View Full Version : Realizations

May 6th, 2011, 12:52 AM
I'm sure most of us have had those random (maybe not so random) moments when we all realize something important. About ourselves, our family, our life, the kid next door, the grocer... okay well perhaps not them.

Or maybe they're just not that important but you feel the need to share it with the rest of your comrades.

If any of you have the urge to spout off those moments and hope for an ever elusive Oscar, you just might have to wait your turn.

As for myself, I realize, I really do have no life. Sadly this is the truth. For I have spent nearly all day browsing DeviantArt hunting out Scar images. *hands head*

The good news? I only need to wait 5 more days until I'm off to the Magic Kingdom. :D

So. Who's next? :cheese:

May 6th, 2011, 05:50 PM
Well, some time during the start of 2008, before university started and after i got out of the military, i was terribly free.
So i decided to spend a day without turning on my laptop, and entirely doing nothing but stare out of the window and ponder about what i want to do.
Unfortunately i didn't get an answer to my question at the end of the day.
My only conclusion was that i felt lonely.
It was then that i decided to make an online game, and hence Impressive Title was born.
..then i was never free again.

Today, i realize that 3 years just whizzed past my head.
And that i'm still in the same room, still alone, but feeling less lonely, no idea why.

Also this is beginning to sound like a diary entry so i'll stop here. :go-on:
But yeah, realization: dayum i'm gettin' old LOL

May 6th, 2011, 06:04 PM
and I just realized: you make online games? O_o

as for getting old, so is everyone else hehe xD

May 7th, 2011, 12:37 PM
I think my realization will be hitting home to a lot of students that are out there either in post-secondary or even high school.

About halfway through my semester of my 2nd year, I started thinking about how much I have learned over the past year and thinking about all of the information that is out there for one to potentially learn about certain subjects like art, physics, chemistry, etc. Society gives praise to those people that have spent their time learning multiple facets of knowledge in given areas and it is these people that usually are considered "smart".

However, in my realizations, it seems that in order for people to learn all of this information, they can only learn so much of that subject at a time before they forget about other things. Thus, having a harder time trying to understand the whole picture rather than little bits of it at a time.

Realization: Education doesn't make you "smarter", it just prevents you from knowing too much and burning yourself out.

May 7th, 2011, 07:41 PM
Related to what Kito said, sometime in high school I had to learn the lesson that intelligence =/= good grades. A particularly harsh one because up until that point I had pretty much defined my self-worth on my school marks.

May 8th, 2011, 04:26 PM
and I just realized: you make online games? O_o

as for getting old, so is everyone else hehe xD

I do! :D
The one that's alive now is FeralHeart, i've been thinking of putting a link up here on Lea, prolly in Rafiki's Tree (*mental image of a hyperlink tied to a branch of his baobab tree*), but i'm waiting for the current update to be up before i do.

Another realization:
I'm pretty convinced i could be in Mark Zuckerburg's position now had i thought of a facebook idea earlier. Then again, that's what all programmers would like to think, ey STL? :p

May 9th, 2011, 03:42 AM
My realization is that of becoming a young adult woman. Having to provide souly for myself, working two jobs, etc. I don't have time to daydream and imagine so much like I did before when I was at home all the time, homeschooled with loads of free time. Now things are real and they're overwhelming at times. I'm realizing what's needed to move forward for a better future for myself, etc. I mean a lot of things were lectured to me growing up and I'm seeing how it really is and that's what I'm realizing haha, and...that I'm so young, and have so much to learn and have been very blessed by what? I don't know, and I realize I'm so excited for life. It's a battle but, I think those years I laid still I was less alive than I am right now.

May 9th, 2011, 06:12 AM
I just realized it's past 11pm and I gotta be up at 3:00am because our first flight to Hawaii leaves at 5:00am... Some one is going to be very tired tomorrow... but at least I have no where to be really after we get to Hawaii....... aaaaanyways, it also does mean I wont be around much and probably neither will Sharifu in next 2weeks... so behave. ;)

May 9th, 2011, 07:31 AM
i just realised i made a huge post, about a certan topic, but i just cant keep it up....sorry guys

May 10th, 2011, 01:50 PM
I realized a few weeks ago that I've lived between a quarter and a third of my life. That's relatively disturbing, especially since my prime years as a spry young lad are dwindling. Is it possible to have a mid-life crisis before 30? :p

Otherwise, I also realized that most my friends from the past four years are complete buttheads, and the friends that I've found from the last few months are kind, honest, loyal folks.

May 10th, 2011, 06:07 PM
Some of the 'real' friends aren't worth to bother. So quit some of 'em and find some positive value of your new friends and thinking.