View Full Version : Lea in your dreams...

King Simba
May 5th, 2011, 07:25 AM
And here it is, the dreams thread has returned! :D

I'm actually creating this thread only because last night I had a dream involving a few Lea members. ;) It's also funny because there is a few flashbacks as to what happened recently (like for example, Leor and I travelling to Scotland, and TL, Kanu and Stu being in the car with us) but with a bit of a twist.

Leor and I were going to Edinburgh, but instead of on the train, we went in the car with a few other Lea members, including TL, Kanu and Stu. STM was also there for some reason. :lol: I believe it was much bigger than my car though... it was like a minibus, or somehow big enough to fit more than 5 people in there. :p We were going to Scotland because Somby happened to be calling in there on her trip to Europe (or so we thought) so instead of travelling to London (and London is just a wee bit closer than Edinburgh :bleen:) we decided to go and drive up there to meet her while she was there.

When we got there, we checked into this hotel. There was no internet inside the hotel so we had to go outside to get a Wi-Fi signal to find out if Somby was on her way. She got back in touch with us, saying that she wasn't going to Edinburgh after all, and was in fact going to London. Needless to say our reaction was like this... :mufasaworried: So we hopped back in the car/minibus-thing, and then set off on our long trip to London. But along the way there the motorway turned into some sort of dirt-track, and the road ended up becoming uneven and rocky, so we became stranded. :wtf:

And that is what I remember. We never got to meet Somby on her trip to Europe after all. :lol:

What about you guys? Have you had any dreams relating to Lea that you want to share? If so, this is the place! :cheese:

May 5th, 2011, 03:04 PM
Oh yay, I was in a dream! :lol: Pity my dream-self never got to meet anyone either... :p

I probably had a couple dreams involving this place back in the day, but none I can remember now. :hmm:

May 5th, 2011, 11:24 PM
I dreamt Sharifu and STM's wedding before they announced their were engaged. :lol: Like a few days before. It was eerie.

Sometimes I'll dream that I'm looking at the board. I did that this morning. I dreamt it was this afternoon already and I was getting on the computer. Shocked me when I woke up and was still in bed haha.

May 6th, 2011, 12:25 AM
Don't remember any Lea-related dreams... But this thread made me feel sorry for losing my epic psycho/horror-TLK dream that I had on the old Lea.. :lol: Dunno if anyone remembers that one. It took a long-a** time to write. Definitely the longest (double)post I've made ever.

May 6th, 2011, 12:37 AM
I haven't had any... yet. I'm sure the more involved I get the more "I'll be dreeeaaaming of yooou tooniigght" :lol:

I'm so pathetic xD

I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on this amsuing thread. ;)

May 6th, 2011, 05:32 PM
Sometimes I'll dream that I'm looking at the board.

Same here! But yet it felt like everyone was actually there, except they look like their usernames.
Like, floating text that talk.
Everything makes sense when i'm asleep. :p

May 6th, 2011, 05:41 PM
Floating text that talk, eh? You know there's medicine for that now. :evilgrin: ;)

King Simba
May 6th, 2011, 05:49 PM
I had another dream about Lea members last night, but I can't remember how it went. :lol: I've never really dreamt of looking at the forum, but now that it's in my imagination, maybe I'll dream more of it like that. Who knows? :p

I remember spending time with Leor though, which was very welcomed. :love:

Lion King Stu
May 7th, 2011, 03:02 PM
If I'm honest I think I used to have lots of dreams like this in the past, many years back. As for who was in these dreams I can't really remember, sure people like FCSimba and a lot of the people I used to talk to in the past were present in them :lol:

Yeah dreams can be a wonderful sometimes, no matter how random the dreams can be sometimes :D

May 8th, 2011, 07:25 PM
I had a dream last night that Nathalie decided to up and move to San Antonio. :lol: It was so awesome.

May 11th, 2011, 12:15 PM
Last night I had a dream about writing about a dream in the "Dream thread". So I suppose this post goes here now? :lol: Though I can't remember what I was writing, unfortunately xP

Wide Eyed Wanderer
May 11th, 2011, 12:26 PM
Last night I had a dream about writing about a dream in the "Dream thread". So I suppose this post goes here now? :lol: Though I can't remember what I was writing, unfortunately xP


May 11th, 2011, 03:48 PM
A long time ago I had dreamed about being in some high altitude log cabin surrounded by snow and pine trees. It held a very beautiful view of a valley, though it was cloudy and cold. Inside, however, were pretty much the cast of the Lea members. I was in it, sitting by a warm fire. I decided to roam around the cabin hailing my good friends Lio, ReVo and Levin. We talked about a bunch of stuff I cannot remember as it was a dream two years ago. But in the end, we dispersed to talk to other people. I woke up soon after.

May 18th, 2011, 05:17 PM
Well, I finally had one. It was pretty amusing. Most of us met up in the Lea map on Feral Heart and we're all chatting or running around. And someone made a FH Scar just for me. xD :lol:

May 18th, 2011, 05:47 PM
I had one 8O I went to meet up with a bunch of you lot in London, and london was completely empty o.O wierd lol

May 18th, 2011, 09:23 PM
This dream is a old one.

We all somehow found our way into the pridelands. We were all welcomed by Simba and the rest of the pride. Eventually, Simba brought us together and said "There are too many of you here. We need to get rid of at least one of you so there won't be so much stress on the land. Mark a "D" on the arm of the one to be executed." Then Simba gave us a tribal looking tattoo device.

We were all sitting around upset trying to decide who it would be. I eventually convinced all that were there to let it be me. Then, Darkslash comes running in and shouting in a excited voice "Guys, I found a way to do tattoos! Look, I gave myself a "D" for "Darkslash"".

We all looked at each other then looked at Darkslash all at once. He gave a "What?" look. Then I shouted, "Hey, Simba, come here."

May 19th, 2011, 07:56 AM
This dream is a old one.

We all somehow found our way into the pridelands. We were all welcomed by Simba and the rest of the pride. Eventually, Simba brought us together and said "There are too many of you here. We need to get rid of at least one of you so there won't be so much stress on the land. Mark a "D" on the arm of the one to be executed." Then Simba gave us a tribal looking tattoo device.

We were all sitting around upset trying to decide who it would be. I eventually convinced all that were there to let it be me. Then, Darkslash comes running in and shouting in a excited voice "Guys, I found a way to do tattoos! Look, I gave myself a "D" for "Darkslash"".

We all looked at each other then looked at Darkslash all at once. He gave a "What?" look. Then I shouted, "Hey, Simba, come here."

:lol: love it!

May 19th, 2011, 07:22 PM
:lol: That's really funny Sam.

July 18th, 2011, 11:55 PM
I had another one. A few nights ago I had a dream that Eva Janus called me on my cellphone. The funny thing is, her real name showed up on the caller ID in my dream. That is funny considering I don't have her number and as far as I know she doesn't have mine. I answered the phone and I hear, "Did you get my art commission yet?" I said something like "Excuse me.", then she repeated herself. "Did you get my art commission yet?". I replied, "I'm sorry. What was that?". Then she hung up.