View Full Version : What does your name mean?
June 23rd, 2005, 09:09 PM
Actually, I don't even know all of your real names. I was just wondering what they were and their meanings--only if you feel comfortable about posting them of course.
Everyone calls me Mooni because I forbid anyone to call me by my real name (and you better not tell it either reina ;) ) but it's moon in a different language. I wonder if that's where my dad got Mooni from :confused:
June 23rd, 2005, 09:11 PM
well, mine is german for "I love Nala"
King Simba
June 23rd, 2005, 09:12 PM
Mine name here is just 'King Simba'. It doesn't really mean anything. :hmm:
June 23rd, 2005, 09:14 PM
Just to point it out... we have a number of threads about this topic already.
But anyway... Aziri goes on the end of a number of words in Swahili to mean... degrade... disgrace... humiliate... etc.
My old name Ghalati means... a lie, falsehood, mistake (in Swahili).
June 23rd, 2005, 09:15 PM
KS, yours just means King Lion.:p
Mine means "cat" in the Northern Sotho Dialect. I also refuse to use my real name. Security reason, you know
King Simba
June 23rd, 2005, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Katse
KS, yours just means King Lion.:p
Yeah, I was gonna say that but I knew people would know it already. ;)
June 23rd, 2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Aziri
Just to point it out... we have a number of threads about this topic already.
But anyway... Aziri goes on the end of a number of words in Swahili to mean... degrade... disgrace... humiliate... etc.
My old name Ghalati means... a lie, falsehood, mistake (in Swahili).
Thanks for letting me know that. I'm such a newb. :p
Lucy Lioness
June 23rd, 2005, 09:19 PM
Well my username Lucy Lioness, is just my name with Lioness, because this is a TLK forum I thought it would sound better. :D
Lucy is derived from the Latin word for light! :D
June 23rd, 2005, 09:19 PM
Nah. You aren't a n00b. Lots of people forget about the search function. I've done the same thing... many times.
June 23rd, 2005, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Lucy Lioness
Well my username Lucy Lioness, is just my name with Lioness, because this is a TLK forum I thought it would sound better. :D
Lucy is derived from the Latin word for light! :D
All this time I've heard that name, I never knew that. It's kinda like the Spanish word for light too, which is luz
June 23rd, 2005, 09:26 PM
*cough* Lock, lock.
June 23rd, 2005, 09:27 PM
Pntbll means paintball, without the vowels :p
Some people prefer to call me by my first name, Ryan. I dun care if someone knows my name, or even my whole name, worst that happens is some psycho killer finds me and cuts me into little pieces :p
Why? Seems like a perfectly valid thread to me. Yes, there's duplicates, but they're all probably at least a month and a half old, meaning they could be considered dead by most forum standards. That, and with the flood of new members since the time when a thread like this was new, there's at least twenty people who haven't said why their name is what it is. Just my personal opinion.
June 23rd, 2005, 09:29 PM
Monai doesn't mean anything... XD
And my real name (Andy) means strong, manly. :cheese:
June 23rd, 2005, 09:30 PM
hmmm my is easy white and wolf add it together you get WHitewolf =D
June 23rd, 2005, 10:22 PM
My name Avalon means in elvish(LOTR) "The One closest to Heaven", and the elvish word for it is Avallon?, but apprt from that I really have no idea what it means. If somebody know please tell me..:)
June 23rd, 2005, 10:23 PM
This name - Sombolia - doesn't mean anything, I just made it up.
My name on TLKFAA - Sirius - means "dog" in Latin. It's also the name for the star Canis Major - Sirius the Dog Star.
June 23rd, 2005, 10:26 PM
^I read that in a book about ancient Egypt...or was it somewhere else?:thinks:
unregistered user
June 23rd, 2005, 10:30 PM
guntur - Flash of light
Zuleffendi - Follow with monai (Andy)
June 23rd, 2005, 10:33 PM
I wonder if you two ARE strong and manly:browlift:
unregistered user
June 23rd, 2005, 10:34 PM
in crazy part:p
im strong.. for reina:p
June 23rd, 2005, 10:36 PM
Good God!! My sister has a stalker!!:eek:
June 23rd, 2005, 10:39 PM
There is an Eqyptian god named Osiris, maybe that's who you're thinking of? ;)
unregistered user
June 23rd, 2005, 10:40 PM
Boos means mad in dutch..well..I think so anyways.
Im not sure if its mad like insane or mad like angry.
I have to ask someone dutch!
June 23rd, 2005, 10:41 PM
to sombolia:
nah, it's not the word I'm getting mixed up with, it's the book...
King Simba
June 23rd, 2005, 10:42 PM
Btw, my name in real life means 'Irish Hill'. :eww:
June 23rd, 2005, 10:46 PM
^ Hey, it's better than "hay". :P
unregistered user
June 23rd, 2005, 10:49 PM
My name means my name. >;]
June 23rd, 2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by King Simba
Btw, my name in real life means 'Irish Hill'. :eww:
hmmm, intregue (sp?)
what's your real name then?
June 23rd, 2005, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by John
My name means my name. >;]
your name means gracious
June 23rd, 2005, 11:19 PM
My name, Alli, or allison means of noble birth or honorable.
June 23rd, 2005, 11:26 PM
well, i dunno about Daniel, but 'Armstrong' is of Scottish nickname origin. It was during a battle, and the king was shot, and a man on a horse lifted the king up with one arm and carried him to safety. The King then called him 'Strong in the Arm', and that became Armstrong!
June 24th, 2005, 03:17 AM
Well, my real name and Muruwa both mean gracious/graceful (some places say my name means gracious and some say graceful).
June 24th, 2005, 06:12 AM
Mizani means "pondering" in Swahili.
I'm such a weirdo:D
June 24th, 2005, 07:53 AM
weeeeelllll i think Dyani is Native American (LOVE those indians lool) and it means "deer"..........just sounded nice so i picked it lool
my real name is Amy......french for "beloved" :yuck:
i dont like my name......lool :nukawha:
hey dan...interesting last name meaning........wat do u think Heaton means?(my last name)
June 24th, 2005, 09:30 AM
Heaton: (origin: Saxon. Local) The high town or hill, from Hea, high, and ton.
hope that helps! (quick searh engine job, dont know anydetails ;))
June 24th, 2005, 09:59 AM
looolness.......i didnt know it was Saxon!!Its from Yorkshire anyway as my parents come from there....lool......and Yorkshire is hilly!!! ;)
June 24th, 2005, 10:03 AM
hehe, i'm from Yorkshire!
but my name is Scottish :confused:
June 24th, 2005, 10:08 AM
LOOOL where abouts u live in Yorkshire?? ;) my parenst came from a place called Huddersfield......LOVE IT MAN!!
June 24th, 2005, 10:13 AM
My name means "birth-day" :D
June 24th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Iestyn is Welsh for Justin.
June 24th, 2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Dyani
LOOOL where abouts u live in Yorkshire?? ;) my parenst came from a place called Huddersfield......LOVE IT MAN!!
well, i live close to huddersfield. in a place called Brighouse...
June 24th, 2005, 10:29 AM
I LOVE BRIGHOUSE!!! the Brighouse charity shops r the best around normally!! (CHARITY SHOPS RULE!!) :bleen:
Originally posted by nathalie
My name means "birth-day" :D
woooW!! ur name means birthday?? how groovy is that??? LOOL
Originally posted by Iestyn
Iestyn is Welsh for Justin.
I like Justin......and wales is lovely......Iestyn how do u pronounce that?:D
June 24th, 2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Dyani
I like Justin......and wales is lovely......Iestyn how do u pronounce that?:D
You pronounce it as if it were spelled Yestin. And yes, I heart Wales too x)
June 24th, 2005, 10:34 AM
looool groovy
June 24th, 2005, 10:46 AM
I like Welsh...especially their jams....:D
June 24th, 2005, 11:12 AM
My user name is Mehndi (the dye used for skin in Indian cultures) with the X since MehndiX and SimbaX are mated as the owner of SimbaX and I are married (their married name became the X)
As for my real name it's Catherine, but I go by Kate, Catherine means Pure, and my old last name was O'Connor (Son of Connor I've been told), so I was Pure Son of Connor. I haven't got any idea what my last name now means since it's very rare, Scheckenbacher.
June 24th, 2005, 02:11 PM
la_reina is Spanish for ''the queen'' :diva:
Habibah (my middle name) means ''beloved'' or ''sweetheart'' :D
June 24th, 2005, 02:32 PM
I chose Nalinda.. My real name is Linda and I love Nala, so I mixed them up so the result became Nalinda =)
King Simba
June 24th, 2005, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Nalinda
I chose Nalinda.. My real name is Linda and I love Nala, so I mixed them up so the result became Nalinda =)
I've always thought your name was a nice combination between the two. :cheese:
June 24th, 2005, 02:41 PM
I didn't know it was a combination, but I always liked it :D
June 24th, 2005, 02:58 PM
you people have cool names. my middle name is Husna, which is Arabic for beautiful.
unregistered user
June 24th, 2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by la_reina
la_reina is Spanish for ''the queen'' :diva:
Habibah (my middle name) means ''beloved'' or ''sweetheart'' :D
hmm...can i call you sweetheart:p
June 24th, 2005, 04:45 PM
I don't want to be called by my middle name period but some just insist on doing so :grrr:
unregistered user
June 24th, 2005, 05:50 PM
My name means "God is my judge", you will have to figure out what name it is yourself :P
Its a hebrew name in origin.
June 24th, 2005, 09:08 PM
Boos, is your real name Daniel?
June 24th, 2005, 09:09 PM
cool! my name means God is my Judge!
that's well groovy!
EDIT: my middle name means 'Gift of God'
well, God likes me!
unregistered user
June 24th, 2005, 09:11 PM
Aye, my name is Daniel :E
June 24th, 2005, 09:26 PM
hehe, mine too!
Us Daniel's will dominate the world!
*cough cough*
sorry, had an evil dictator moment
unregistered user
June 24th, 2005, 09:44 PM
No worries Daniel...I have them sometimes myself ;o
June 24th, 2005, 09:47 PM
hehe, thanks Daniel...
did i tell you that you have a really cool name? :evilgrin:
June 24th, 2005, 10:01 PM
My little brother's middle name is Daniel! Daniels 4 life homeys! *giggles*
unregistered user
June 24th, 2005, 10:02 PM
Daniel for life hommies!!!!!!!
June 24th, 2005, 11:36 PM
My grandfather's name is Daniel, and my uncle's and my cousin's. There can never be too many.
unregistered user
June 25th, 2005, 12:00 AM
Phantom = Ghost
BPR = My initials
while I'm not a ghost, it was just a cool name I thought up. My real name is Bryan, but I can't rember what it means. :confused:
June 25th, 2005, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by PhantomBPR
Phantom = Ghost
BPR = My initials
while I'm not a ghost, it was just a cool name I thought up. My real name is Bryan, but I can't rember what it means. :confused:
your name means strong one :cheese:
June 25th, 2005, 12:05 AM
In my high school, my english class have a short story of North American Indian saga. And all the characters are named like Ow-la-hi-tu-we, Li-lu-kan-ba. they are ancient spirit of animals, plants and earth(of course you know Indians). So I give myself a name:Hu-ma-ta-ta (it really has nothing to do with Hakuna Matata, I didn't know this phrase back then). I use it as my cyber-identification till I found it's too wordy and changed it to Huma. Now I only use Hu-ma-ta-ta in CS, and all of them have no meaning at all (or ones I havn't found out)
My real name means "China" or "specious":evilgrin:
unregistered user
June 25th, 2005, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by moonibear
your name means strong one :cheese:
oh yeah, me forget. :cheese:
June 25th, 2005, 12:16 AM
Roquivo is an original name. It has no real meaning. My real name, Joshua, is Hebrew for "The Lord is my Savior".
unregistered user
June 25th, 2005, 12:46 AM
my full name
Zuleffendi b Zulkifli
June 25th, 2005, 03:43 PM
So is your dad's name zulkifli?
June 25th, 2005, 03:59 PM
my name means
.polite,smart and carries
.....exsakt what am not.....
i dont know exsaklty i dont rimember but it lies towerds what i type up there...
unregistered user
June 25th, 2005, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Guntur
my full name
Zuleffendi b Zulkifli
:gasp: whoa! Is it just me, or is it easier to say Zack? :cheese:
June 25th, 2005, 06:51 PM
My name means no smoking. :p
j/k, it means "pearl", and I know this is useless to all of you out there, but Kimi means "she who is without equal."
June 25th, 2005, 10:42 PM
Sharifu means noble in Swahili.
Audra means noble strength. That's where I got the idea for Sharifu... (Well the name Audrey also means noble strength, but it's also the same for Audra, since the name Audra came from Audrey) I like Audra better though. ^_^
Originally posted by PhantomBPR
:gasp: whoa! Is it just me, or is it easier to say Zack? :cheese:
Zuleffendi is totally fun to say. ;)
June 25th, 2005, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by PhantomBPR
:gasp: whoa! Is it just me, or is it easier to say Zack? :cheese:
It's not THAT hard :p
unregistered user
June 26th, 2005, 12:42 AM
That YiM chat....:lol:
spell.. my... name.... :p
June 26th, 2005, 02:25 PM
It's not as hard as trying to read French names; I'm awful at reading French :hehe:
June 28th, 2005, 10:37 AM
RUSKA - A special word to describe the autumn colours and the time of colourful leaves in Finland.
June 28th, 2005, 03:58 PM
Bahati (Swahili) - "fate, destiny"
June 28th, 2005, 04:14 PM
Cool sig and cool name Bahati:D
Kiara Serengeti
June 29th, 2005, 03:15 AM
I like the Serengeti, and I love Kiara, so I combined the two for an African-sounding name. Actually, it should've been 'Kiara'S Serengeti' to make more sense, but, Hakuna Matata!
June 29th, 2005, 12:12 PM
Lionlover because I like lions and sam becaues my name is Samuel.
Opera Ghost
June 29th, 2005, 12:17 PM
Shenzi hyena cause i like shenzi and i like hyenas and it mean..shenzi hyena
June 29th, 2005, 02:46 PM
my name means servant of god
June 29th, 2005, 03:01 PM
unregistered user
June 29th, 2005, 03:06 PM
are you muslim??:D
June 29th, 2005, 03:13 PM
I think I know who that dude is...
unregistered user
June 29th, 2005, 03:21 PM
tell me something i don't know:D
June 29th, 2005, 03:22 PM
.....I've seen someone with that sig before....
oh no....don't tell me.....
June 29th, 2005, 03:41 PM
I should change my name to bored, and lonely :( *sighs*
unregistered user
June 29th, 2005, 03:42 PM
maybe you should change to.. QueenZack:p
June 29th, 2005, 03:42 PM
Yay, a joke :p
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