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May 22nd, 2018, 09:41 PM
Aw, congratulations Nathalie!:D

July 4th, 2018, 02:07 PM
It feels awefully quiet in here ... hehe

For a long distance relationship we're doing quite well, 20 visits since May 2016 ^^

July 5th, 2018, 08:17 PM
Aw, yaay :) I imagine it's easier when it's possible to take a train instead of a plane to meet. Hooray for the tunnel, right? :D

July 6th, 2018, 04:44 AM
I read this thread, but I have no love life, so I don't really have anything to post.


July 6th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Aw, yaay :) I imagine it's easier when it's possible to take a train instead of a plane to meet. Hooray for the tunnel, right? :D

Actually, I think flying would be easier, I just prefer to do it the way I'm used to, hehe.

Antwerp airport is about 20 minutes away from me by bus, which goes to London City Airport (which is near the hotel we always go to). Can go from there to London Euston, and I'm sure I could do it in less then 9 hours. Which is how long it takes now -_-
(I take a bus earlier, train to Brussels, wait at Eurostar lounge for about an hour, Eurostar for 2 hours, wait about 2 hours in London and then another 1,5 hours or so to where he lives).

+ I don't think I want to be in a tiny plane, now I'm used to the big ones and loving that, scared the tiny ones will ruin my flight experience.

++ If it weren't for me being without a job that long *sigh* I wouldn't have been able to visit so much either :/

Aww, Amanda ... when you least expect it, it usually happens :)

July 7th, 2018, 09:02 PM
Well I guess since Petteri and I have been married and living together for almost eight years, we don't usually have too much new to mention about our love life. :p We're both working and both college students, so we're usually fairly busy. But we make time for each other, we both have the same days off a week, Friday and Saturday. I feel it's important for couples to make sure they have same days off together during the work week so you have some time to spend together. I'm really looking forward to us finishing college, and having jobs that we actually enjoy, (or at the very least, jobs we don't hate) that pays more money, enough to have our own apartment, that would be nice... Feels like such a dream to me, I have been wanting that for so long. But being in college, I know we are working towards that goal, but sometimes it feels like it's just going to take forever to ever get to that point.

Petteri will be flying to Finland in a little over a week, and he'll be there for almost five weeks. I'll be joining him too, but I wont be flying there until August 5, so I'll be there for a week and a half, and then we're going to fly back home together on the same flight. I haven't been to Finland in over nine years, since before Petteri moved to the U.S. But since the flights to Finland are hundreds of dollars cheaper this summer then what they usually are, and they are direct flights, I decided to go too. (We have never seen direct flights between San Francisco and Helsinki, but it looks like they now offered in the summer).

A+ I don't think I want to be in a tiny plane, now I'm used to the big ones and loving that, scared the tiny ones will ruin my flight experience.

Tiny planes actually really aren't much different than big planes, they just have less passengers, which I feel is a good thing if you don't like dealing with crowds. Seats are the same size, and there is till an isle way which leads to a bath room at the back of the plane.

July 14th, 2018, 12:55 PM
I was exited to go to the UK today, and 'blurted out' (haha) it'll be my last travel on Facebook.

Next time I will go to the UK, I won't be returning back to Belgium!
Date has been set. But I'll be keeping that to myself for now until everything is completely taken care of.
This year though.

July 15th, 2018, 05:33 AM
Congratulations on your moving to England, Nathalie, I'm so happy for you! :)

And good luck on your trip to Finland, Audra and Petteri! :cheese:

July 16th, 2018, 02:43 PM
Aww, hope you both have fun in Finland :) How long do you have left before you finish college?

July 18th, 2018, 07:50 PM
I know I've said it before Nathalie, but I'm very happy for you and Adam. Being apart during a long distance relationship is so hard, I'm really glad you two can put that part behind you and not be separated by distance anymore.

Aww, hope you both have fun in Finland :) How long do you have left before you finish college?

Thank you! I just dropped Petteri off at the airport yesterday. I was a bit sad but I knew I would be joining in less than three weeks. Plus I am happy for him that he gets to see his friends and family, he only gets to see them once every couple of years or so. But our room mate and his friends just came back from their South Africa trip last night, and they came home only a couple hours after I dropped Petteri off at the airport. We all went bowling last night, which was fun, and it kind of cheered me up and kept me from feeling lonely. And to answer your question, I don't have much college left until I get my degree, just two more quarters! (My college is on the quarter system instead of the semester system) So I should be done by the end of March 2019. :D

July 22nd, 2018, 10:38 AM
I guess I've been quite lucky while being very unlucky, lol.
While not having a job, and being very good at saving made it possible for me to go to the UK quite a lot more then I thought I was ever able to.

The past week was a complete spur in the moment thing I booked really (only booked 5 weeks ago or so), I absolutely loath my job and the people there, so I really needed that break from it.

July 23rd, 2018, 05:26 PM
Oops, I missed out on your post, Nathalie :kiaralook: Noticed there was a reason I hadn't heard it before on FB either. Anyway - super thrilled for the two of you that it's getting close! :D Keep us posted!

And hope the weeks pass quickly for you then, Audra :) It's good timing that your room mate returned on the same night that Petteri left so you didn't have to feel alone, hehe! Also March 2019 isn't that far away - exciting! :D

July 24th, 2018, 10:31 AM
Thanks Kanu :)

Lots of Lion King stuff to pack!
Not going as fast as I wanted to.
First with work, getting back in a rhythm. Now for the last few weeks the hot weather, my apartment has been like a sauna the past 2 months.

August 7th, 2018, 06:10 AM
Well I guess I can share this here now with you guys.
After being away from the dating scenario for so long, I... finally got to meet someone. She's the sister of the receptionist at the office I work in, so one day she introduced her to me (actually, she kind of set us up, lol). We dated for about 3 weeks, aaaand now we're in a relationship! :cs_happy_3:

I was worried at first that we wouldn't match, but turns out we think very much alike, and share some the same love for animated movies and musicals (I took her to see the Billy Elliot musical and we both loved it). I also told her about the TLK fandom and my love for it, and she was really fascinated by it. That itself is a huge relief, haha xD

We're still in a very early stage, but I'm really hoping this'll lead us to something good in the future ^^

August 7th, 2018, 10:20 AM
Aww, that's so nice to hear Leor ^^

August 7th, 2018, 03:44 PM
Congratulations man, well wishes and may the love everlasting man. :D

August 9th, 2018, 10:45 AM
Congratulations Leor!:D I'm so happy for you!:hugs:

Also congratulations Nathalie on moving to England!:hugs: Sounds super exciting to reach that final step of a long distance relationship!:wow:

August 10th, 2018, 01:13 PM
I'm so happy for you, Leor ^^ Seee, I told you being set up wasn't necessarily a bad thing! ;)

October 28th, 2018, 11:01 AM
!! it's NOT on facebook !!

But ... the process of moving is in full motion.
Yesterday the furniture and heavier boxes made it to England.
Tonight they will be back to pick up the rest of the boxes, and tomorrow morning I will permanently leave Belgium.

October 28th, 2018, 02:36 PM
Wow, that's really big step you took there!
I wish you all the best and I hope you'll finally find what you were looking for :)

October 29th, 2018, 06:54 PM
Ooooh called it! :D That's really exciting, hope the rest of the move goes smoothly for y'all :)

October 30th, 2018, 06:49 AM
That's awesome, Nathalie! Hope the move is going well!

October 30th, 2018, 08:33 AM
Woke up yesterday with a panic attack, and then a few more followed.
We loaded the van until Sunday midnight, and there were still boxes left, had to clean the whole place. So we got up at 7, and needed it all done by 10.
At 9 my parents came, and me and my dad had to go to city hall to arrange things, then the landlord needed to inspect the place, so was completely freaked that we wouldn't make it.
But we then even managed to leave 10 minutes earlier.
Never in the past 6 years, did I take 2 strong medications for my anxiety within 2 hours.

The ride back went smooth and fast.
Unloading at the storage place took less long then we thought, which was good.

And today I still need to make lots of phone calls to cancel things in Belgium, as doing it online for many things the option 'move' wasn't there -_-

November 8th, 2018, 09:40 AM
Congratulations Nathalie!:)
I hope everything was fine with the move. I also hope the panic attacks haven't bothered you again...

November 8th, 2018, 10:28 AM
I had a little meltdown yesterday. I'm still waiting for the big one :/

November 9th, 2018, 08:41 PM
That can’t be nice, but at least you’ll have Adam around if that happens :) Do you both feel like you’ve settled in alright?

November 9th, 2018, 10:13 PM
I don't feel there's much difference with before.
It may come next week, when I know I have never visited that long, lol.

It's just, all the past months, everything that went wrong, all the planning and arrangements, the packing, my family being stupid and weird, it all hasn't fully left my system yet, as I'm trying to just hang in there and get by.
If I let myself go, getting more attacks is just a certain thing.
But still things to take care off, so I need to hold on for just another week or 2-3.

November 20th, 2020, 03:28 PM
Uhm, so I’ve been married for almost 3 months now. Some of you might have seen that from my twitter a while ago.:embarassed:

I’ve been in a long distance relationship with a fellow TLK fan from the Netherlands since 2006. We met through TLKFAA (The Lion King fan art archive) back in 2005. I’m a bit bad with sharing this kind of stuff, because people have tried to invalidate my relationship in the past, so I rarely felt like talking about it. For a lot of people it was hard to understand and accept my situation, especially early on. But I know that some of you have been in similar situations, also with happy endings. Most of our relationship was long-distance, with countless travelling. However, I lived for 2 years in the Netherlands in the past and my husband lived with me in Greece for about a year and a half. It has been difficult trying to combine our situations and plans and there were also a lot of unexpected things that we had to deal with, but we’ve been very devoted to each other from the start.:love:

I ended up moving to the Netherlands in the summer of 2019, right after I finished university. He proposed to me in July 2019 (sneakily took me to watch TLKoB on our anniversary and proposed on stage after the show was over) and we got married this August. I never particularly cared about getting married, since we'd been together for so long that it wouldn't change much for me. We just wanted to make it official, also for practical reasons. My family and friends couldn’t be there, because of the COVID-19 situation, which made me quite sad. We did a livestream for them though, it was the least we could do. I also got sick shortly after, luckily it wasn’t covid, but I was still sick for about a week, so we didn't enjoy those days much.

We want to do a small celebration/ party for our families and friends when things calm down and a small trip would be nice too. For now all those things have to wait, but it is what it is.

November 26th, 2020, 01:09 AM
Congrats Kossu! You have been together with your husband almost as long as Petteri and I have been together. We have been together since 2005 and met in 2004 on Lea! I know we weren't dealing with a pandemic when we got married in 2010, but we had a simple court wedding with just my mom and neighbor as witnesses. But that was basically because with how U.S. immigration worked for the visa Petteri had, we had to get married within 90 days of him arriving in the U.S. I knew we could always do something later to celebrate, such as renewing vows. We haven't done anything like that really, but we did have a nice two week long honeymoon in Hawaii. Like you said, you and your husband can do something nice in the future to celebrate. :)

Petteri and I have been married for almost 10 years! I can't believe it! That time went by so quickly! Our wedding anniversary is November 30. There is not a whole lot we can do because of the pandemic, but that's ok. We can make a nice dinner at home. We shouldn't really travel far from home anyways even if it was safe to do so, since I will be 36 weeks pregnant at that time and I don't want to be too far away from my doctor. I could possibly go into labor that early, although I hope not! :lol: I feel like I need the time to prepare to get things ready for our baby girl's arrival. I started my leave from my job a few days ago, so I am trying to get some things done now. Baby's due date is December 20.

After all these years, Petteri and I have been through a lot, we accomplished a lot of things and have a lot more things to look forward to in the future! I love him very much and feel very happy, blessed and lucky that we have each other. :love:

Congrats again Kossu! I know being married doesn't really seem too different at first when you have been living together, but it's nice to make it official.

November 26th, 2020, 02:05 PM
You guys are marvels, congrats Kossu!

November 26th, 2020, 03:17 PM
Congratulations !!

November 27th, 2020, 08:44 PM
Congratulations Kossu. :)

November 30th, 2020, 12:33 PM
Thanks so much, everyone!:hugs:

Congrats Sharifu with yours and STM's 10 year anniversary! And so exciting that you are expecting your first child now! I hope it will all go as smoothly as possible.:cheese:

Also, it's been very heartwarming to read about your story. I wasn't part of Lea back then sadly, but I remember reading about your situation from your posts on TLKFAA around 2006-2007 and it had given me strength. I felt very isolated back then, because such "internet" long distance relationships were not very common and were difficult for my friends at the time to understand(some even stopped talking to me, looking back it feels very weird). It's been a long, tough road, but I have no regrets(well, except for not joining Lea earlier, but that's not entirely relevant).:lol:

(Also random funny fact: my husband's name is Petri):p

November 30th, 2020, 03:12 PM
Congrats Audra and Petteri on your anniversary! Gosh, 10 years already! I remember you both getting married, and him working almost non-stop back in Finland to save up the money to move over there. We're all getting old :lol: Also congrats on the baby! I didn't even realise! Guess it shows how out of the loop I've been lately. Have you decided on a name yet? :)

Also congrats to you Kossu! :cheese:

As for me? Same old really :p I'm fine with single life for the most part, but coupled with the CoViD lockdowns that we've had to endure has made it kinda lonely without anyone to hang out with. But hopefully things will change soon now that there are several vaccines etc in the pipeline :)

December 8th, 2020, 09:45 PM
Congratulations, Kossu :hugs: I'm so happy for you, and I love that you met on TLKFAA :) It really was/is the best site!

And congratulations on your anniversary too, Audra and Petteri :aww: I also remember when you both were working so hard to make the move possible, and I also think it's hard to believe it's been 10 years already :lol: So very happy for you guys though, it's been wonderful to follow your journey and see that you're still going strong, hehe ^__^