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July 9th, 2005, 02:22 AM
Just recently something terrible happened to a young boy in our community. He's 14, almost 15, a sophomore in highschool. He was playing baseball for a summer activity against other teams when he pitched the ball, and the ball was hit back and hit his skull. His skull was instantly shattered and he was rushed to the emergency surgery room for an operation. He's now in intensive care and in a coma and vegistative state. He has a very little chance of living and if he does, he will be forever mentally retarded, blind, deaf, and stricken to a wheel chair. He'll never be able to play baseball again and most likely not be able to be the same popular boy at school he was. His parents barely have enough money to pay for him, and they're probably going through a lot of pain. Local fundraisers have been made but there's just not enough money.

I told this story to my mom and she was so sad because she said it would be one of her worst nightmares for that to happen me or my siblings. She was in horror cause she felt so bad for the mother, as well as the kid. It's so sad.

July 9th, 2005, 02:43 AM
Sad to say, but people live and people die. Yes, it's sad, and yes, if someone can help this family then they should seriously consider it, but as a cruel fact, this is only one bad thing that happened that day. I do feel sorry for that mother and her son, the love a mother is supposed to feel for her child is more powerful than any other feeling, and I do pray that things turn out; but at the same time, we can't dwell on these things. Instead of looking at the bad things that happen in the world, try to think of the good things. Thousands of people got engaged today, thousands of babies were born, thousands of son's went fishing with their dads, and thousands of people down on their luck got their second wind. If you want my advice, try to find the woman's name and address, and send her a letter or go to her house. Just being there to provide your support could mean the world to someone in her position

July 9th, 2005, 02:48 AM
wow...that sucks...
"sh*t happens" tho! >.<"

unregistered user
July 9th, 2005, 02:51 AM
That's exactly what my mom was terrified of when I joined a local baseball team back in Middle School..

Hmm.. I pray that he gets better. Perhaps this will give him a different perspective on life? Like Pnt said, try to look at the good things.. =/

July 9th, 2005, 02:56 AM
Omg, that was painful just reading about it. :(

Baseball is dangerous!!!

July 9th, 2005, 03:07 AM
Let's ban it.

(^Not directed at you, Sharifu)

July 9th, 2005, 03:13 AM
:lol: I didn't mean that either haha. :p

July 9th, 2005, 03:40 AM
Probably not.

King Simba
July 9th, 2005, 08:17 AM
Ouch. :(
I've never played baseball myself, probably due to the fact that we don't have baseball games over here.


Lion King Stu
July 9th, 2005, 08:51 AM
We played it once or twice was kool :cheese:.
Yeah when something like that happens jeezzz it sucks my thoughts go out to the boys family.

unregistered user
July 9th, 2005, 08:52 AM
The bowler? hehe, British words are so cool ^^

We just call 'em pitchers here =)

Baseball can be a lot of fun, but 'be prepared' I guess :(

July 9th, 2005, 10:39 AM
here in holland there actually isnt such thing as baseball ore softball. only softball at schools, but thats more like this:
*i did a draw of it cuz i cant explain*


i think there actually is baseball in holland but i think its more in the capital city where they train on it.

July 9th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Now I'm not sensitive to most stuff, but that hit me. Despite being a Chicago Cubs fan, I don't really like baseball, and I agree with what pnt said, if people get injured that badly playing it then something must be done about the safety issue of it. Now I've shattered my knee playing rugby, but that's a scratch compared to what happened to that guy, his life is now ruined or maybe even lost because of what happened. Someone should forward this story to one of the big cheeses in the world of baseball to show them what needs to be improved dramatically as far as baseball safety goes, ok I'm done.

July 9th, 2005, 01:17 PM
I'm sorry that boy. :(

All sports have dangerous side but not only sports. For example, you can sudently fall from stairs at home. We had some small football or floorball acidents during the year at school. Usualy broken fingers or so. Sport is dangerous but life as well. We all have to be responsible and use maximal protection during the play. Use helmet on bicycles etc ..

July 9th, 2005, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Lweek
I'm sorry that boy. :(

All sports have dangerous side but not only sports. For example, you can sudently fall from stairs at home. We had some small football or floorball acidents during the year at school. Usualy broken fingers or so. Sport is dangerous but life as well. We all have to be responsible and use maximal protection during the play. Use helmet on bicycles etc ..

well, if you think that was bad, a lad at my school a few years back was impaled in the leg with a javelin. they stopped doing that event the day after.

but i feel so sorry for his parents. sure, sport can be dangerous, but that is just tragic.

King Simba
July 9th, 2005, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by IchLiebeNALA
well, if you think that was bad, a lad at my school a few years back was impaled in the leg with a javelin. they stopped doing that event the day after.
Last year, we had to do javelin in PE and our PE teacher told us that at another school, a lad was stabbed in the back by a javelin and he didn't live either.
