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July 9th, 2005, 10:19 PM

I had to go to the hospital last night because of my stomach problems (thanks for the diet ideas KS!). :eek: How scary!

We had to stay there a while, and on the way I got sick and...well, that kind of sick (you know what I mean, I just don't wanna gross anyone out). Anyway, the doc put me on meds now and I'm okay.

Just thought I'd let you guys know why I haven't been around lately. :evilgrin:

July 9th, 2005, 10:22 PM
Well, I'm glad you're okay :D The hospital...:cringe: I've only been there to visit my dad and some friends and relatives. I've never had to actually be there for anything myself...

King Simba
July 9th, 2005, 10:24 PM
I've only had to go into hospital for one day myself (as a patient, multiple times to visit.) I had to go in to have around 8 or 9 baby teeth pulled out.


Anyways, glad you're feeling alright now and no problem about the tips I gave you. =)

July 9th, 2005, 10:25 PM

Well, this was the same hospital that I had brain surgery at, so I wasn't that worried when I went. :-)

July 9th, 2005, 10:37 PM
As a child, I had to undergo surgery to remove a tumor from my navel. The ther time was when I first got arthritis, I had to have water drained from my knee, and was on crutches for a few weeks. besides that, I have only had to go to the emergency room for stiches.

July 9th, 2005, 10:44 PM
:cringe: Interesting stories, guys :p
I remember I twisted my knee earlier this year, and it grew to the size of a mango :eek: But I didn't go to the hospital.

unregistered user
July 9th, 2005, 11:58 PM
same problem with me CoTP..
last year me go to the hospital cuz my stomach problem:p

July 10th, 2005, 12:05 AM
i'm glad you're ok though CotP

*hugs* :hugs: :cheese:

July 10th, 2005, 12:07 AM
I've never been to the hospital, but my mother keeps telling me that I will if I don't start eating properly...:hehe:

July 10th, 2005, 12:46 AM
^Tell me about it :rolleyes:

July 10th, 2005, 12:46 AM

That's what's got me in the hospital!

Start eating right and they won't give you Maalox. XD

July 10th, 2005, 01:01 AM
Glad to hear you are okay, COTP.

July 10th, 2005, 01:05 AM
Glad to hear from you COTP. And glad you're okay.

July 10th, 2005, 09:14 PM
I'm at the hospital more times than I'm at home ;) I'm always injuring myself in some way or another, usually playing rugby. My latest rugby injury is a swollen jaw due to being clotheslined by someone x) I love rugby =P

King Simba
July 10th, 2005, 09:48 PM
When my dad was younger, he broke his nose whilst playing rugby. :eww:

July 10th, 2005, 09:56 PM
Pfft broken nose, I've broken my foot, my thumb, my knuckle (in a fight xP) and I've cracked a rib. Yes, I'm a nutter x)

July 10th, 2005, 11:08 PM


You don't want to know how many times Ive been hit. :p Well, fine:

I've been hit with a Soccer ball (stomach), Golf ball (foot), Football (shoulder), a tenis ball (nose), Baseball (nose), Basketball (nose- god, I had a bloody nose after it hit me and I had blood ALL OVER me...I could've been a prop for a gun shooting movie XD), Volleyball (head)....um.....and that's about almost all of the balls in the sport ball family :p Except for a cricket ball...Thank god I haven't been hit in the crotch or the cheast XD...

EDIT: The sick part is, I've never broken a bone O_o

July 10th, 2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by ChildOfThePride

That's what's got me in the hospital!

Start eating right and they won't give you Maalox. XD

:lol: I think she likes Maalox :p It works pretty well, though.

King Simba
July 10th, 2005, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Pfft broken nose, I've broken my foot, my thumb, my knuckle (in a fight xP) and I've cracked a rib. Yes, I'm a nutter x)

Well my dad once got electricuted whilst he was working once. He actually lived though because the electricity didn't reach around where his heart was. He has a scar on his back now though.


July 10th, 2005, 11:12 PM
Wow...sorry about that, KS :( My dad has an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, and I hope he goes...he needs to see the doctor. Listening to him cough his heart out is an awful sound...I'm always afraid one day he'll just fall over and stop breathing...:(

July 10th, 2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
When my dad was younger, he broke his nose whilst playing rugby. :eww:

Speaking of dads..

My dad was a catcher in a baseball game in gym once, and as he got up to get something (he dropped something on the way to the catcher's mound), the batter SWUNG and til this day, he has had a medium sized DENT on his forehead, lol. He regrets it. ;)


Originally posted by King Simba

Well my dad once got electricuted whilst he was working once. He actually lived though because the electricity didn't reach around where his heart was. He has a scar on his back now though.


Originally posted by The Mad Hatter
Wow...sorry about that, KS :( My dad has an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, and I hope he goes...he needs to see the doctor. Listening to him cough his heart out is an awful sound...I'm always afraid one day he'll just fall over and stop breathing...:(

Man, our poor fathers, LOL. :lol: Maybe it's a curse! :idiot::p

July 11th, 2005, 01:28 AM
LOL, Suki, my name's La_Reina, remember? Not
The Mad Hatter :lol:
Yeah, and maybe it is a curse :p I just keep praying he'll recover soon--and quickly. Sometimes I cry thinking about what would happen to my family if my dad died sometime soon...his illness is pretty bad :(

July 11th, 2005, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by la_reina
LOL, Suki, my name's La_Reina, remember? Not
The Mad Hatter :lol:

LOL, I know. :p

July 11th, 2005, 03:32 AM
Originally posted by Suki


You don't want to know how many times Ive been hit. :p Well, fine:

I've been hit with a Soccer ball (stomach), Golf ball (foot), Football (shoulder), a tenis ball (nose), Baseball (nose), Basketball (nose- god, I had a bloody nose after it hit me and I had blood ALL OVER me...I could've been a prop for a gun shooting movie XD), Volleyball (head)....um.....and that's about almost all of the balls in the sport ball family :p Except for a cricket ball...Thank god I haven't been hit in the crotch or the cheast XD...

EDIT: The sick part is, I've never broken a bone O_o

Wow, Suki you're Hardcore.:bleen: ;)

July 11th, 2005, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by Simba22
Wow, Suki you're Hardcore.:bleen: ;)

XD Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try.. :p

unregistered user
July 11th, 2005, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by ChildOfThePride

I had to go to the hospital last night because of my stomach problems (thanks for the diet ideas KS!). :eek: How scary!

So... the dieting caused the stomach problems I'm assuming. Was it some sort of bulimiac approach? Or was it some sort of radical diet that caused your body to go into a state of respiratory distress? You should consult a nutritionist before making any dietary leaps.

Glad you're OK though... .. . :hugs:

King Simba
July 11th, 2005, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by Suki
Man, our poor fathers, LOL. :lol: Maybe it's a curse! :idiot::p
Well considering my dad works with electricity with high voltage, he's in a pretty dangerous job.


July 11th, 2005, 08:49 AM
LOL, when she was little, my aunt stuck a bobbypin into a eletric socket. She regretted it, for obvious reasons. :lol: My mom says she was all marked up, poor dear. :p Ah well, she survived, and everyone kinda looks back on it in a joking manner, now. :p

Sorry, KS's story just reminded me of that. XD