View Full Version : Individual Traits

King Simba
May 7th, 2011, 01:13 PM
Basically, just let your individual traits be known however funny and weird they may be, if you have any. :p This was all thanks to a convo I had the other day with Leor. It's always quite funny to see what he can do. :lol:

I don't have many things that I feel I can do that other people probably can't, but this is pretty much the most unexplainable one for me. I can do a weird clicking noise with my throat, which I've been able to do for years, more precisely after I had a surgery done with my baby teeth when I was younger. I get quite a few people when they hear me do it, and they're always curious about how I do it, but it's just one of those things I can't explain. 8O

So do you have any unexplainable or funny traits to share?

Fire away and let your secrets be known! :secret:

May 7th, 2011, 04:11 PM
I sing. I don't mean that I warble. I mean that I have a voice that would make Simon Cowell jealous. I have a photogenic memory when it comes to reading.I am also a geography genius. Physically, like a cheetah, I can sprint mad fast for short distances, but tire easily.

A unique purely visual trait is that I am missing the top of my left index finger due to a defective steel folding chair lobbing it off a few years ago.

May 7th, 2011, 07:35 PM
I can read REALLY fast (and be able to comprehend what I read)... handy for tests, but quite annoying when I have to read something as part of a group. :headache:

May 8th, 2011, 04:45 PM
This has gotta be STL's favorite thread. :p

Let's see.. i make games and stuff. :go-on:

Oh oh, i can manipulate my dreams, as long as something in the dream gives away a hint that i'm dreaming (which is however hard to spot because i'm always comfortable with weird stuff when i'm asleep).
Then most of the time i'll just gain abilities like flight and teleportation.
There was once i could throw fireballs and saved the world.
Teleportation is awesome, it's amazingly fun teleporting out of danger.
Once i teleported out of my sleep, and i couldn't recognize my bed until moments later because my brain was apparently still asleep.

May 8th, 2011, 05:23 PM
Let's see. :p

I have knowledge what's on my music library and music, as people usually ask me what band that they are listening on the radio! But this is only valid when I heard the song or collect the songs. ;)

I have a weird sense of humor as people can't understand that much because I like to give a cryptic joke for my friends to figure it out oppose of understand a simple jokes. Most of my humors are obscure, risque, and anonymous.

For some reaon, I don't shows my personal life as much as I do, I've been working for 3 weeks and quit after a weak sales and mis-management over the agency as I haven't had any off day during that work so I'll just back off from the hectic 24/7 working life.

Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 8th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Nothing...I suck.
:p :lol:

Thought this thread was meant to be about little foibles and habits you have...not an arrogance competition...

May 8th, 2011, 10:35 PM
:eek: Same as you Peco.. I'm just your boring average aussie chick :hakuna:

May 8th, 2011, 11:02 PM
Unless I'm very interested in what's happening in front of me, I can't sit still. If I'm sitting down, I get extremely restless if I can't move my hands or feet. The best thing to do is have a piece of blank paper and a pencil ready, but if I don't have that I'll tap my feet against the floor or tap my fingers against my desk, or play with my hair; something to keep my hands occupied. I simply can't just sit and do nothing :lol:

I also wash my hands a lot. I can't stand dirty hands D:

May 9th, 2011, 01:39 AM
For me, i have a trait i really dislike: here at home, always when there is a "technical" issue, is me that everyone calls, even when this techinical issue is the simplest possible! example, yesterday was raining hard, then i unpluged my mom tv from the power plug from the socket, today at morning she called me to plug it back...
Such tecnical issues can be of any way, any subject, and if i say that i do not know how to solve it, people here starting say that im lying and starting speaking ill of me, examples of those subjects can be: issue with the computer (mostily because people hre doesnot know how to use a computer), change of light bulbs, teach how to use some equipament or device, etc....
At the work, the same same thing happens, if a computer break is e that have to fix it, even the company having a IT departament (when i call them, they say: you can fix it by yourself)

I also wash my hands a lot. I can't stand dirty hands D:

Me too!

May 9th, 2011, 02:06 AM
I collect skills and experiences. I try to learn at least one new skill each month, and I put virtually all my free time into that skill until I'm satisfied with it. Then I move on to a new skill. It's led to a lot of knowledge of random information ranging from fine bourbons to outboard engine repair to ancient Christian literature to local flowering plants to Near-Infrared Spectrum digital photography (and lots of stuff in between).

I can also make fun animal noises :p

May 9th, 2011, 02:23 AM
I think we all need to hear these 'fun animal noises' :p

May 9th, 2011, 02:38 AM
Only "talent" I can really list I have is being able to memorize random stuff told to me by people and random things people say. Unfortunately I don't have any control over that skill so I can't really use it at school or anything. Also I seemed to be good at finding things for people... most of the time when Audra loses something I find it for her pretty fast even if she been looking for it for a while, but I can't claim that as a skill, more like pure luck.

May 9th, 2011, 03:37 AM
Similar to Kanu, I can't sit still...when I do it usually means bedtime. :lol:

Otherwise, I have a good sense of direction and photographic memory, but that's part of being an artist? I don't know...((thinks)) I took a battery of tests with this doctor and one was, like STLs, looking up so many places ahead in events etc..but not with games. I don't know how to explain it, it's a hobby of mine really, I love observing people, animals, events, history..and there's this pattern to everything. You can usually predict a situation based upon this pattern, and that's what I'm very good at, just observing and deducting extremely well. But I think most people have this potential, but they aren't driven by waves of anxiety and "controlling obsession" to observe so much. :lol: Otherwise I'm a very anxious person who is restless and can chat chat chat with myself and everyone else for hours.


May 9th, 2011, 04:15 AM
As far as physical individual traits go (And the ones KS is referring to)...

-I can lick my own elbow :lol: meaning that I can prove wrong the many people who say that's impossible ;)
-I can do a wave effect with both of my eyebrows
-I can bend my tongue backwards resting the tip over the dorso, and also make a weird clover shape with it

Also, I can calculate a person's age by looking at their mouth while still. Not the most accurate way, of course, but there are some standards for that

King Simba
May 9th, 2011, 07:52 AM
As far as physical individual traits go (And the ones KS is referring to)...

-I can lick my own elbow :lol: meaning that I can prove wrong the many people who say that's impossible ;)
-I can do a wave effect with both of my eyebrows
-I can bend my tongue backwards resting the tip over the dorso, and also make a weird clover shape with itt
And I've seen all of them for myself. Trust me, he speaks the truth. ;) Although I know a while ago he posted a pic on Lea showing that he can lick his own elbow.

I figure you guys need to hear what I'm talking about in my first post, so for those of you who are curious (or don't believe me :p) here is that mysterious clicking noise I can do with my throat:

It sounds like I'm tapping on something, but all of that noise is made with my throat. ;)

I'm quite happy with my throat noise trick in a way, since many people I know have tried and they just can't do it, no matter how much they try. :lol:

May 9th, 2011, 04:05 PM
Well as off after the 20th July im officially a professionally actor witch is kind of un-realistic to say but there it is xP

i also swear random things when i hurt myself or whenever a negative event strike me i can go like

"Blöj bas babis" witch is" Dipear poope baby" then i also have alot heavier ones but i wont name those, but the words Kebab and Cheese are invovled :lol:

May 9th, 2011, 07:22 PM
I can toot my horn :D. It's awesome.

August 13th, 2016, 11:07 PM
I can toot :D. It's awesome.
Sorry, I just had to :haha:

Either way, I don't have any interesting or peculiar skills, however, I can sit still.
Like, sit still, stare, and just... exist.
It started in high school, where I would be bored all the time, and instead of doing something and get yelled at by teachers, I figured I'd just... stop. And that's when I made the "click" and became brainless for the remaining couple of years.
It's like meditating or daydreaming, but without the whole "dream"-thing.
I don't "focus on my breathing" or "become one with my body", I just sit and exist.
Staring, looking at things, taking them in but not remembering them.

It often happens that I'm enjoying a view (Like looking at fireflies, because where I came from, there weren't any, so they're pretty fascinating to me.) and then suddenly we're 3 hours later, I'm still sitting in the same position, having done nothing but existed.

Now, this is both useful and annoying.
It's useful, for example, for when I get yelled at. I just, stop, and a little while after they're done ranting, I snap back into reality. I get hurt very easily and have a very low self-esteem, so these things used to destroy me emotionally.
Now I just kinda let them happen, without the words hurting me. I'll be just as happy as I was before, which makes life more fun for both me and all the people around me. :p

But it's annoying when I'm, say, watching a movie. I'll be watching it, and then 5-30 minutes in, I just gradually zone out, and won't notice until the movie is over, and I haven't got a clue what's going on :haha:

Living with me is like having a roommate who's only awake like fifteen minutes every day :p