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July 8th, 2005, 08:32 PM
As everyone knows, Scar is the villain of the movie TLK 1. Now, I wonder, what do everybody think of him? :evilgrin:
Do you like/dislike him? Is he just missunderstood or a real villain?
What do you think? ;)
I'll post my comments about him later, when I ain't so tired.

July 8th, 2005, 08:35 PM
I see that you made this thread.XD

You already know that I <3 Scar.

July 8th, 2005, 08:36 PM
Yay :D for making the thread. I think we spammed the screengrabs one enough.

I like him. I like him quite a lot, he's my favorite character ;) I'll probably post later why exactly I think he's awesome.. of course, it's opinionated and largely based on my own filling in of plotholes, but it's at least better then "ong scar rulzez!" o_o

But first.. I need to eat. =9:ayecapn:

King Simba
July 8th, 2005, 08:36 PM
I seem to get the feeling that Scar is a misunderstood character. No idea why... just do. I sorta feel sorry for him at some points of the movie despite all the evil things he did. Anyway, we all know TLK won't be the same without our "evil villain uncle Scar." He adds a little more excitement to the movie as well as tension IMO. :evilgrin:

EDIT: To me, Scar is a pretty cool character, don't get me wrong. :bleen:

And good idea for the thread. :ayecapn:

July 8th, 2005, 08:38 PM
I'll post that tomorrow exactly why I don't like him.
But.. to start with. I won't bash him. Without him the movie wouldn't be the same.

July 8th, 2005, 08:54 PM
I'll write more later, too. And you're right, Nalinda. TLK would be very different with Scar.

July 8th, 2005, 08:55 PM
Scar is the best character in the film. I wouldn't bother with it, without him.

July 8th, 2005, 09:01 PM
Scar is sexy! I heart him ^_^

July 8th, 2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Scar is sexy! I heart him ^_^

*High paws*:ayecapn:

July 8th, 2005, 09:18 PM
Haha, actually I think Simba is more sexy! ;) AND KOVU! :kovusmile

July 8th, 2005, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Scar is sexy! I heart him ^_^

Ditto :ayecapn:

I wouldn't bother with it, without him.

Ditto to that as well

unregistered user
July 8th, 2005, 09:31 PM
What do I think of Scar.. hmm.. this is porbably the best thread I've read as of recent in this section of the forum, good idea :cool:


When I was a little kid I thought Scar was pure and absolute evil, especially where he's jumping through the fire to finish Simba off.

After reading all of those fan fics at TLKFAA though.. I don't know. I try to keep fandom and canon seperate, but that's me. I think canon Scar is evil. Fandom Scar though can range from pure evil to pure of heart :idiot:

I personally believe that he was meant to be an evil character, the villain. I never questioned that until I found TLK fanbase xP

But yeah, Scar is definitely one of thee best Disney Villains ever made ^^

July 8th, 2005, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by Nalinda
AND KOVU! :kovusmile

I have to agree with you on that one. Very sexy, indeed.:rawr:

I used to think Scar was "lykomgtehEVILgoaway!!!11!" when I was younger, too. Ofcourse, I have a totally different opinion now.:wicked:

Lucy Lioness
July 8th, 2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Scar is sexy! I heart him ^_^

Hehe. :D Rawr! :rawr:

Mmm...well despite being the villain, I like him. He has a deep character, kinda like a tragic hero depending on how you look at him. And he is British! :evilgrin:


July 8th, 2005, 10:42 PM
Murderers always hold a special place in my heart....:D

July 9th, 2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Mmm...well despite being the villain, I like him. He has a deep character, kinda like a tragic hero depending on how you look at him. And he is British! :evilgrin:

That's kinda how I look on him too.. y'know, and sorry for making my, like, 5655000000000th post about SW, but he kinda reminds me of Anakin.. Anakin fell to the Dark Side, killed liked a bajillion people, attempted to kill even more (Luke included), but somehow, Luke still forgave him.. so it kinda makes me wonder what Simba would have done if Scar had redeemed himself in some way.. :thinks:

July 9th, 2005, 12:22 AM
I'm not a big Scar fan myself, but he is one of my (if not the) favorite villians. He's evil and vindictive and whatnot, but he seems more beliveable than a lot of Disney villans, who seem to be evil for the sake therof. You can actually analyze him and ask 'why is he like that?'

As for sexy-ness-ness, we ALL know that Vitani pwns all in that area http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v118/Shatara/bumms/ebil.gif

July 9th, 2005, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
That's kinda how I look on him too.. y'know, and sorry for making my, like, 5655000000000th post about SW, but he kinda reminds me of Anakin.. Anakin fell to the Dark Side, killed liked a bajillion people, attempted to kill even more (Luke included), but somehow, Luke still forgave him.. so it kinda makes me wonder what Simba would have done if Scar had redeemed himself in some way.. :thinks:

I was thinking the same thing! Gosh, great minds think alike! :evilgrin: But yeah, scar is one of my favorite characters...I mean, c'mon...Everybody always likes the good guys! What's wrong with being a lil evil :thinks: :evilgrin: :jejeje: :wicked: :secret: :claw: :woeisme: :squash:

July 9th, 2005, 03:12 AM
Originally posted by Alli
I was thinking the same thing! Gosh, great minds think alike! :evilgrin: But yeah, scar is one of my favorite characters...I mean, c'mon...Everybody always likes the good guys! What's wrong with being a lil evil :thinks: :evilgrin: :jejeje: :wicked: :secret: :claw: :woeisme: :squash:

That's why I love you. xP And yes, great minds do think alike. :secret:

July 9th, 2005, 04:13 AM
Scar is an awesome villain! I like his design. Not only he is well animated by the amazing animator Andreas Deja, but his voice by Jeremy Irons was perfect for him.

I thought that maybe he was misunderstood growing up. But still I don't think that's a good excuse to kill your brother and nephew. ;) (Well of course Simba never died, but that was apart of Scar's plan) I don't feel sorry for him for killing Mufasa though. He deserved his fate in the end.

But as a character, I think he is pretty cool.

King Simba
July 9th, 2005, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by SimbaTheLion
Rawr :rawr: , Simba and Kovu are very sexy :cheese: :lol: !!!
Make that another one who has exactly the same thought. They're both awesome and they're both two of my most favourite characters. :bleen: :rawr:

Opera Ghost
July 9th, 2005, 08:54 AM
I like Scar :evilgrin: he's awesome

July 9th, 2005, 12:44 PM
I don't like Scar at all.
I mean when you look at him as a villain, he's very well animated and cool and clever. But when I look at him for all the things he does in the movie.. I hate him.
The thing missunderstanding.. I really don't think that's an excuse for killing your brother and planning to kill your nephew. That's totally sick. How can you do that?
If Mufasa only knew.. (well if he knew TLK wouldnt be the same but anyways) about what Scar was going to do. He would have been banished far away long time ago.
Uuuuh.. In some pieces of the movie I'm so mad at him. The evilness.. I just feel to smash him!!!! :grrr:
It's so SICK to blame Simba for Mufasas death and then tell him to leave.. Just to be the king. By doing that he gives Simba problems to deal with for life. The memories will always be stuck in Simbas mind no matter what.
And when it comes to the end, he's a big sick liar. And he also turns his back on the hyenas, as the last way out (he thinks it is) to make Simba think in other ways. It's very good that he meets his faith in the end.
That proves that he can't fight faith as he believe he can. And that a liar never makes it till' the end.

July 9th, 2005, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by Nalinda
I don't like Scar at all.
I mean when you look at him as a villain, he's very well animated and cool and clever. But when I look at him for all the things he does in the movie.. I hate him.
The thing missunderstanding.. I really don't think that's an excuse for killing your brother and planning to kill your nephew. That's totally sick. How can you do that?
If Mufasa only knew.. (well if he knew TLK wouldnt be the same but anyways) about what Scar was going to do. He would have been banished far away long time ago.
Uuuuh.. In some pieces of the movie I'm so mad at him. The evilness.. I just feel to smash him!!!! :grrr:
It's so SICK to blame Simba for Mufasas death and then tell him to leave.. Just to be the king. By doing that he gives Simba problems to deal with for life. The memories will always be stuck in Simbas mind no matter what.
And when it comes to the end, he's a big sick liar. And he also turns his back on the hyenas, as the last way out (he thinks it is) to make Simba think in other ways. It's very good that he meets his faith in the end.
That proves that he can't fight faith as he believe he can. And that a liar never makes it till' the end.
Calm down dear, it's just a movie.

Kiara Serengeti
July 9th, 2005, 11:54 PM
I think Scar was very clever and cool. I think his desire to be king and not getting to do so just drove him to insanity. Besides, there wouldn't be much of a movie without him!!! :evilgrin: Besides, BE PREPARED is one of my favorite songs.

OT: I wonder if the line in BP, "...my words are a matter of PRIDE" are supposed to be a pun. As in it has two meanings: Scar wants the pride, and he's PROUD of himself...I dunno.

July 10th, 2005, 01:19 AM
Although i get angry after the stampede scene, Scar is one of the best char in the movie. His green eyes reflect his envy, and his cunning thoughts are what gets him to the throne.

July 10th, 2005, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Iestyn
Calm down dear, it's just a movie.

Yeah I know, but it's still easy to hate cruel happenings!

Invader MEL
July 30th, 2005, 03:15 PM
He's obviously misunderstood. Cutie. *hugs Scar*

Scar: "I'm not cute!"
Me: "YES YOU ARE!" *squeezes harder*
Scar: >_O

July 30th, 2005, 06:59 PM
Missunderstood? In my opinion that's not an excuse for killing your brother, lie to the pride, and try to kill Simba!

July 30th, 2005, 07:17 PM
I think he's a bit insane in the head. A bad childhood kind of does that to you. I don't mind, though.:D Sure, I wouldn't want anything to do with someone like Scar in real life, but it's a movie, so that's fine by me. He's different than all the other villians and characters Disney has made and that's what I like about him. With Andreas Deja having animated him and Jeremy Irons as the voice, that's one heck of an awesome character in my book.:D

July 30th, 2005, 10:15 PM
Scar is my favorite character and a successful villain. As far as why he is such a special character to me, I think it's because of his personality. He's a very sarcastic, witty, yet deceptive person, and he uses his own knowledge to plan Mufasa's demise. He's able to plan ahead in order to cover up Mufasa's death, planting the seeds of guilt in Simba so that no one suspects him for what he has done.

Based on a Tale of Two Brothers and TLK itself, I'd say extreme sibling jealousy is what drove Scar to murder Mufasa. In ToTB, Scar wasn't plotting Mufasa's death; he was merely trying to make him look bad so Ahadi would reconsider who should be next in line to be king. When his plans backfired, I think it made him even more bitter, along with the realization that his father was now reflecting negatively on him.

In TLK, with the birth of Simba, Scar had even more obstacles in his path to becoming king. The only way he could succeed was by removing Mufasa and Simba from the picture. Even though his original intent was not to murder anyone, this was what he saw as the only option left. He had to do it while Simba was still young so that Simba was still a naive, impressionable cub, making it easier for Scar to come off as never involved. That, and if Simba had been older, the stampede in the gorge would not have gone off as planned, nor is it likely Scar could've flung Mufasa from the ledge without Simba seeing him do it.

Scar is an accomplished villain; he goal was to become king while deceiving Simba and the pride, and he did just that. :evilgrin:

On a more shallower note, his design is lovely and different; it complements his personality. Just look at him struttin his stuff.

Invader MEL
July 31st, 2005, 01:15 AM
Well, obviously something must have happened in the past to get him to do that stuff.

unregistered user
July 31st, 2005, 01:55 AM
The problem's in one's life does not excuse them for their wrongful actions, no matter how horrible their life.

Whether Scar is a tragic character or not? I think so.

July 31st, 2005, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by Sheaa
Based on a Tale of Two Brothers and TLK itself, I'd say extreme sibling jealousy is what drove Scar to murder Mufasa. In ToTB, Scar wasn't plotting Mufasa's death; he was merely trying to make him look bad so Ahadi would reconsider who should be next in line to be king. When his plans backfired, I think it made him even more bitter, along with the realization that his father was now reflecting negatively on him. ToTB has gotta be one of the worst TLK prequels EVER written.

It presents Scar as a spoiled brat who seems to think everything should be handed to him. How does one neglected and passed over become a spoiled brat? Also, he's portrayed ignoring his father/studies, which doubly contratdicts him, as he's both the smart one, and vying for his Father's attention.

Meanwhile, everyone else seems to have escaped from a 50's sitcom, so perfectly perfect in every way. If Ahadi was such a perfect father, Uru such a perfect mother, and Mufasa such a perfect brother, Scar wouldn't be a problem, now, would he?

Also, it contains the second lamest scarring story I have read to date.

July 31st, 2005, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Shatara
Also, it contains the second lamest scarring story I have read to date.

What was the lamest? :gasp:

July 31st, 2005, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
What was the lamest? :gasp: Chronicles of the Pridelands.

I mean Come On. A HONEY BADGER!?!?!?

July 31st, 2005, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Shatara
Chronicles of the Pridelands.

I mean Come On. A HONEY BADGER!?!?!?

I was thinking that.. :thinks: I hated CotPL. :yuck:

Taka must've been a real sissy if he got beat up by a magic white honey badger. Geez.

unregistered user
July 31st, 2005, 03:00 AM
Yes! When I read that I just raised an eyebrow at it, "What the heck?!" x) Glad someone agrees.

And yes, you make a good point. I think Scar's family had some problems. However, when it comes down to it, it is that one person's (ere.. lion's xP ) choice. And you can only blame yourself in the end.

(Odd, this reminds me of Veruca Salt from Charlie in the Chocolate Factory for some strange, odd reason O.o?! )

*walks off confused*

July 31st, 2005, 03:18 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
And yes, you make a good point. I think Scar's family had some problems. However, when it comes down to it, it is that one person's (ere.. lion's xP ) choice. And you can only blame yourself in the end. Very true.

I personally think that Ahadi was rather spiteful of Taka (perhaps because he was fathered by another lion? would explain the drastic physical difference), and Sarabi leaving him for Mufasa pushed him over the edge. Of course, this doesn't absove him of blame, but is much more beliveable.

July 31st, 2005, 05:07 AM
Yeah, the honey badger scarring was lame. But I actually really liked CotPL, even if it did have some religious undertones.

At any rate, I love scar. I think he's misunderstood, something must've happened to him in the past to make him like he was. I think it had a lot to do with Mufasa being so aggressive/dominant over him (actually, Mufasa is my least favorite character in TLK). Scar's also sexy, and he's the only reason why I got back into the TLK fandom. I've always loved him, even when I first saw the movie back when I was 5.

July 31st, 2005, 11:53 AM
I accept all your opinions.. no offense..
But how missunderstood he is doens't matter.. he's still evil and he has'nt got any excuse for killing lions (Mufasa and almost Simba).. okay just jealosity and that he is an insane murder.
I can't say I was glad that he died in the end of the movie.
But that was the only thing Simba could do and I would have done the same. Scar is a liar.

July 31st, 2005, 02:52 PM
Actually, the way someone is raised does, in fact, effect the kind of person(or in this case, lion) they turn out to be. Studies have proven that a vast majority of those that end up criminals and murderers grew up not having a father or mother and/or neglectful parents. So yeah, having a neglectful family run by favoritism could've certainly been what drove Scar to insanity, murder, and lying.

July 31st, 2005, 04:42 PM
Then it was the only thing for Simba to do. To kill him.

July 31st, 2005, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Nalinda
Then it was the only thing for Simba to do. To kill him.

Simba didn't kill him, Simba knocked him into a pit of hungry hyenas who ate him alive.

July 31st, 2005, 05:04 PM
Well, that's true. But he was a big reason that Scar died.

Invader MEL
July 31st, 2005, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
The problem's in one's life does not excuse them for their wrongful actions, no matter how horrible their life.

Whether Scar is a tragic character or not? I think so.

Of course I think he was wrong, but I know a horrible childhood can do that. o_o

July 31st, 2005, 05:07 PM
I agree with Ravoc there.

July 31st, 2005, 05:48 PM
Okay then, well.. if Simba was largely responsible for Scar's death, and if we all have to take control of our actions, and if killing is NEVER the answer, then isn't Simba, logically, just as bad as Scar?

unregistered user
July 31st, 2005, 06:03 PM
But Simba didn't kill Scar lol

In fact, Simba didn't want to even fight with his uncle at all. He asked him to leave, Scar refused the 'offer', and nearly killed Simba again. Then made his fatal mistake (telling Simba the truth).

Then Scar and Simba began fighting. Simba flung Scar off of Pride Rock into the hyenas. Now.. notice Simba's reaction when he flings Scar down. He instantly runs over to the edge to see if Scar is alright.

Scar felt no guilt at all when he killed Mufasa and almost Simba (twice), he felt pleasure, it's apparent by his facial expressions and his actions.

The hyenas killed Scar :idiot:

If Simba had killed Scar, one could say 'eye for an eye' and all that. And then whether it was right of Simba to have done that (which he didn't btw xP ) is up to each person's own mindset.

Or to put it in Scar's words; "Truth is in the eye of the beholder" x)

July 31st, 2005, 06:04 PM
Logically but now emotionally. He did'nt want his pride to die, he did'nt want to die himself.. And he wanted to have pay back time for all the evil things that Scar did. And in this situation I think the emotially is the right.. I mean.. they're not supposed to be human. I mean.. if they were human Scar would have gone to prison!

Nala The Lion
July 31st, 2005, 10:28 PM
i don't like villans but Scar does make a good one :cool:

July 31st, 2005, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by Sombolia
Okay then, well.. if Simba was largely responsible for Scar's death, and if we all have to take control of our actions, and if killing is NEVER the answer, then isn't Simba, logically, just as bad as Scar? To say killing is NEVER the answer is a fallacy.

August 1st, 2005, 12:24 AM
Umm, about Simba never wanting to fight Scar? I think the lines, "either step down or fight," would come into play. Remember, Scar isn't normally one for fighting. He let's the hyenas do the dirty work for him. So really, Simba was the one that wanted to start the fight. He was actually using real lion behavior by doing so.

August 1st, 2005, 06:00 AM
Guys, what I posted wasn't my opinion, I was simply using their own logic against them, so to speak. I'm perfectly aware Simba didn't kill Scar, as I am also aware that Scar probably deserved to die.

August 1st, 2005, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Sombolia
I was thinking that.. :thinks: I hated CotPL. :yuck:

Taka must've been a real sissy if he got beat up by a magic white honey badger. Geez.

Originally posted by Ravoc
Yes! When I read that I just raised an eyebrow at it, "What the heck?!" x) Glad someone agrees.

Originally posted by Xinithian
Yeah, the honey badger scarring was lame. But I actually really liked CotPL, even if it did have some religious undertones.

I would want to say:

For the record, the supposed-scary stuff is that curse cast by rafiki soon after. The evil driving rafiki was futher developed in Shadow of Makei and have a so-desired scary scene about Sarabi and Elanna discovered the dark pool inside the PrideRock. Another node linking to this is in The Leonine Saga which explain the derivation of the Makei......(here passed a 1000 words essay)

but I kinda figured never a CotPL hater will through the first novel so... :cheese: I forgot what I'm gonna say

back to Scar, never a fanfic I know did a convincing job about how a sibling-murderer are produced by supposingly perfect family. to say Ahadi is selfish and cruel-hearted is just altered the problem. murdering of Mufasa itself lacks the angle of realism. Will kill an ally just to invite more powerful and distrustful ones make sense to a clever Villain? None of the famous fear-self defence or ambition-insanity formula seems fit here, Scar is perfectly conscious and bold. What I'd believe most, is that he is incredibly romantic about his supremacy over Mufasa, or rahter, the concept kingship, which he recivied too much from his self-reproach father. Ahadi was always serious about his social role and likely revalue everyone in every day. Mufasa's insensibility in a way helped him to successfully depart from his father's pawprint in his coming of age. On other hand, Scar deeply believed his father's perfectionism, and, as he turned out to be a genetic variation, the feeling of being left out and not like his father in appearing start to desocialize him. Scar in the movie chose isolated life surrounded by hyenas over his natural comfort of family and wealth reflect his belief that he lived in a much less world than his father and borther, and his subconsious desire to sorb everyone into his world. this image is not fiting Scar in his every behavior. So, I finally give up the effort to figur out "what is like of a real Scar" ,so ...
hope you had fun in reading my madness :idiot:

Nala The Lion
August 1st, 2005, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Shatara
To say killing is NEVER the answer is a fallacy.

thats were the saying never says never comes in :p

August 1st, 2005, 12:42 PM
I don't think Scar is pure evil, although obviously not a nice guy. I suspect he became disillusioned with all his daddy's junk about how Mufasa is the rightful king, and hence grew hostile to Mufasaism. I can't blame him.

That said, he is not a character who I admire. He proved to be incompetent as a ruler during the drought (although whether Mufasa would have been any better had he ruled during such a time is something we can't be sure about), and he was a murder-plotter as well.

And then there's his law about reserving hunting to lionesses. I took that as restricting the starving hyenas to scrounge on the lionesses' leftovers (I assume that finding a comprimise between the hyenas and the prejudiced lionesses was involved).

C'mon, does anyone really believe the ridiculous, anti-hyena assumptions that the hyenas were too lazy to do their own hunting? They have been shown to be perfectly willing to hunt on their own.

Melody of Scar
August 1st, 2005, 05:43 PM
Wow. Soo many opinions... o.o

I think Scar is the best Disney villian. I've always loved his attitude and hhis song and his character design ( those eyes... @.@ )

I think that Scar was obviously bitter about not being able to rule, but he still loved his brother. Not for a second do I believe that Scar ever hated Mufasa entirely. He was Mufasa's younger brother, and somewhere in his heart he loved him. Yes, even as he was throwing him off a cliff, Scar loved his brother. Because I just don't think that siblings can ever truly hate each other with every inch of their being. I also think that Scar banning the name Mufasa from ever being spoken was because he hurt inside about what he did and didn't want to be reminded. This is, however, my belief and it may not be at all true.

Furthermore, I think he was a true villian. There's no doubt he intended to kill Mufasa and Simba, and he showed no outward remorse after they both "died". He didn't stop the hyenas from ruining the Pridelands. And he was absolutely insane, although quite possibly one of the smartest villians to be created *ever*. I mean, he went for so long without his deeds being caught because it was so well planned. If he had gotten his way, there would have been no flaws and he would have ruled until Kovu was old enough to take over. ( Or Nala found help, whichever route you wanna take - I'm going for the former. ^_~ ) He may have been misunderstood, but his intentions after Simba's birth were clear. He wanted them dead so he could rule. And yes, while I do think part of him loved Mufasa, his desire to be king overruled any love he felt and drove him to plan first the Elephant Graveyard ordeal and then the double murder.

August 2nd, 2005, 08:06 AM
He didn't stop the hyenas from ruining the Pridelands.

It was a drought; the hyenas probably had nothing to do with it.

unregistered user
August 2nd, 2005, 08:33 AM
Personally, I think the story writers wanted us to believe that due to Scar's bad and unrightful leadership, the lands suffered. The hyenas only added to it.

August 4th, 2005, 03:15 PM
Like others said, without him I wouldn't like it as much as I do now. When I was younger, I loved it. But I didn't get obssessive until I was watching it with my little cousins, and I started realising the things me and Scar have in comman. I lurve him, though...a true fan girl ::sigh::.

August 4th, 2005, 03:32 PM
No argument here that Scars character was well defined and represented. When i think about scar, i think about Die Hard:With a vengeance, where Jermey Irons also played a villan :evilgrin:

It is true however, that without Scar, there would be little story to revolve around, and Id probably hate tlk then.

August 4th, 2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by Shoukai
When i think about scar, i think about Die Hard:With a vengeance, where Jermey Irons also played a villan :evilgrin: It's just the opposite for me...When I watch Die Hard WaV I think of Scar :p

...when I first saw that movie, I turned it on during one of the phone things. I was leik 'd00d! It's Scar!' :evilgrin:

September 11th, 2005, 04:01 AM
Scar, Scar, hmmm? Interesting question for an interesting character - and indeed, if anyone denies how "multi-layered" TLK is, careful observation of Scar will soon set them straight. He is, symbolically, similar to the movie itself in many ways, but the complete opposite of it in others. Like TLK, it's possible to look at him in nearly as many possible lights known to man: from "just plain evil" to "evil, but in a good way" all the way through to "omghesfrikinSEX!!!!111" (Not that I'd personally go that far, mind you. No siree. :hehe: ) But above all, the thing that I find somewhat appealing about him (even though I don't technically "like" him - it's a fine line, bebe!) is how he pretty much embodies all the characteristics most reasonably well-read people will tell you filmmakers and audiences alike should look for in an antagonist - a piece of cake to dislike as a "person" and hardly much cop as a ruler at all, but just oozing the kind of subtle sarcastic wit the movie needs to be near-perfect, which is indeed entertaining provided you know he won't actually come out on top ultimately. And, if you're a devoted film fanatic, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out he won't (this is Disney, after all). ;)

(STOP PRESS! Lea's own Pumbaaholic LIVES!!! :gasp:gasp:gasp: Post-summer stress is a fickle mistress, indeed...)