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June 30th, 2005, 02:46 AM
Never heard of canned hunting? Neither have I, until a few minutes ago. Canned hunting is a sick "sport"(if it even is that) where some idiots, most of which don't even have very good hunting skills, shoot a captive exotic animal at close range. They don't care if the poor thing is endangered or not. All they want is money. Most of you probably don't know what canned hunting is, it is because these sickos don't want anyone to know about this. Well, now we do. Here's what a friend of mine wrote about what she saw in a video...

"You can remain totally anonyomous, I have seen video footage of canned hunts but had no idea how I could help end them until now. It is one of the most disturbing things you'll ever see - picture this. A group of hunters unloads from one truck, another group unloading two metal boxes from another. They open the first, which reveals a cage holding a nervous lioness. SHe's chained to the cage. The door is opened, she snarls, and runs until the chain goes tight. Bang. The lion trips up, but drags itself on, apparantly in horrendous pain (there is a large wound on one of the hind thighs.) Shot rings out again. The lion is hit in the ribs, but still does not fall. This time the shooter approaches as close as it can and shoots the lion in the neck from almost point-blank range. It flinches, falls, and lies still. It is placed back into the first cage, the second is opened. It shows a small gazelle. This one is not chained, but is shot the moment it leaves the cage, twice before it too, dies."

There is a petition that you can sign here (http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/243034308?z00m=25444&z00m=25444&ltl=1120099478) to help stop this madness. You can even put yourself down as an anonymous, if you don't want to be known. I'm not forcing you to sign. This is for you to decide. I am just here to spread awareness.

June 30th, 2005, 02:54 AM
I got that e-mail too. I am a member of Care2 and Defenders of Wildlife. Unfortunatly, these petitions do nothing. The people in charge of things things don't care, the US secretary of agriculture would rather kill than save agriculture, and George W. Bush has about as much knowledge of these things as any greedy self absorbed politition.

As I said before, all the petitions are rteally good for are gaining attention, whch is a huge plus in its self. I am personally going to work on this campaign though. It WOULD be illegal to shoot and killed a chained lioness as lions are endangered speies. This is the reason these events are so well hidden. What we need to do is put the spotlight on these people. Spread the message!

June 30th, 2005, 02:58 AM
Thanks for telling me, Roquivo. I'm already aware that most people don't care. After all, I found that for every animal in the world, there are about 10 people who could care less. It's sad statistics, but you're right. Spreading awareness should help! Thank you, again.:D

June 30th, 2005, 03:01 AM
Petition signed. This is just wrong IMO. Canned hunters should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law!

I've heard of canned hunts before, but never knew what I could do about it. Thanks Katse and Roquivo! :)

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 03:03 AM
This topic has been on this forum before.. sadly it caused a mild flame war among most of the members.

I'm personally begging everyone to remain civilized when replying to this thread, let us not repeat history?

It is a sad thing to think of this happening to anything. Giving the animals a false hope of freedom before taking their life..

June 30th, 2005, 03:04 AM
What is there to fight about? How can anybody agree with this insanity?

I will respect your wishes, Ravoc, and won't start anything, but if anyone on this forum actually agrees with this garbage, I will lost all respect for them, and will probably avoid them. This is one of the few times where I simply can't accept the opposite opinion.

I signed, and sent e-mails to everyone on my list. This will be a top priority campaign for me, right up there with the aireal wolf slaughter that I have been working on for months.

June 30th, 2005, 03:04 AM
Oh, dangit. It's been here before? :confused: Well, yes, what Ravoc said. Please be respectful of everyone's opinions and don't take things personally that aren't. I know it might be difficult for some, but please.

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 03:18 AM
Hmm.. nah, I think I might've been wrong, this specific topic was not posted before, I don't think.. maybe. But something very similar to it was. So yes, please no fighting -.-;

And Roq, as answer to your question. I don't know how they could approve of this but.. ><

June 30th, 2005, 04:23 AM
Ravoc, I think the thread you are refering to was about hunting in general...if we're thinking about the same thread...:cheese:

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 04:50 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are thinking aobut the same thread Roogie ;)

June 30th, 2005, 04:56 AM
I agree with hunting, mainly because I used to hunt, but I don't agree with cage hunting, flashlight blinding, the use of assault weapons, or the use of explosives. I'm also not too fond of decoys, seems a bit cheap to me; also don't agree with mutilating a body outside of what's needed to get meat from it, not right to disrespect any kind of dead body. Canned hunting is morally wrong, IMO.

June 30th, 2005, 04:59 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we are thinking aobut the same thread Roogie ;)

You know what that means......We think Alike...:D...Pleasent dreams.....:evilgrin:

And Canned Hunting is very evil, hopefully the hunting community will not consider Canned "Hunters" real hunters at all.

June 30th, 2005, 05:09 AM
Before I take my break, I must say : petiton definately signed! That's just sick.:grrr:

June 30th, 2005, 05:19 AM
:grrr: I really despise the ppl involved with canned hunting.

Posted by Lion_Roog

And Canned Hunting is very evil, hopefully the hunting community will not consider Canned "Hunters" real hunters at all.

Most serious hunting organizations (as much as I dislike them on a personal level) disapprove of canned hunts.

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 05:30 AM
I forgot to sign it ^^; *signed*

2 Die FR
June 30th, 2005, 05:38 AM
I signed too. Like you guys said, it won't make any real difference to resolve the situation, but I felt like I had to do SOMEthing...

King Simba
June 30th, 2005, 06:58 AM
I signed it. It's obvious something really needs to be done about all this. Thanks for the link Katse. I'm glad I could help out a little. =)

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 07:02 AM
What's really amazing is that that petition was made today according to that website... and it's already got over 8,000, near 9,000 signatures.

June 30th, 2005, 08:45 AM
Interesting, really. However, I don't know if it's "cruel", or "sick", when compared to what you're willing to let animals go through to get food. :lol:

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 08:50 AM
What do you mean Neph?

June 30th, 2005, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
What do you mean Neph?

Well. To make one thing clear, I certainly do not agree with canned hunting. However, killing an animal there and then, in a short period of time, seems a lot more humane than food factories. To me it seems like a far crueler thing are the food factories; food factories where, for example, large numbers of chickens have their beaks burnt off (despite them having nerves in them) so that they don't kill each other because of the conditions they have to endure- large numbers of them in tiny cages, fed drugs that cause them to put on so much weight so unnaturally their own legs break from the weight, being beaten to death in slow and painful ways... well, you get the idea.

June 30th, 2005, 11:40 AM
Yes, Neph, I've heard of what you're talking about. Most of the places that do that are outside of the U.S.(no offense to anyone). The USDA or whoever deals with that outlaws those methods. I find it cruel, yes, but, don't get me started on a whole debate about humans eating meat(I'm in an Agriculture class, so just don't.). I know they're more humane with chickens now. Exactly what they do to them now, I'm not so sure. My Ag. teacher like cattle, so that's what we mostly learned about when it came to butcher factories.

Thanks everyone for the support. It means a lot, at least to me!

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 07:49 PM
Ah okay, I thought you were talking about animals finding food or something for a minute there Neph :idiot:

But yeah.. the food facorites do sicken me, when I learnt about KFC's cruelty to chickens I quit eating there altogether and until I hear it has been stopped, I won't eat there again.

June 30th, 2005, 09:48 PM
For once, I actually agree with Neph! (Nothing against her, we are just total opposites) I do not eat fast food. Not only is it inhumane to the animals that are eaten, but it is just as inhumane to us. Fast food is worse for people then candy these days. All the calories make me gag just thinking about them.

I also agree with Pntbll about hunting. Although I would never have the heqart to do it, I have no problem with hunting for food or nessesary suplies for survival. (Thanks to WhiteWolf for reminding me that some people use fur to keep warm. I was very stubborn on that front). However, I do not agree with sport or trophy hunting in any way shape or form. Some people are so cold hearted

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Roquivo
For once, I actually agree with Neph! (Nothing against her, we are just total opposites) I do not eat fast food. Not only is it inhumane to the animals that are eaten, but it is just as inhumane to us. Fast food is worse for people then candy these days. All the calories make me gag just thinking about them.

I also agree with Pntbll about hunting. Although I would never have the heqart to do it, I have no problem with hunting for food or nessesary suplies for survival. (Thanks to WhiteWolf for reminding me that some people use fur to keep warm. I was very stubborn on that front). However, I do not agree with sport or trophy hunting in any way shape or form. Some people are so cold hearted

Have you tried the micrib lately? I like to over salt mine. :cheese:

June 30th, 2005, 09:54 PM
The only fast food thing I ever eat is french fries. BTW, meat is bad for your arteries because it can clog up your throat...the reason I don't eat meat is that it's animal. I mean, really, would you really want to be eating a cow or a pig? I mean, that's just gross, IMO.

June 30th, 2005, 09:58 PM
Sadly, Suki, I could not survive without meat. My matabolism is too fast. I really have no problem with eating me, because it is part of nature. Humans are omnivors. To put it into TLK terms, humans eat the pigs and cows. When we die, our bodies become the grass. OK, I don't know about pigs, but cows eat the grass. Therefor, we are all connested in a very arkward Circle of Life.

However, I pride vegetarians for their big hearts.

Phantom, what is micrib?:confused:

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Roquivo
Sadly, Suki, I could not survive without meat. My matabolism is too fast. I really have no problem with eating me, because it is part of nature. Humans are omnivors. To put it into TLK terms, humans eat the pigs and cows. When we die, our bodies become the grass. OK, I don't know about pigs, but cows eat the grass. Therefor, we are all connested in a very arkward Circle of Life.

However, I pride vegetarians for their big hearts.

Phantom, what is micrib?:confused:

It's a sandwich at Mcdonalds and I was just messing with ya! :noogie:

But seriously, I love eating animals I'm gonna burn in hell! :jejeje:

June 30th, 2005, 10:02 PM
Signed it
If you can't hunt in the wild and you must use this kind of method you should not hunt at all

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 10:16 PM
I'm sorry Phantom but after hearing what McDonalds of all business are doing to animals and the Amazon Rain Forest.. I really can't find any humor in your sarcasm. Usually sarcasm appeals to me, but when it comes to that.. I just can't. =/

A size of Rhode Island is being taken out of the Amazon rainforest (it was either every day or every week, I can't remember) for McDonalds to use the land for cattle farming. And after the cows are fat enough they murder them in a grotesque way. Others know more about the cattle more than I do, it would be best to get input fromt hem aobut that, I only know about the Amazon.

I really loathe McDonalds and everything they stand for (except for their health clinics for children, that is the only thing).

June 30th, 2005, 10:51 PM
Ravoc, I completely agree with you about being against McDonalds and the Amazon issue. It's not just there, but other people do it, too. Cows are the most destructive of the market animals, next to sheep. That is why I barely eat beef anymore. To explain the way they kill the cattle for meat is that they shoot the animal in the head(if I remember correctly from what my teacher told me, him being a former butcher, himself). It used to be worse, but this is the most "humane" they can think of right now.

Most of the information about meat factories you have been hearing about are most likely coming from PETA. I don't mean to offend anyone if they support them, but they are extremists, to a point where it's false and dangerous. Any footage they have captured and claimed that are going on in the US are completely wrong. Once again, it's what's going on outside of the US.

I completely respect all vegetarians and sometimes wish that I could be one. It's very hard for me because of my Hispanic culture and upbringing. I just look at it as, like Roquivo said, the Circle of Life. Humans can't live without meat. It has been proven.

unregistered user
June 30th, 2005, 11:04 PM
That is basically my view as well Katse and Roq. I can't give meat up, I like it way too much.

And yes, most of the info I receive about animal cruelty does come from PETA. I hate PETA, I'll tell anyone that I hate them. But they're my only information source besides the news (which isn't reporting on anything concerning animals at all). I know PETA is biased beyond words as well. And the sad thing is witht heir extreme behavior they do more harm for animal and nature lovers than good. They make other people who could possibly help nature not want to based off of their stupidity. No one wants to get involved with them <<

And thus, PETA must be banished to the place that we don't speak of ;) Seriously.. they should >>

June 30th, 2005, 11:38 PM
I believe there was a post made about Peta (The one stunt they pulled with the giant meat trays at the state building near my home, that WhiteWolf posted), and I don't think a single person had anything good to say about them. As much as I love animals, I am nolt about to blow up a building full of people because they use animals for experimentations. Depending on what the experiments were prooving, Id'e either try to stop them in a civilized manner, or let them go if they were working on Cancer or some other uncurable deasease.

The difference between Defenders of Wildlife and Peta(People for the ethical treatment of animals), is that Dof puts humans and animals on the same level while PETA puts them above humans.

July 1st, 2005, 10:43 AM
Sick minded ppl who would want to hurt animals:die: :grrr: they shall burn in hell for ever... Animals don't deserve this i am afraid, they were here before humans. and yet these ppl think it is clever and big to tease tormeant and torture such beautiful creations.:roars:
It is just wrong if anybody should ban huntting Canned is the one for banning, not fox hunting and that kind of stuff, because that is pathetic aswell,:alone: if the animals turned on humans i wouldn't blame them...
If i ever caught ppl doing this i think i would kill them...
I hate money, okay we need it to survive, and i have money but what they do to make money i can't agree with it, and i did become a vegi because of what i heard but my mum said she didn't want to, cook seperately... I try and avoid places like Mc donalds, and KFC...
And usually when i go to my dad i stick with the vegi meals...
I have been put off of beef though.:stop:

I can't believe they would shot a lion though, and chickens I love chickens... alive of course cause they are so humourous to watch...
I love all my animals...
I am a soft hearted person, just depends on what circumstances are, if the animal killed the humans, i am just too soft hearted and blame the humans , but the humans killing animals, uh i still blame the humans... Damn the money greedy PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have no sypathy for these type. I hate hurting animals but if there is an animal that is nearly dead i would do what it most probably wants me to do, to put it outta pain, but that is how i have been taught, of course if i think the animal will live then i would take it home and take it to the vets or if i can't be bothered i would do it my self... :ayecapn:

July 1st, 2005, 02:38 PM
I sense a double-standard.

I personally can't easily comprehend how someone could say that an animal has the same value as a person, but that doesn't mean that I think animals should be treated how they are in society.

July 1st, 2005, 05:27 PM

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 05:30 PM
Pntbll, the Bible itself says animals are valued the same as humans. The only difference is that God said we have the right to eat them etc. etc.. ;)

Anyway, great news! The petition is half way to its goal!

July 1st, 2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Anyway, great news! The petition is half way to its goal!

That's awesome news! I made another thread like this on Lilymud, too. Maybe that'll help.

King Simba
July 1st, 2005, 05:39 PM
Originally posted by Katse
That's awesome news! I made another thread like this on Lilymud, too. Maybe that'll help.
I'm almost certain a lot of members over at Lilymud would love to help out also. :cheese:

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
I'm sorry Phantom but after hearing what McDonalds of all business are doing to animals and the Amazon Rain Forest.. I really can't find any humor in your sarcasm. Usually sarcasm appeals to me, but when it comes to that.. I just can't. =/

A size of Rhode Island is being taken out of the Amazon rainforest (it was either every day or every week, I can't remember) for McDonalds to use the land for cattle farming. And after the cows are fat enough they murder them in a grotesque way. Others know more about the cattle more than I do, it would be best to get input fromt hem aobut that, I only know about the Amazon.

I really loathe McDonalds and everything they stand for (except for their health clinics for children, that is the only thing).

I've always been partial to the fish sandwich. :cheese:

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 06:09 PM
Heh, well I suppose the fish is better, personally though I've gotten food poisoning fromt heir fish fillet >< And one of my sisters has as well. Another sibling got sick from a Big Mac. And the rest of my family has been ill from some other type of McDonald's food. We stick with fries ^^

July 1st, 2005, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Pntbll, the Bible itself says animals are valued the same as humans. The only difference is that God said we have the right to eat them etc. etc.. ;)

I'm not saying you're wrong, but where does it say that? I've heard people say that the bible bans cars or hair gel, they weren't able to back up either.

July 1st, 2005, 07:03 PM
I'm not really going by the Bible whether if animals should be considered equal to humans. If it's in there, great, if not, doesn't matter. Animals are just as good as humans, just in different ways. Thus, they should be treated accordingly. Unfortunately, most of the human populations doesn't think the same and just because we use tools, we're better. Frankly, I'm getting sick of being considered a "superior" race and all animals are considered dumb because they don't do the same things we do or don't speak our language. Animals have abilities that humans can't compare to and so, must build something so to make themselves seem "better" than the animal. They have abilities that are long gone in us.

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 07:15 PM
*points to his siggy* If anyone ever read my signature Bible links they could see for themselves ^^ Ecclesiastics chapter 3 verses 19-21 ;)

July 1st, 2005, 07:15 PM
I'm not saying animals are dumb or should be treated badly, but in all truth, if it came down to the life of a human or the life of an animal (or even a million animals), I personally would take the human in any situation without a second thought

Edit: Mathew 6:25-6:28 . I absolutely hate using "Proof phrases" from the bible, but there's two sides to that argument now at least. I'm not in the mood to get into religion though.

July 1st, 2005, 07:19 PM
That's your opinion, pntbll, and I respect that. My post wasn't targeted at you at all, it's just how I feel about most humans now....That didn't come out right...PX

July 1st, 2005, 07:29 PM
I know, I never assume that anyone is directing something towards me when they make a broad statement, unless it really seems like they're trying to get a point across that they are trying to be offensive :p (Like, I don't mind that I constantly hear on this forum that hunters are murders or that so-and-so hates hunters, even though I hunt; I do, however, take it personally when someone insults something much deeper or something that's not within my control, like homosexuals/bisexuals, Americans, causcasians, etc...)

July 1st, 2005, 07:35 PM
I certainly can't do hunting myself. I'm too soft for animals. I only believe in hunting when it is absolutely neccassary, as in for food and such. I also don't mind it when they use all of the animal, but not for trophies and that kind of thing. I find trophy hunting, poaching, and canned hunting to be very wrong. It's just my opinion, though.

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 07:50 PM
I second your statement Katse, and I stand by my own stance on what Eccl. has to say about the whole thing. But I think the fact that later on it says otherwise could be refering tot he fact that we as humans were granted the right to hunt animals.

July 1st, 2005, 07:52 PM
I haven't been hunting this year or last, mostly because of my job taking up most of my time, but i always eat what I shoot. I'm not really into killing things, as a personal preference, I just like venicin (or however you spell it) and not many places sell it :p

@ Ravoc: Exactly. And the Ecc. could be taken differently also; thus proves my point that there's as many versions of the bible as there are Christians, we each take things differently.

July 1st, 2005, 08:11 PM
So.... men were given the right to hunt animals. Does that mean animals....weren't?P:[/silly]

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 08:14 PM
Animals are given the right to hunt each other. Now that is a scripture that I do not hav eon me right now. But I'd suggest looking in Genesis, near the beginning, after original sin took place.

July 1st, 2005, 08:22 PM
Alrightythen, thank ye!^^

unregistered user
July 1st, 2005, 08:26 PM
Yeps ;) Glad to be of help,a nd then not be of much help later on xP

July 2nd, 2005, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
That is basically my view as well Katse and Roq. I can't give meat up, I like it way too much.

And yes, most of the info I receive about animal cruelty does come from PETA. I hate PETA, I'll tell anyone that I hate them. But they're my only information source besides the news (which isn't reporting on anything concerning animals at all). I know PETA is biased beyond words as well. And the sad thing is witht heir extreme behavior they do more harm for animal and nature lovers than good. They make other people who could possibly help nature not want to based off of their stupidity. No one wants to get involved with them <<

And thus, PETA must be banished to the place that we don't speak of ;) Seriously.. they should >>

We could send them to the outlands lol...

Wha!!!! Humans clever, okay i admmit we have some real clever ppl *respect to those* But what a joke, humans superior, it is most probably jelousy, if we were superior, we wouldn't have war, we wouldn't poverty we might not have, terrorists, this is crazy... I must be the dumbest one around, and that icludes presidents, who talk mostly outta the back of their Backsides... Animals dumb, they don't cause wars, they only fight for survival, we usual fight over oil. "Or communism"...:die: But there will never be such thing as world peace i am afraid:alone: which it does hurt knowing that we are living in that kind of enviroment, were no one can feel safe anymore.

Tigris Of Gaul
July 2nd, 2005, 01:53 PM
Humans are animals. We're far from superior or perfect. If planet earth would be destroyed with a fusion bomb, ending all human existance for all eternity it wouldn't matter one bit. It'd be like throwing a pebble in an endless sea.

If you've ever read psychology you know that humans act similar to all mammals really, driven by primal instincts and our group behavior.. well.. don't get me started.

But to be on topic: IF you accept that humans have the right to hunt animals (well, I do as long as it's -out of necessity- , not for sports) because we're superior, then by logic if there was a species superior to humans, teleporting on top of skyscrapers for instance and shooting us with ray guns for fun - YOU SHOULD FIND THAT ACCEPTABLE as well.

Because it's no different. If a superior species liked to hunt us, we'd just smile and accept the occasional people getting fried by superior weapons. By implication to the rights of the superior species, as presented by some persons on the thread, this should be the situation.


unregistered user
July 2nd, 2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Tigris Of Gaul
Humans are animals. We're far from superior or perfect. If planet earth would be destroyed with a fusion bomb, ending all human existance for all eternity it wouldn't matter one bit. It'd be like throwing a pebble in an endless sea.

If you've ever read psychology you know that humans act similar to all mammals really, driven by primal instincts and our group behavior.. well.. don't get me started.

But to be on topic: IF you accept that humans have the right to hunt animals (well, I do as long as it's -out of necessity- , not for sports) because we're superior, then by logic if there was a species superior to humans, teleporting on top of skyscrapers for instance and shooting us with ray guns for fun - YOU SHOULD FIND THAT ACCEPTABLE as well.

Because it's no different. If a superior species liked to hunt us, we'd just smile and accept the occasional people getting fried by superior weapons. By implication to the rights of the superior species, as presented by some persons on the thread, this should be the situation.


I like humans. :cheese:

unregistered user
July 2nd, 2005, 10:07 PM
Animals fight Hanshilo ;) Lions and Hyenas for a great example. They fight for territory, jus tlike humans do all the time, you could call it an ongoing war inf act. Documentaries have been made and it sure seems like a war sometimes to me the way they behave toward each other ;)

Wolves and bears can be the same way. Snakes and mongoose, different kind of fish.. there are thousands of examples o.O

We are only superior because we have the God given right to do so (for those who believe in God).

As for the alien theory, nah, like I said, we were given the right to do so, which means it's not a sin for us to kill an animal FOR FOOD.

Aliens are not mentioned in the Bible ^^ So I have no opinion on the aliens except that if they did invade it would be a war and that when in war we are all granted the right to fight for our survival xP (off topic note; funny how I just saw War of the Worlds and am talking about alien invasion xD)

July 2nd, 2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Tigris Of Gaul
Humans are animals. We're far from superior or perfect. If planet earth would be destroyed with a fusion bomb, ending all human existance for all eternity it wouldn't matter one bit. It'd be like throwing a pebble in an endless sea.

If you've ever read psychology you know that humans act similar to all mammals really, driven by primal instincts and our group behavior.. well.. don't get me started.

But to be on topic: IF you accept that humans have the right to hunt animals (well, I do as long as it's -out of necessity- , not for sports) because we're superior, then by logic if there was a species superior to humans, teleporting on top of skyscrapers for instance and shooting us with ray guns for fun - YOU SHOULD FIND THAT ACCEPTABLE as well.

Because it's no different. If a superior species liked to hunt us, we'd just smile and accept the occasional people getting fried by superior weapons. By implication to the rights of the superior species, as presented by some persons on the thread, this should be the situation.


THANK YOU. And again, THANK YOU. And just for good measure, THANK YOU.

Humans are animals. It's funny how whenever I say this to somewhere, I get a blank stare and then, "NO!! We totally r0x0rs teh stoopid animels!!" :grrr:

As for the alien theory, nah, like I said, we were given the right to do so, which means it's not a sin for us to kill an animal FOR FOOD.

But if "aliens", or whatever we're calling this superior species, had the right to hunt us (even for food), then we wouldn't have the right to fight back.

unregistered user
July 3rd, 2005, 12:12 AM
You missed the part where I said 'We hunt animals because it is a God given right (for those who believe in God)' ;)

July 3rd, 2005, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Pntbll, the Bible itself says animals are valued the same as humans. The only difference is that God said we have the right to eat them etc. etc.. ;)
What? So animals don't have the rights to kill humans, yet humans have the rights to kill animals? And where does it say this in the bible? Also, we have the right to take somebody for granted, but it doesn't make it a morally correct decision to do.

unregistered user
July 3rd, 2005, 12:19 AM
We do not have the right to kill one another accept in war or defending ourselves <<

And as I said before (if anyone actually read my posts on this thread.. -__-;;; ) I don't know where it is, I mentioned where one can look though, if they really want to find out, in the beginning of Genesis >> *points to old post by himself*

Animals have the ability to kill humans. And it doesn't say in the Bible that animals can't kill humans, it only says that Humans can and it won't be held against them for it *shrugs* It doesn't say that for the animals, tis' is all I know and all I have to say *teleports to another thread*

July 3rd, 2005, 05:56 AM
Originally posted by PhantomBPR
Have you tried the micrib lately? I like to over salt mine. :cheese:

Mmmmm! Did somebody say "micrib"?

By the way, the "McRib" is also very good; you may want to try that next time you visit your local micdonalds... err..umm... McDonalds.

July 3rd, 2005, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by Xinithian
What? So animals don't have the rights to kill humans, yet humans have the rights to kill animals? And where does it say this in the bible?

Genesis 9:2-3: And the fear of you and the terror of you shall be on every beast of the earth and on every bird of the sky; with everything that creeps on the ground, and all the fish of the sea, into your hand they are given. Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.

Tigris Of Gaul
July 3rd, 2005, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by PhantomBPR
I like humans. :cheese:

Considering the toothiness of the smiley and its name, you forgot to add ".. with cheese" after your sentence.


unregistered user
July 3rd, 2005, 05:20 PM
Ah, thank you Neph *:hugs: t3h Neph*

July 3rd, 2005, 09:56 PM
While I still don't see an animal having the same intrinsic (sp?) value as a person, I do think that if God gave us "dominion" over the Earth and the animals/plants on it (Gen. 1:28; KJV), we'd better not go around mistreating them. If someone gives you a house-sitting job (watching someone's house while they're away), you don't go tearing the house up. My personal belief is that the animals belong to nature, which belongs to God, and it's not good to mess up things that belong to God.

As for animals having equal worth as a human, I still don't believe that. I believe that an animal has just as much of a right to life as a human, as does a plant, insect, etc... But as a human, I don't feel bad saying that my species comes first when it comes down to important decisions. We don't expect a lion to look out for a human before it looks out for its own kind, and thus a human doesn't look out for another animal before it's own kind. I don't blame a dog if it hurts a person out of self-defense, it was protecting itself, but I do think it needs rehabilitated or put down so that it's not a threat to another human. Why? Because I'm looking out for my own kind before I look out for that dog.

July 4th, 2005, 08:33 AM
I agree with Pntbll...it's natural to look out for your own kind first...all animals do it...:cheese:

As for the meat thing, there's nothing wrong in eating meat, but there is something wrong in treating animals in an inhumane way just for the sake of meat. I prefer the Native American apporach to animals, whenever I learn about Native American heratige, it seems to me that they really appreciated the animal to which they got food and other resources from..:cheese: