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May 5th, 2011, 09:08 PM
So, I should be writing a criminology essay right now, but just can't get motivated to start it (it's not like it's due in tomorrow or anything!! =/) so i thought I'd make use of the time. I noticed on the favourite games thread that a few people listed Portal and Portal 2 amongst their favourites, myself included, and I thought I'd make a quick thread for discussion :D

I stumbled across Portal quite by accident, I had no interest in it when I bought The Orange Box - I got that for Half Life 2: Episode 2 (no football score jokes, please ;)) A few of my friends were going on about a really funny game with cake and companion cubes, but I didn't make the connection initially. Before starting on Half Life, I thought I'd explore the rest of what was on the disc. Team Fortress 2 didn't really interest me (being a multiplayer FPS game, which I generally shockingly bad at) so I stuck Portal on.

The first thing that struck me was was that it was a puzzle game, and more importantly a GOOD puzzle game, one that really made you think, I spent quite a bit of time on some of the more complicated tests, and you get a real sense of achievement when you finally get the lightbulb moment. It was also one of the funniest games I've ever played, only two other games have made me laugh like Portal - Conker's Bad Fur Day and Psychonauts (and I didn't play Psychonauts until quite some time after Portal) so that made a refreshing change as well. The one little negative is the game's short length, but I can overlook that.

Anyway, I've played through the first one several times now and can breeze through it in about an hour, so I was really looking forward to Portal 2 coming out. This one was just as funny as the first, introduced a couple interesting new game mechanics and importantly was longer! I really enjoyed playing through that one as well (and got just as stuck with some of the puzzles ;)) I've not played the co-op yet, fraking PSN, but quite looking forward to that when it comes back online.

So ... err, discuss ... didn't really think that one through.

May 5th, 2011, 09:24 PM
I been thinking of getting Portal 2 as I have heard so much good about it. But haven't actually checked any previews or video clips of it as I usually like to be surprised. And also I think I'll wait some time as there is so many games I still haven't even tried and so many games coming out that I really want to play that I don't know when I actually get it. But I probably will eventually ;)

May 5th, 2011, 09:42 PM
I love Portal too :D and for the same reasons, and boy, it made me laugh so much too, I love the humor mixed with some creepiness there :lol: and the puzzles are quite top notch.
I actually just started Portal 2 a few days ago, and so far it's living up to my expectations :ooo:

May 6th, 2011, 05:21 PM
Portal is made up of everything clever. Everything from intuitive controls/visuals to cheeky dialogue.
I'd prolly have enjoyed the ending more if i didn't spoil it for myself on youtube XD
I do wonder how many players actually cluelessly let the platform bring them into the incinerator. :p
Also, there is a hole in the sky, through which things can fly.

May 7th, 2011, 02:07 AM
Actually bought the game today... I couldn't pass the deal they had in Fred Meyer. $39.99 and 10% off coupon and Audra's 10% off which made it around $33.. Thought I'm not gonna play it until we get back from Hawaii probably.. depends if I finish AVATAR: the game before...

May 7th, 2011, 02:37 AM
Ok, this is weird and off-topic, but does anyone remember Makani from TLKFAA? She actually works for Valve (makers of Portal) now, which is so awesome it makes me want to cry. I wish I was talented.


Portal is awesome. I haven't played Portal 2 yet... actually I haven't played the first one either, I've just seen playthroughs of it. Lame, I know, but I don't have a 360, or a PS3, or a gaming PC.

Anyway, yeah, it's pretty awesome. It hit the right mix of hilarious and horrifying, I think.

May 7th, 2011, 05:32 AM
has no mulah D: , though id love to get it, Glados is the S¤"t xP

Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 7th, 2011, 10:22 AM
Haven't got Portal 2 yet but Portal was brilliant fun. It was great to see a game that was based around strategy rather than shooting random things!

Looking forward to playing the sequel when I get a chance!

Lion King Stu
May 7th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Have to say I had never really been a massive fan of puzzle games until Portal showed up with the Orange box for PC back in 2007, I have to say it was one of the most funnest games I had played in a very long time. You have to love Glados, she always has a way to make me smile, and in the second game I love the insults and things she comes up with, they did make me laugh :lol:

The only thing I will say though the second game at a lot of times seemed a little too easy, though they did add unnecessary areas to throw you off which I liked...and was slightly infuriated with until I realized where you actually had to go :D

Also being a big fan of Half Life 2 I'm glad they tied in a reference to HL2 episode 2 with the Borealis ship, a small reference but it was there non the less :D

May 9th, 2011, 10:59 AM
I remember Makani, most awesome artist :D

But back on topic, I have just one thing to say about Portal... <3
It really is such an awesome game, I'd always wondered what people were on about and was a bit skeptical but I think it's hard not to love Portal. It's simple, yet it's very clever, the puzzles are challenging but not overly so and the plot is intriguing with humour thrown in there too. I haven't had a chance to play Portal 2 yet and would love to play through the first game again before I do, but I'm looking forward to it :)

May 17th, 2011, 07:04 PM
Sorry for necroposting a bit, but I wanted to finish Portal 2 before commenting on this thread.
What I love about the game is the humor. It's deliciously dark and sarcastic, and often not too obvious. I love how the game first makes you kill an enemy - a turret gun for instance - and immediately makes you feel bad for it. During both games I was feeling so sorry for the turrets and Glados so many times.. while they're trying to kill me :lol:. It does the same thing the other way around too. First it gives you this precious companion cube to love and cherish, only to have you incinerate it afterwards.. :(
The narrative is great quality and fun to listen to in Portal, but thrice as much so in Portal 2. Many times instead of continuing the game, I wanted to stay put and listen through all the voice acting recorded for that specific part. Wheatley and Glados completely steal the show in Portal 2 (not that there would be many other characters to steal the show from, but whatever.. :p).
Another point I think Valve did a fantastic job with is the puzzles. By some sort of miracle they managed to balance them out perfectly so that they're always challenging, but never frustrating.

Portal 2 takes what was great in Portal, adds lots more gametime, doubles the quality, triples the atmosphere, and gives an interesting backstory to Glados, who as of now is my favourite video game character. Even though she's the villain, I love her to pieces :D.

Edit: Besides, just how many FPS puzzle games are out there? Not too many.

May 17th, 2011, 09:05 PM
Sorry for necroposting a bit, but I wanted to finish Portal 2 before commenting on this thread.
What I love about the game is the humor. It's deliciously dark and sarcastic, and often not too obvious. I love how the game first makes you kill an enemy - a turret gun for instance - and immediately makes you feel bad for it. During both games I was feeling so sorry for the turrets and Glados so many times.. while they're trying to kill me :lol:.

This is something both games did really well, they put a lot of personality into things that are essentially inanimate objects. you really do feel sorry for the turrets when you knock one down and is says in a forlorn voice "I don't hate you."

They also did a good job of juxtaposing the humour with the setting, which is actually quite an unsettling and lonely place with the abandoned offices and test chambers and Ratman's 'artwork' and clues.

I really liked the new characters they brought in in Portal 2, Wheatley was acted to perfection and his exchanged with GLaDOS were hysterical, and Cave Johnson is a legend, I'd work for him (even if he is certifiable, :lol:)

And for those of you who've finished the second one, which song did you like better, Still Alive or the new one? I've not quite made my mind up yet, I really like them both, but can't quite decide which one is better, hehe.

May 17th, 2011, 09:14 PM
The new one (which will go unmentioned so as to not spoil it for anyone) had the potential to be my favourite over Still Alive. But I thought the chorus was a little bland. A few chord changes would have fixed it. But alas, I can't change it into what I would want without making it a different song. So I prefer Still Alive out of the two. The lyrics were great on the second one, guaranteed JoCo quality. It was just the chord progression in the chorus that I thought could have been better.

This is something both games did really well, they put a lot of personality into things that are essentially inanimate objects. you really do feel sorry for the turrets when you knock one down and is says in a forlorn voice "I don't hate you."
What got me the most was when there were a bunch of disabled turrets on a conveyor belt going to "redemption", but there was one that was still functional.. and when I walked past it, it said in a pitiful voice, "I'm different". Wreched my heartstrings that one did :(.

May 18th, 2011, 12:44 AM
Gah, you guys make me want to play portal 2 so badly!!!! Trying to wait till I go to the states though, then I can play through it while Pat's at work or something.

June 12th, 2011, 05:18 PM
Btw, anyone willing to share Steam account names for possible co-op play through the maps or mods?
Mine is Rev0110, feel free to add.

June 12th, 2011, 05:27 PM
I haven't open steam account yet as I never really play on PC anymore, but Portal 2 is compatible with steam allowing cross playing between PC and PS3, so I might make an account one of these days and play it with people.

I also beat it Portal 2 about a week ago. It was loads of fun like people said, only thing that did disappoint me a little bit was how short the game was... it took me less than 15h to get through the whole game, which today's standards is very short game. Thought I do think Co-op is adding to the experience quite a bit.;)