you to end it.

-Sometimes the way children act (See Above....BAM!!)....:D

King Simba
July 26th, 2005, 07:40 PM
- Ah yes, children, *shudders* and teenagers. Sometimes the way some of them act ticks me off.

:grrr: :die:

And yes, Timali is teh awesomeness! :cheese:

July 26th, 2005, 07:42 PM
Yeah, stupid teenagers. :grrr:

Kids are okay, as long as I don't have to stay with them longer than a half hour.

July 26th, 2005, 07:47 PM
nonono, Children are just evil... you cannot spend any time around them without wanting to bash them in the head with ths closest heavy thing!

July 26th, 2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
- Ah yes, children, *shudders* and teenagers. Sometimes the way some of them act ticks me off.

..are you not a teenager? :p

King Simba
July 26th, 2005, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
..are you not a teenager? :p
Why yeeees... :p
I meant all the stupid idiotic teenagers that hang out and doss around the streets actually. Not just teenagers in general.


July 26th, 2005, 09:26 PM
I love children :D But it peeves me when they jump all over my bed after I've made it :grrr:

July 26th, 2005, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
I love children :D But it peeves me when they jump all over my bed after I've made it :grrr:

Then you should never invite me over....:D

Lion King Stu
July 26th, 2005, 11:07 PM
I would roog but your allergic to rubber duckies and water....and well I have a moat full of fearsome uber rubber duckies xD

July 26th, 2005, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by Lion King Stu
I would roog but your allergic to rubber duckies and water....and well I have a moat full of fearsome uber rubber duckies xD

:haha:...I forgot about your moat...:D

July 27th, 2005, 07:43 AM
Winers, there just really anoying :rolleyes:

thats all I can think of right now

Another Tomato
July 27th, 2005, 08:23 AM
Here we go

- Racists, homophobes etc.
- People who treat their parents terribly
- Parents who treat their children carefully
- Angry children
- Purchasing a new CD or DVD and opening the case to find that the disk is dislodged
- People who refuse to watch a movie because it is old and/or subtitled
- People who say they like movies that are old and/or subtitled just so that they can look smart
- Accidentally sleeping in until 3pm
- Extremists
- People who refer to The Beatles as a boy band
- People who are not open to trying new things
- Immature people who claim to be intelligent and love to talk down to you
- People who think that use one's school grades as a measure of one's intelligence/worth
- The high prices it costs to see live theater/music

There's probably a lot more, but I'm tired.

July 27th, 2005, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Another Tomato
- Accidentally sleeping in until 3pm

I do that too much :woeisme: what a waste of a day :P

unregistered user
July 27th, 2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Another Tomato

- Extremists
- People who are not open to trying new things
- Immature people who claim to be intelligent and love to talk down to you

err...I fit all of those. :gasp:

July 27th, 2005, 06:05 PM

i would agree on these -
- Extremists
- People who refer to The Beatles as a boy band

..........oops i forgot the Beach Boys.....:P

August 7th, 2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
Then you should never invite me over....:D

No, I don't think I should...or any boy for that matter. Seems they all have a knack for doing that:p :bleen:

Here's another one:
When people use the bathroom then leave without flushing their crap...it's disgusting, it's revolting, it's just plain nasty :eww::eww::eek:

August 8th, 2005, 12:51 AM
I have another one..


Get your sporks ready, folks! It's time for a fun filled day of CLAWING YOUR OWN EYES OUT because these people ARE SO BLOODY ANNOYING.

Okay, I'm done, promise.

August 8th, 2005, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I have another one..


Get your sporks ready, folks! It's time for a fun filled day of CLAWING YOUR OWN EYES OUT because these people ARE SO BLOODY ANNOYING.

Okay, I'm done, promise.

Forgive me for being stupid but what exactly is a Mary Sue? Is that like a term for one of those girls who are like "Look at me OMG I am so popular *Insert high pitched giggle*" Sorry for not knowing.

August 8th, 2005, 01:03 AM
A "Mary-Sue" is the term for a character who is essentially "perfect".. beautiful, popular, kind, caring, etc.. a "Gary-Stu" is a male Mary-Sue..

Erm, maybe this webpage can explain it better:

That page is about Star Trek, but it should give you the general idea xP

August 8th, 2005, 05:29 AM
Religious fundamentalists
People (and groups) who believe their point of view/belief/what-have-you is the right one and everyone else is wrong.
Those who start in on the "goo-goo language" while with a baby or tottler (You know, when they make those funny and annoying noises and nonsense sounds to the kid? That's so freakin' annoying).
Those who don't bother looking beneath the surface, judging and making assumptions about someone without getting to know all that much about them.
Smoking (I don't want to suck in second-hand smoke, thank you very much).
Drinking (drunks and tipsy people are annoying... and deserve to have their minds screwed with ::evil grin:: )

August 8th, 2005, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
No, I don't think I should...or any boy for that matter. Seems they all have a knack for doing that:p :bleen:

You'll love me....:D....I'll also leave my clothes all over the floor....:D

August 8th, 2005, 09:39 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
A "Mary-Sue" is the term for a character who is essentially "perfect".. beautiful, popular, kind, caring, etc.. a "Gary-Stu" is a male Mary-Sue..

Erm, maybe this webpage can explain it better:

That page is about Star Trek, but it should give you the general idea xP

Thanks! :cheese:

August 8th, 2005, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
You'll love me....:D....I'll also leave my clothes all over the floor....:D

That's another thing that peeves me--clothes strewn all over the floor. But I guess it's okay coming from a guy--but not coming from a girl.
When my room is messy, one thing you'll never find are my clothes on the floor--they'll be piled on top of my bed :p

August 8th, 2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
That's another thing that peeves me--clothes strewn all over the floor. But I guess it's okay coming from a guy--but not coming from a girl.

You're gonna hate me, then. :tears: :p

August 8th, 2005, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
You're gonna hate me, then. :tears: :p

Not if the clothes are on your bedroom floor :p
But if they were on mine....:grrr: :p

August 8th, 2005, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
That's another thing that peeves me--clothes strewn all over the floor. But I guess it's okay coming from a guy--but not coming from a girl.
When my room is messy, one thing you'll never find are my clothes on the floor--they'll be piled on top of my bed :p

What are you implying missy?? :browlift:

Melody of Scar
August 8th, 2005, 05:17 PM
Pet peeves?

Hmm... :thinks:

~A majority of Republicans/conservatives/orthodox Cristians... And I hate to sound so narrow-minded, and I assure you all I hate no one on this board, but I hate the *censors* who run around and tell me I'm wrong because I'm a lesbian, or I'm wrong because I want women to have rights, etc. And for the love of whomever, liberal is NOT an insult. >.<
~My friends running around smoking and drinking and acting like it's not a big deal.
~Virginia drivers
~Loose hair... I dunno why. I pick it off my friends' shirts during class if I see it.
~Being called short... I know I am, but I don't need it pointed out to me every day.
~People who don't understand the organizational system of the choir robes.
~Morons who join S*T*A*G*E.

August 8th, 2005, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by moonibear
What are you implying missy?? :browlift:

That's right, sweetheart, I'm talking about you!! :bleen: :p ...and some other people :p

Lucy Lioness
August 8th, 2005, 11:12 PM
- People who make fun out of how I look. It doesn't happen much now, but in high school I got a lot of comments. :alone:
- High shelves! Darn things are so hard to reach.
- Writing essays.


August 8th, 2005, 11:14 PM
Who would make fun of how you look, Lucy? You're one of the prettiest girls here :D Some people are just so stupid....

Lucy Lioness
August 8th, 2005, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
Who would make fun of how you look, Lucy? You're one of the prettiest girls here :D Some people are just so stupid....

Well I am well endowed in a place that boys like. ;) If ya get what I mean. But the comments I got were always negative, and perverted.

August 8th, 2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Well I am well endowed in a place that boys like. ;) If ya get what I mean. But the comments I got were always negative, and perverted.

Ugh, I know how you feel :rolleyes: That's just
how some people are. I was treated the same way in elementary school.

Lucy Lioness
August 8th, 2005, 11:22 PM
Me too, I developed early. :eww: Sorry to share all this with you guys, if you are embarassed. :D

Mmm...back on topic...more things I hate.......?

-People who say Disney is just for kids. :grrr:

August 9th, 2005, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by Melody of Scar
Pet peeves?

Hmm... :thinks:

~A majority of Republicans/conservatives/orthodox Cristians... And I hate to sound so narrow-minded, and I assure you all I hate no one on this board, but I hate the *censors* who run around and tell me I'm wrong because I'm a lesbian, or I'm wrong because I want women to have rights, etc. And for the love of whomever, liberal is NOT an insult. >.<

Go you!

I agree completely. :grrr:

August 9th, 2005, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Well I am well endowed in a place that boys like. ;)

Yes...that is most definately a good place....:D

Which brings me to another pet peeve...Fake Boobs.....I mean, it's Silicon!!....And Silicon doesn't feel all that real.....atleast, that's what I've heard.....so ladies, just Keep It Real!....:D

August 9th, 2005, 10:40 AM
I'll have to agree with you on that one Roog, for once :p Anything false that can be put onto the human body peeves me--hair, nails, and breasts not boobs :p

August 9th, 2005, 05:15 PM
oh no you didn't just go there girl! I just bought this weave for thirty dollars at that ching-chong place down the screet!

Can you spot all the peeves in there?

August 10th, 2005, 10:49 AM
The entire sentence....you're going to make me chuck you...:die:

August 10th, 2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Melody of Scar
Pet peeves?

Hmm... :thinks:

~A majority of Republicans/conservatives/orthodox Cristians... And I hate to sound so narrow-minded, and I assure you all I hate no one on this board, but I hate the *censors* who run around and tell me I'm wrong because I'm a lesbian, or I'm wrong because I want women to have rights, etc. And for the love of whomever, liberal is NOT an insult. >.<

:lol: Nicely put. I don't see everyone's problem with lesbians; they're hot!

(Haha, and I can get away with saying this, for I am female! Gotta love double standards.)

August 10th, 2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Melody of Scar
~A majority of Republicans/conservatives/orthodox Cristians... And I hate to sound so narrow-minded, and I assure you all I hate no one on this board, but I hate the *censors* who run around and tell me I'm wrong because I'm a lesbian, or I'm wrong because I want women to have rights, etc. And for the love of whomever, liberal is NOT an insult. >.<

Ah... yeah, I forgot to include those who ridicule and persecute others who are different from the mainstream, fearing someone because they're different. Homophobes and racists in this category.

I have a cousin who's a lesbian and I consider her life partner my "cousin-in-law" and I love them both like family.

And I admittedly have a certain biased towards Christian fundamentalists and conservatives. I used to be a Christian, but not a fundamentalist (thank god for that).

But that's being too generalizing. I know of a fundamentalist Southern Baptist pastor with whom I've had a discussion with who said that basically he had his views and beliefs and I wouldn't be able to change them and vice versa and to just pretty much except it and move on.

Now only if ALL Christian fundamentalists and conservatives were like that...

August 10th, 2005, 12:33 PM
What really gets on my nerves is people calling TLK 'just a little kid/baby movie' and telling me there is a lot better use of my time and I should be reading instead of watching TLK on ocassion. :grrr:

August 10th, 2005, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
And... if women can have breast enlargement, why can't men have penis enlargement by surgery :p ? Next thing you know, someone will tell me that we can :eek: ...

I get so many emails offering me that, it's not even funny anymore.

August 10th, 2005, 12:57 PM
I'm pretty sure it can. Hey, if you can switch someone's gender, why can't you do a simple enlargement? ;P

August 10th, 2005, 01:00 PM
:eek: WHAT are we discussing here, huh? :p

August 10th, 2005, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
I'll have to agree with you on that one Roog, for once :p Anything false that can be put onto the human body peeves me--hair, nails, and breasts not boobs :p

:haha:...As long as they feel real....And I eat breasts, like chicken breast....and well with women....okay, they can be called breast...:D

August 11th, 2005, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:...As long as they feel real....And I eat breasts, like chicken breast....and well with women....okay, they can be called breast...:D

:lol: Okay:p

I don't know about anyone else, but stereotypes peeve me, like:

-when people ask me if I'm Mexican, just because I can speak Spanish, as if Mexico is the only Spanish country in the world.
-when people assume I can rap just because I'm half African-American.
-when people who don't have the decency to learn about other Asian cultures go up to an Asian person and assume they're Chinese.

August 11th, 2005, 10:34 PM
This conversation about breast enlargement reminds me of a recent episode of "Maury".. *runs home crying*

August 11th, 2005, 10:36 PM
:lol: Maury was finally about something besides couple cheating on each other?

Melody of Scar
August 12th, 2005, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
:lol: Maury was finally about something besides couple cheating on each other?

Oh yeah! Occasionally he does the "Caught on Tape." It's awesome... xD

Of course, most of it *is* couples cheating... X.x

August 12th, 2005, 01:44 PM
It get's tiring after a while, doesn't it? :p

September 2nd, 2005, 08:47 PM
* People who ask a question or say something (when it's typed), and use like a zillion ?????????? or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 of those would do perfectly fine. Using more, in my opinion, comes across really rude.

EDIT: oh, another one ... People who have "my best friends" in their sigs.
I don't know, it just makes me feel weird and akward ...

Lucy Lioness
September 2nd, 2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by nathalie
* People who ask a question or say something (when it's typed), and use like a zillion ?????????? or !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 of those would do perfectly fine. Using more, in my opinion, comes across really rude.

EDIT: oh, another one ... People who have "my best friends" in their sigs.
I don't know, it just makes me feel weird and akward ...

I feel the same way. *Waits for snowballs* /Random, lol.

Another pet peeve: My younger brothers, thank god for school starting Monday. :browlift:

September 2nd, 2005, 10:34 PM
Well, THIS is a scarey thread! :eek:

My biggest pet peeve has to be people who drive down the road with their radio/CD player speakers blearing loud enough for me to hear in my house the next block over. People need to take into concideration that no one else wants to be serenated.

Another thing is cleaning up other people's messes, which I have to do a lot at my work.

I hate it when people make me look like a monster because I can't donate blood. I have a desease in my blood and am not elligible. Same can be said about people who expect donations when I have no money to give. I grew up poor, and have earned what little I have. I may be comfortable, but am in no way wealthy.

Stereotypes are always horrible. People tend to think I am Latino because I have deep tan skin. I am Native American, and speak very little Spanish.

I hate it when people do anything to try and improove there appearence artificially. looks arn't everything, and these products, surgery, ect. don't even work half the time. I would rather see my girls face then piles of powder and chemicals.

September 2nd, 2005, 10:55 PM
-Bad grammar
-American (Yes, it is a language XD)

unregistered user
September 2nd, 2005, 11:05 PM
-peeps telling me to calm down
-saying i have disorders [well i do but they don't need to point that out ;)]
-people that swear
-people that harass me just because they know i have anger issues
-smelly cat barf by my head at 6 am
-cat pee on my special pillow
-having no blinds on my window so i get roasted every morning at 5 am
-being reminded to do my chroes when i DO get them done..they just don't have eyeballs..
-stepping on my glasses [did it last night for the 19th time..i've kept track]
-not having a ride to church
-my parents not teaching me to drive because i'm of that age
-my 2 year old niece controlling me
-my parents agruing :cheese:
-oh oh oh..and me going to boot camp :P

May 29th, 2015, 12:37 PM
What is it with people and the ability to read. Have they lost it for good?
Oh my God ... read people, R.E.A.D. !!!

It saves everyone soooo much time, if people would just read.

And you can't say anything about it like "this has just been mentioned, read the post above you *wink*wink*" because then you are rude and get yelled at "I AM SORRY I DID NOT SEE THAT, EXCUSE ME BLA BLA BLA".

Are you just acting stupid, or are you just plain stupid? -_-

June 1st, 2015, 07:45 AM
I think you just won an award for ultimate thread bump nathalie :D

June 1st, 2015, 08:56 AM
It was relevant and I was annoyed :p

June 1st, 2015, 09:55 PM
HAHA I post that last message back in 2005. :lol:

My current pet peeves is not knowing exact location through Google Map and bad instruction from someone through the phone.

But my biggest problem that I'm having my self is sleeping more than 10 or 12 hours per day.

June 2nd, 2015, 08:43 PM
Not sure to what degree this would class as a pet pevee :p but look at this billboard ad that I see every day on my way back home from work:


I always cringe whenever I look at that mascot's design. I guess it's ok for a restaurant logo, but take a look at those eyes... It’s like the right eye looks ok, but then it has an extra pupil right in the middle above his muzzle? Geez, I get the feeling that if I lift up his fringe, there might be yet another eye behind it! *shivers* :wtf:

I can’t help but wonder what went through the artist’s head. Did they try to hide the left eye behind that fringe, but when it didn’t come out the way they wanted, they just gave up and decided to put an eye there anyway? Or maybe their boss didn’t like how it originally looked and ordered them to change it into this monstrosity?
So that's my pet peeve, how these little details escape an artist's attention so easily ><

Ah well, at least they make pretty good Buffalo wings there, you should come and try them xD

January 15th, 2016, 01:49 AM
Mismatched socks. I actually label mine into pairs so they stay together and age the same.

....what? xD

January 17th, 2016, 10:19 PM
Yeah, that would be annoying though. But my biggest socks pet peeves have to be looking for the other pair of socks after washing it. I would get flipped off and angry for the whole day and go to the store just to buy another one.

March 21st, 2016, 04:59 PM
Is it just me ... or ... how is it possible, that kids these days (and then I'm at least talking about the teens, +15/+16 and up) have no knowledge about English what-so-ever?
How is it possible, in a world where almost everything is in English (just turn on the TV in Belgium) people almost turning 20 "dare" to say: I don't understand/speak it


March 21st, 2016, 06:51 PM
I've been an English teacher at a secondary school (ages 10-12) for three years until I gave birth to my daughter. All I can say is that I was quite shocked how little effort students put into learning such an important (and great!) language nowadays.
I tried my best to keep my lessons motivating, learner-centered and of course to capture their interest by using movies, songs, websites etc. (Heh, I wish my English teacher had done that, too... but I'm sure the internet and the whole TLK fandom did way better :P) However, my students didn't seem to care. Once I taught older pupils (around 16 years) and some of them were really were frustated. Of course that's only natural if you don't keep practising... A kind of vicious-circle, if you know what I mean. And keep in mind, I don't expect my students to become perfect native-speakers. For me it's always fluency before accuracy, but it's really hard to motivate them. Right now I'm teaching a class of refugees and asylum-seekers in German and most of them are eager to learn the language. That's quite the opposite, but there are always a few students who don't care. :(

March 21st, 2016, 06:55 PM
I have to agree on this one, Speaking and using English is vital in current generation. The teachers should push their student to be fluent and understanding it.

March 21st, 2016, 07:04 PM
It's just that, it's everywhere around us, you can't turn on the TV without 90 % of things being in English.
(I guess it does differ in Germany and France, for example, as those are 2 countries still very hung up on dubbing things instead of using subs).
But then still ... going with my sister to London for 4 days, who kind of refused to speak English, because her speach wasn't right, and usually she didn't know how to answer back (but she could understand). I find that odd, in this day and age, that a 21-year old can't speak English, and won't even when you're in the country.

March 21st, 2016, 07:09 PM
^ I couldn't speak properly in English when I was 17, you can tell by the posts I made decade ago. :lol:

March 21st, 2016, 08:29 PM
But then still ... going with my sister to London for 4 days, who kind of refused to speak English, because her speach wasn't right, and usually she didn't know how to answer back (but she could understand). I find that odd, in this day and age, that a 21-year old can't speak English, and won't even when you're in the country.

Well, there's a name for something similiar. When a language learner acquires a new language there is a so-called "silent period". Simply put, people first listen and then after a while they start to talk. It's just what babies do when they learn how to speak. Of course when you learn a second or even a third language it's a whole different matter and more complicated, but some things are similiar to your first language acquisition. I could observe this "silent period" in my class, too. Regardless if I taught English or German. But this period is bound to end someday. At least if I do my job right :zazuinnocent:
Many pupils start talking right away, others need their time. Those who do, need a lot of patience and encouragement.
Your sister however isn't just stuck in this "silent period". It's more like her being insecure while speaking English is keeping her from talking at all. This is where I as a teacher would have to encourage her to use the new language and also to make mistakes. But of course she's no longer at school so that won't happen. As for being able to understand: Understaning always comes first. Or let's say first comes the hearing, then the speaking. So of course she might be able to understand everything, but she is clearly lacking the speaking skill. If she's focused on "getting everything right" (probably encouraged from her experiences at school?) she doesn't have the courage to speak and thus she's in danger of never finding it. When I talk to a native-speaker, I'm also very nervous at frist. I studied English at university a few years ago (yeah... there's nothing much left of that, since I don't use English as frequently as I used to... quite a shame :P). my teachers/professors emphasized so much on getting everything right that I really have a hard time to talk freely, even now. With my students around it's a whole different story.
Of course, as an English teacher you have to be a role model and get things right. However, this pressure keeps me from using the English language naturally because I kept thinking "Oh no! Now you're doing it all wrong! The pronunciation, the gammar...everything!" That's stupid, I know. But it's just the way that my mind works at times. ;)
That's why I'm very reserved when I meet a native-speaker with other English-speaking people around. I tehn tend to hold back a little for about half an hour or so, before I really join the conversation. Of course I'm still able to talk right away when I have to and that's not really a problem at all. I just like it when I have a little time to "adjust" my mind to the language... Quite hard to explain. My brain starts thinkng in English then and this is easier when I don't have to think about making mistakes all the time. I hope you can understand what I mean. But I know that I shouldn't be worried about my English at all.
I think that's an experience that your sister lacks; being able to communicate freely without the fear of making a mistake. Or perhaps noticing that other people will understand her, even if she makes mistakes. Perhaps she's a shy person and that adds to it. I don't know.
The question is, how can she break this circle if she doesn't have the courage to "to swallow her pride"? In German we have a figure of speech for this, it's called "über den eigenen Schatten springen" literally meaning "to jump over one's shadow". It means you have to do something you're reluctant to do. Perhaps your sister would have been forced to speak English if you hadn't been around, but I doubt she'd have gone there all by herself ;)
She probably likes to "lean back" a little when others are there to do the communication for you. Just like I do, when I talk to a native-speaker and others are around. But at least I know that and I know how to find the self-confidence when I need it. I was even forced to talk French when my husband and I went to Paris or when I talked to some French-speaking actors of "Lion King in Hamburg" and I hadn't used French in ages... On top of that I didn't have much experience with French to begin with: just three years at school, then I decided that it's not really my favourite subject :cs_yuck_1:. But I managed somehow and I guess this experienced helped me a lot. I hope your sister will have the opportunity to find her courage one day, too.

March 21st, 2016, 10:00 PM
I must say the English we were taught in school was, especially in the end (like most things in school) completely useless. Sorry, but we could roughly apply the language in practical use and then we read a lot of Shakespeare's works. Nice if you want to study English literature, but I doubt that many of the pupils went down this road. So we couldn't understand much from the daily used talks in TV/movies or how to write a thesis/fill an English form, but we could write an essays about Shakespeare's poetry, who actually used grammatical constructs no one is using today. I still remember one of these sonnets:

Shall I compare thee to a summerss day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate,
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summers lease hath all too short a date...

How is this gonna help me to write correct English, when we are fed with wrong grammatic? Even now after >10 years and a lot of practice on business trips with native English speaking customers etc. I don't get the vocabulary and grammatic stuff right. Not to mention the pronunciation. After the first sentence and in NY directly after telling the taxi driver where I want to go I hear: "Ahh, you're from Germany?" *grrr* Most taxi drivers are trained of course.

But it's not a particular German problem. I witness this everywhere. For instance in Spain I especially picked a young guy to ask for next the tram station: "No habla ingles". Maybe he didn't want to, but that actually happened to me a lot. Worst country from my experience is Japan. When you're lucky and they remember some english from school it is only some phrases, but no understanding of the language at all.

I think it is time for an synthetic world language everyone has to speak fluently. ;-)

March 22nd, 2016, 12:26 AM
I practically live in the Mexico/US border, and still it amazes me the number of people here who can't speak English beyond a few sentences. English lessons are mandatory in most schools, but even here there's the same problem as in Germany and Belgium, schools don't know how to teach it properly and people just don't care about how important is to learn it. Even at college level I still see people who sound like they never took an English subject at school. I remember a semester when we had to write papers based on scientific articles that were in English, and a few classmates came to me offering to pay me for translating the articles for them. I'm always up for helping if someone needs a hand, but these guys were practically asking me to do their homework, and I of course refused :naladisappointed: It wasn't even that hard to get, if they took a dictionary for key words or something I'm sure they could have done a decent work, but they prefer to go the easy route and ask someone to do it for them.

Thankfully my family had these concerns too, and I took private English lessons when I was a teenager with an amazing teacher that really encouraged conversation. It was great because she was a very fun person to talk to personally instead of in a classroom full of people, and she was a native English speaker too, which really helped.
That said, I still had that "silent period" Kirauni mentioned: Even after taking lessons like those, one still gets nervous when having to be by themselves in an English speaking country. That isn't a problem in El Paso, TX (the city I frequently go to) because a lot of people speak Spanish there, so if someone sees you struggling with English they immediately assume you're Mexican and start speaking in Spanish for you. But that's not the case in other places, it does take some getting used to. And by the time I finally mastered it, I travelled to England, where I found the accent so different it that it was like starting my "silent period" all over again :p

But it's not a particular German problem. I witness this everywhere. For instance in Spain I especially picked a young guy to ask for next the tram station: "No habla ingles". Maybe he didn't want to, but that actually happened to me a lot.
Aaah yes, as bad as Mexico has it, it's still not as bad as in Spain, where they seem to actively refuse to incorporate English in their lives. I went there for a few weeks once, it was nice to be in another country where they also speak Spanish (although somewhat differently), but I actually got to miss English, it's practically nowhere. At least in Mexico movies in cinema are subtitled, everything in Spain is dubbed and I grew tired of it very quickly. They also tend to change foreign-sounding names to fit them in their language, like for example, I know for a fact that in their Spanish dub of The Lion Guard, "Kion" will be pronounced like "Kee-on", because that's how it makes sense for them when reading it in written form. They don't do that in Mexico, at least :uhno:

March 22nd, 2016, 02:47 AM
Pft, people that only speak English can barely speak it. One of my biggest annoyances is when people say "mines" instead of just "mine". For example, "That candy is mines." Ugggggh! I hear some of the adults at school say it too, and it's just so frustrating. I mean, I know the kids' way of speaking can rub off on your sometimes, and it's ok to be silly, but come on.

On another note, this is my BIGGEST pet peeve right here:


NO. Swahili is NOT a symbolic language. It's just not. This is a squiggle. It means nothing. At best, it's from a Korean movie. And people get this tattooed? I mean, tattoo whatever you want, but don't go around saying it's "hakuna matata" when it's not. This gets me so worked up whenever I see it, Dawn thinks it's hilarious. So I guess my real pet peeve here is ignorance? People need to research and learn, especially before getting something permanently placed on your skin.

March 22nd, 2016, 05:11 AM
Kirauni, my sister didn't speak it at all. On day 4 I still needed to help with everything in stores etc.

March 15th, 2017, 07:59 PM
-Means of public transport
-Very crowded places in general
-Rude/noisy people
-Extremism of any kind

July 25th, 2017, 02:37 PM

Seriously, is the word "stupid" written on my forehead ??
How people think they can just get away with it, I don't know ... at least it says more about them.
And if you do lie, make it air-tight, 'cause you know ... otherwhise I'll find out -_-