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View Full Version : "Well, I have friends who're 17, and they like TLK.""Then they must have problems.&qu

June 10th, 2005, 02:11 AM
Yes, that's what happend in a little conversation with me and a girl named Ashleigh. She and I have been friends for a little while...until recently. :mad: I can't believe her......I'm such an idiot...she was friends with Caitlin and "RuThIe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"....and she said "Oh, they're telling rumors about me, so they're mean to me." Yeah, sure, Poop Butt. And now, she's friends with Caitlin and The Name That Cannot Be Spoketh ("R**h**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"). Thank goodness she's going to a different school next year with Caitlin. (I've hit the Jackpot!!! wo0+z!) And T.N.T.C.B.S. said she's going too, to see if she likes it. If she does, she'll stay. If not, she comes back here. Oh please, I don't want her back!!! I'll bring my yearbook sometime and scan it and you guys can see butt head Caitlin and Ashleigh. :lol: I bet Ashleigh played a trick on me....too bad I told her all the crap T.N.T.C.B.S. did to me.... :growl:

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 02:41 AM
Yeah well sticks and stones may break my bones, but I'm a lion so I'll bite her if she throws anything at me! :claw:

Seriously though, just ignore them Suki, be thankful that they won't be there, and that they change their ways. Who knows, maybe you guys will one day being the best of friends, you never can tell...

June 10th, 2005, 05:08 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Seriously though, just ignore them Suki, be thankful that they won't be there, and that they change their ways. Who knows, maybe you guys will one day being the best of friends, you never can tell...

So not! :p

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 05:09 AM
Ya never know. I remember that exactly that happened to me. A person I couldn't stand became my best friiend late rin life ;)

June 10th, 2005, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by Ravoc
Ya never know. I remember that exactly that happened to me. A person I couldn't stand became my best friiend late rin life ;)

*walks away slowly and whistles* Oops, too bad for the fact that I can't whistle at all...hmm...*sings and runs for her life*

June 10th, 2005, 05:36 AM
:haha:..Suki......enemies are not good to have. I have had a few, and now I greet them as friends, because I am always willing to give someone a second chance. And hopefully they will accept my apologies for my wrongs as I accept theirs...:D :cheese:

June 10th, 2005, 05:44 AM
I'm DEFINITLY not giving those perverts a second chance.....I'd rather burn 'em on da grill. :jejeje:

June 10th, 2005, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by Suki
I'm DEFINITLY not giving those perverts a second chance.....I'd rather burn 'em on da grill. :jejeje:

Let go of your anger, Suki...it will only destroy you.:browlift:

June 10th, 2005, 06:11 AM
That's very imature, Suki. Holding grudges will get you nowhere. I really have to wonder if she ever actually turned on you. From what you wrote, it appears that YOU turned on her when you found at that she was also freinds with this girl you don't like. I'll probably get some heat from this, but try this, Suki:

Look into a mirror, and look at what you are. Are you really the victim here? Could YOU possibly be the bully? Do you hate Ruthie so much that you are willing to hurt innosent bystanders to get to her?

Just seeing the terms "Poop butt" and "butt head" shows that you are also insulting her behind her back. Very childishly too.

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by lion_roog
:haha:..Suki......enemies are not good to have. I have had a few, and now I greet them as friends, because I am always willing to give someone a second chance. And hopefully they will accept my apologies for my wrongs as I accept theirs...:D :cheese:
can i bee your enemy pleaseee:p:cheese:
gotta agree with roquivo
like ravoc says
word cannot harm you

June 10th, 2005, 06:31 AM
That isn't true, Guntur. Words can do an immense amount of mental and psycological damage. Words once almost caused me to end my own life. Words can be more fatal then a knife or gun and can hurt a lot more too.

However, like any other weapon, words are only as dengerous as the person speaking. If your brother or sister says "I'm going to kill you!", they are probably mad that you were going through their things. However, if a terrorist says "I'm gonna kill you!", you can expect to be in whichever afterlife you believe in by tomorrow.

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 06:40 AM
Roquivo is right, words can be very powerful indeed, when taken to the heart. Or when enforced with action.

And I must agree with Roquivo, it seems to me as though you could possibly be at fault as well.

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 06:47 AM
yes.. word can effect our mind too..
let just say mental abuse more worse then everything..
yes i agree with you =)

June 10th, 2005, 09:23 AM

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 09:26 AM
wow you just advertise your fav site ;)
nice idea
and of course..
yer need livejournal suki ;)

June 10th, 2005, 10:24 AM
Don't worry Suki, those girls who hate you are just jealous. Control your anger and ignore whatever they say about you becuase it isn't true. I hope things get well for you Suki :)

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Roquivo
That isn't true, Guntur. Words can do an immense amount of mental and psycological damage. Words once almost caused me to end my own life. Words can be more fatal then a knife or gun and can hurt a lot more too.

However, like any other weapon, words are only as dengerous as the person speaking. If your brother or sister says "I'm going to kill you!", they are probably mad that you were going through their things. However, if a terrorist says "I'm gonna kill you!", you can expect to be in whichever afterlife you believe in by tomorrow.

Absolutely, resolutely, true! ;)

June 10th, 2005, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by Guntur
wow you just advertise your fav site ;)
nice idea
and of course..
yer need livejournal suki ;)

I've told you all a f***ing billion times, you're not allowed there if you're under 13! :rolleyes:

"That's very imature, Suki. Holding grudges will get you nowhere. I really have to wonder if she ever actually turned on you. From what you wrote, it appears that YOU turned on her when you found at that she was also freinds with this girl you don't like."

No, you don't understand. Also, you spelled friends wrong. :p

"I'll probably get some heat from this, but try this, Suki:"

Oh, yes, you are going to get heat.

"Look into a mirror, and look at what you are. Are you really the victim here? Could YOU possibly be the bully? Do you hate Ruthie so much that you are willing to hurt innosent bystanders to get to her?"

No, I'm not. Newsflash, it's obvious you have never read that stupid essay about my life.

"Just seeing the terms "Poop butt" and "butt head" shows that you are also insulting her behind her back. Very childishly too."

Hey, still, it's obvious. They said WAY worse stuff behind MY back, ya hear?

Oh, and by the way, I can scratch. My dad still has that long big scar on his arm from when he was trying to pull out the plug of the comp when I was still on it.

June 10th, 2005, 07:33 PM
Thank you for proving my point. There was absouluty no reason for you to flame Guntur that way. He was trying to help. You are blowing things way out of proportion, and only making yourself worse for the ware by slapping away the hands and blowing off the advice of those who are trying to help you.

You are correct about one thing though: I really don't understand you at all. The way you talk about Ruthie, it's like she tried to kill your family and burn down your home or somthing. She can't be THAT bad. Besides, the best thing you can do about bullies is to ignore there insults, and stand up to them. When she sees that her comments don't get to you, she will give up. But seeing as you react this bad here, I'm not sure I want to know how big a fool you tend to make of yourself in front of them.

As for family, if there is someone here who knows about heartless, abusive parents, it's me. Growing up, I was a victim of physical, mental, and psycological abuse for a long time. I also overcame it. But, istead of letting those old feeling run my life, I channel them and use them to help me help others going through what I did. I was also lucky to have three siblings who were in the same position, and are my best freinds still today.

Seriosly, get ahold of yourself before you hurt yourself or someone else.

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 07:54 PM
Ahh, threads like this will be the death of Lea Hala. ;)

unregistered user
June 10th, 2005, 08:03 PM
I dont want a fight here, so please use Pm i you have anything more to say/debate about in this thread.

Thread closed.